The Erotic Highway

My first dip into the pool.
carlhungus 53 Reviews 562 reads

So, I started reading and replying recently after joining Seeking.  Way more fun!

As of now, I started 3 conversations and only 1 is still ongoing.

I took herbcat's advice and told the Aussie (who wanted to move to Whatsapp after zero chat) that I'm looking for local and to hit me up when she's in L.A.  So far, I've been met with silence.

A local 24yo hit me up and after some quick back and forth she moved me off Seeking by asking for my number.  She turned out to be borderline pro.  Her IG had all these cute pics of her and many of her captions were very suggestive and she does custom content. In short order she asked me if 60O PPM was okay with me.  I replied it was out my budget, etc. and she went away.

Finally, the one person (29) I'm still talking with seems great.  When she found out where I lived, she said it was too far because she doesn't have a car and Uber would be too expensive and apologized.  Naturally, I offered to pay and she replied that if I could it would be great.  I passed a test?   She asked about allowance after sharing what her last allowance was, so I moved her off site.  From what I've learned on here I did not give out a number and suggested we meet (after she asked once more what I'm ok with on allowance) to see if we click and want to move forward and we can hash out details in person.  Here is the thing.  She does not want not meet in public at all.  So, meet and greet is out and she's not interested in dates.  She only wants to meet in private.  She's all about discretion. Lots of family and friends in the area and in the entertainment biz.  She's got about a dozen public photos on the site, but okay.

I'm trying my best to follow the Erotic Highway playbook and she's throwing me off.  She said her last arrangement (2years) began with a meet in a hotel and moved back and forth from hotels to the SD's place.  Other than meeting first, she's fine with all my preferences.  Only meeting occasionally, nights and weekends.  She just wants to know my number.  Am I overthinking this?

Yes, you may well be overthinking this. Your 29yo sounds good based on what you’ve written, although her Ubers will cost you but there’s an advantage to knowing exactly when she’s on her way, etc.  

If she doesn’t want a public m&g to talk details, your options are to hash out details online (which is usually what I do), or host the m&g at a hotel room with decent accommodations. Offer to bring some snacks, wine, or fun drinks. Whatever she wants. Make sure you have decent seating for two and a coffee table or similar. She is her discretion, you have your discussion in person. And if you make the deal, well, the bed is right there.  

You are doing fine.

The standard and recommended playbook is to meet in public without compensation and decide on an arrangement. Some gals, especially pro and semi-pro, will skip this or go directly to BCD. But there are risks on both sides.
She could be a catfish, have a guy ready to rob you. The guy could be a predator or catfish as well. She knows you're new so that might be a red flag. Be aware there's a whole spectrum out there ranging from those seeking a boyfriend or husband to those wanting a bang and go.

When you say 'number' I suppose you mean allowance. It's always a bit dicey to negotiate and you may need to put out a figure you're comfortable with with maybe a bit of wiggle room.

As part of your precautions I hope you're using a burner or GV and have kept your personal info private.

Good luck!

Thanks, Rockford. Yeah, I'm thinking about a hotel room.  it's been a long while, but I have hosted providers at my place with no issues.  I'm considering that, too.  Well, I was ripped off once.  Read one my earliest reviews for that story.  That may have been before TER.  But, I digress.

Scaramouche, you have me thinking about the negatives.  BTW, yes, number=allowance.  I'm using GV, so I'm good there.

In the last hour she politely brought up, again, what I'd be okay with for an allowance.  So, I gave in and said 300 which is 200 less than she claims to have been getting for 2 years via PPM.  Once more, she was absolutely fine with it.  She's cool with everything!  It just seems too easy.  I know from reading here getting together with a SB can be easy, but it is mostly some level of work.

She's been nice and polite the entire time, not aggressive in any way.  The other night I ended our texting saying I was with friends having drinks and I'd get back to her tomorrow.  She replied, "Have a good time."  Keep in mind she first messaged me 5 months ago.  I had no photos up and wrote nothing in my profile.  She looked nice, sounded cool.  I replied, apologized for the delayed response and she got back to me quick.  Obviously, free to date, etc.  As of now, I suggested setting up a meet in the next two weeks and you guessed it, she's cool with it.  

She's either a unicorn or I'm in for some trouble.

I think you're in a fairly good place with the 29 year old POT.  If she was in a 2-year arrangement she knows what she wants from her next arrangement:  BCD, collect the cash, see you next time.  THIS IS PERFECTLY VALID!  Some SB's want that part time BF, some want to try to finagle a new hubby and she sees herself as his potential trophy wife, and some just want to fuck because:  
- They like sex with no strings
- They like sex with a stranger (or strangers)
- They know allowance only happens when she drops her panties and you drop a load
- She is (or thinks she is) a UTR pro.  
- She's just not into you but sees an easy way to make 300 every (other) week.  
- You get the point, right?  

So I suggest you go with the flow, but build in suitable "escape hatches" in the path that will let you bail on a moment's notice. Suggestions: Set up the hotel meeting, but try to find a place where you can see her before she sees you. How? Several techniques come to mind. 1. Ask her to meet you in the lobby so you can get her onto the elevator (which may need a room key, or since the front desk doesn't like unaccompanied non-guests heading upstairs). 2. Find a vantage point in the parking lot to see her from your car when she arrives, or 3. Find a spot in the lobby - off center line between the door and the elevator - so you can observe her enter. 4. If you can afford it, get 2 adjourning rooms that share a double door. Leave both room's double doors open so you can rush in and lock it behind you, or 5, give her the room number for the room you are not in, then watch her walk by you through the peephole as she heads to the "decoy" room.  6. Have a trusted friend call/text you 10-15 minutes after you signal him that she is almost there. If he doesn't get a response after x minutes, he can call 911.  

You get the main themes here:  
1. Arrive early - way before she does.
2. Do recon on the area and her arrival space to ensure no unauthorized personnel are about.
3. Plan for the worst, hope for the best, and always have an escape route/plan/resource.
4. Bring enough cash for your planned expenses and some additional as a buffer.  Leave extra cash and cards in your car, locked in your trunk - not your glove box or the center console.  

These are the rules I use for any meet, even in public like a Starbucks.  

Life is good

The Cat

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