The Erotic Highway

Now you just sound stupid
sweetman 93 Reviews 3343 reads
1 / 25

I got a message this morning from a hottie I had viewed but never contacted.  She said "Hello there :) would you be interested in an arrangement this morning?? "  Unfortunately I was out of town at the time and had to pass, but it certainly got my attention.  Have you received any first contact messages that were memorable?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 193 reads
2 / 25

That led to a great round of outercourse.  

But seriously ladies and germs...

I did once get a very cute drunken PM from a provider.  
It took a few years till we met, but it was well worth the wait. She was sober then.

PussyPump 191 reads
3 / 25

It is a small world. I am pretty sure the same girl contacted me last night!  My first reply to her was "Crikey!"
I would have jumped on it (on her), but I had just spent the entire afternoon, 5.5 hours, with 4 hours BCD, with my new-found Asian student friend, so I was just not "up" for any more. And unlike our Hooters-loving colleague in the other thread, I got my 5.5 hours for a modest outlay, plus a nice dinner.

PussyPump 208 reads
4 / 25

I learned something new during the week. Another grad school hottie (yes, I know) reached out to me with VERY naughty interests. So naughty that I did not even know the acronym, and when I looked it up, OMG!

sweetman 93 Reviews 218 reads
5 / 25
PussyPump 208 reads
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I don't think I should post it here, for two reasons.  
- Once I knew what it meant, I searched for it on a few TER boards. No sign. That tells me something...!
- It would out the girl.

-- Modified on 5/28/2017 12:09:07 PM

GaGambler 174 reads
7 / 25

You are posting under an alias and none of us have a clue to even what state you are in, much less who you are fucking.

I mean honestly, with over 7 BILLION people on this planet, virtually all of them having sex, the chances of her being the only woman to be doing any sexual act are about ZERO.

PussyPump 220 reads
8 / 25

Because you could then search for her profile.  Sorry to be a tease, but sometimes discretion is best.

GaGambler 279 reads
9 / 25

Do you think any of us really care THAT fucking much?

In five minutes (or less) I will have forgotten all about it. I have fucked thousands of hookers, hundred of civvies and dozens of SB's over a period of 44 years. I doubt seriously that she does anything I haven't heard of before.

Just because it's new to you, doesn't mean it's new to the rest of us. There is next to ZERO original thought left where it comes to sex. I guarantee you, every time you think you have invented or discovered something where it comes to sex, there have been countless people before you who have tried it.

PussyPump 233 reads
10 / 25

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Do you know how many thousands of profiles there are on SA???....
In order:
- A very large number. There are over 6000 SB profiles within a 25 mile radius of where I live.
- Of those 6000+ profiles,  a search shows precisely one containing the acronym in question. You do know about the search facility, don't you?
- Whether you care, or not, is irrelevant to me.
- I am perfectly happy to concede that you are considerably more experienced in the ways of the flesh than I am.
- I am also perfectly happy to believe that you have heard of this practice. It is not new, otherwise there would not be an acronym for it, would there? But it is pretty far off the beaten track.  
-   **I** was not familiar with it.
- I don't think it has been indulged in by "countless" people. It is very much a niche thing.

top 23 Reviews 249 reads
11 / 25

Well the first part of you name is right pussy. Because you clearly don't have the balls to tell the rest of us what it is.  

SMH. Unreal, Wow.

GaGambler 180 reads
12 / 25

If she has a sexual acronym on her profile she'd get delisted and that is NOT what you originally said.  

Personally I think you are simply full of shit and you are simply backpedalling now that you've been called.  

Top thinks you are a pussy, I think you are a liar. Which one of us is right, or are we both right about you?

PussyPump 183 reads
13 / 25

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: I call Bullshit....

I already told you I don't care what you think. Still true.  

I think that just the very idea that someone else had an interesting encounter somehow annoys you. Bizarre.

-- Modified on 5/30/2017 12:43:59 AM

GaGambler 174 reads
14 / 25

Just how the fuck do we know it was interesting?

Not telling us "who" is one thing, not telling us "what" is a waste of everybody's time.

How would you react to a post that said "You'll never guess what I did with this SB last night, but don't bother guessing because I am not going to tell you"  

That is pretty much what you posted and it makes you look like an 8 year old.

looking64 24 Reviews 220 reads
15 / 25
PussyPump 158 reads
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Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Now you just sound stupid
Just how the fuck do we know it was interesting?  
 Not telling us "who" is one thing, not telling us "what" is a waste of everybody's time.  
 How would you react to a post that said "You'll never guess what I did with this SB last night, but don't bother guessing because I am not going to tell you"  
 That is pretty much what you posted and it makes you look like an 8 year old.
The OP asked if we received any interesting initial contacts. I did.

You can scream and shout BS, and say that I am lying, but I only smile. I smile because I know it actually happened.

One of the TER boards I checked on before deciding not to post details is this one. The acronym in question has never appeared here, or several other TER boards either. I don't propose to be the first to post it.  

Finally, when it comes to age, you might wish to improve your reading comprehension level before commenting.

Pirate2008 8 Reviews 150 reads
17 / 25

I just received a message from a new. SB that said she read my profile and thought that we would be a great match. One problem: she called me Pete. Neither my real name or my profile name is Pete. It's not even close so I doubt she can blame spell check.

Pirate2008 8 Reviews 150 reads
18 / 25
Canitbe 137 reads
19 / 25

I recently got a first message from someone I did not even reach out to ,
I want to suck your cock  
No joke  
I wrote back ok where and when  
We actually met the next morning and she admitted she had been drinking  
But she was serious and we had a great time and she was cute

KL69069 43 Reviews 217 reads
20 / 25

"How'd you like a nude body to body massage and then a 3sum and bjs tomorrow ? Tell me how long and I can host or we can come to you!! For 600 normally it's 900 just me its 380 text me ___________ [phone number]."

herbtcat 6 Reviews 129 reads
21 / 25

So here's an (edited) message string I had yesterday. I had viewed her as she is local, but didn't flag as a fav or send a message:  (She's 19, athletic, mixed [looks Latina], no kids and occupation is listed as exec assistant. Asking for Practical.  

Her: a day ago  
Hey babe what are your plans for tonight  
Me: a day ago  

Hello HerName,

I'm just relaxing at home tonight. How about you?  

How has your search on the site been going?  

- MyName  
Her: a day ago  
Not so we'll still looking MyName
Her: a day ago  
Did you wanna bangout tonight  
[Note: just not sure if this is a typo (i.e.: "hangout") or deliberate and I've never heard the term "bangout" before. Naturally, I was intrigued...]  
Me: a day ago  
How close are you to (area near me), Love?  
Her: a day ago  
30 mins babe  
Me: a day ago  
What do you have in mind....?  
(my cell number)  

And then radio silence.....  

Onward and upward I suppose.

Glascock69 8 Reviews 128 reads
22 / 25

She obviously received a better (closer) offer, but I suspect you will hear from her again....

herbtcat 6 Reviews 187 reads
23 / 25

... I received this from a profile in another state:  

Hi, my name is Sadic, I hope this message reaches you since I don't even believe I'm doing the right thing.A friend who found his other half here put me on so I can also give it a try so here I am.Im single and looking for a caring,easy going as well as down to earth man for friendship first and maybe something more in the future.Ive been single a little over 5 years now when I found my guy in bed right in the act with my best friend.I vowed never to fall in love again but has realized that I'm not growing any younger.I have therefore decided to give my heart the chance once again since I do not know what the future holds.Love,they say is best shared or enjoyed with that special someone and that's exactly what I'm looking for.I'm not looking for one born with silver spoon in the mouth because i already know how to worked hard to acquire success in life.It really sucks going to bed not having anyone special in mind to think or dream about when you sleep and wants to fill that gap in my heart with love knowing that love is life and he who has no love has no life.So what's your story?Have you ever been married or have any kids?What religion, it any do you believe in and what are your hobbies and interests? For how long have you been on here, whats your name and what are you looking for in a woman..?Look forward to hearing from you again soon.Your new friend....  

Of course, my Spidey senses are on full scammer alert. And my senses were proven correct when I googled her only pic. It's a snapchat pic from a 15 year old girl who was on the news a while back after committing suicide.  Sick.  


MissedOpportunity 155 reads
24 / 25

I literally got about 7 words in and knew it was a scam.  "I hope this message reaches  you..." I've seen a hundred times before in various scammy ways.  

Glascock69 8 Reviews 171 reads
25 / 25

Read closely and you will discern Cyrillic word-order and phrasing, very common on the net from Craigslist on down....In common parlance, the author is a native Russian speaker, learned British English as a second language, then tries to dilute it into Ameerkin-speak....they do a better job than I would do, trying to appear as a native Russian though!

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