The Erotic Highway

Never been to Cali...
magoo251 28 Reviews 1548 reads
1 / 19

I *know* it's not a good idea to keep track of such things, but I was reviewing what I spent per week on SB related activity. It ranges from $300-600 For allowances, and a couple hundo more for booze and food.

I finance it out of a little extra (hidden) income.

Just curious about other budgets and financing sources.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 102 reads
2 / 19

...keep track of such things.  

You didn't get into a position to be a player in the sugar bowl without careful financial planning, managing your debt load and building a successful career over decades of time - unless you are a trust fund baby with cash leaking out of your ass. If you plan on building a stable rotation of SB's that means your total SB spend equals your average per SB spend times the total number of SB's (including pick up or one off p4p's).  

Add a new SB and your whole budget can go to hell unless you remove one of the other SB's. How sad would it be to have to take out a second mortgage or re-fi your car because your dick overspent?  

Having said that, my overall budget is around $1k to $1.5k per month and that comes from excess disposable cash (post bills, savings, investments, 401k, etc.).  

GaGambler 110 reads
3 / 19

and not everyone has the same budget, or even the same attitude about their "play money"

Some people think ten grand a month is a pittance and others don't even make ten grand a month so it's all relative. I have a buddy who was sleeping on a warehouse floor less than ten years ago who now blows about $20 K a month or sometimes more on pussy, or at least "pussy related" expenses.  

Personally I know I can focus on either "making more" or "spending less" or some combination of the two. I like to focus on making more so I can enjoy chasing pussy without worrying so much about what it costs.  I honestly don't have a "pussy budget" and I rarely even try to calculate exactly what I spend in the Sugar bowl, but that doesn't mean I overpay or simply throw my money away. I just don't obsess over it is all.

svenodyo76719 29 Reviews 86 reads
4 / 19

Lol herbtcat!! My dick over spent! I fucking love it.

svenodyo76719 29 Reviews 96 reads
5 / 19

Gagambler. How much in your opinion is over spending to make mr. Lil boy cocky  happy?

herbtcat 6 Reviews 118 reads
6 / 19

Fair enough GaG,  

But I suggest that even you are aware "enough" of your monthly spend so that if you somehow saw it getting 3x, 5x, or certainly 10x over the "norm"  you would take a moment to assess if you wanted to continue at that higher rate of "dick spend"  ( I think I just coined a new SD phrase!) .  

The Cat

GaGambler 123 reads
7 / 19

What I meant is that I don't pay what I feel are GPS prices for pussy, either in the Sugar or Hooker worlds.

A lot of that also depends on region. In Texas anything over $3-400 hour for a hooker or $3-500 overnight is "overpaying" IMHO, So in my admittedly warped mind, seeing a different SB every night for $15,000 a month is not "over paying", but seeing two SB's a week and spending a grand on each one of them for a total of $8,000 a month is most definitely "over paying"

Are you beginning to see how my warped mind works? lol

As far as "overspending" goes, any amount that you can't afford is "over spending" if you have to start cutting back on other activities, or if you start feeling guilty about the money you spend on this, you might have to give yourself a reality check. Or figure out how to make more money of course. lol

GaGambler 136 reads
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and I already refuse to "overpay" There are only 30 days in a month, and right now I try to get laid around 20-25 times a month. Unless I started fucking 2-3 girls or more each day like I used to in CR a few years back, there really isn't any way I could increase my spending by that much. Even if I started seeing a different girl every single day, unless I started paying each girl more than I do now, which is NOT going to happen, the most I would increase my spending would be by maybe 50%, a far cry from 3x, 5x or 10x my current level like you suggest.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 81 reads
9 / 19

If so, I've spent more money last month in the Sugar-Bowl (without hooking up) than any month in the "Super-Bowl".

I have had the new experience of being robbed by 3 Cali, Colombia Boys though - Fucking Sketchy...

herbtcat 6 Reviews 133 reads
10 / 19

Again, fair enough.  

But there is a difference between budget and capacity.  

Right now it appears you have additional budget, but do not have (or want to use) additional capacity.  

I'm getting laid 3 or 4 times a month, which is ok for me. But I do have both capacity and budget to for more if I so desired.  

The Cat

GaGambler 118 reads
11 / 19

I prefer Medellin, but Cali has some very hot chicas too.

Come on tb, don't leave us hanging, share your story with the class.

As much as I like the Sugar Bowl, I will concede when you get on a "bad string" you can waste a lot of time and end up with nothing but blue balls.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 85 reads
12 / 19

This hot Latina messaged me and wanted to set a meet with "quality time". I set it up at an LAX hotel and meet her in the lobby, we had a couple of drinks and we were chatting away in Spanish (I have been to Colombia a few times but never Cali). It felt on - and she said before we went to the room I should pay her as she had been ripped off before - I gave her the money and as I got up to get the room (I had not booked it yet) these 2 Colombian dudes come walking in and escort her out. I normally don't mind a good confrontation but as I moved towards them (we were 20 feet away from each other), the one guy lifts his shirt to show he's either strapped or faking like he's strapped with a toy gun. This is inside a lobby bar with people in it - fucking crazy...

It was only $500 - but fuck - I could never foresee anything like this happening in the hobby. I reported it to SA and they were unconcerned while asking me for a police report etc. (yeah right) - she's still on there doing God knows what.

I'm pissed - the sugar bowl is tough!  

Now I'm scrutinising every potential to the point of not being able to set up anything...  Fucking Singapore Boys!!!

GaGambler 116 reads
13 / 19

obviously you are not supposed to pay in advance in the Sugar Bowl, but yes this does happen in the hooker world too. It's just like a "cash and dash" but with strapped Colombian dudes thrown in for good measure.

You already know everything there is to know about both the hooker and Sugar world, so I will spare giving you any advice, but for anyone else reading this, in the hooker world it is "expected" that you pay in advance, but there are no cut and fast rules about when payment is made in the Sugar World. It's VERY rare that I pay an SB until she is about to walk out the door AFTER we have had our playtime.

Hookers have brow beaten the johns on TER into accepting their rules as being the only way things are done. Everything from not negotiating the donation, to giving up personal information in order to make an appointment, right up to demanding their fee in an insipid "unsealed plain white envelope" and the lemmings in the hooker world follow these demands to the letter. In the Sugar World the rules are not so cut and dry and everything you want, you can get by negotiating. Don't be afraid to "just say no" in the famous words of Nancy Reagan. Just remember, these girls want your money at least as much as you want their pussy. If a POT SB asks for something you don't feel comfortable with, DON'T do it, come up with an alternative way that makes "you" feel comfortable and don't simply give in to her demands like johns have been doing with hookers ever since the internet age brought a bunch of pussies into the P4P world.

Contrary to your experiences, the sugar bowl isn't all that tough, it does require some common sense, and some negotiating skills come in very handy as well.

Assuming this actually happened, you really have no one but yourself to blame. Would you have ever given an unreviewed hooker $500 before you were BCD?  Of course not, so why would you give a POT SB the chance to run off with your money? This is where "street smarts" comes into play, If a POT SB starts pressuring you into doing something you know is unsafe or unwise, you ALWAYS have to option to say, "this just doesn't feel right, I think I am going to take a pass" and then do exactly that.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 126 reads
14 / 19

True that. I was trusting, I thought she liked me and wanted to go to the room with me and I didn't conduct any of it with "street smarts" - then, I got rolled...  

It's weird that those guys came in - she could have just walked out after I gave her the money - there isn't much I could have done about it once I had given her the money...

GaGambler 108 reads
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You can be the biggest, baddest mofo in the world, but at some point in your life you pass the point where you are physically going to take your money back from a woman. Once upon a time, in my misspent youth, I was the kind of guy who might have on occasion taken back my money from an upselling hooker who would claim "The $200 was just for showing up and anything more would cost extra" This of course being in the pre internet days of the Yellow Pages. lol

Fast forward to today and even if I were dumb enough to call a girl who pocketed my money and dared me to take it back, I am by no means dumb enough to get into a physical alteration over a few hundred bucks. It's one thing to be young and dumb, it's quite another to be old and stupid. lol

Of course there was this one time in Costa Rica, where puta tried to steal my money, thinking I was too drunk to notice and was livid to find out that I had stolen it back when she went to the bano. lol She went fucking bezerk and tried to beat me up, her being all of about 110 lbs. I never actually laid my hands on her, but I did put my foot in her ass and bounced her thieving ass out of my room with a "gentle nudge" I laughed for hours over that one. Oh the good old days. lol

tankbinding 16 Reviews 89 reads
16 / 19

You're allowed to get physical with Tica's but more often than not they can kick your ass...

I know your Jaco and San Jose zones but I prefer to chill in Marbella / Playa Negra...

If you are dumb enough (like me apparently) to give a girl your money in a public place that has a fair amount of folks around - she can walk and you can't do shit even if you had a mind to... Theoretically she didn't even steal your money - you met her for drinks and gave her a little something to help out with her bills - then you demanded sex and she got scared and left...

GaGambler 94 reads
18 / 19

I like SJ and Jaco, but I like them partly out of convenience as there are a lot more putas than you are going to find anywhere in Guanacaste, including Tamarindo, which is full of American College kids.  

If I decide to just chill with one chica I prefer to head south down to Manuel Antonio as the chicas just seem to love that place.

A little backstory on the puta who tried to steal from me. I was in the Blue Marlin that afternoon with a few buddies and we got REALLY FUCKING DRUNK. our combined bar tab must have been close to a couple of grand. This little puta that was drinking with us offered to fuck me for free and kept insisting on fucking me "sin dinero" she was cute and even though I knew she was full of shit, I took her up on it.  We went upstairs and she immediately had my shorts down around my ankles and had her mouth full of my dick with me sitting on the side of the bed.

One thing I didn't mention is that I had played some roulette earlier and I had some $100 chips in my pocket, so while she was sucking my dick she was also picking my pocket, but to a degenerate gambler like myself the sound of chips "clicking together" is just "one of those sounds" so I knew exactly what she was doing, but I was REALLY enjoying her blow job, so I let her "think" she was getting away with it, watched where she stashed my money and after blowing a huge load in her mouth when she went to the bano to rinse her mouth, I stole the money back. jaja

So she comes back from the bathroom and starts asking "propina, propina" to which of course I reminded her that she had promised "sin dinero" she doesn't put up much of a fight thinking that she had already stolen PLENTY of money from me to have made it worth her while until she checked her purse just to make sure the chips were still there only to find them gone. LMAO

She went fucking bananas, and tried to physically take the money from me, her being not much over a hundred pounds, and then she started wailing on me, but she was too small (and I was too drunk) to even feel her hitting me and the more I laughed the madder she got until finally I had  enough and booted her out the door with my foot squarely in her cute ass.

Damn, some times I miss those "good old days" . lol

cageyboy 25 Reviews 92 reads
19 / 19

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Hopefully you will never repeat that mistake again
I like SJ and Jaco, but I like them partly out of convenience as there are a lot more putas than you are going to find anywhere in Guanacaste, including Tamarindo, which is full of American College kids.  
 If I decide to just chill with one chica I prefer to head south down to Manuel Antonio as the chicas just seem to love that place.  
 A little backstory on the puta who tried to steal from me. I was in the Blue Marlin that afternoon with a few buddies and we got REALLY FUCKING DRUNK. our combined bar tab must have been close to a couple of grand. This little puta that was drinking with us offered to fuck me for free and kept insisting on fucking me "sin dinero" she was cute and even though I knew she was full of shit, I took her up on it.  We went upstairs and she immediately had my shorts down around my ankles and had her mouth full of my dick with me sitting on the side of the bed.  
 One thing I didn't mention is that I had played some roulette earlier and I had some $100 chips in my pocket, so while she was sucking my dick she was also picking my pocket, but to a degenerate gambler like myself the sound of chips "clicking together" is just "one of those sounds" so I knew exactly what she was doing, but I was REALLY enjoying her blow job, so I let her "think" she was getting away with it, watched where she stashed my money and after blowing a huge load in her mouth when she went to the bano to rinse her mouth, I stole the money back. jaja  
 So she comes back from the bathroom and starts asking "propina, propina" to which of course I reminded her that she had promised "sin dinero" she doesn't put up much of a fight thinking that she had already stolen PLENTY of money from me to have made it worth her while until she checked her purse just to make sure the chips were still there only to find them gone. LMAO  
 She went fucking bananas, and tried to physically take the money from me, her being not much over a hundred pounds, and then she started wailing on me, but she was too small (and I was too drunk) to even feel her hitting me and the more I laughed the madder she got until finally I had  enough and booted her out the door with my foot squarely in her cute ass.  
 Damn, some times I miss those "good old days" . lol

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