The Erotic Highway

My pie
JustSayMyName 56 Reviews 45 reads

I’m about 50% sugar baby,  30% escort and 20% wifey since discovering SA with wide swings between sugar baby and escort depending if there’s a particularly hot escort around. There are basically no escorts hotter than my current fave sugar baby though, so it’s just the TOFTTs where I’m still going for an escort. I’m moving towards 50% main sugar baby, 15% other SB , 15% escort and 20% wifey.  

What do you guys consider most in that distribution? Looks, skills, variety, value?

For me, it’s all about fucking the hottest piece of ass I can fit in my schedule on that day.

So, I don't keep obsessive track of this sort of thing, really. But I enjoy reading everyone's stories here, and started reflecting on my own experience. I have found SA to be a fertile hunting ground, and looked back over last never-you-mind years to see what proportion of the women I've been with were discovered by what source. I'm sure everyone's proportions are different, but perhaps sharing on a thread like this one could be fun.

For my part:

SA and other sites with a similar business model: 23% and other online dating: 10%
TER and similar: 16% (and that's basically a sure thing)
Ashley Madison: 15% (not in the target market anymore, but about a decade ago this wasn't a bad place to find someone)
Real Life (ie, the hard way): 36% - these days, it's almost too much work.

Do the rest of you guys have similar results?

I started Hobbying years ago and for a period of many years all my dates came from TER/P411 so for that time period:
TER and similar: 100%

Then I discovered SA and Sugar Dating and for a short time dated both ways, so for a few months it was:
SA: 50%
TER: 50%

But then I pretty much stopped dating Escorts except for revisiting a few select old friends.  So now, and for the past few years it's been:
SA: 94%
TER: 6%

And for all time periods:
Real Life: Zero  

I'm 71 and have been single/divorced for 40 yrs now :)
For the first 20-25 yrs after divorcing I almost always had a civie GF that I would see once a week or so...also I  traveled a lot for business so occasionally I would call an escort agency from the yellow pages to have a tryst while on the road. ...I also learned what lounges the high class hookers hung out in various cities and went hunting there. During the  periods when I did not have a regular civie GF I utilized local escort agencies to find ladies I could enjoy at home those days often they would give me their personal phone number so they could avoid splitting the donation with the agency on future dates and I would see the good ones semi regularly.
Then came the explosion of available pussy on the Internet and review boards so I gravitated to making dates with ladies whose reviews inspired my libido and that I had a reasonable degree of confidence would satisfy my desires and gave up civie dating altogether....WAY too much time wasted and disappointment !
About 10 yrs ago I discovered the Sugar Bowl...initially it was slim pickings there but I was fortunate to find a series of ladies that I established long term arrangements with...but I continued to fill in with pro escorts from TER and P-411.
However, in the past 2-3 yrs I have not found the kind of LTR arrangement that I want with a SB...fortunately the pool of SB's who are ready to fuck at the drop of a hat has EXPLODED so now I typically have 4 or 5 SB's in my rotation at any one time and I am always looking to find new ones because I know that eventually the ones in my rotation will be changing until I find one that I want to spend more time with traveling etc.
So now my ratio is 90-95 % SB's and the rest Pro's from TER.

Discovery of the SB has eliminated my need for Pro's.  I had a great run using TER/P411 and UTR ladies.  Now I have a long term FWB (not local) who has become more of a travel buddy and try with varying success to maintain a local FWB.  

Current ratio:

50% SB
-Love the variety and youth
-I control the when and where
-Typically keep hottest/sexiest for as long as possible and rotate 2 to 3 others every 6 to 9 months
-Requires a lot of effort to maintain
-Unpredictable behavior patterns

35% FWB
-Really low turnover; longer relationships; take a while to recruit and develop; lower success rate
-Genuine relationship; risky as feelings can develop
-Less expensive than SB's
-Infrequent, so always feels new and fresh
-Older than SB's, but younger than wifey

15% Wife
-She's not going anywhere (hopefully)
-Free (if you don't count the house, vacations, clothing, car, etc...)
-Reliable option if SB or FWB not available
-Boringly predictable

0% Escorts

I’m about 50% sugar baby,  30% escort and 20% wifey since discovering SA with wide swings between sugar baby and escort depending if there’s a particularly hot escort around. There are basically no escorts hotter than my current fave sugar baby though, so it’s just the TOFTTs where I’m still going for an escort. I’m moving towards 50% main sugar baby, 15% other SB , 15% escort and 20% wifey.  

What do you guys consider most in that distribution? Looks, skills, variety, value?

For me, it’s all about fucking the hottest piece of ass I can fit in my schedule on that day.

and I've got one of those in my rotation currently.  She hardly talks and is impossible;e to have a conversation with. But holy shit is she gorgeous and she succeeds in arousing me to completion better than any woman I've dated in years!

That said, I prefer dating a woman I can have a more well rounded connection with.  As long as her looks are 8+ and her performance in bed is also 8+, if she's a fantastic conversationalist and eager to know me and share herself with me, I'm all in.  I've got one of those in my rotation now too, and she's the one I date most often.

My last favorite was like your hot one. Just unbelievably hot, but I couldn’t stand her as a person. Just wanted to smack her every time she looked up from her phone and opened her mouth, which was hardly ever.  If she weren’t way cheaper than a pro and much more orgasmic, I probably would have stopped seeing her after just a couple of times.  

Thankfully, my current ATF is even hotter.  Besides being the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever nailed, we can also talk for hours. It feels like I’m seeing other girls mainly for the purpose of staying distracted and not looking like a desperate chump.  I could easily just go pussy whipped on this one and end up in a bad place but I’m determined not to let that happen.

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