The Erotic Highway

My only Sugar Baby threesome worked out fine!
sweetman 93 Reviews 369 reads

I had a memorable date with two lovely AA girls I met on SA who originally asked for $7000 for a threesome with them. I offered $500 for the pair and they said yes! Their original request was just fishing and hoping to land a whale, but they were quite content with my much more reasonable offer.  So when it comes to SBs don't be afraid to negotiate.  If they won't budge on price, move on.  They said they were new at this and wanted to date as a team for their own safety.  I can respect that.  But the date was on my turf. We had a great time aboard my sailboat in MDR. Funny thing is that they were really newbies at this. When they asked for the money upfront I handed them an envelope and they were really impressed I'd gone to the trouble of being prepared in advance. These two girls were strictly hetero, so no interaction between the two of them.  For the modest price I paid I'd have enjoyed watching them do each other.  As it was, they tag teamed me, first one while the other sat back and watched, then the other, back and forth several times.  It was fun. But I agree with the post above which said they really should charge less than two times their individual rate since I only got to spend half my usual time with each of them.  Anyway, since that date, I've seen many  profiles on SA of cute duos  but none have been serious or realistic and I've not dated any of them.

I found this SB who is friends with another SB, they are probably lovers and like threesomes. So straight away, she told me that they are interested in a threesome only and would like 400 each as the gift. I myself think that money is better spent when you do two sessions separately with one girl each rather than a threesome but yet would like to get this off my bucket list, still 800 is too much. I told her that it will be best if I see her first and then we can invite her friend next time but it seems like she may never see me one on one cause those two are really close and like to play together.
One red flag was that they want to meet at their private place after meeting in public first while they both have bfs living with them, I recall a story here where an angry bf came hitting a guy seeing his SB.

Opinions, fellas?

ATLDAWG387 reads

"Risk Not-Gain Nothing"!

What are the odds of you getting your butt kicked by one of the boy friends ?!!

Report back please !

($400 each is a little steep-perhaps $300 each could be negotiated  ;)!

Yes, I am intrigued to take the risk, lol.

And yes, 800 is definitely steep, I told the SB I really wanna see that 400 for her is fine but can do max 600 for two cause I don't gain much out of it cause men got just one tool whereas women have multiple holes.

in_vino_veritas437 reads

I don't even bother with the SB's that start right off with the "Two hot girls looking for fun." At best, it's wasted money.
If she won't see you alone, tell her to take a hike. So, basically, she's saying she never has sex without the other girl in the picture? What a bunch of baloney.
If I were you, I wouldn't worry about whether you're gonna get your money's worth for the 3-some. I'd worry about getting robbed, blackmailed or worse. Stay the hell away. Tell her your offer is to date her alone first and you want the option to go to a place of your choosing. Then leave it at that.  If she doesn't come back, good riddance. If she comes back, stick to your guns and see what happens. But, do not go for what she's offering now.

I agree that 800 to watch them have fun is almost like getting robbed.  I told her that I would like to just see meet her first.

I agree! The real civies are more concerned about being outed than you are. They are doing the old fashion BP game... I would not get myself involved... I highly doubt that both would actually be worth the investment. Go on the TER ad page find a good provider and find a threesome for less and with credentials... my two cents... he'll you may even find your girls at a cheaper rate on it. I my opinion only after she earns your trust should you entertain such a situation... I think they will scam you....

More than the money it's a safety issue. I had one that wanted me to come to her place and not meet in public at all. I said no.
About the threesome find a SB who is cool with it. My SB likes threesomes and couples too. So we go on AFF and swinger sites as a couple to find people. Not done it yet as we still have fun just with each other.

Alright, I took them out of my favorites for now unless she is willing to meet me alone at a place of my choice cause one of them sure if very hot looking but safety first!

I don't like the idea of meeting 2 strangers.  One can be playing with you while the other robs you.  Get to know at least one of them first.

That's exactly what I want to do if at all anything with them. The first one that I like is the hotter one who asked 400 for single session and 800 for doubles. The other one in separate message said she will meet alone for 600 and two for 800 in discount. I am not that much into the second one so just told her "No, thank you".

See the $400 girl.  As always, be careful!

I had a memorable date with two lovely AA girls I met on SA who originally asked for $7000 for a threesome with them. I offered $500 for the pair and they said yes! Their original request was just fishing and hoping to land a whale, but they were quite content with my much more reasonable offer.  So when it comes to SBs don't be afraid to negotiate.  If they won't budge on price, move on.  They said they were new at this and wanted to date as a team for their own safety.  I can respect that.  But the date was on my turf. We had a great time aboard my sailboat in MDR. Funny thing is that they were really newbies at this. When they asked for the money upfront I handed them an envelope and they were really impressed I'd gone to the trouble of being prepared in advance. These two girls were strictly hetero, so no interaction between the two of them.  For the modest price I paid I'd have enjoyed watching them do each other.  As it was, they tag teamed me, first one while the other sat back and watched, then the other, back and forth several times.  It was fun. But I agree with the post above which said they really should charge less than two times their individual rate since I only got to spend half my usual time with each of them.  Anyway, since that date, I've seen many  profiles on SA of cute duos  but none have been serious or realistic and I've not dated any of them.

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