The Erotic Highway

Mind fucking happens all the time....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 653 reads

Speaking for myself, it's when a gal's attitude changes from all lovey-dovey to being a bitch on wheels.

Mostly a real life experience but all too often happens in the hobby.

It's not a good kind of fucking.

skarphedin2241 reads

I have seen it referenced here and elsewhere, but I don't know what it means...  

It seems to be something other than physical sex...  

It also doesn't seem to mean "love". At least as I've experienced love.  


Dudes: Have you ever fucked someones mind? What happened?  

Ladies: Has your mind ever been fucked? What happened?

Speaking for myself, it's when a gal's attitude changes from all lovey-dovey to being a bitch on wheels.

Mostly a real life experience but all too often happens in the hobby.

It's not a good kind of fucking.

I've experienced that too, and it's really nice.  Usually comes after sex when you are cuddling and talking.

Another meaning might be a really good scalp massage.  I've had a few of those also.

But in regular usage, a mind-fucking is usually a bad thing like I described above.

In a generally BDSM context, to mind-fuck someone is to get them believing and emotionally responding to an extreme situation, often seemingly dangerous, when in fact you are keeping things safe.  For example one might feign leaving a fearful bound sub alone (making leaving sounds, opening and closing the door but secretly staying), or one might make a sub think s/he is to be branded (up to contact with ice instead of a hot iron), things like that.  It is not actually necessary that the mind-fuckee be bound.

So you are playing with someone, for pleasure, in highly intense and emotionally charged and intimate ways like fucking, but it's their mind that you stroke and penetrate.  

The wrenching relief of return to reality after such an experience is the real point, for me.  

The practice is not at all limited to BDSM, of course.  Creative vanilla couples do it too.  The field is vast.

Try it some time

sounds like a lot if fun!

For me, good mindfucking happens when a man's intellect gets me sexually aroused and makes my panties wet. It's the most sublime arousal ever. One day I hope to reach orgasm in this way.

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