The Erotic Highway

Marital challenges
thisisalloneword 1 Reviews 1459 reads

Just got married two years ago at 38. Had a baby last year. Marriage has been very tough since my wife is the complete opposite of me. The biggest fight we have is she feels I do not want to spend time with her. I keep telling her she has some Hollywood image of marriage. Are there really men who can't wait to spend their weekends and free time taking long walks and trips with the wife?! I would much rather spend all my time playing sports, reading and practicing my many hobbies. I do spend time with her, but not because I really want to. I do it because I know she will get mad if I don't.

Why did you even marry her for then? Did you take long walks and trips before you married her?  

1. Start hiding money now.  
2. Find an attorney now.  
3. Get ready to pay child support for 17 years.  
4. Get ready to lose half of your hobby stuff due to community property.  
5. Get ready to pay alimony until she remarries. Which she won't so you have to keep paying. She will just live with some guy.

Good Luck.

WHY! Did you get married.  Sorry. Just dumb. Dont lusten to top. The real i ssue will be child support and  custody. All other will be minimal. What is the point if staying together.  Sad for your kid.

Don't listen to me? You said the same thing using different words, lol.

Top. I was referring to the financial part of divorce. It depends on the stste.

I love spending time with the wife.  I appreciate and love her more now that I have a small harem and am always sexually satisfied.  I feel like I get to enjoy her conversation more and the sec has even gotten better because I'm just more practiced.  

It's also super fun to walk around with the family and notice how many young girls are checking me out, knowing if they had a profile on SA, I'd probably be balls deep in them within a week.  Cute kids and pets are just ridiculous openers.  

You should get a divorce if you can do it without losing too much shit.  

I love my wife.  We get along great.  I just also love fucking young women!

Who thinks this guy is full of shit?  I mean come on he has 1 review of one of the most prolific providers I have seen reviews of....

Dude if you are really telling us the truth you need to get out of that marriage, regardless of what it's gonna cost you...You're doing a great job of not being a dad in my opinion.

Take her up on the offer, and spend oodles of time with her.   She might just get tired of you after a while and figure out other activities that don't involve you and will leave you free for hobbying, with no divorce to worry about.

If that doesn't work, are there ways for you to have fun during the day by "visiting a customer", or other such artifice?

By the way, when baby comes along, that is also going to take up a lot of your time.

Thanks for the only helpful reply. I have tried your suggestion of spending "oodles" of time with her. But she has not gotten tired of me yet :-( .

Dude, try 25 years, a couple of very difficult issues to deal with just from life. 2 great kids!  I love spending time with my wife.   I'm only here because I like a bj which she won't do.  The pussy is tighter on the younger ones too. I still have sex with my wife, spend time with her as well as my family.  
You have a kid now.  You'll have decisions about the care and upbringing of your child.  It's important you're on the same page. You should learn to spend time with her, you might just find out she's pretty cool.  
If you don't want to, let the rest of us mongers have some time with her, once she had me she probably won't want you any more.


Having your wife want to spend time with you is a damn blessing.  Certainly you both need your own space at times, but for the most part you should be happy that she sees you that way.  Oh, and now you have a baby?  Well buckle up bucko cause the demands on your oh so precious sports, reading, and hobbiy time is gonna get even worse.  38 and still playing sports?  Admirable if its to keep in shape, immature otherwise.  

BTW what does this post have to do with the hobby, much less SBs?

GaGambler130 reads

You fucked up your marriage because you cheated, not all of us are in the same boat as you.

Personally, I got out of my marriage before ever cheating, partly because my wife also wanted to spend ALL of our time together. I actually took up golf the last year I was married, mainly to get four hours to myself. lol I felt smothered and got out way before I ended up like most of the guys here who have made a lifestyle out of lying and cheating.

You do ask a valid question though, I don't really see how his OP is at all "on topic"

People get married for all kinds of reasons. But spending my time doing "girly" stuff was not one of them! What specifically do you enjoy doing with your wife besides sex and ordinary chit chat? Like I said, I'd rather be doing many other things.

AsianManNOVA86 reads

We have been living together for 20 years, so we are like a married couple. Even though I am not attracted to her physically anymore (she still looks very good for her age, but I just don't have any desire for her after seeing so many 20-something hotties), we still go out to dinner, movies, concerts, and travel to many places. These are things both men and women enjoy so they are definitely not "girly". We also give each other some space to do their own things: she lets me go to bridge tournaments, and I let her go out with her female friends and go on vacations with her daughter. I enjoy my freedom once in a while when she is gone, but most of the time I enjoy her company. If you don't enjoy spending time with her, you should not even be with her, let alone marry her. Maybe you thought you would get free sex, but we all know there is no such thing.

GaGambler130 reads

I don't like doing "girly stuff" either, which is why I am so happily divorced, but marriage is a trade off. You do some shit you don't like to do, she does some shit she doesn't like to do and hopefully you have some things that you BOTH like to do together.

You honestly sound like a guy who should NOT be married, and I am saying this from the perspective of also being a guy who should NOT be married too. Do you really think things are going to get better? At least in my marriage we started off having a lot of things we liked to do together, as an example I loved to fish and she loved to sunbathe, so she would go with me all the time when I went fishing and we had a great time together. If you can't find anything about your wife you like besides sex, you need to hit the exit NOW, as it's not going to get any better from here.

Thanks for your honest advice. I got married at 38, so I have many years of habits to change. There are certainly things I can "try" to enjoy more with her. It will take me some time to find happiness doing these new things together. I am just frustrated that she expects me to want to enjoy these things from the day we got married.

Well, my wife did her "girly" stuff with her sister and I got my time with my friends.  We loved doing things together, but like I said you both need your own space....

My wife and I did things like going to football games (I had Gamecock football season tickets for 25 years), kayaking, fishing, going to the beach.  She was a girly girl when she needed to be and fun to be around when she didn't.  

Point is, you can find common interests if you try.  You don't need to go shopping with her and she doesn't need to be the catcher on your softball team.

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