The Erotic Highway

Let's be a bit more careful before writing someone here, "Maybe you're gay."
bostongreg 15 Reviews 9738 reads

Ryan, I'm sure you meant well.  But, speaking frankly, your suggestion that the poster here is, maybe, gay strikes me as not even remotely likely.  I deeply hope his feelings and self esteem were not at all hurt by your quick remark.

What on earth would prompt you to call someone who has enjoyed many providers and reached his goal of making one squirt "maybe gay"?  If anyone has ever been throughly dedicated to a heterosexual agenda, it's him!

Anyone, upon achieving a longtime goal, wants to take a break from the sport, if for no other reason that to refect upon, enjoy and celebrate having realized a long-sought goal.

Suppose this were in a different area - say a man had a lifelong dream of finding and eating the perfect juicy steak.  He goes to many steakhouses, over many years, but never finds it.  But them, one day, in an unlikely-looking restaurant, his dream is suddently realized - he tastes  and eats the steak of his dreams!

Having now achieved his dream, he now does not feel compelled any longer to keep spending his hard-earned money on quite expensive steakhouses.  He starts enjoying salads and desserts, and even finds himself exploring a few coffee shops.  

He wonders about this a bit, and posts on "The Eaters Review" Steak Board, "Is there something wrong with me?  Why don't feel compeled to keep visiting steakhouses any more?"

Would you write there, Ryan, "Maybe you're a vegetarian... nothing wrong with that"?

Somehow, I don't think so.

I think you'd write instead, "Congratulations.  Having found your ultimate steak, sure, you probably will be staying away from our meat for a while.  But you'll be back.  You'll see - you'll even start enjoying an everyday McDonald's beefburger again, while cherishing the fleeting memory of having, before, enjoyed the very best beefstealk there ever could be.

"And, you'll see. Without thinking about it (let alone worrying about it), you'll soon be back to dine our style again...maybe inside that  perfectly lovely restaurant you finally found once before.

"Because, the menu there hasn't changed.

"Nor, basically, have you.

"We'll look forward to welcoming you back to our group, whenever you find you're one of our most esteemed and admired diners.

In the meantime, enjoy your celebration time."

myreality14266 reads

I've been hobbying for about six years now.  I like to think of myself as a normal guy.  I think about sex all the time.  There's nothing I love more than being with a beautiful woman.  

Anway, recently I saw one of the regular ladies I've seen in the past.  She is average looking at best.  We always seem to really click and I enjoy seeing her, though after I leave, I usually promise never to see her again because of her average looks.  Suffice it to say, I keep going back.  So I'm with her and we're really having a passionate time.  I remember reading a while ago that she mentions she sometimes squirts.  I've always wanted to make a woman cum.  Some I've suspected have, some have said they did, but this time I really worked the area to the lady's preference and lo and behold she really squirted.  It kind of surprsed me but really turned me on, because it had never happened to me before.  I even made her squirt a second time later on while we were in doggie.  Anyhow, the session continues on and we're having a good time.  Nice long chat.  We proceed to round two and while I didn't finish, a good time was had all around.  By that point I  showered and left as time ran over.  In all, my one hour appt had gone to about two hours.  I walked out feeling like a king.  I've always read that many guys run over with her, but this is by far the longest I've ever run over with her or anyone else.

I don't have any unusual fetishes.  I'm not a really kinky guy.  I just like sex.  Of all the "regular" things that most guys seem to get in session, making a woman cum/squirt and running way over on time are two of the only things I can think of that I've always wanted but hadn't gotten.  

Anyway, my dilema is this.  I still love sex.  I love women.  And I have the disposable funds needed to continue hobbying.  But for the first time in the last six years, I have no real desire to call anyone and set up an appointment, let alone go see an escort.  Believe me, there are a few I'd love to go see, but I just don't have the motivation.  Suddenly, I'm still thinking about sex, but my next appointment isn't consuming my mind all the time.  

With those last two "goals" of mine met, I find myself wondering, have I outgrown hobbying?  Do I need to take some time to regroup and re-evaluate my ultimate goals?  Or is it something else?

Thanks for reading this far (I know when I write I sometimes just ramble on).

-- Modified on 9/29/2006 10:50:14 PM

Love Goddess10338 reads

Dear myreality,

I think you answered your own question, you just don't quite understand why you are asking... yet ;-).

It's difficult to speculate, but maybe you are looking for something more engaging and of longer lasting substance than fleeting meetings? Or perhaps you are in search of a different quality of engagement as far as women are concerned.

You mention in your posting that you "usually promise never to see [X] because of her average looks." And yet, you have enjoyed your time with her, because you really click. On some level, maybe you are realizing that not only are looks unimportant in the larger scope of things, but maybe short term mating isn't fulfilling either...for you, at this point in your life?

You can still love sex, and still love women. But it doesn't mean that you need to hobby regularly to have those feelings.

Perhaps you should heed your own advice. When in doubt, do nothing. Take a break and become an observer of your own emotions. See where they lead you. Either way, they may surprise you in the end.

Gnothi se auton, Socrates says,
the Love Goddess

that you'll be back in about two weeks.

Been there, done that.  :o)

as soon as I am tired of knowing myself and need some new female partners...LOL

-- Modified on 10/1/2006 4:18:52 AM

myreality9166 reads

That's what I was thinking but you put in in perspective.  Thanks LoveGoddess.

Thanks Love Goddess.  You said what I was thinking.  In the end, a break was what I needed, though I have since gotten back in the game, albeit for just one appt.  I think in the end, I'm coming to the realization that short term mating, while it certainly fufills an immediate physical need, it isn't serving a long term emotional one anymore.  I think its time for a long overdue change of course.  Thanks

Ryan, I'm sure you meant well.  But, speaking frankly, your suggestion that the poster here is, maybe, gay strikes me as not even remotely likely.  I deeply hope his feelings and self esteem were not at all hurt by your quick remark.

What on earth would prompt you to call someone who has enjoyed many providers and reached his goal of making one squirt "maybe gay"?  If anyone has ever been throughly dedicated to a heterosexual agenda, it's him!

Anyone, upon achieving a longtime goal, wants to take a break from the sport, if for no other reason that to refect upon, enjoy and celebrate having realized a long-sought goal.

Suppose this were in a different area - say a man had a lifelong dream of finding and eating the perfect juicy steak.  He goes to many steakhouses, over many years, but never finds it.  But them, one day, in an unlikely-looking restaurant, his dream is suddently realized - he tastes  and eats the steak of his dreams!

Having now achieved his dream, he now does not feel compelled any longer to keep spending his hard-earned money on quite expensive steakhouses.  He starts enjoying salads and desserts, and even finds himself exploring a few coffee shops.  

He wonders about this a bit, and posts on "The Eaters Review" Steak Board, "Is there something wrong with me?  Why don't feel compeled to keep visiting steakhouses any more?"

Would you write there, Ryan, "Maybe you're a vegetarian... nothing wrong with that"?

Somehow, I don't think so.

I think you'd write instead, "Congratulations.  Having found your ultimate steak, sure, you probably will be staying away from our meat for a while.  But you'll be back.  You'll see - you'll even start enjoying an everyday McDonald's beefburger again, while cherishing the fleeting memory of having, before, enjoyed the very best beefstealk there ever could be.

"And, you'll see. Without thinking about it (let alone worrying about it), you'll soon be back to dine our style again...maybe inside that  perfectly lovely restaurant you finally found once before.

"Because, the menu there hasn't changed.

"Nor, basically, have you.

"We'll look forward to welcoming you back to our group, whenever you find you're one of our most esteemed and admired diners.

In the meantime, enjoy your celebration time."

myreality10392 reads

BostonGreg, thanks for the word.  As soon as I posted I figured at least one moron would respond that way so I wasn't really surprised at all.  No harm.  But it's good to know you hear where i'm coming from.  I wouldn't say making a woman squirt was my ultimate goal, but it was one of my goals.  I think you and the others were right, I'm just going to take a break for a while before I jump back into the game.  I'm sure my wallet will thank me for it.  


Given Ryan's posts on the General Board, I can't help but think his sense of humor leans predominantly towards gay jokes, however slight they might be and very inappropriate on this particular forum.

-- Modified on 10/8/2006 12:54:44 AM

After about 100 different adventures, I started getting bored with the revolving door scene. My answer was I started having an affair. Dumb choice but the gf was/is the best screw I've ever had. But while the gf thing is continuing, I'm back into the hobby as well. Too many ladies, too few nights.

Cheese Louise!...if you don't feel like doing it - DON'T.  Do something else until you feel like doing it again.

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