The Erotic Highway

Last minute shakedown
Pirate2008 8 Reviews 79 reads

The last few days I was messaging a potential SB. We had everything agreed on: rate, time, place, etc. Then, out of nowhere, she says that she’s “stressed” about whether I’m “real” and demands $1,000 before we meet so she can feel “secure.” Delete.

Ladies seem to be start a conversation and then quickly come up with a sad story and want money sent. Nope. Not gonna happen.

Let's see, I've heard about her car getting hit twice, her going to the hospital for a heart infection, she's stuck in Atlanta and needs airfaire, her car broke down enroute to see me and just needs $200 to get it fixed, her phone shattered, her roommates left the garage open and her fancy bicycle got stolen. And that's just the more recent ones I can quickly recall. If you were to believe these stories you'd have to conclude that Sugar Babies were the most unlucky, unfortunate women in the world.

I had a girl tell me she was a jewelry dealer with high end clients in the middle east.  Needed $1000 to cover a purchase and for her to get back and then I could have her anyway I wanted.  I passed. That was easy

My sugar babies do seem to have had a bunch of those problems pretty frequently and for real. I’ve seen the hospital bills and messed up cars, haha. Many are just not the most put together people, especially the really hot and BSC ones who fuck like champs.  I had to put my foot down and offer the usual allowance for a visit. One more or less dropped me after that. Oh well.

BlueeyeJack83 reads happened to me.  She started with "I don't want to feel cheap" and I said ok, lets do something in public to get to know each other.  Already established the monthly fee and frequency but told her I will make the decision of BCD and if she is okay with just hanging in a public setting we could see if there is chemistry.  Guess what, she played the "stressed" and "holiday bills" on the way to the M&G.  I told her no BCD that day due to schedule conflicts and she demanded at least 2/3rd of what I would PPM.  LOL they think we are an ATM... NOT!  Delete.

The last few days I was messaging a potential SB. We had everything agreed on: rate, time, place, etc. Then, out of nowhere, she says that she’s “stressed” about whether I’m “real” and demands $1,000 before we meet so she can feel “secure.” Delete.

I’ve had the shakedown too. If they’d only realize to take to amount offered and if they perform well they’d end up with more.  Probably that shakedown amount.  You’d end up seeing them 2 or 3 times so grayed male that money pretty easily.  

It's entirely possible they aren't even women, or at least that they are not the hottie in the pics, nor are they likely to even be located within a thousand miles of you.

The rationale here is that it's easy to say no to a women that you have no investment in, but the more time you spend talking to her, "getting to know her" planning a date etc etc etc. the harder it is to just delete after she makes what a week ago you would consider a ridiculous demand. Or at least  that's their hope. The trick for these scammers is to milk as much money as possible out of a mark before he kicks her to the curb. Obviously she overplayed her hand by asking for a grand, but maybe if she had asked for $50, $100 or maybe even a couple of hundred bucks she might have been rewarded.  Of course it's unlikely that anyone smart enough to be reading this on TER is dumb enough to send even a single penny before meeting, but there is a sucker born every minute...

Yeah I just had one say the same thing to me. She didn't demand that much, but wanted me to help out at public meeting (dinner) because her other SDs had done so. I told her no, can't do it. She cancelled hour before meeting next day and haven't heard from her since. And I actually think she was going to NCNS me.

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