The Erotic Highway

Kegels can help men have multi orgasms! eom
Brennan_Blake 2961 reads


I am trying to follow the start and stop technique to control PE.

Is it where you enter a woman, stop, take deep breathes, enter some more, stop, ....

Or is it the Kegel exercises where you pee, stop mid-flow, pee some more, ....

If both of these exercises are different, which is the one most recommended to help in PE.


TheLoveGoddess4013 reads

Dear robby1140,

Answers to your questions:

1. Yes, that is start-stop, practiced with a partner.

2. Kegel exercises are not start-stop - they involve exercising the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle on your own, without a partner.

3. Both exercises are recommended, although if you do not have ready access to a partner, then you would practice Kegels and then augment with stop-start during masturbation.

Good luck to you,
The Love Goddess

Very effective, I do all of these:

kegel session 1
Exercise A
Sets: 3
Quickly clench and release repeatedly for 10 seconds.

Take a 10-second break between sets.

Exercise B
Sets: 10
Clench and release repeatedly for 5 seconds.

Take a 5-second break between sets.

Exercise C
Sets: 3
Tighten and hold your PC muscle for 30 seconds.

Take a 30 second break between sets.

That’s it for today, but repeat these Kegel exercises for men daily for one week.

kegel session 2
Exercise A
Sets: 10
Clench and hold your PC muscle for 5 seconds.

Release and repeat.

Exercise B
Sets: 3
Quickly clench and release your PC muscle 10 times.

Exercise C
Sets: 3
Clench and release your PC muscle alternatively in long and short bursts for counts of 10.

Exercise D
Sets: 1
Tighten your PC muscle and hold for as long as you can. Aim for 2 minutes.

You can do the session 2 Kegel exercises for men for a week; however, feel free to progress if you feel you are strong enough. Remember that these are strengthening exercises, so start off slowly and build up, just like you would with any other muscle.

kegel session 3
Exercise A
Sets: 30 (work your way up to more than 100)
Clench and release your PC muscle over and over again.

Exercise B
Sets: 5
Tighten as much as you possibly can (ensure that you are only squeezing your PC muscle).

Hold for 20 seconds.

Take a 30-second break between sets.

kegel session 4
Exercise A
Sets: As many as you like.
Clench and release your PC muscle for 2 minutes every day.

Work your way up to doing 20 minutes 3 times a day -- you should eventually be able to perform 200 repetitions per session.

When can I do Kegels?
You can do Kegel exercises for men anytime, anywhere; there are very few places you can’t practice this. It is not recommended, however, to do these exercises when you are trying to concentrate on something else, as you may find yourself quite distracted. A great place to do them is on the couch in front of the TV or while stuck at traffic lights.

How will I know when something is happening?
You will know because you will be able to feel it, and so will your lover. A harder penis, better control and longer lasting sex are all benefits of having strong PC muscles. There is absolutely no excuse for not having these important sexual muscles in excellent working order. If you have trouble with premature ejaculation, try these exercises before you head to the pharmacy or your health professional.

What not to do
Don’t overdo it. It is often tempting to throw yourself into something head on, especially when it means better sex. However, as with any other muscle you are working out, you need to give it some time to heal between sessions. This means regular rests and not overdoing it. If you follow the exercise schedule as you see fit, you should soon be great -- listen to your body. It knows what it’s talking about!

Don’t use any other muscle during the exercises. It is sometimes difficult to isolate the PC muscles, especially if they are weak. Be aware of what you are doing, and if you feel like you are contracting any other muscles (mainly abdominals and thighs), then you need to relax and start again. Just remember that it might take a few weeks to build up some strength. Keep at it.

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