The Erotic Highway

Did you publish your research article?
michael_z971 3 Reviews 5585 reads

I have been off this site since late 2009

TheLoveGoddess2227 reads

Aaaah, dear michael_z971,

From your keystrokes to the editor's eyes! I have submitted for publication in the most prestigious Journal of Sex Research; as to when I will find out if they've accepted [with conditions, natch, since nothing gets in there without significant corrections], anyone's guess is as good as it gets. It's called peer review and it's harsh and merciless...for the benefit of social science - or so we are taught ;-)

If JSR won't take it at all, then it goes to Journal of Deviant Behavior...and then I have to wait for another 3 months. Nothing is fast in academia.

Publishing, citations..a whole 'nother debate..or different board/website,

The Love Goddess

LG please pull all the strings and anything else you want to pull on to get your article in the JSR. I can just see the posts if your research ends up in the JDB.

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