The Erotic Highway

Interesting trend after SA membership expired.
Falcons1 20 Reviews 642 reads

Had SA for a year and because of a full stable from my efforts, travel, life, etc I let my membership expire.  I am in a remote area near a major city, and it has been "hard" work and tons of wasted time to get local talent  I enjoy, but I did it.  All of a sudden when my subscription expires my inbox gets slammed with hot POT's that want to meet from the city near me.  I go to look at their profile and it has been removed already a day or two later???

I know it's move in, tuition, etc time but this is exactly what happened with SM?  Did that work for anyone?  It was not good in my area.

You don't think they wan't us to subscribe again?  Just ODD?

PS:  I probably will renew :-)  Love the sugar bowl.  Also a big fan of providers, civies, chicas and my hand.

... From others who let their subscription lapse.  

No one has yet offered definitive proof that SA jams recent expired accounts with fake views, favs and messages, but many have a lot of empirical evidence.  

But it could be that SA actually puts your profile onto it's featured section on the landing page to get you a quick spike in views...  

Let us know when you re-up (and yes, you will) and give us your feedback.

They absolutely put your profile of the featured section when you are nearing the end of your membership, I saw mine when discussing that very thing with a SB.....They also put it up there right after you sign up so you get views almost instantly.

They give you a free boost and they do tell you about it. It seemed similar to when if first got my account and they gave e a free boost. A few of those were definitely legit although most were either foreign or ugly so I never followed up.

and when I click on them their profile is gone.  Very annoying.  But this happens even when my membership is all paid up, so they are not trying to scam me.  I just figure that some girls put up a profile and then get swamped with interested men and get scared and cancel.  I can't explain it any other way.

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