The Erotic Highway

I was wondering...
Coach1437 89 Reviews 776 reads

If any of you have found that your experience/success on SA has increased your confidence in the vanilla/civilian world of dating? I am going to guess that answer is a resounding "yes"!!  What i am really wondering is have you attempted to vanilla/civilian date much younger women? Have you taken the experience and confidence the SD/SB world has given you and tried dating much younger? Any success? For me, i have had several friends (some on SA, some with no idea i am on it) point out that i regularly interact/flirt with or "chat up" much younger women. It is interesting...since joining SA i have begun to look at all under 30 women as potential SBs. At first, it was probably subconscious. Now, i am very aware if it. I have not, however, tried to "recruit" them, or vanilla date them. It is fun to interact with them and try to get slightly beyond the typical interaction i would have with a young, attractive waitress, for example. I feel like it is practice...for something. I guess the realization that us old guys do bring something to the table has gotten me to think that, with the right timing and our wealth of class and sophistication, these younger ladies MIGHT be open to a civilian encounter. I know waitresses/bartenders, etc work on tips and being nice is part of the deal. I also know that they constantly get "hit on" by jerks. Shouldn't we be able to parlay that in our favor? By being charming, engaging, and not being "in their face" we might have some luck. Being able to connect with them as people (as opposed to the sex object vibe many throw out), dont we have a secret weapon? So...thoughts? Anyone have any experience transferring their SA success to the real/civilian/vanilla world?

GaGambler114 reads

SA and the Sugar Bowl has not changed my behavior of "chatting up" younger women in the least. Ever since I got "old" I have always dated younger women and to me the Sugar Bowl is like fishing in a "stocked pond" where instead of doing more fishing than catching, almost anyone can do some catching in a well stocked pond like SA.

Keep in mind though, I have ALWAYS been this way, I know many of you lost your swag due to lengthy sexless marriages or other emasculating events in your life. I have spent most of my life single, my one marriage was relatively brief as far as marriages go and hookers have almost always been a part of my life as well. My ego has never allowed me to believe that any women were "out of my league" and I still "occasionally" get a twenty something IRL. It's just that I don't get hot girls 30 years younger than me anywhere near as often as I would like to, and that is why I frequent hookers and SB's, it certainly doesn't mean I ever intend on ceasing to hit on attractive women regardless of where I find them. It's just that I do like "catching" at least as much as I like fishing, and the older I get the less often I am going to score with young civvie chicks.

You are absolutely right about one thing, women can tell when you are getting laid regularly, or more accurately they can smell the stink of desperation on you when you are NOT getting much action, and that stink of desperation will chase away women even if the guy is young and good looking. Hookers and SB's keep that stink at bay and will definitely help your chances with civvies.

I haven't propositioned any yet, but I might.  Many seem to like me and they keep coming back.  Skilled DATY is a big help.  

... but I have used my SD skills/chat to recruit SB's I met in civilian life (i.e.: they were not on SA or any other site, AFAIK).  

In fact, I've had 3 SB's that I met in other circumstances while I lived in Northern California.  And one retired porn star in LA. Ok, recruiting a retired porn star in LA is really not a challenge. It's more like providing her a half-way house to move out of getting paid for sex on cam and sliding into a non-sex worker world. Be confident, charming, extremely accepting of her past career and understanding of her reasons for retiring and above all, not desperate to fuck her like the semi-stalker fans (or slimy agent, or fake producer, etc.)  she's been meeting at Adult Cons or strip clubs during her career.  Just find an opening in the dialog to suggest you could help each other out and let the inference build.  

As a married guy who has never really let it all go, SA has definitely opened my eyes a bit.  My standards are much higher and I just don't give a fuck if I get shot down anymore.    

I definitely have more fun chatting girls up and bringing groups of them back to the table when I'm at a club.  I'm also a better wingman, chatting up the fuglies for my friends because I know I'm gonna end up with a 10 later anyways.  It's definitely upped my game.  One SB actually keeps reminding me to smile and ditch my serious face, which is apparently intimidating to her and many girls.  She also points out many young girls checking me out, which is a confidence booster.

Agreed...i have definitely been a better wingman for other guys!  On another note, I had dinner with two female friends (i know, they actually exist) last night. It is amazing how intuitive women can be. One commented that i was definitely flirting with the waitress. The other readily agreed.This was a case where i did not make a conscious decision/effort to do so. Of course, these are two old friends and i have learned never to doubt their insight. My immediate question/concern was whether or not i was overstepping, being tacky, or just being "one if those dirty old men." Interestingly, they responded that they were surprised at how good i was at it, that it was subtle, and that they felt she was flattered. Thank you SA! Of course, i did not share with my friends what i have experienced and shared here, but it was good to get objective female feedback that i actually had a little "game" left. They got a kick out of discussing what my next move should be...slip her my number? Be more bold/direct? Other? I went with a simple compliment as i left the table...lookswise, she was mid twenties and a "7." I told her that she was an incredibly beautiful woman and that if i wasn't with friends, i would ask her to have dinner with me sometime (trying to portray myself as a bit discreet and respectful of my friends and their time). She suggested i come in another time and ask her properly...with a wink and a smile. A big thank you to SA!

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