The Erotic Highway

I knew a provider who had a client in his mid-80's who used the vacuum pump.
G2 6111 reads

She saw him for several years on a regular basis and he was always able to get erect and achieve orgasm using it.

Like LG said, it's not conducive to a romantic moment, due to the break in the action and the functioning of the device itself.  But I think both you and the provider know why you're there, and it's not to seduce her or impress her with what a stud you are.

She's a professional at your service, so just think of it as another toy to be utilized in the process of achieving your pleasure and be glad you're still having some fun.  Hey, if it's good enough for Austin Powers...  :-)

ED_Victim8288 reads

LG, please advise me on the pros and cons of vacuum therapy.  I am many years out of my prime and find it the most frustrating thing in the world to be unable to penetrate.  I can still ejaculate and a great BBBJCIM is wonderful but it is no substitute for fucking.
I would also like to know is this is a turn-off for the ladies, so please let me hear from them.

TheLoveGoddess5391 reads

Dear ED_Victim,

I can understand your dilemma. I've actually been fortunate enough to witness the vacuum pump at close range, so I will give you a brief personal impression - which probably is as good as anything else you'll read, since there is absolutely no one-size-fits-all in terms of experience.

Pro's: Erection was effected and maintained until ejaculation, making all and sundry pretty happy.

Con's: It's not a small, handy little tool. If you have to go somewhere, the vacuum pump goes with you in a "discreet" bag. You definitely have to haul it out, put your penis in and start pumping. It's not a lengthy process, but it's not particularly "graceful," if you will. It's a mechanical process, complete with tube and all, no motor involved. A few suction pumps and the penis is up; it's rather efficient, I must say, and certainly more "natural" than some other remedies out there.

To me, it wasn't a turn-off; in fact, I was relentlessly fascinated and amazed that the penis became erect, just with some pumping effort on the part of the guy. It wasn't a straight ride from petting to insertion, though; action was interrupted in order to pump-it-up. Did it cause any discomfort or negative emotions on my part? Zilch. I'll never forget it, it looked that "neat and interesting." And clearly, we did enjoy ourselves, what with all the fun things that one can do with an erect penis!

So with the blessing of your physician, I definitely would recommend a try. Why not? As to providers, just pick an experienced professional and you'll be fine.

:-)One for the memoirs,
The Love Goddess

I hope they do go out! LOL   I hope that you reach my age or longer and if they still function it's a miracle.  The alternative to getting old is worse than getting old. Your hydraulics don't work from six feet under.
My view is that as long as you still have the drive and can have a happy ending with a good BBBJ things could be a lot worse

After seeing a picture with that gauge in it, and having worked with hydrolics and pneumatics, I felt pretty intimated by having anything on my penis that needed a gauge. I know it's for safety's sake, but I've also seen the consequences of gauges that didn't work properly. Please don't think I was saying this issues was not important. There's no telling if and when I'll be trying the same thing.I just need to remember how to calibrate gauges.:)

TheLoveGoddess6183 reads

it appeared like a big plastic tube-within-a-tube. It had no additional attachments. I can't even remember the cock ring that apparently goes with the piece, but then again we WERE having fun, so...

Proof that the erotic haze still rules ;-)
The Love Goddess

Thanks LG, As always you have come through! You are the greatest.
Thanks too to the others who have helped me out on this subject.
I would still like to hear from any of the ladies who might have something to say.

TheLoveGoddess6458 reads

you might not get that many women coming forward. Maybe post on the General Discussion board for wider female response rate?

Try it,
The Love Goddess

G26112 reads

She saw him for several years on a regular basis and he was always able to get erect and achieve orgasm using it.

Like LG said, it's not conducive to a romantic moment, due to the break in the action and the functioning of the device itself.  But I think both you and the provider know why you're there, and it's not to seduce her or impress her with what a stud you are.

She's a professional at your service, so just think of it as another toy to be utilized in the process of achieving your pleasure and be glad you're still having some fun.  Hey, if it's good enough for Austin Powers...  :-)

justtoopersonal7783 reads

With the right lady...  it could be incorperated into the love making...  It's just another sex toy!  It would have to be planned in advance...  an extra time first session.  I think the gent would handle the tube but after a moment's instruction the lady could opperate the pump (with appropriate gasps & giggles).  He'd tell her when to stop & he'd apply the ring.

The only risk is that she might tease by pumping very slowly...

From the British Medical Journal. The injury reports are classic:

"Case 1--A 60-year-old man said that he was changing the plug of his Hoover Dustette vacuum cleaner in the nude while his wife was out shopping. It 'turned itself on' and caught his penis, causing tears around the external meatus.... Multiple lacerations of the glans [were] repaired with catgut.

"Case 2--A 65-year-old railway signalman was in his signal box when he bent down to pick up his tools and 'caught his penis in a Hoover Dustette, which happened to be switched on.' He suffered extensive lacerations to the glans.

"Case 3--A 49-year-old man was vacuuming his friend's staircase in a loose-fitting dressing gown, when, intending to switch the machine off, he leaned across to reach the plug; 'at that moment his dressing gown became undone and his penis was sucked into the vacuum cleaner.'"

Some of those devices are FDA approved and are also covered by Medicare.

That might be good, unless of course, you still lose the erection once you've penetrated.

Timbow8021 reads

They are one of the most used methods to get an erection after prosate cancer  a lot of older men who do not wnat to use needle injections and a lot are safe and doctor approved.
Also used to exercise the penis to get blood  flow after the surgery .

-- Modified on 7/2/2009 1:28:25 AM

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