The Erotic Highway

Older women becoming bossy after children leave and sex declines?
noagenosage 5797 reads

LG and others, aside from the well known and varied impact of menopause, I have noticed among several couples in late 50s and older not only a decline in sex, but among the women a tendency to become somewhat bossy and controlling toward their husbands, more turf conscious,and sometimes manipulative.  The women also bond well with other women and seem to regard their husbands as social enablers and financial supporters more than anything else.  Is this a natural evolution after the children have left their nests?  Is there a straightforward explanation of this behavior along the lines of evolutionary psychology?  Is this a widespread pattern or only incidental?

TheLoveGoddess3403 reads

This is really a no-brainer, noagenosage,

Take away a woman's estrogen/progesterone, and she surely becomes more like a man! With unopposed testosterone still manufactured by the adrenal glands and shriveled ovaries - what do you expect???

Gonna go beat my husband now,
The Love Goddess

noagenosage3588 reads

LG, with all that testosterone you mentioned slushing around older ladies, why do so many of them, including hot goddesses in their younger years,lose interest?  Yet, I know of an older guy whose wife died, and before he had even had the funeral, the unattached ladies in his condo, some in their 80s, were besieging him.  What's going on here? Do they just want someone to browbeat and take them to the early bird?

hotplants3170 reads

but when you ask : “why do so many of them, including hot goddesses in their younger years,lose interest?”

My personal experience is that women do not lose interest as often as men assume they do. The fact that your friend’s unattached ladies in his condo, some in their 80s, were besieging him, might give you some insight into that.

"Do they just want someone to browbeat and take them to the early bird?"

wow.  That is an ugly comment.

I am a lover of women so many might assume I know little about the sexual dynamics between men and women. BUT. I’ve been around that block plenty of times. And, when it comes down to it, my sexual orientation is not nearly as much about the physical aspects as it is the emotional, and intellectual aspects.

Which is to say: what comes out of your heart and your mouth is way more important to me than what you have between your legs.

Another way to say this is: I love men. But, I immediately lose all interest as soon as he begins to spout silly, insulting, stereotypical BS like you have in your posts.

Unfortunately, your attitude is quite common.

TheLoveGoddess3402 reads

in fact, it declines. What I am saying is that whatever testosterone is there is UNOPPOSED by the absence of estrogen and progesterone. So women have enough T to get bitchy but not enough T to get it on.

Does that make sense? I'm feeling annoyed and irritated already ;-)
The Love Goddess

This is a really good topic.  One thing I have noticed from what the gentlemen I have met have shared with me is that either when they have children and or the children leave the nest,  levels of intimacy are greatly compromised and depreciated.

Try to think of it this way.  When you meet the woman you love and start your life with her, many men and women don't realize that when you have children your life together changes, and evolution if you will.  Many cannot adjust to this fact.  Many of us who come across the life changing adjustment of having kids.  You find that your time, effort, and energy being placed elsewhere and often the result is your intimate times wane and are few and far between.  Couples often "stick" it out and then grow apart.  When the children leave the nest, couples find that their bond has evolved exclusively from having children.  Many men and women forget to make sure they set aside time for themselves while having children to have "US TIME".  

Just think about it.  When you met the one you loved, you two spend years, hours, days with this person.... all the while you two created this bond and common ground for each other.    Having kids makes the foundation change so to speak and then that foundation is gone... well what to do next?  Some of us spend all of these years focusing on nurturing our off spring and not "watering our garden of love".  At that point it has often wilted and died.  

It takes two people to tango I say.  It takes someone to ignite a spark for the fire to burn.  If you haven't lit the match in years to make your woman feel special when you once have done this she may be more inclined to have a different attitude towards you.  

I hope this helps and brings a bit of insight from a woman's perspective.



noagenosage4355 reads

Thanks, MissCat, but I think your comment covers only one situation, and there are many.  I think warmth and affection often attend long time successful marriages, and each partner can care deeply for the other, but there's no or little sex, and in that case usually the woman is indifferent and the man wants it with another woman/women while still loving his wife.  Hence the hobby, which also has many aspects, but this is one of them, imo.

So true!  I of course can give an educated opinion of what I have encountered.  I am a mother of two and can certainly give insight to some of what I have come across as well.  I had a partner who needed some extra TLC and there were certain times where I did not have the energy to come through.

In any case I love to hear what men have to say.  I love to learn and take on new ideas an insights to better my personal life experiences and enrich others.

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