The Erotic Highway

Rethinking rate strategies
easternpacific 1611 reads

Re-evaluating my strategy on rates and am looking to hear others experiences here. As a generalization, I usually start the process at 200/meet and get a reasonable percentage of sb's accepting that. However, getting them to continue more than a month or so is not very common, probably because they realize there are other sd's offering more. I get it, it is a marketplace. Appears that 300 is the sweet spot, they usually agree to that right away and have greater staying power, and of course anything higher than that is probably plenty of sugar to keep them around. The question is at 200  I don't feel too bad if the private time is not that good. I am thinking that possibly it's better off to start a little higher in order to keep the sb happier from the start. Thoughts anyone?

Figure 200 for the dame. Then dinner/ hotel room. You're at 300 to 350. Already, not to mention small stuff..where I'm from 200.00 ppm. Is actually spending at least 300.00. Unless she's willing to host at her place..

.. about how much you spend on dinner, hotel rooms, or other incidental items. Yes, she expects you to provide fine dining, 4-star rooms, high-end champagne, top-tier spa days, blah, blah, blah because the "princess" deserves to be spoiled (before you pound her into orgasmic bliss).  

But if you are spending money on anything that does not put cash (or shoes/jewelry, etc.) in her hands she won't care what it costs you.  

So my advice if never do your calculus on what YOU are spending. Base it on her point of view of how much cash or hard product she is getting.  

Many posters have said they won't pay to watch a SB eat.  Well, she's not really interested or impressed by watching you eat a $75 steak, either.

GaGambler109 reads

I have had SB's to whom I only gave a pittance in actual cash, and one where I gave her no "allowance" at all, but as I promised them from the beginning, we always had "the good stuff" whether it be food, wine or whatever.

Some SB's really do want nothing more than to be spoiled and the guys they meet in their own circles can barely spring for a pizza much less an XO Cognac or bottle of Krug.

but I will concede, "most" SB's are mainly interested in what goes in their pocket and a lot of them are willing to skip the other niceties to get right to it and get paid.

And I will concede that I REALLY like those $75 steaks.  Especially with a bottle of Caymus or Silver Oak. :)

GaGambler119 reads

Personally, I don't even consider bar/restaurant tabs as part of the "expense" of an SB. I like "the good stuff" and quite frankly I won't even think about taking some of the younger, less refined SB's out for a nice meal because it's wasted on them.  

I think I posted this before, but I remember some thirty years ago taking my young (hot) secretary out for dinner one night. We went to this great steak house and she did the unspeakable, yes you guessed it, she ordered the filet mignon, well done and then asked for ketchup. I was mortified, but she was hot and I most definitely fucked her (over and over again), but I NEVER took her to a nice restaurant again. lol

Had a similarly terrifying experience meeting a POT SB (from WYP) while I was Noob in the sugar bowl.  I'll cut past my inexperience in vetting, selecting and get right to the dinner meet & greet:  

She was terrified of meet at a hotel restaurant because of the "stigma" of meeting a guy at a hotel. So I found a decent place at the mall across the street and had her meet me at the hotel wine bar and then go straight to dinner.  Of course her "accurate" profile pics were 10 years ago, and 40 pounds ago as well. Almost didn't recognize her.  

Off we went to dinner and she proceeds to order the absolutely most expensive menu item; surf & turf.    

I offered to pair that will a nice bottle of wine but she preferred beer. Ok, to each their own... almost.  

When the waitress came by with salads, my date asked for "a pitcher of Coors, and a tall glass with ice and a straw."  

I shit you not.  Fucking ICE and a STRAW!  

Today, I would just get up and leave. Never looking back.  

Then, I just stared at her as my dick reassured me it would NEVER be willing to penetrate her in any way.  

Man, I *love* reading about these bombs--but feel for all the brothers sitting there wondering whether they can get home in time to catch the fourth quarter of any game in any sport.

Met a hot looking 33 year old black girl. Met for dinner. I was leaving town an she couldn't have anyone over but told me to come back in a few days. Arrangement set up, 300 for overnight, dinner at her place. Little making out in parking lot an I was off.  Driving home she's sending pics of her half naked in lingerie. Then pics of a black girl giving a white guy a blowjob in a bathtub an her message of, you come back at get some of this tight black pussy. Back three days later with my bottle of Caymus an another bottle of red. Saw the oven roasted chicken from Gelsons. NOT opening the Caymus. Dinner, flirting lil kisses an off to bed. Thought this is going to be incredible. It was, incredibably disappointing. In be She turned her back so I tried massaging her, she reached back an touched my dick a lil. No response there. NO passion on her part. No response on kissing her tits or pussy. No blowjob. I just fell asleep. Woke up in the morning. She rubbed my dick some more. I got hard, put on the condom. Did her missionary. She was not into it. Hung out for thirty minutes an left. BOOM! Bomb

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: I wouldn't say that about ALL SB's
I have had SB's to whom I only gave a pittance in actual cash, and one where I gave her no "allowance" at all,
Yes, Goomba is a BIG spender...

I'm settling on similar numbers as you and I often overpay a bit or even a lot for early dates. Once they enjoy the sex and everything else, it's easy to get them for 200 a pop.  The most I've given was 800 for an entire night of fucking with a hot as fuck semi pro.  Believe me, she earned it.  She had trouble walking the next morning.  Plus she was so petite there aren't any pros like her.  She says she'll do 300 for a normal date next time.  Might try to talk her down even more.

I always offer $200 and will very rarely go to $250.  I've actually been very successful with that rate.  Several of my newest SB playmates who are no shit hot enough to command more if they were on TER seemed genuinely grateful to get $200.

I don't know if there's an easy way to quantify this, but I know amongst my friends and fellow hobbyists that I know better, I'm by far the pickiest.  If I could rate honestly, I'd be giving a lot of 8-10s on this site 5-7s.   I'm even pickier in the SB game though, because I have to put in so much time to bone them.  

How much more do you guys give to the stunners out there?  Fashion model proportions, yet super petite.  Many claim to be getting 1000 a pop in the LA/OC area.  I counter offer 300 and most will blow me off.

I live in Texas where prices are much more reasonable and the most I have paid for an SB who could easily be getting solid tens on TER was $400 for a date of about 4 hours. I have also paid a couple of others $300 for shorter dates of a couple of hours or so, but that is the highest I have paid for anything shorter than an overnight date.  

I have also found that rates have almost nothing to do with performance in the Sugar Bowl, even less than it does in the hooker world. My current favorite stays a couple of hours at a time 2-3 times a week, fucks my brains out and is a cum guzzler and I only give her a hundred bucks each time. OTOH, I had a POT SB who was really kind of borderline looks wise that I was planning on seeing tonight who pulled the old "can you give me $200 to show me that you respect my time?" line on me about 20 minutes ago. Well she just made my decision easy, I was really waffling about her looks to begin with, asking for $200 just to meet is laughable,

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