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SA Screwed Up My Date for Tonight!angry_smile
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Late last night a beautiful, well-endowed, nubile young blond agreed to become my second SB date from SA. Told me she was happy to "get physical" - nothing platonic about her. We agreed the place, but were going to sort out the details this morning.  Logged in this morning to find a screen saying account suspended! SA restored my account this afternoon, but too late - of course my hot date had assumed I blocked her, and made other plans (exactly as I feared).  So I am now sitting here with blue balls. :(

Lessons learned  
- Get contact details ASAP.  
- Do SA screw around like this often? They did not even explain why, just general mumbo-jumbo.

When I'm talking with a POT SB, my first goal is a phone number.  Second is her Kik account, some other way to communicate.  Once we have that established I have the way to stay connected and close the deal.  I have a new one coming to my city the first weekend in June. Refundable hotel bought in case she flakes. But I have her number.  I'll have a backup plan just in case.  

SA suspended my account temporarily with no explanation too in the past for discussing details. That's why I switch over to text as soon as I establish contact with a SB.  I haven't had a problem like yours' since then.

There are a bunch of good reasons to do this but frankly it's best for you both for discretion, safety, and quality of communication. Plus, when you have a phone number or email you can do a bit of googling to see if there are any red flags on her.

Seems younger ones like to text more than they do email.  

Diskspunner is correct, a real phone number can be a boon when sorting out nuts.

Hmmm. Interesting.  Wonder if it was that hot blonde I had this morning. .

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