The Erotic Highway

Having a similar issue this is a problem???? 'But I left myself an out ...regular_smile
headhunter60 2 Reviews 8369 reads

In that if I control the session and go to Msih then it's serious sex and OK to cum...  Anything else is play time and my body switches to recreational mode.  This is only a problem in that my body can no longer support such extended activity but it helped get me through college debt free.  When the only rest you get over the course of an hour or 2 is to change positions, it's rough but as a hobbiest at least you get your money's worth. I suggest you relax, share the workload and enjoy

Mr. Noncumpoop11839 reads

The title says it all.  Some background: during adolescence, before I ever had a demonstrated problem with premature ejaculation, I anticipated it and read about delaying orgasm and practiced some of the techniques.  

I learned it really well.  I mean I could keep an erection for as long as the woman was interested.  Some were interested for two hours or more.  I've literally spent weekends having sex eight times a day.

But guess what?  The switch is stuck!  I can't cum without brutal effort during masturbating, and doing it during mutual sex is out of the question.  

This problem is no joke.  Do you have any idea how I reverse this now?  

-- Modified on 12/16/2006 12:16:06 PM

The condition is called retarded ejaculation. Apparently quite a few people have it. There's been a few threads on this topic.

Love Goddess8585 reads

The solution is no joke either, Mr. Noncumpoop,

If you really want to tackle this problem, it will require some organized effort on your part. Visiting a sex therapist together with either a partner - or you may have to use a sex surrogate, if you don't have a steady - and developing a framework for exercises may help. Hypnosis may also work. Central to the issue is that self-help alone has proven to be largely unsuccessful. You'll need outside assistance and structured activity to ameliorate the condition.

We have had past threads on the topic; you may want to do a search on this board under "retarded ejaculation."

I'm sure other board members will have some additional/different advice for you. Me, I'm big on serious, professional help. If you need to find a qualified sex therapist in your area, visit

One last thought: Have you tried complete abstinence for a significant period of time? Like a few months? I know it sounds severe, but sometimes paradoxical interventions do work. The mind has a funny way of reversing itself if you prevent it from going into familiar grooves.

Hope you get some relief,
the Love Goddess

Not knowing many specifics, I can attest to the unique ability of my Tantra provider in helping me with both control and pleasing the female.  While not specific in your post, you did indicate the "interest" of the woman.  Personally, I find that during sex, the pleasure of the female is just as important as mine - the path taken, not the climax itself, can be more rewarding than the outcome.
Suggest you try to find a tantric provider in your area who may be able to help you - although I have to agree with Love Goddess that professional help in other areas may be needed.
Wish you the best in your efforts to remedy this.

In that if I control the session and go to Msih then it's serious sex and OK to cum...  Anything else is play time and my body switches to recreational mode.  This is only a problem in that my body can no longer support such extended activity but it helped get me through college debt free.  When the only rest you get over the course of an hour or 2 is to change positions, it's rough but as a hobbiest at least you get your money's worth. I suggest you relax, share the workload and enjoy, 8 times a day. I wonder how common that is. Even as a teenager, it was very difficult for me to have even 3 orgasms, through masturbation. As far as sex, I've never done it more than twice a day...and that only happened once.

Mr. Noncumpoop8381 reads

I had one at the end of it all, and that was all by my own largely unassisted effort-- jacking off brutally while visualizing all the sex that happened that day :)

It still cums back to me; it was hot.  No cumshots though!

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