The Erotic Highway

how many visits it too many??
emsjhs2009 5794 reads

i'm a mid-30 successful businessman who is a workaholic.  i travel all the time so really have no time for a sustained relationship.  since money is not a problem, have been seeing providers about once per week.  i figure if i had a SO i would be getting some at least 2 or 2 times per week.  however, i sometimes wonder if i am overdoing the provider routine. is this normal??

TheLoveGoddess4504 reads

Dear emsjhs2009,

You are asking if it's too much to have sex once a week? I'd say that if you are a healthy male in your mid-30s, you could easily have sex once a day, given that your workaholic aspects wouldn't take over ;-).

Why should it be any different if it's with providers? Money is not a problem and you are enjoying yourself. If you could get it for free or made the time for a sustained relationship, you would have even MORE sex, in your estimation.

I fail to see what the problem is here,
The Love Goddess

That's your business. If seeing provider a couple times a week, wheres the harm? A lot of girls needs the business anyways. Who enjoys sitting in a room 24hrs, waiting on a call? Get your rocks off buddy! You deserve it. There are guys who hobby daily, sometimes twice a day. Let's see... before work?, lunch time & after work before they go home.

If you have the money and can easily spend it then there's no downside there.

If you keep it in perspective and compartmentalized then there's no downside there.

Hey, you only live once (allegedly) so I say go for it!

I will volunteer as a research subject. If you'll fund the research, I promise to have sex as often as possible and I'll report back when I've determined how many visits is too many.

It' a dirty job, but I'll do my best for the good of the community.

If this were any other social subculture, then frequently getting together with others within it wouldn't be "too much". I mean, that's the basis of church groups and whatever, right :P

If others had the discretionary funds and could as easily escape, I'm sure you'd be "normal". Most guys just aren't in the same financial situation or are tied down time-wise by significant others.

As long as your not spending your rent, car payment or money that you should be saving for retirement (or a 3D TV!), you should be OK. Also, if you spend too much time looking for and planning for your next encounter such that it gets in the way of work or social obligations you might want to rethink.

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