The Erotic Highway

Generalisations re:SBs
Glascock69 8 Reviews 107 reads

I concur with periscope's deeper sentiment: These are 'relationships', after all, and I would rather downplay the financial aspect and develop a deeper connection that might prevent ghosting, while remaining mindful of the underlying reality (which pervades most civilian relationships too, just try cutting off the $$ and see what happens)

I now have a couple younguns that are very excited to meet for romantically philosophical reasons, hopefully that glue will bind more deeply than simple green....
My pas-de-deux: Mature, Mysterious, Man-of-the-World to their wide-eyed 'innocence'

Having just spent (wasted?) the better part of two days winnowing down the raft of ~2200 SBs in my neighbourhood, a couple observations surface.....
a) if they've been on the site two years or more, the tone taken in their profile is testy, defensive, and they've been screwed over, one too many times
b) sorry to generalise, but the over-25's also seem more wary, demanding, and less open minded than their younger sisters....

Anyone else notice these or other trends?

a + b = the woman in Orlando who I had a medium-length conversation with in advance of my spring trip. Exhibited the same as Glascock says, and wary of the fact that this would be a one and done,  but nevertheless seemed pretty interested in meeting. She suggested the restaurant, and it would have been a treat for her even if she decided to leave alone afterward. Terrific seafood. Not a peep as I waited and then finally ate. I have had many no-shows, though, and lots who were younger than 25 who I think probably just got cold feet and decided sleeping with strangers was not for them.  

I have tried not to take the flakes personally, and persevered by considering all of this a challenge. Every time I have either thought the sugar bowl was not worth it, or actually dropped out, I've come back.  

If I hadn't, I'd have missed the incredible pics that are now showing up in texts. And these, which are a new opening, as if the gates of my own private Oz have swung wide apart, are from a trio of 23 year-olds, each delightfully different in her own way. Yum. And yet, my good fortune will be fleeting, faint odors of the pattern are in the air.  

Where cash is the nexus, why would it be otherwise? But I refuse to take it lying down (well, I do take it lying down). I therefore aim to arouse in them a sort of affection. It likely won't be the kind I hold for them, 35 years apart in age makes a difference, but I hope to get a feeling that will lead, in the end, to a goodbye rather than simple ghosting. My behavior has everything to do with it. And one of these women, I think, is going to travel a long ways down this road with me.  

**** sidebar: should an SB look like a unicorn, feel like a unicorn, and fuck like a unicorn, how much sense does keeping the rotation make? I guess we all know the answer to that!

I concur with periscope's deeper sentiment: These are 'relationships', after all, and I would rather downplay the financial aspect and develop a deeper connection that might prevent ghosting, while remaining mindful of the underlying reality (which pervades most civilian relationships too, just try cutting off the $$ and see what happens)

I now have a couple younguns that are very excited to meet for romantically philosophical reasons, hopefully that glue will bind more deeply than simple green....
My pas-de-deux: Mature, Mysterious, Man-of-the-World to their wide-eyed 'innocence'

You guys make some great points.  The "delightful differences" of these young ladies is a big part of what I crave. We older gents tend to generalize about these 20somethings and, in many cases, the generalizations are accurate ( their inability to be on time drives me crazy).  But the subtle distinctions, and how they perform in bed, keeps me coming back.  I love the fact that many go nuts over what they perceive as great DATY ( I am not trying to rate/compare my skills in this area), but I love the fact that they consistently mention that young guys are either not interested in going down on them, or have no skills in that area.  A woman's ability to lay back and enjoy DATY and then comment on the quality that I provide is a great stroke to the ego.  Some are shocked that I enjoy it to the level that I do.  Let's face is one of the ways we separate ourselves from the young bucks and keep the young hotties coming back for more!  I have also enjoyed the fact that many actually do enjoy our company for the experiences we have had and the stories we are willing to share.  While many do claim to seek mentoring, and I'm sure many of us on here are qualified to provide that, I have not really experienced a hottie who wanted that from me.  Rather, it seems that they are bored with the drivel that comes out of the mouths of 20something guys...who can blame them...I can only imagine how self centered and boring I was at that age.  Now, the things we take for granted, our successes, are actually interesting to them.  Another advantage we have...

The POT unicorn was 30 minutes late the other day and never batted an eyelash. Made up for it with a torrid make-out session in a public fountain nestled at the end of a long alley of pines. Crossed my mind that similar shenanigans in that spot were  unknown to the original Quaker planters, but that the duPont parties held here over the years (Roaring '20s!!) had seen far more pricks.

My 26yo SB complains about the guys her age all the time and raves about my "skills".

DATY can be a big difference maker.  I enjoy it and have gotten positive comments from pros and SBs, so there may be something to it.  Women who don't like DATY, are lukewarm on it, or can't reach orgasm that way are not a great fit for me.  Several women have asked for "more," and I've been happy to comply.

Yes, young guys are more fit, can pound for longer, and get hard more easily, but many have no finesse and little in the way of skills.  Teach a young woman to enjoy DATY and she'll love it.  Some of these women are all about cash, but some enjoy the connection and some enjoy the sex.  By making the sex a mutually satisfying component of the arrangement, we older guys can attract and hold on to some young hotties.

me a sticky note on the back of the bathroom door. "Sex with you is awesome. But just being with you is better" I intend to replace the note with one for her of course.

The young guys just don't get it. She appreciates that I open doors, pull out the chair, cook for her, ask what she needs and then get it for her. She told me she was impressed by my toilet paper, lol. (I use Charmin with lotion) She said other guys buy cheap shit. She likes how clean my house and boat are. Being retired Army it is just natural for me.

The over two year on the site ladies I avoid. They are now "pros" in my mind and they act like it. Over 30 but less than two years I will still talk to if they are hot.

2timesanalias132 reads

I have 4 SB's that all constantly ask for DATY, as they say they can't get enough of my tongue, I would say they couldn't get enough of my wallet, but they have come over strictly for me to eat their pussy and get them off, no sugar involved and I always end up fucking them. Between that and being able to last longer than 6 minutes, they think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

It is good for the ego when a SB gets off from daty and their reaction is....WOW!  My favorite was a Panamanian lady that would drive 2 hours each way to get some. She used me! Lol.

Ive been with several young ladies that claim they had never cim that way before. True? Who knows.

I too have had many SBs enjoy my daty skills, all the way to O. Several were really surprised by my enthusiasm and skill, and I assume thats at least part of why they cum back for more. I know the money is a motivating factor, but I like to think they'd keep returning for more daty with me even if they found more money elsewhere, which would'nt be that hard since my gift amounts are modest.

As for the ones who have been on SA for years, some are burned out cases for sure. But others had long term absences from the site and are just returning. sometimes these returnees ar gems.

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