The Erotic Highway

Game Players On Seeking
Adonis48 466 reads

There's all manner of game players that put up fake female profiles with photos posing as POTS and will run you around with texts and continual phone-text contact but will never be 'available' to talk directly. I think its teens playing games much of the time, but could be men posing as women or even just scammers wanting to hook you into a convo and then ask for money. The problem is you just never know until you actually meet them because a lot of these real girls exhibit the same kind of flaky behavior that often appears to mimic scammer or game player behavior! Even a phone convo it can be hard to tell because some of the girls have zero personality or have trouble communicating perhaps out of shyness. I try to get them to a voice or video call as soon as possible, but sometimes that can take 3-4 days before I can actually get free so the whole process is an ongoing exercise in patience.      

kippyy55 reads

Completely agree with you. I’ve found that many POTs text for a bit then disappear. Asking to talk to them is like pulling teeth.
Patience is an understatement for what is necessary. I’ve been in the bowl for three months, have invested dozens of hours texting, and still have not found a regular to see on an ongoing basis.
Very discouraging.

Adonis4836 reads

Kippy if you've been working at finding a partner on SA for months and contacted a lot of POTS with no luck you must be doing something wrong or perhaps not following through properly. There could be some factors on your end that are causing the poor results. Of course there are a lot of variables but overall if you are send out introductions to 10 POTS you should be able to get 4-6 replies and out of those at least one M&G. For me, 1 out of 3 M&G's on average have resulted in a successful BCD. Beyond that, the number of repeat visits/ongoing SR will vary.          

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