The Erotic Highway

Everything's Negotiable
nucks330 4 Reviews 15187 reads

To negotiate or not to negotiate, that is the question. Some providers indicate that their rates are non-negotiable. How do most providers feel about a client negotiating their rates? I would rather just ignore those who are out of my price range rather than offend them by negotiating. LG, how should I proceed?

SunCharmer15081 reads

Well I think you answered your own question.  If a lady states her rates are non-negotiable then you would offend her by negotiating.  Just don't do it.


Love Goddess14896 reads

and everything is relative...yup, even the sale of time and companionship.

I can just say this: there was a time when I, as a therapist intern, had a sliding scale fee. I saw people for as little as 50 cent per 50-minute session, mostly because I needed the experience. So you could say that I cut my therapeutic teeth on those who probably needed therapy the most, but could pay the least. Today, I don't do sliding scale fees because I need to feel compensated adequately for my expertise. Now, we all pay our dues, even providers. A provider who has a few years under her garterbelt usually is loath to negotiating her rates. She knows her [self]worth and she's not apt to reduce her fees, much for the same reason as a competent, experienced psychotherapist.

I'd say, if you want a pleasant beginning to an encounter, don't negotiate. It sets a "chiseling" tone and can get a provider in the wrong mood. Remember that ultimately she's providing her body for your pleasure and she may feel that bargaining about it "cheapens" the experience. Of course, we are talking about it in an abstract sense, but feelings are feelings. In addition, many upscale providers do have significant expenses - the lingerie, the makeup, the facials, the clothes - they simply can't afford to negotiate or bargain.

It's a touchy subject, I suppose. But if you want to steer clear of any potential miscommunication, don't bring it up. Or, ignore the instant gratification, and save up for a big bang once a year or so.

Just my 2 cents,
the Love Goddess

I would never consider negotiating a provider’s fees - the cost is what it is, and part of the process of choosing a provider, or anything else, is determining what you are willing to pay for the product or service. But there is no harm in keeping your eyes open for the occasion that she might offer a “special”.
On the other hand, I expect that she will not try to negotiate her fees with me either. I'm not amused by attempts at up-selling or pressuring for additional tips, especially when we are in the “throws of passion.” This is not only bad manners, it’s bad business. Remember, you can clip a man’s hair for life, but you can only scalp him once. Think about it.
Guys, consider the price and expect to pay in full without bargaining. Ladies, expect to be paid only your agreed-upon or published fee. They are two sides of the very same coin.

This is truly a personal issue with the client. Some men get pleasure about USING a provder for LESS than she NORMALLY charges. It improves their own gratification and makes them feel in demand and control. These are the same guys who say the had five pops and the provider was begging for more because she had the big O ten times. Of course that is a real fantasy and not even fun to read.

amaretto13645 reads

If a provider says her rates are non-negotiable and you try to negotiate, then you will either get hung up on (most likely scenario) or you may just hit her at a time when she really needs the money badly and has nothing else to do, so she will reduce her usual fee and schedule you.  If that happens, what do you think the chances are that you will get a good session?  My money is on somewhere between VERY LOW and NIL.  In the end, you sometimes get what you pay for, but you rarely ever get what you don't pay for.

Not everything and everyone can be negotiated.
If you have the attitude that everything is, you'll probably more so than not get a high level of service.
Many people have a very high opinion of themselves and their services and to ask for a discount is insulting.

You do run the risk of getting poor service and poor attitude if you're a hard nosed negotiator.

How would you feel if your boss came in and really  pushed you to work a few weekends without pay or any compensation?
There would be resentment.

If you look at many escort ads, some will put their price right up front on the ad.
Others, you have to call to ask.
I believe that SOME of the girls that don't put a price MIGHT be open to some negotiation, especially when times are slow.
IF you're polite, courteous and respectful, you might not need to negotiate at all and instead be offered a lowered price when it's very slow.
When is is slow?
Well, from what I've heard, it's definitely around the end of the year when people are looking to get together for the holidays, Christmas and Thanksgiving. Usually another holiday is Labor day which is right around the corner.
Many guys have families and are going out of town for the last hooorah for the end of Summer.

A few friends have told me if you're up front and polite to a girl and explain that you're very interested in seeing her but you only have $350 and she wants $400, she may still see you.

BUT if a girl puts in her ad that the price is firm, respect that and go onto someone else.

You can negotiate if you bring something else to the table:
if you're a masseuse and give a great massage, you might be able to barter or negotiate.
So, sometimes, you can negotiate or barter if the girl is open.

I know one guy who referred many of his friends to see a girl and the girl was very pleased by the referrals and saw the guy at a discounted price.

It's what you bring to the table that's important.

ive tried the negotiate and it only backfired for lousy service. But my atf when she raised her rates kept them at old price for me.

Landem11901 reads

which is frequently used on another, primarily New York-oriented, board: DITTO!

-- Modified on 8/5/2006 8:44:52 AM

Thank you so much for your  comment on negoiating!When men ask about my donation,i clearly tell them what it is.Some decent men,politely excuse themselves,if its not what they have to work wise;other men think that we  live in mexico,or are at an auction..bidding on an an "unsettled price"Quite frankly,I find1) insutling and 2)demeaning.The God in me says that in all actuallity,you cant put a price on me..flat out!Do us gals a favor,dont expect to get hamburger for the same price as prime rib..and if you somehow do you are lucky.Dont expect it all the time.I dm realise that my sexuality is not my worth,still, I'm absolutely priceless,yet Im intelligent enough to realise my true potential

I never quibble about the fee.  She's free to set her rates and I'm free to look elsewhere if I don't like them.  She'll always find someone to pay what she wants and I'll always find someone who's fine with what I want to pay.

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