The Erotic Highway

ED and medications
XLTrojan 54 Reviews 17847 reads

I had open heart surgery a couple of years ago and take blood pressure medicine ( toprol and hzt ) and of course cholestrol medicine. The last time I saw my ATF , I lost my erection after the condom went on ( never happened before )...I was just wondering if I should leave the medicine off before my next appointment..they're usually in the morning , so I could take them after....I'm only 49, I also take protonix every morning. I should mention I had taken a levitra about an hour and half before my last experience and still lost it.
Any suggestions ?

Love Goddess16721 reads

Well hun,
Since this question is outside the scope of my clinical practice and I am not licensed to give medical advice, my only response will be: call your physician. The blood pressure meds are definitely the villains in this situation, but tampering with their dosage schedule..hmmm...give a call to the doc. Remember that they have a legal obligation to keep everything confidential. You can even ask him to keep this question and the phone call out of the patient journal if you feel insecure. You don't have to go into the ATF disclosure, but I'd still get pretty detailed about the rest.

Doctor's orders ;-)
the Love Goddess

It's the blood pressure meds that do it.  In my case it's coreg.  I had bypass six years ago.  50 mg viagra wasn't enough for me and I went to 100 mg.  But then I got nasty headaches and nasal congestion (inconvenient to DATY!) so I switched to Cialis.  I've been able to go two rounds in a session with it, though it takes 20-30 to be able to recharge.  

If you had the wilts just the one time it could have been caused by the same thing that happens to  other guys, stress or something in your head that just went wrong that time.  

It's a good idea to talk to your doc about it.  He can tell you whether and how much you could increase your dosage safely.

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