The Erotic Highway

damaged goods
CoriolisFreeFall 1 Reviews 1762 reads

I made a deliberate decision to enter the hobby.  I started with FBSM and then migrated to Escort.   My situation is unusual.  I made an online friend in another country.  Eventually I went to see her for a vacation expecting to enjoy her companionship but we realized that we were perfect for each other.  After further soul searching we married and see each other once a year for the last 6 years. Eventually I plan to retire and move in with her.  Our sex life isn't great.  We are both used to being our own best friend and I'm getting older but I knew that something was wrong with me.  

  Sometimes when you carry a burden for a long time you try to ignore it but it's there.  I have a terrible time staying emotionally connected or involved when I'm being sexual. I know the reason.  I was raped by a female relative just before my 5th birthday.   That old defensive reaction of disassociating from my body keeps coming back and it's a mood killer. Being a male performance artist well the show doesn't go on if the muse isn't upon me.

My wife is not an available resource so I've turned to providers.  I have to say that as I've opened up to various providers that they have been great.  I don't need sympathy. Their understanding and conversation has been very valuable.  I'm encouraged from recent progress and I just need to persist with therapy.   If only I could get my insurance to cover this :D

My wife would be madder than hell if she found out what I was doing but if I can deliver on the session she wants and deserves then she owes a debt of gratitude to many ladies that she would other wise judge.

How and why did you get into the hobby? Post your story here.

If you do not want to post using your username or alias, then send us your story to [email protected]. You can sign it as you want it to appear; otherwise, we will post without a name.

with a little bit of money and a copy of the personal ads in my hands.

How could it not have happened?

Once I walked in, I never looked back.

Glad I did too.

HygeiaMan2844 reads

Significant other going through the change and tired of such long dry spells so looking to satisfy those normal male urges.

I was like a jack in the box. Raise the oldest child but siblings came 10 and 12 year later so alot of self time on my hands. I would sit in my room and read erotic books i.e. ZANE. Once I left for college it was on lol but I still couldn't satisfy that craving of pleasure. So watching Pretty Little Women on repeat one night after class, I came up with the idea well she looks to be having fun I want to do that lol. So in between classes I research and fell madly in love with the business. Pick up and moved to Chicago with the plan of being like Pretty Little Women... Indoor of course lolbvvs

-- Modified on 11/2/2014 7:29:37 AM

Its great freedom in sexulality,  
and im sure only creative sexual engineers
 lol so to speak can do this stuff.

Schtuperman3299 reads

This was going to take extra work, time in the office (she works in an all female office and completely abhors lesbians) and working at home.

I asked her, "what am I supposed to do with you working all this extra time"?

She said, "get a hobby".

Any questions?

blueuc2205 reads

haha now thats funny!!!

Posted By: Schtuperman
This was going to take extra work, time in the office (she works in an all female office and completely abhors lesbians) and working at home.  
 I asked her, "what am I supposed to do with you working all this extra time"?  
 She said, "get a hobby".  
 Any questions?

Mind_over_Matter2953 reads

and did not want another relationship after losing her.  But, as time passed, I simply needed intimacy with a woman.  I am middle-age and I like women my own age.  I tried casual friendships with women.  Each of them began to want more.  And, every one of them deserved more.  No matter how glibly we talked about keeping things casual, each of the women I met were actually hoping for something more.

Now, I'm not under any delusion that I'm some great catch.  But, I do believe women my age are generally more hopeful about finding a partner, and more aware of how quickly time passes.  I could tell that continuing to see them was feeding that hope, and kept them from finding someone who could give them what they really wanted.  So, I stopped seeing women socially.  A few years went by.  I still missed my wife.  I also missed the intimate company of a woman.

I knew about escorts.  You'd have to live under a rock not to know.  The Internet made searching easy.  I found TER.  I found lists of women, by city, by age, by every attribute imaginable.  They had rates and hours.  Some offered GFE.  Some offered things I'd never heard of, and after googling, wished I never had.  To each his own.  I found what I wanted, and the ladies I see get what they want.  And, I can feel that tender, feminine, intimacy again . . . and pretend.

About 15 yrs ago, I had to attend a conference in Las Vegas.  Prior to my trip, I was surfing the internet for things to do in Sin City and I stumbled upon some information on the legal brothels in Nevada.  One of the websites that I discovered was Blake Willfong's Unofficial Chicken Ranch site which had loads of information about the southern Nevada brothels.

Needless to say, it peak my curiosity, since it was all legal and the ladies were tested routinely for STDs.  So, I ended up driving out to the Chicken Ranch which is located in Pahrump, NV.  After that first visit, I was hooked on the hobby.  I didn't discover TER until a couple of years later and the rest is history. :-)

My wife does not get sexual pleasure from the act of intimacy and intercourse with me. She tolerates it for my benefit.

I look at porn on the web just before sex with her to get excited to the point where I will finish quickly so she doesn’t have to “suffer” through the sex. I myself love (need!) to give pleasure during sex. I get excited when my partner is excited. my wife does not really get excited in this way. I often feel selfish when I have sex with my wife because I feel I am taking all the pleasure for myself and that in turn makes me feel bad and the sex is ruined. I feel her discomfort when I am inside her. This in turn lessens all of my enjoyment of the act itself. It’s like I am masturbating with her body.

She tries to hide it but I can feel it through her. I hate that feeling. I have definitely faked orgasms (if you can believe that) and stopped the sex because I know it was getting uncomfortable for her. I perform oral sex on her but I believe she just endures it because she wants me to be happy and not because she is deriving sexual pleasure from it. I asked her what she likes and what turns her on and she doesn't really have an answer. There is no specific thing or act that does. She likes what I do to her so she tells me. Also, she does not know how to, or has never, pleasured herself. I believe the beginning of knowing what turns you on and how you like others to touch you stems, at least in part, from you knowing how to excite yourself.

I am not a selfish person and I love to give of myself. I wish I could give my wife sexual pleasure. I do not know why things have changed so much since we began our relationship. Sometimes I find myself getting angry about this and I feel tricked. Maybe she held back all of these feelings and actions just to marry me and satisfy her parents in some way? Maybe she felt she had to get married before a certain age? What if she is not attracted to men? I know this is stretching it (or I hope it is) but I am still desperately searching for answers and fixes. To have things change so drastically so quickly indicates to me some condition was pre-existing but hidden from me or something changed for her immediately after we got married and I do not know what that is or was. I need to find out no matter the cost. I will change if it is me. If there is something wrong with me and want to know about it so I can fix it as quickly as possible. I really am having a hard time with this and I want all aspects of my life to be good and I want the same for my wife.

I have been to one on one counseling for this and I had to force my wife to go to couples counseling twice. She eventually refused to go ever again. She said she felt attacked. I never attacked her. I only wanted to talk about what was happening but she feels it is an attack. We have not been back since. I no longer know what I can do. I gave her an ultimatum a couple of years back but that had the expected effect: “Oh I will try to be better” then nothing at all changed. When I try to bring it up she gets defensive and shuts down and cites all the stress she is under from work as the cause.

Now I cheat. I cheat to keep my sexual self happy so the rest of me can stay with my wife and keep everything we have built.

I met some women on the web through sites the adult section of Craigslist (when it was there),, and now here. I  regularly see a few women; Some are listed here on TER. I met one amazing woman recently who really opened my eyes to how communication, sexual desire, and ecstasy can really be. We talk openly about what we like and what we do to each other that we enjoy. She is staggeringly intelligent, intense, hot, very open minded, and very much in touch with her sexuality. She is different from many women I have been with in my life and I am thrilled that I can please her and connect with her. It’s the missing piece. It’s amazing. I absolutely love it. (I will be reviewing her here soon!)

I know how good she makes me feel when I am with her – and I am not just talking sexually. I feel like a human male. I feel like someone who is desired and worth something. My wife refuses to deal with this rationally with me so I seek it elsewhere and it keeps us together ultimately. If I had no true way to feel this way or if I had not strayed I would have split with her after she refused to go to counseling with me years ago.

So that's my story. Sorry it's so long.

Eugene772300 reads

Fore one night only, I was a Chip -n- Dales dancer? Ya know how you keep running into the same situation comedy? Well, it was my pleasure to bump into Sherri, Blu eyes sandy blonde hair nice tits and a sweet ass, just the type you'ld like to keep on the downline. Memorable moments to remember while try to figure out how i'm going to get into her mind, and jump into bed, again crossing paths while walking home from College! Want a ride???

Taurus402252 reads

United States Navy. I was about 24 years old and was stationed at Jacksonville Fla. I had broken up with a girl about 6 months before and what with all of the schools and traveling around I hadn't had a chance to go out and meet anyone new. I was very horny and didn't really feel like trying the bar scene and hope I got lucky so I got a hotel room and let my fingers do the walking as the old advertisements used to say back then. I remembered reading a news paper article about a certain Escort Service being busted in town so I checked out the yellow pages and found a bunch of other services listed.  

I called two or three until I found one that had what I was looking for. Young, blonde and with long legs. I don't even remember if she was even close to my description but she definitely made a very nervous young man feel comfortable and eventually very happy in the hour or so we spent together. That was the first time I ever saw a provider and the first time I ever had more than one "cup" in an hour. I think I had three.. and I have been a hobbyist at heart ever since that night.

Dfusethesituation1039 reads

Lol, I feel ya brother, USMC!

Posted By: Taurus40
United States Navy. I was about 24 years old and was stationed at Jacksonville Fla. I had broken up with a girl about 6 months before and what with all of the schools and traveling around I hadn't had a chance to go out and meet anyone new. I was very horny and didn't really feel like trying the bar scene and hope I got lucky so I got a hotel room and let my fingers do the walking as the old advertisements used to say back then. I remembered reading a news paper article about a certain Escort Service being busted in town so I checked out the yellow pages and found a bunch of other services listed.  
 I called two or three until I found one that had what I was looking for. Young, blonde and with long legs. I don't even remember if she was even close to my description but she definitely made a very nervous young man feel comfortable and eventually very happy in the hour or so we spent together. That was the first time I ever saw a provider and the first time I ever had more than one "cup" in an hour. I think I had three.. and I have been a hobbyist at heart ever since that night.

My first experiences buying sex were haphazard. Sometimes I would buy a "bottle" on The Block. More often I would pick up street walkers. I got to be pretty good at this and was on a board for this activity. I only used an ad from an alternative newspaper once. But as gas started going up and the pickings got slimmer, I started using CL and BP; which led me to this site.

I realized at a relatively advanced age that they are the sexiest women on the planet, especially Colombians. I've seen something like 120, and have generally loved every minute.

At an early military posting, there were barracks rumors of what went on in the massage parlors in town.  So I went and saw for myself, simple as that.  It was just massage parlors for a while, then bar girls overseas.  The first incall was a supremely unsatisfying experience--no boards then, as far as I know--but I later discovered escort forums and then I was really off to the races.  I've had regular girlfriends too, but hobbying was what gave me the practice and confidence to go after them, and I've never regretted taking it up.  (Well, maybe that one time in Greece...)

I have been married for over forty two years now.  We have kids and grandkids.  Fifteen years ago my wife was in a serious car accident.  She sustained a closed head TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).   As a result, she suffers from severe migraines and back issues.  She is also mentally impaired (short-term memory problems and some loss of cognitive abilities), emotionally unstable and has evidenced a personality disorder.  Unable to return to work she has been on disability ever since.  As you can imagine, she was not the person she was before the accident.   Definitely not the women I married.  

One of the first casualties as a result of the accident was the loss of sex and intimacy.   What we enjoyed five, six times a month prior to the accident became five, six times a year after the accident.  And it went downhill from there, finally ending completely about five years ago.  By that time sex had become a duty and not anything to look forward to.  I was no longer my wife’s husband, lover and partner.  I was her primary caregiver.   She was and is totally dependent on me, physically, financially and emotionally.

About a year after it ended completely, I was approaching retirement at the early age of 60, a time when most of us think about what our lives will look like in retirement.    Being celibate for the rest of my life did not appeal to me.  But I couldn’t really date, even if I knew where to find a suitable partner other than bars and nightclubs.

About that time, some news show ran a story on escort web sites, TER, BackPage, etc.  I started doing some research and ending up joining TER.  The first opportunity I had to travel away from home I arranged a ‘date’.  I was scared to death.   It wasn’t an overwhelming success but it didn’t discourage me.  The next month I had another opportunity and it was great.  I was hooked.  

It has been four years now and I date about once a month, within my budget and my ability to manufacture an alibi.   I don’t think of it as a hobby because I believe sex and intimacy is as necessary as breathing.  Sooner than I like to think about I will be at an age when; either I can’t perform or I won’t be able to stand to impose myself on younger, attractive women any longer.  I dread that day.

I have been fortunate to find four ladies that I seem to click with and for the most part that is all I see now.  They range in ages of 35 to 50+ and I have been dating them anywhere from one to three years.   I enjoy them as friends almost as much as I like seeing them for the sex.  But I kissed a lot of frogs to get here.  And I don’t regret a bit of it

ours is an interesting story which mirrors mine exactly. I am 60 years old, and like you, I am  
primarily a caregive to my wife who is largley incapable of having any kind of sexual relationship. In addition, and from accidents and numerous surgeries, she is very, very fragile and delicate, so sexual acitivity is out of the question entirely. She is also obese, and thus unattractive physically to me.

In recent months, I have been looking at the backpages, and do this almost daily to see who is new. My interest is such that, like you, the idea of being cellibate for the rest of my life is highly unattractive and makes me feel like time is passing me by. I am just not ready to get old yet!
My libido, sexual interest, and drive are still very much in high gear, and I have not been with a woman in over 10 or 12 years now. But, I'm ready, loaded, primed, cocked and ready to fire at the first opportunity. Got to make up for all that lost time!

The BP, and now my recent discovery of TER have given me new impetus for female compansionship. I have not met anyone yet, but I am actively looking. Specifically, I am looking more or less for someone in the local (immediate) area that I can go see and visit 2 or 3 times a month without having to spend all of my available time driving long distances to see her. As in your case, it is difficult for me to "get away" or "escape" for any lengthy period of time from the wife, so I sometimes make up reasons to be gone (going to visit buddies at the golf course for a few hours; going to the hobby shop to browse and hob nob; going to work out at the local gym for a few hours). Works most of the time, but I have to be very discrete here. The "plan", once I finally meet someone, is to use the established "reasons" as the time slots to visit with a lady for a few hours. I am careful and doing my homework and "due diligence" ahead of time. Money for "donations" so far doesn't seem to be a problem for me, as I am three times retired with pensions.

I would ge happy to be able to just find ONE lady in the local area to visit with reguarly. I don't need a stable of them.

As I am just starting out, I am fairly confident that I will find someone soon.

Thanks for sharing your story!  Enjoyed it a lot.  At least I don't feel alone now......nor do I
feel that my situation is as unique as it first appeared to me

A few years ago, I used to work as a clerk at some local store in Montreal. There was a girl working there for whom I fell real hard... and she was so amazingly beautiful! I don't think I've ever met a girl like her since! The problem was... she didn't want relationships... any relationships. She was about my age, still lived with her parents and a relatively large family... and her parents wouldn't want her to date guys, unless he would become her future husband... that they would choose for her (who would have to be of the same religion as her, which wasn't my case anyway). Essentially an arranged marriage. She had never had a boyfriend before, still hasn't had one. And it was painful for her, I could tell she wanted to get out of that mold her parents had put her in, but she also loved her parents, and so wouldn't go against their wishes. And there wasn't much I could do to convince her otherwise...

In any case, I eventually stopped working there, haven't seen her since, and essentially moved on from this... to a point. From time to time, I think of how beautiful she was, and I can't help thinking "what if" even though I know it would have been impossible...
So finally, now I guess I'm on some sort of twisted quest to find a provider who looks like her... Although it hasn't stopped me from visiting some who didn't fit her profile at all (I guess to some level, when wanting to see a provider, desire trumps features).

But if ever I find a persian girl (she was originally from Afghanistan) with long straight black hair, soft white skin, who looks even a little bit like her, I'll be happy. Surprisingly enough, there aren't that many in Montreal, especially for incalls. Even though if I did find one, I don't think I'd stop at that point. Having been into this hobby for about 6 months now, I love it too much to just stop like that. I guess it was my main motivation to get started on it though!

I left  my country , an like every Imigrant i came with  dreams and I was scared.Totally everything english, no money. My first 2 month were in miami, working as a housekeeper, them move to Cali and work in a ski resort for 6 months, after move to NY and live upstate wetChester county, work in as waitress. Then in the city selling shoes.I being in many jobs, you ..the last one iN  

 an office.where I fell in love and at the end I have to quit. Sad and broken heart, someone introduce me to the industry and that's how I started.I learn to apreciated this women, find many smart and good people
and Valorate Models, Explore my sexuality and be confident about it. My conclusion is that to never judge no one, work hard and never stop dreaming.Don't worry what the rest is doing, focus in improve yourself everyday. Love God and love even y

The people doesn't like u. I created giamooregifts cause I'm a believer in love, good sex, and two always keep that spice sexy, be fun, be erotic....kisses G                    ' target=_blank class=green>  

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 7:09:52 PM

Dated a girl for two years then we got married. Divorced after a year. About a month before we separated I had a hard day at work an went to a massage parlor. No happy ending there an I wasn't looking for one nor did I know it was available. Very naive.  Started thinking I need to get out of this marriage. She spent way too much money.  More than we could afford.  So I went to a different massage place an she offered a happy ending. I said no I was still married. Finally I. Was done with the wife so we divorced. I only did massage parlors for a long time. Then dated a girl. She was great. Liked everything I did. Loved sports thought she was perfect but she was between guys and moved to San Francisco. Back to the MP.  Then dated another girl an she was the one.  The one I could see myself with forever. Dated for 8 months she broke it off.  Back to the MP. The previous girlfriend asked out 9 months later. I was in love. Again she dumped me. So here I am. Do what I want when I want with who I want.

I was always socially awkward, especially around women. I would settle for friendships with crushes. Sexually, I would masturbate and rely on the occassional trip to the Oriental Massage parlor when they were still prevalent in Santa Moncia, CA. I wasn't making much money then, and this was before TER. I discovered newspapers like the old LA Express, and there tried my first incall escort. This would be about 20 years ago.

The Internet and TER came along, and my budget increased. Over time I went through a series of one-night stands and the occasional escort. The best girls were in the $400 range, over the limit at the time.  

Now, years later, at 50 years old, my budget has grown. I prefer finding providers I connect with rather than just hookup with the next hot girl on one of the escort sites for an hour or so. I did find one such ATF, and we saw each other a half dozen times or so over two years before she retired from the business. We are still friends on some level, meeting a few times for coffee.

This is dangerous emotionally. I occasionally date in the traditional sense, and although I know the difference, I have to remember the provider is only there for one reason and not confuse the two engagements

I was married, happily I thought, to a feisty lady 14 years younger than I, and she liked to have threesomes. No complaints on my end, and our first provider was a fabulous TER Vegas reference named Angel and Dana - wow. Anyway, for reasons not material she left me for a younger guy, and I won't pretend I wasn't wrecked. But as an older and wiser now twice divorced guy who did not want to lie to women to get sex, the hobby was a sanity safety valve. I've had 10 experiences, 1 experiences, 11 experiences, and even no kidding made one genuine friend of a provider who retired but we've stayed in olatonic touch for five years now, so if we're both faking we're both nuts. I love sex and hate loneliness, love women and hate hurting anybody, so my most difficulty with tip toeing about here has been finding someone I'm on a level field with, and not where I'm exploiting anybody. I hope someday to find one (or sheesh maybe two) normal, middle aged regulars to Sugar Daddy. So, yes, one of my wives got me into this so at least I should be grateful there - not much more a Boyscout tale possible here I wager. ;)

Started out as a "shy" teenager which I accepted and just avoided the sexual side at all costs. Getting rejected or misinterpreting a girls "signs" just terrified me to the point that I NEVER let it get to that stage with girls in my social circle .
One did and we dated and lived together for a year I guess . We were in our 20's and things were going fine so I thought . Came home from work and she moved out !
I was hurt over that for the next 3 years and swore off chicks FOREVER !
Fast forward 30 years and I simply don't want a relationship and was celebit for all 30 years .
I'm still socially scared to death of being intimate with a lady ! I've even managed to run from women who said straight out "we are going to fuck like rabbits tonight " .
Sigh .....
So I have been doing this for the last five years trying to change my ways and learn why I'm so screwed up in my thinking .
Believe it or not , I'm not really nervous when I P4P and have a pretty good time but it still feels strange being intimate with a female . Maybe I just don't like sex ? Maybe it's fear of intimacy ?
I'm here to learn about myself I guess .....

I was 17 when I begin to have sex. Gave my virginity to my first love whom I've known since I was 12. Once he moved on and had his first child I felt abandoned by the only man I trust..well the only man that I trust that I'd slept with. Soon I had come to a comfort level where I allowed another man to touch me. From that day forth my sexual passion has been an untamed fire. I enjoyed feeling the warmth of a body, hearing, and tasting the pleasure I could bring to another. Embracing my womanhood, my power to make a soul melt.

An old friend of mine decided to introduce me to some folks she knew after seeing me let loose at a wild house party. From there I took my first photos and went on a tour in Harrisburg, PA. Although I felt like I gained a family during my journey there was a lot of information kept from me. I sought out more for myself. In a short time I landed my first job in the nursing field. Leaving the hobby gave me enough time to think of what I wanted in life. I realized that I love being a nurse but, I'll always come back to a place where I felt as though I didn't have a voice.

I'd decided to come back this past summer as I continue my education. Then not being able to find a suitable 'playmate'. I found that this has been more than the right time. Guys in the hobby are much less complicated. There isn't any questioning, no arguments, no headaches. I love my peace of mind, I love my independence, and I love to not have to answer to anyone. My passion has been met by meeting others with one just as high and then know how to go home afterwards LOL. My finances are finally coming together after coming to the cold hard truth that guys outside of the hobby refuse to pay for even a sock but, expect to get their dick suck when they feel. Yea fucking right.  

So this is my short story of why I'm here. I'm at peace with myself and able to pay my bills. While I continue my journey of enjoying life the way it was meant to be. Unpredictable, unplanned, and free.

It was 2007 and I was a waittress at a sports bar. I worked a double that day and had a poker group that requested me. I was slaving to keep the drinks flowing and serving my boss friends. His little brother was 19 and getting smashed and once he started grabbing asses I cut his whole table off. I didnt expect a tip and had 10 hour day. The Boss fired my lowly self as soon as I finished my sidework. My poker guys heard a little of it and started throwing 20's on top of the already paid tabs. As I was crying outside and getting in my car a guy from the group came to me. Chatted real nice and handed me a business card. An escort agency. Hmmmm? Never thought of it but called the very next day.  I went to work getting the proper clothes and nails polished and fretted all day. Then we posted on craiglist and off I went. I did outcalls and only upscale. My first few calls my panties were soaked on the way there. It did something to my body I couldnt hide. I didnt like working for someone else but did very well and had some fun.  I ended up getting a boyfriend and keeping some regulars on my own. Did that a few years and also worked out of the yellow pages. Dont laugh. I also did very well. Back then you opened up yellow pages and called. Requesting a redhead, brunette, or blonde. Occasional latino or ebony. There was no texters and websites and pictures. No emails, endless calls or drama.  I do think things were financially secure and economy was good and there was no hh dates. Or disgusting quick sessions. Tips were a given. Not that Im complaining but I prefer eye to eye and skin. I took a few years off and attempted to make it on 300 a week server jobs but a smile and body like this shouldnt be wasted on diner patrons. When july 2014 came I watched ads a month and debated. Am I ready for this backpage phenomenon? I guess so ! Look at me now! Puuuuurrrrriiiiiinnnnng. Like an overfed cat Im happy and content and so glad I decided to share the love. Call me!

SCNewbie21918 reads

OK, I've never been very sexually active.. Very shy awkward... Had dreamed of Happy Ending massages for a number of years. One day at a new massage office (licensed therapist), as she was working on my back, she undraped one glut then surprisingly, when time to do the other the drape was down to my knees... I was in shock. Some very slight and minimal teasing and on the flip, eventually left with just one small area covered. She asked if there was anything else I wanted, and very timidly, I asked for a "little more" massage without the drape. Well, that was my introduction the HE massage, went back next day and noticed that there was no drape, so went with it for a repeat... Then I googled/binged her phone and found BP. Searched out other body rub folks, and the 3rd one offered nude rubs but I found  out she didn't have a massage table and worked out of a hotel. She claimed she could do a great job on the hotel bed and I would love it... Well, nervously gave it a go, I was VERY afraid of uncle LEO (and still am). I was totally shocked when on the flip, she commenced with BBBJ. So, welcome to hobby.

I read "The Price: My Rise and Fall as NY's number 1 Escort," by Natalie McClennan.
With my curiosity piqued, I delved deeper into the online underground escorting world. I'm still young, but at 20, it all seemed risqué, glamourous, and like an adventure. I come from an middle-upper class family and this was all certainly taboo.
After about a year of research, I finally mustered up the courage and put a rudimentary TER ad up, not knowing what to expect. I got a call. I didn't even screen the guy, let alone know what that was.  

I figured if I didn't enjoy myself, I wouldn't do it again.  
During my first meeting I was a nervous wreck. I thought at worst I would suffer some mental trauma - this was not what girls like me were raised like. Or so, I thought. I found I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The power, the pleasure... the thrill. I was hooked. Literally.

It makes me cry even thinking back to how I started....

But I hope this comforts someone out there who may need it... Or helps guys understand every girl is different. Every situation is different. or to Never judge a book by its cover. No matter how  bright and appealing that book may look. You never know whats going on inside...

I was homeless (living out of my suitcase) in the middle of the winter in NYC Jan 27 2014. After 2 years of optimistically saving every penny (that i could) from my minimum wage summer job. 4 years of focusing on my studies. NEVER partying, hanging out with friends, doing typical high school things. It was finally my time to go off to college. A few weeks before I was going to be whisked away to the big apple from the south. My dad broke the news to me that he couldn't afford to send me off to my dream school... I don't think I've ever felt so heartbroken, lied to, led on. In my entire life. I understand if you can't afford a 60k year (my dad made "too much" for me to receive any aid) but literally waiting until 2 weeks before I was supposed to be leaving was what made it horrible. Thats when I realized... You REALLY cannot depend on anyone in life.

Thankfully the school allowed me to be admitted in the spring instead of the fall. and after long talks, posting on their Facebook, emailing multiple advisors. they finally were able to help me get a little bit of assistant. But not enough for me to live on campus. Either way- knowing that the opportunity was still there. I was even more determined to get to NY for the spring semester!
So I was for sure going in January.

My intentions were to find an apartment with a girl I had already met from a group off of fb, get a job as a server. and go to my dream school and....Well go after my dreams!

January finally comes...when I should’ve been excited to be in Manhattan and starting school at The most prestigious fashion school in America (literally number 2 in the world- hint hint)… I was extremely scared and helpless…. Living out of the holiday inn on Wall Street with a bank account -3500 after only 2 weeks!!! Thanks to the hotel!!! I had no money. I literally had to find a stranger on craigslist and live with him until I could get on my feet. Thankfully he lived in (to this day) the nicest white-glove apartment building in nyc that I have ever stayed in, was a gentleman, gave me my space, let me use all of the amenities the building had to offer, and was amazing in bed (he was my first NSA partner lol. If you're still out there.... I lost your number- message me!!! xD

Anways! Being the southern girl with an extremely conservative upbringing that I am. I knew nothing about this lifestyle at all in late January!!! But I did know.. I was TOO damn pretty to be homeless! Although I received endless offers with well known agencies in Manhattan, modeling really would've taken too long. I was like 'need money to eat' broke :p I needed fast money!

 Now I didn't start off escorting. I tried being a sugar baby at first.Being so unaware and oblivious I really dove right into the dark side of this world. I've had someone threaten to kill me, stalked me, computer hacked into, and much more I'd rather not go into-detail on...So I started escorting in April/May...but really worked like on and off because I was always so hesitant. so I have only been working working for maybe 4 months.
But as I just said. Not knowing of sites like TER/P411 Tumblr where people are supporting everyone. I really went in blindly...

So, ultimately I know its a bad way to start but I started doing this because I had to survive in Manhattan.  I refused to go back home because of money… To see your dreams literally a few streets away and potentially have them all taken away (Again)  because of money problems… I refuse AMERICA, I REFUSE for you to try and classify me and disable me because I am not an offspring of the wealthy.

So I did what any truly ambitious girl would do, adapted and accepted after (seriously) thinking of every possible thing I could do for quick money- escorting was what I was going to do to make it. This was going to be my story to tell once I made it… Which I will happily own up to! I think America needs to adapt and realize that escorts are not what the 80's made us out to seem.

I am still am only doing this so I won’t be $200k in debt after receiving my undergrads… I want my grads too damn it!

I’m doing this for my future… My future children’s future… My future grandchildrens future… I’m building an empire.

However I am SO glad this path found me. I have learned SO much about myself in such a short amount of time.Before this I was very inexperienced... In all realms. Every client I meet teaches me something new about myself.. I truly enjoy it!  

The materialistic things are all necessary for me to focus now. But only temporary. I refuse to get caught up in shopping sprees, boards,pointless photoshoots. Sorry thats just not my cup of tea at the moment or where I want to invest my money in....Now I know since I'm new to being independent I have to make a website and take more professional photos. So for the sake of people taking me seriously. I am working on that :p  
But once this whole newbie phase is over. I'm going back to save save saving! I've seen how cruel the world can be. I lived out of my suitcase during those blizzards this past winter..... I'm not doing that again! EVER!




-- Modified on 12/16/2014 2:27:34 AM

-- Modified on 12/16/2014 2:28:55 AM

Well I've probably posted this before somewhere on this site , but this seems like the most appropriate spot... Plus it's a little cathartic anyway since you can't really tell this to anyone outside the "hobby".

I've traditionally believed in monogamy, loyalty, and when I married almost 20 years ago, I swore I would be faithful!  I swore I would never leave my family especially the kids!!  I had already had that happen to me as a child.

So here I am, finding myself in the situation I though I'd never be in... And I used look at others somewhat judgementally for straying outside the marriage.

My story is not unique in sure.  And I realize it takes two to tango.  After so many years of marriage and both my wife and I establishing our careers,  we decided to have kids.  Sex was dwindling and at that point it became more of a chore or a "job" just to have kids.   After the second child, sex stopped completely.... For over 6 or 7 years, I lost track.

Now to those who will say, yeah because the woman is tired of taking care if he kid and housework etc.   Well I give my wife credit for doing much of that in the beginning.  And she still does a great job coordinating doctor visits, trips, etc.

We both work full time.  90% of the time I'm the one getting breakfast ready for the kids, making lunches, food shopping, doing laundry, making dinner for the kids, making sure they get on the bus, pick them up from daycare and after school care, help them with homework, do the dishes.  Making sure the house is clean... And most importantly actually sit down and get INVOLVED with the kids!!!!!  One on one at their level and PLAY with them.  She is more of a spectator.

All of this for YEARS and I'm almost completely ignored.. Barely any acknowledgement, no communication other than did you do this or that.  She is physically not their and when she is, she's not emotionally their!!

So over the last 7-8 years of our almost 20 year marriage I had felt completely neglected.  To make matters worse, my attempts at showing affection or appreciation for her were completely turned down. I had not only been neglected but also feeling not "wanted".  She is too independent .. No need for me other than sharing bills and household chores.

All these years I had been a good husband and father and I couldn't take it.

I needed companionship, I needed to feel a woman's body again, to feel  
What it's like to have sex again with a woman.  I just needed someone to recognize I existed and I was appreciated even for just a little while.  So that's where my handle came from - Unloved!!  That's how I felt!!  And with her still do.

I did not want an affair since I had hopes we would patch things up.  I arranged for marriage Counselling and we did the exercises so well that the counsellor was amazed at our progress.  Hey we both have high level degrees... Following instructions is easy.  But soon we found we were slipping back to old routines agsin.  

Worse thibg is she never saw a problem and still does not.  So it's like I'm the only one that gives a crap.  

I did try some websites on hooking up with other woman who want an affair.  Well what a pain that was.  Plus I really did not want all the baggage from someone else at the moment.  I had no intentions of divorcing (yet)... Mostly because I want to make sure I get to be with my kids while they grow up.

But I resent my wife and I am having a hard time coming to grips with it.  If the kids were not in the picture, I would be long gone.  She's got a income tat rivals mine anywsy so it's not like she can't fend for herself.

So here I go entering the hobby. First with AMPs.  Actually one of my closest providers is from a FS AMP.  Last time I saw her she gave me over $200 in gifts.  We just have a pretty cool connection... Which took time and still cultivating.

But most of the AMPS other than her were pretty impersonal.  Then I found another provider who left an AMP and went Indie.  I joined p411 an TER at her advice and the rest is history.  She's another great lady whom I love to visit.

Along the way Ive met some wonderful people.  A few were night my "cup of tea".  But over all these woman have taught me how to love again.  At the very least they have shown me I CAN love again.  And even for a brief moment, I'm wanted.  Even for a business transaction.  But they could refuse not to see me.  So even by paying... These woman "allowed" me to have a wonderful experience with them and during that time I am their complete focus.

The hobby has opened my eyes too.  I now see these woman not as stereotypes, but decent people who decided this is what they want to do with their lives.  I'm sure there are exceptions.  And the clients to for the most part are usually not some sleezebag that the media always portrays them/us.  

We are normal everyday hard working people.. Some of us broken, and for the moment, these woman are healers... They help to mend a broken heart, or at least help in the transition to other possibilities.  

I've also come to realize it's possible to love more than one woman.  They are not mutually exclusive.  Loving another, does not take away from loving someone else.  Sort of like when you love all your children the same yet each in a unique way.

Yes I miss being "loved" for me and not just my "donation".  But it fills the need and it's still a relationship - a mutually beneficial one at that!!

So thank you to all the providers I've seen and thanks TER... I don't think I would have survived very well recently without you.!!


Sorry to hear about your trauma but it sounds like your trying to overcome it.
Good luck.

I made a deliberate decision to enter the hobby.  I started with FBSM and then migrated to Escort.   My situation is unusual.  I made an online friend in another country.  Eventually I went to see her for a vacation expecting to enjoy her companionship but we realized that we were perfect for each other.  After further soul searching we married and see each other once a year for the last 6 years. Eventually I plan to retire and move in with her.  Our sex life isn't great.  We are both used to being our own best friend and I'm getting older but I knew that something was wrong with me.  

  Sometimes when you carry a burden for a long time you try to ignore it but it's there.  I have a terrible time staying emotionally connected or involved when I'm being sexual. I know the reason.  I was raped by a female relative just before my 5th birthday.   That old defensive reaction of disassociating from my body keeps coming back and it's a mood killer. Being a male performance artist well the show doesn't go on if the muse isn't upon me.

My wife is not an available resource so I've turned to providers.  I have to say that as I've opened up to various providers that they have been great.  I don't need sympathy. Their understanding and conversation has been very valuable.  I'm encouraged from recent progress and I just need to persist with therapy.   If only I could get my insurance to cover this :D

My wife would be madder than hell if she found out what I was doing but if I can deliver on the session she wants and deserves then she owes a debt of gratitude to many ladies that she would other wise judge.

I just started to focus on other things.  Family work etc.  While I flourished in my job and became the ideal brother, son, dad etc I was unhappy.  I fell asleep alone at night and while I could probably land a steady GF or SO on my own I find myself not wanting to.  I may be kind of a dick for saying this, but if Im gonna go spend several hundred dollars for a great night with a great lady I dont want to have to return home and service myself.  Then do that several more times and still face the possibility of getting nothing in return.  I make a good chunk of money for someone of my age and hate to frivolously toss it out the window.  So I knew of escorts, who doesnt, but had the stereotypes in my head of the slutty dressed street walker.  No thanks.  When I started to look into it several years ago I found myself pleasantly surprised with the high class women I found.  I lost many of the society driven thoughts about the hobby and found that the community is not full of monsters and low-lifes.  Stereotypes what can I say?  Dont know if Ill get back into the whole GF thing I assume at some point I will.  My bed is still cold at night unless Im willing to shell out a few grand for some company, but I can still share it with a beautiful lady for at least a little while at a time.  Cant really complain.  Im enjoying myself for the time being.  Suspect I'll hang around awhile

My bed is still cold at night and that's even when the wife is in it😳

LeanMute1582 reads

I was very poor. On my own at 17, met a woman pretty much like me and we lived in a garage made over into a home while I worked my way through a BA at a good regional college in the Midwest. My work came to pay well, and I started looking at the coeds at school. We grew apart. I always wanted just one woman, but when a woman sets her eyes on a man, she usually gets him. Me at least. I wasn't always faithful and went from relationship to the next for many years. Even tried a marriage once. That only lasted a few years. Sometimes I was broke and sometimes had a lot of money. It didn't matter. I never really had to settle down, but as I matured I stayed with one woman longer.

I always thought of streetwalkers and massage parlor girls as something foolish. Like getting drunk or spending a weekend pigging out on lobster and beer. So I sampled that a little at times, but figured it was a waste of money. I worked hard and tried to invest to make my money grow. Lived very cheap and simple like when I was a kid. Had my heart into my work.

I smoked cigarettes and when I was getting old I got throat cancer and beat it, kind of, but lost a lot of my ability to speak. So things were difficult and I was no longer attractive to women. I thought about how I might of died from it. I came into more money, more than I'll be able to spend before I die. I still smoke, but not as much. And that's when I started to enjoy seeing women who just want some some money for being with me. That's better than trying to have someone around who I have to talk to. So that's how I got into this.

My journey Started back in September 2013. I was a 25 year bachelor. I'd never been married (Still Not) and Never had a girlfriend (Bachelorhood still intact). I had grown tired of hit and miss nights out w/ my buddies. I had seen and viewed escort posts on the web, and like many I had my objections (Street Walking dug addicts , diseased ridden former strippers, girls w/ pimps hiding waiting to jump you and rob you, etc...). I decided that I needed to take a chance. I wasn't as well informed about booking an escort like some people, so I completely bombed my first time. Saw a girl that caught my attention and called her the night before. We agreed to meet together for two hours (Mistake) the next night at 10 pm. It turned out she was only 5 minutes away. Called her at 9pm the next night to confirm. 9:45 I tried calling her again. Finally at 9:55 she calls from a different number and gives me the apartment complex where she is, but not the actual number. 10pm I get to the complex. 10 minutes of trying her until she gives me the apartment location. Rush to the apartment, and It's NOT the girl in the pic. I didn't leave (Mistake) thinking that she would still be good. She said she was in town visiting her sis and that her sis was out and allowed her to use her place as an incall. Turns out this was her first time as an escort .She wasn't bad but not good in the sack. The apartment was well lived in. A few clothes strung out, and the place smelled like weed. about 1 hour and 15 minutes in and she looks at her phone. Allegedly she had some friends coming over to party within the next 20 minutes, but she claimed it was a last minute type of deal. 5 minutes later the fire alarm goes off and she rushes me out. I'm still getting my shoes on once I'm out of the apartment. In the end, my first experience was Awful. The Second girl I saw a month later has a more interesting story. Contacted her a few days in advance. She was from out-of-town and advertised on BP that she was going to be in town for a while. As the days led up to our meeting, we texted back and forth and for some reason she though I was LE, but she reluctantly agreed to continue w/ the meeting. Pulled up to the backside of the hotel at night. Texted her, and she tried to call it off. She thought I was LE, and she said that I had to prove that I wasn't LE. I then figured out that she had a view of the parking lot. She asked me to step out of my car and hold my pants down for half a minute. I reluctantly agreed to do so. A minute after flashing her, she gave me the room number. I again made the mistake of booking a 2 hour date. Get to the room, door opens, another case of false advertising. Except that she was a bit more attractive than the last girl. It was a bust to say the least. No Kissing and only one pop per hour. I'd say it was a step up from my previous date. My third date, which I considered my first official date was a homerun. I eventually had better dates, but I consider my third date as a milestone on my time as a hobbyist. Since I had my second, I had joined TER and started doing my homework. Saw the girls ad and searched it on TER. Good but not bad reviews. She was the only good provider advertising that day. Called her mid-afternoon to set up a date. After some traffic problems I made it to the hotel on time. It was a fancy hotel, and she'd booked a suite. Walked in and low and behold it was the girl in the pics . We talked for a good 15 minutes to break the ice before I was ready to go. A body to body massage to get me warmed up before I was ready to go to town. She gave an amazing BJ, and I returned the favor by going down on her well groomed and clean vagina. I felt like a champ when I left. Since then I've seen a wide range of beautiful women (and 2 complete busts) since then and I've fully enjoyed having NSA drama free dates with women of different backgrounds. I look forward to having more great encounters in the future.

I'm the youngest of three children, with two older sisters 6 and 5 years older. I am extremely shy, and would never think of approaching girls. The few times I would have a little crush, I always ended up in "friend zone," I'm still very socially awkward in new settings, but with people I'm comfortable with, I can be very goofy and a little more outgoing. I had never been on a date, and was still a virgin at 33.

This August, I actually had disposable income when I headed to Vegas with my dad, sister, and her kids for a hip hop dance competition that they go to watch every year. I had planned to sneak away to head to Parumph and Sheri's Ranch, and had already set up a planned meeting with one of the courtesans. We talked, went to her room, and negotiated a price. I totally got gouged, but at the time,  I totally didn't care. I got to see, and touch an actual naked female body. She got on top of me, and when time ran out, she finished me off with her hand.

After getting back home, I found out about back page, and luckily had a real good first experience with that route. That led to a rather blah experiuthe next time with another back page girl. I tried an AMP, and got full service my first time. It wasn't until about a couple months ago, that I found TER and escorts with their own websites and actual reviews.  

I scheduled with a provider in this way for my 34th birthday. On the day, she had to cancel because of that time of the month. We rescheduled for two weeks later and I finally got a taste of a real provider. She was great with my nerves, and has the distinction of being my first kiss.She guided me through a fantastic hour and a half session, with multiple pops, and a little cuddling in between. That was earlier this month. Now, I've gotten hooked. I'm definitely going to reschedule with her later, but am lining up something with another provider in this upcomming week.

I know later on, I want to get in a real relationship, but right now I am enjoying my new hobby.

Same story as many middle age guys. Married 25 years and I've gotten hornier by the year. My wife,5 years ago, tells me without any warning' "I'm not sucking your dick any more and sex is no longer important to me." Did not know what I did to cause it. Stewed for weeks, did not want a divorce because of my kids. Decided I was going to continue my sex life, without her. AMP first for a year or so, then on. the web found TER. Saw dozens of women, most were great experiences. Pure lust and sex with NSA. Learned that I got as much pleasure out of pleasing a woman than I did getting off myself. Found 1 or 2 ladies I connected with and saw a couple times a month. Both disappeared, one I know retired. Have cut back on frequency due to finances, two kids in college with no scholarships. Still absolutely enjoy the NSA aspect of it and I am still hornier than ever. I do it less often but in some cases that's better because I look forward to these encounters even more. I respect and appreciate what each "undercover lover" has to offer and I do my best to make sure they are satisfied.

I was married when I was 22.. Still married 42 years later...but about 14 years ago, an odd thing happened..My wide told me that she no longer would have sex with me.. ?? What? give me a break.. she said she would give me a hand job.. but that's it.. after some years, that got really old.. I started masturbating every day.. that got old and very unfullfilling.. I realized with horror that I might never know the feel, touch and smell of a woman again in my life.. I was in a panic
About 4 years ago, I was down in Myrtle Beach with a few friends and he wanted to go to a strip club.. we went and I discovered the VIP room.. I went nuts.. I had a few times of getting off with a girl in them.. I met one girl there and we developed a relationship of sorts outside of the club and for a lot of money she came to see me in my rented condo during a golf trip.. so now I knew I liked that .. she was 25, not in her 60's was beautuful but was not a provider technically.. and was not comfortable with the whole deal..  
Fnally I decided a little over a year ago to take the plunge. so I went on BP and compared ads to phone #'s here on TER and finally located a girl who would see me.. it was fun and was great to be back again.. and then I went kind of nuts.. I saw all kinds of girls..many more than my reviews.. and blew through a ton ofmoney.. I became too fond of one or two and it scared me.. So, for now, I have stopped seeing anyone.. I have spent way too much money and felt way too strongly about some special girls so right now I am on a hiatus.. I couldn't continue to see one or two girls each week.. so we'll see what the future holds.

I was fortunate enough to date a hot Scandinavian man for over two years. We had so much chemistry that we had sex everywhere. We had sex in the bathroom of a restaurant, limousine, plane, jacuzzi tub, over a sink, on the beach and much more crazy places. We were extremely crazy in bed. When we split it was huge loss for me that my life got upside down. I thought about doing something that I never did before and that's when I thought about escorting. Escorting was a new world, and I met quite amazing people so far. I fortunately met people I had an amazing chemistry with and had the best experiences with. I learned that we are all free and we have to explore our sexuality in extremely dfferent ways. One of my greatest experiences was with a couple. We were supposed to have only 4 hours but we had so much chemistry that we ended up spending all night long together. I woke up at 10 am in the middle of the couple. The details are super juicy and I'll tell you the rest when you come for our HOT date.

my wife, with whom I've been for 21 years, has basically communicated via her actions that she's no longer interested in having an active sex life.  After our last child was born, who is now 10, we've had sex 5-6 times, most of them several years ago. She doesn't really like to be touched, she doesn't like to DFK, she hasn't done oral on me in 15 years. I tortured myself for years, maybe I'm not helping out enough around the house, so I helped (a lot) more. Maybe we need more cuddle time, so I tried that. Nothing helped. And before I get a comment like "if you helped her enjoy sex more, she would want it", I have always been diligent in ensuring her pleasure, making sure she had thunderous orgasms. I guess I missed the signal early on when she didn't share the same sentiment.  But I love her still, since outside of sex, we are extraordinarily compatible, and also I won't leave my kids, so I felt stuck.  I'm a reasonably fit, attractive and successful guy and I could easily find a replacement for her if we divorced, but I'm not willing to go there.  

But one day, after her refusing to go to counseling with me and then not following through on her promises to try harder, I got so frustrated and so desperate for female touch, that I decided to pay for sex.  This was a big deal for me, with a 70s first wave feminist mother and 2nd wave feminist brainwashing at an Ivy league college in the early 90s, I would never have ended up in the hobby if my wife had tried to connect with me and my desires and just had sex with me once a month (I'm not really asking for all that much).  

So I said god damn it, I need to feel a woman's body against mine, I need to feel like a man again. So on a business trip to San Francisco, I contacted a provider with great reviews, set up a meeting. I was totally nervous. Then she walked in the room, so fucking beautiful and sexy. I had had no idea I could find women like that.  This was October of 2013.  I took a break for a couple months after that, digested the experience, and then tried again in NYC. Had a couple of less than perfect experiences, until I figured out how to read between the lines in reviews and self-descriptions. And then met some incredible smart, interesting, sexy women, who I adore.  One has become a friend, who I've gone out with socially (at no charge) when traveling for work outside my home city.  

I am still learning to relax and enjoy the experience, as I get quite nervous with new providers. And sometimes I let the talking phase go on too long and don't quite end up with what I want sexually, but that's my own fault and I'm working on getting better at that. But unlike some, I want intimacy sexual, physical and emotional, and I've generally been able to find that, which makes me a much happier person.  

So I lead a double life, thankfully she is clueless about such things, I think she believes all providers are trashy drug addicts and ugly losers, so would never consider that I would do it.  I haven't mentioned sex to her in 7 months, and she hasn't brought it up either, so we're living like best friends and roommates, but I can live with that now that I have an outlet

I can really relate to this. Especially the part about loving my wife, and craving physical intimacy.

Other than a few unimportant details I could have written this, right down to the over the top helping around the house business. What the fuck?

Couldn't have said it better myself.

RealRockStar997 reads

Nearly exactly my story

-- Modified on 11/8/2015 7:04:26 PM

Posted By: analytic_logic
my wife, with whom I've been for 21 years, has basically communicated via her actions that she's no longer interested in having an active sex life.  After our last child was born, who is now 10, we've had sex 5-6 times, most of them several years ago. She doesn't really like to be touched, she doesn't like to DFK, she hasn't done oral on me in 15 years. I tortured myself for years, maybe I'm not helping out enough around the house, so I helped (a lot) more. Maybe we need more cuddle time, so I tried that. Nothing helped. And before I get a comment like "if you helped her enjoy sex more, she would want it", I have always been diligent in ensuring her pleasure, making sure she had thunderous orgasms. I guess I missed the signal early on when she didn't share the same sentiment.  But I love her still, since outside of sex, we are extraordinarily compatible, and also I won't leave my kids, so I felt stuck.  I'm a reasonably fit, attractive and successful guy and I could easily find a replacement for her if we divorced, but I'm not willing to go there.  
 But one day, after her refusing to go to counseling with me and then not following through on her promises to try harder, I got so frustrated and so desperate for female touch, that I decided to pay for sex.  This was a big deal for me, with a 70s first wave feminist mother and 2nd wave feminist brainwashing at an Ivy league college in the early 90s, I would never have ended up in the hobby if my wife had tried to connect with me and my desires and just had sex with me once a month (I'm not really asking for all that much).  
 So I said god damn it, I need to feel a woman's body against mine, I need to feel like a man again. So on a business trip to San Francisco, I contacted a provider with great reviews, set up a meeting. I was totally nervous. Then she walked in the room, so fucking beautiful and sexy. I had had no idea I could find women like that.  This was October of 2013.  I took a break for a couple months after that, digested the experience, and then tried again in NYC. Had a couple of less than perfect experiences, until I figured out how to read between the lines in reviews and self-descriptions. And then met some incredible smart, interesting, sexy women, who I adore.  

-- Modified on 11/18/2015 10:57:49 PM

Unlike you I had been a monger for years and seeing providers for almost 10 years before I got married.  I was lonely in my life.  I ended up marrying a female friend of mine, whom I was originally not in love with.  She fell for me.  This was rare in my life.  I was always the chaser, not the prey.  I was a lousy hunter too.  I could count on one hand (still can) the number of civvie girlfriends I have had.  One of those I had moved in with and fallen in love with when I was 26.  Unfortunately she cheated on me and dumped my ass.  A year and a half later my (then to be future) wife and I got together after she went through a breakup.  I was sick of spending cash on call girls and had had a close call with avoiding arrest in a sting where the cops were targeting johns soliciting streetwalkers in my old neighborhood.  
So, she fell for me, hard.  Turned out she was the best damn cocksucker I had ever been with in my life.  We were already friends, love came later for me.  After marriage, we fucked and sucked at least once or twice a week.  Fast forward 3 years and she was always tired or sickly or had allergies or whatever, always an excuse.  This was before the kids.  Frequency dropped to once every 2 weeks, then once a month.  We still rocked the house and had multi O's and great fun whenever we had sex (still do), but I needed more).  Like you I catered to her every whim, helped around the house and treated her like gold.  Let me tell you, by this time I was in love, she was my best friend, my lover, fiercely loyal and still the best cocksucker ever.  She was/is multi orgasmic and cums rather easily.  She just doesnt need it as much as me.  Around 2004 I started going to strip clubs again, there was one near my new house that had a bunch of providers/strippers who would do full service in the lap dance room.  I went, and didnt stop.  Once a month to relieve the pressure ever since.  In 2012 I found TER and traded up to more reliable and better looking and service providers, but it is still once a month.  She doesnt know.  We have kids.  I love her, I love them and I see providers on the side to supplement my wife's inactivity.

-- Modified on 5/11/2016 6:55:31 PM

Spot on in every way!  I no longer initiate or engage in arguments about sex (more specifically the lack thereof), however every once in a while something will come up where I just can't help but make a comment.  Couple weeks ago, wife was all wound up about using a drinking glass that I had just used, of course couldn't have that so she grabs a new one out of cupboard.  I said, "wow, do you remember when we would actually press our lips up against each other and even tough each other's tongues?"  She just gave a "humphhhh" and walks away.  She gets dressed in a spare bedroom and locks the door so I don't accidentally walk in!

I blame the having a child thing, as well as the dreaded menopause.  I never would have imagined one person could change so much.

Been doing this for over 10 years. Wish I made more play money [lol] because I'd put it to good use. I have enjoyed this 'orgins' thread with histories from both the gents and the ladies . My story is not very dramatics...I just like to have sex a lot. I have found intense chemistry with some great ladies. Some are ATFs and repeats but my eye still wanders. So much out there to choose from..just having fun.  

I always have had a very high libido and so did my wife.?? Eight years into my marriage my wife decided sex was a bad thing. It should be only for producing babies! After 5 years I really missed the intimacy. I had an employee that kept saying some day we would have an affair as her husband had a small cock and sucked in bed. She knew I was hung as she would flash me and tease me to see me get hard. I finally gave in. We started to fall in love. But then her husband got another job and they moved away.  

I moved to close to the metro area. I started to get the itch. But I didn't want to have an affair where emotions got in the way. This was 5 years after my affair. I had a meeting in the cities so decided to research escorts on various sites. Back then Craig's List was the big seller. I stumbled across [moderated] site. Found them to be a lot more attractive. Finally got to my hotel and hoped on line. Made the call and she said she would be at my room in two hours.

21/2 hours later I call her. She tells me she will be there in half an hour. An hour later I call she doesn't answer. I give up and figure it wasn't meant to be. I should go to bed. Half hour later I am to horny as I continued to search. Tried another lady. Got her friend and was told she would be there in 11/2 hours. Right on time there was a knock on the door. I was so nervous I went Pee 20 times waiting for her!  
I opened the door and there stood a petite gorgeous blonde 35 years old. The sex was amazing. I paid for an hour and after two hours she said she should go as it was 1:30 a.m. She asked if she could use my shower. She asked me to join her! Then after the shower she said let's just fill the tub and soak for awhile. When we got out she said she needed to call for a cab. I told her it's 3:00 a.m she can spend the night and I would buy her breakfast. I woke up to an amazing Bj followed up by 45 minutes of sex. We showered got breakfast and I gave her a ride home. I handed her another $100 and she kissed me deeply then put the money in my pocket and said I had fun too. I was hooked from then on.

Wasn't long and I came across TER. Now I use TER to find what I want. But nobody has compared to my first time.

To take this a step further I enjoy photography. I have developed 3 good friendships from this.


the whole thing started bc at the time, at the age of 21 I felt that i had missed one of life's greatest someone who sometimes thought to himself "what's there to smile about?" I had felt an emptiness inside of me that was the product of never being with a girl; Always having to lie to my friends when the conversation of sexual conquests came up, always improvising with what I saw in porn or on TV...and in terms of Girlfriends, that was something I hadn't had since I was 15...there were actually a few reasons for the lack of women in my life but moving to a small town and a lack of confidence were the main ones.

At the time, one of my friends had was to be married, this was significant b/c he had been a born again Christian for the past 3 years, basically a virgin himself, I remember the ball busting he took in the days leading up to his wedding...among all the jokes were actually some tips which I heeded...such as jerking off before hand so you can last and not using the ultra thins b/c they break easier...

With this on my mind, I thought to myself that when I did get a girl, more than likely she'd be more experienced than me...and expect me to take charge and to know what I was doing, I didn't wanna disappoint her with my lack of experience or potentially have her laugh if I shot off too quickly. I figured I could pay for it and make my rookie mistakes with someone who could teach me something and make it an enjoyable experience that would build up my confidence. After reading a couple of other Virgin's exploits with escorts on the internet, it made me sure that this was the route to take. I went to a couple of popular sites 1st but I eventually found the ideal by chance, a beautiful blond with a genuine vibe about her. After a few days of dialogue I was convinced that she was the perfect one to help me out, we set an appointment and talked almost daily. She made me feel good about myself w/o even seeing her face to face. Though she understood my situation and promised me a pop party, I still wanked off a few times leading up to our meeting, I was nervous and per usual over thought things. Without having this read like a VIP review, it was a very memorable experience, it actually made me realize that sex isnt always like porn; though it can sometimes and that is what we call "Forgot it was a service/Once In a lifetime"; it doesnt always go off without a hitch, doesnt mean it cant be fun in spite of this. Ive met some genuine and very cool people in the hobby, and the experience has certainly helped in the civilian experiences that followed.

Basically, Good times...GOOD times..

Edit: whoops

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 11:08:50 AM

My wife and I were married in the '50s after we graduated from college. We had met there and after living together for the last couple months we got married. She helped me get my MSc and eventually my PhD. During this time we had great sex and it only got better after me getting an excellent job doing what I had trained for. Unfortunately this only lasted for 52 great loving years. During those years I had no reason to stray, although during my mid-life crisis I was tempted and I even suggested we try a little wife swapping with some neighbors, She declined but said, if you have to do it go ahead but she didn't want to know about it. I just couldn't go through with it.We had such a great thing going I just couldn't do anything that would hurt her. I doubt that any woman would do anything better than my wife had been doing for many years. Then when my wife got ill and died, I mourned her death for nearly 4 years. We had both said if one of us were to die we wanted the other to remarry if we found a suitable mate. I tried some of the web sites like Match or something like that but I wasn't all that thrilled about women in my age group.I missed female companionship. Then I discovered TER and got together with an 50 year old elegant woman and she tutored my entry into the hobby. She is still a good friend and at 82, I'm having a great time we a few lovely ladies.

rainy_days1557 reads

I finally decided I wanted to experience sex at least once before I die. I have had very bad social anxiety since a young age, so I felt it wasn't going to happen by conventional means. The prospect of seeing an escort was frightening to me, not only because of first time having sex, but also fearing that the "hobby" was a shady world where LE lurked around every corner, and thinking that all providers would be jaded and hardened from running from the law.

Luckily this site and others dispelled those fears about what visiting an escort would be like. My opinion has changed to where I'd say probably the majority in this business, clients and providers alike, seem to be pretty nice, down to earth people. Anyway back to the story... I'm lucky that I was able to confide in my social worker, psychiatrist, and my Dad. All understood my plight and were supportive. Between them and lurking on TER and other forums, I worked up the nerve to finally make the call.

My luck continued with the provider I ended up with. She was extremely kind, patient, beautiful and skilled. I'd say that my time with her was one of the happiest hours of my life. I haven't worked up the nerve to go back again yet but would like to. Probably I don't have the courage or the funds to ever be a serial hobbyist, but nonetheless it has been a very pleasant experience to dip into this world. I really enjoy lurking on the forum... lot's of interesting, mature perspectives on here.

I got started in the adult business when I was a single mother in
college.Shortly thereafter I married a client whom was an attorney and a
single father.I played soccer mom and then we had financial problems so I
went back into the business still married and quit the university in my
senior year.My job strained our marriage which ended in divorce I survived
on a meager existence to focus on being a mom.Well my son is ready to
graduate college and I am without my degree.I love traveling and men and
hope to somehow mix a civilian job into the hobby some day.It's more fun
being a single escort without a husband and children chaining me down.I
plan on touring the country in search of finding quality dates that don't
stigmatize me for my desires.I love traveling with other providers so I am
not lonely in a room.Ideally I want life long part time meaningful no
strings attached relationships as I reinvent myself.I love the advice and
intimacy from special clients it becomes spiritual .

I’m on an unexpected free pass from my wife of 18 years, and have been enjoying The Hobby, for just under a year now.

I have started an anonymous blog about it

It all started while working in SF in the late 70's and seeing the ads for
visiting stars at the O'Farrell Theater in the Chronicle. I fin@ere% Marilyn
Chambers and was on my way, spending evenings of $1 lap dances at that
place. I found my first MP in Berkeley across from the Ashby Bart
station. This led me to hours upon hours with many Santa
Cruz/Capitola hippie chicks and a few Mill Valley independents. FF 25 years
and started it all over again with Josephinetrivalley. Now BP and TER.
What a ride! And not much has changed except for the grooming and it costs
about double what it used to.

Living in the moment but living with vivid memories!

I started fantasizing about sex at a young age. I grew up in a upper middle class home and my parents always worked and no one was ever there. I explored with myself through masturbation, through movies, erotic books. Even discussing sex with them now is uncomfortable. Some of my family members know. But the older ones do not. I also use to watch shows like Benny Hill late at night. I became very curious as to why I would get turned on sometimes while watching this hilarious guy chase naked women around all the time. At the time, I pretty much kept all these feelings to myself. And then, my first crush on a woman happened.  
Still a young girl, I came across a movie that my parents had rented. They were out, so I thought I’d check it out. It was called “The Lover”. The movie had been originally written in French by author Marguerite Duras. It starred Jane March. I was so taken with her. It was the first time I identified with a character. The way she was, the way she moved, how sensual and sexual she was amazed me because she exhibited behavior that I had felt and always always kept to myself. I remember crying because it was me that I was looking at. I know that sounds crazy, but I’ve always been that way.  
Fast forward to me being an adult woman, I often would get annoyed with the person I was dating because everything sexually was about them and their needs. They also never wanted to try anything new or were very closed minded. And I loved desire, lust, heat, passion, but I just wasn’t getting it. And so for several years, I remained faithful when I had a boyfriend but I grew tired of the sex.  
Now hold that thought. I need to give you a little history, or should I say more history, but of a different kind….  
I am now responsible for a few people in my family. I have responsibilities on top of responsibilities. I was getting so stressed out and frustrated to the point where I was pulling out my hair on one side of my head just while sitting at my office job and thinking. I still to this day have bad insomnia.  
I had good jobs, but they weren’t good enough. Why? Because they didn’t pay enough. It came to a point where for the first time in my life I was taking anxiety medication. My eating habits were horrible. I just wasn’t taking good care of myself trying to take care of everyone else. And even now I am still guilty of that from time to time.  
Finally, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I kept reading this blog by this escort and I became fascinated with the stories. Mainly because she was experiencing sex in many different ways, but also because she was doing something she loved and was able to live comfortably. That’s all I want.  
I want to be able to take care of my family without it taking a toll on me. I got into sex work for three reasons: Family First, Money, Goals. And it doesn’t hurt that I get to earn my pay by being the sexual creature that I am and not only pleasing but being pleased. I love giving affection. I love kissing and erotic touching. I love the sounds of moaning and heavy breathing and eye contact, I love it all. But more importantly, I love being able to help put my niece through Junior College. Help my grandmother out. Pay off debt, etc..

Was in a sexless marriage, which I eventually put behind me, but I had to have my ashes hauled or I was gonna go crazy, so started being a monger at some Nevada brothels while traveling.  I still make a brothel visit every once in a while, but got my feet wet with an escort about 8 years ago who clued me in on the in and outs.  Have met some terrific gals, most of whom became regulars for extended periods of time.  Being in the hobby has left me with a smile on my face now for a long time.  It has enriched my life a hundred fold.  Numerous forays into the Match/eHarmony/et al dating scene that generally had me pegged in the "friend zone" only confirms my hobby choice as the right way to go.  Gonna pay for "it" one way or the other, and I can't live without the touch and scent of a woman.  So absolutely no regrets.

I started having sex late, and got married to a woman I'm not sure I ever really loved. There were many points where I could have said, "No. I don't want to do this," but I never did. My wife had a weight issue, and when I discovered after using Weight Watchers to drop 25 that she was never going to work hard to lose weight, I started losing interest in her sexually. She also stopped wanting to have sex, and she had the nerve to criticize me for masturbating.

Add to that the constant strain being married was causing. It was death by a thousand cuts: criticism, sarcasm, overspending, no sex, no forgiveness, etc. I started to feel like I was losing myself. Finally I decided to look elsewhere. I found BP, then TER, and started hobbying. I found a great provider early on, then another. I discovered I was an excellent liar, keeping my wife completely in the dark. Once she went on vacation for a week and a arranged 4 dates while she was gone.  

Nine months into the hobby, I finally said the "no" I should have said earlier. My wife and I separated and I got an apartment and started hobbying in earnest. I don't regret anything about it, not even the lying and cheating. I freed myself.

The idea & the opportunity to see the world & connect with it! I love meeting new people & being able to see the uniqueness in every individual. This hobby definitely comes with a lot of freedom & I am enjoying it to the fullest!

Ms. Leila Lovely

I met my ex-wife while married and living in Las Vegas in October 2001. I worked in advertising for MGM/Mirage and she was a stripper at O.G.'s.  I didn't like that club but instead spent every free moment hanging out with day shift girls at Spearmint Rhino. Even having sex with a handful of them. On a Thursday I stopped in after work and we met. Quick point - my wife is back in NYC so she's out of the picture. She was there due to a weeklong suspension for whatever. We got along great and decided to go out Sunday after she got off at 8. By go out I mean in - cause if you ever get to hang with a stripper outside the club you better take her home and enjoy. We met the next day, Monday around 6 and she asked if she could move in. I said yes. Anyway to make a long story shorter, she was also married to a guy who pimped her. She had been doing this for 3 years, since she was 19.  I rescued her from her situation and put her in touch with her family. Even encouraged her to apply for jobs she never believed she could do. We both partied hard but when we left Vegas for Tampa she got clean around a year later. I had also mostly stopped taking narcotics but if any of you pay attention to the news I was hooked on oxy's. 3 years later in October 2007! She told me we were over. I got clean in a week but the damage was done. I tried form2 weeks to get back with her and when it failed I went back to the Bronx. And threw myself into opiates, pills, patches, heroin, needles, it was my savior.  I finally got clean in February 2013 and still am opiate free. But along with emotions and feelings returning came horniness. Fact - opiates kill your sex drive and the last time i had sex was in October 2007. With my ex. I guess I lost my game cause I couldn't meet girls so I turned to the pros. There you go.

Five months ago, at age 43, decided that maybe my sexual desires would be best fulfilled by a professional, I contacted a young woman who was advertising here in the SF Bay Area.  It was a fantastic experience and since then I have had the pleasure of intimate, sexual encounters with a variety of providers.  I intend to continue doing so.

Simple as that

Graduated Columbia University became a teacher and hated it. To this day haven't been disrespected like with the Board Of Ed. One thing led to another and here I am. Not that this doesn't have its troubles but this become a fun and exciting lifestyle. Yeah all the money spent in college....but it could have been worse.

So you accommodate sexy teacher/naughty student scenarios???

Of course. I'm the queen of role-play. Spending time teaching makes you master that for sure. lol

I knew there was something. I taught 7th to 9th grade for a few years. Hormonal teens are a nightmare.

It was six years ago when I came home from my 1st deployment to Afghanistan and 4th deployment in total. I'm in a Marine Corp infantryman and had almost no contact with home for 7 months. I had been dreaming of the reunion with my wife the whole time and couldn't wait to see her. When I arrived back in California she wasn't there, my kids weren't there, and nothing I owned was there. I later found out that she had moved to Arizona with a guy she met in a bar. They had both been living off my paycheck for months. Needless to say we were divorced in short order.  

After a couple months the had wasn't enough anymore and I needed to be with a woman. I had no idea how the hobby worked and had not yet found TER. I started off with the BP girls and that's pretty much what I did about one a month since. I only stopped when I had a GF but I always screwed that uo pretty quickly because I couldn't get past the mistrust instilled by my ex.  

About a year ago I found TER but didn't pay much attention to it because you cant really use it without a VIP membership. More recently I started writing reviews just to see what there was on the site that was blocked, this was the beginning of the end of my career as a hobbyist. Shortly before I posted the review that granted me VIP I had been ripped off by a BP girl, I was tired of the fake pictures, ugly dirty women, questionable hotels and all the other downfalls of the lowend girls. Then I gained my TER access and discovered that there were good ones out there that weren't $1k/hr. I was browsing because of boredom last week and saw one that I couldn't help but contact. I went through my first screening and made the appointment. I showed up a couple days later for my session and she was perfect, exactly my type, the most beautiful, perfect woman I had ever been with. She was sweet, kind and attentive and I was all about me. The experience was to much for me, I  haven't stopped thinking about her since, and I have to remind myself that for her it was all about money and the GFE was what I paid for so I don't call or text to say hi or ask her out.  

I started doing this year's ago to fill a need and it worked well until I couldn't stand the druggies and the disappointment anymore and decided to upgrade to a better experience. The girl I saw the other day unknowingly filled a need I didn't think I had anymore. I've never done to have a list of beautiful women I've fucked or because I was bored with my wife, or any other reason than the need to feel a woman once in a while. I can't go back to  BP and I now know that the GFE experience is to much emotionally for a lonely war weary Marine, so I'm done, I realize I wasn't cut out for this game and I can't do it anymore.  

Be safe and have fun gentleman, be good to the ladies. It was fun while it lasted.

Dfusethesituation966 reads

At first when i was younger, around 18 through 20, we would go on deployments.  All kinds of ports, Rota, Barcelona, etc some of my friends would go to these whore houses.  i thought it was lame and taboo.  My second deployment I relaxed my rigid standards a bit.  Visited a couple of these places and saw some of the most gorgeous women you could ever lay eyes on.  It was nothing to walk into a bar and see a latina in a sling shot bikini and think oh my god, look at those curves.  Fast forward to 2006, I got stationed out in California.  I have never been the type to not be able to have a female or two (non-professional).  But somehow, someway I stumbled upon CL back when they advertised escorts.  It was pure then, there was no bait and switch.  If the girl posted a picture then you can rest assure that thats the girl you would see once you got to her location or she came to you.  I didn't know the terms then Incall vs outcall.  But it got to a point where I was making time to go see these girls whenever I could.  I had girlfriends, and there was never a time when i went without options of vajayjay.  But it was something about the thrill of the chase so to speak.  Being able to have your option of body type, nationality, services etc.  That lead to wanting more, more sites, expanding options, swinger clubs, sex shops etc.  Pretty soon myself and a couple of buddies would be going across the border to Tijuana, and if it wasn't something to my liking in San Diego, Los Angeles and Orange County were just a hop, skip and a jump right up the road.  This hobby is addicting to say the least, but I have had a blast over the last 8 years!

OnAndOffHobbist1141 reads

I was sitting at a bar with a friend.  We had both come into some extra cash through our businesses.  He related that he had visited a provider in O-town and she was gorgeous and performed GFE very well.  A couple more drinks and we had a bet on who could find the best provider in O-town.  After two months we would tell the other who they had seen that was the best.  We  then would go see the other guy's "best".  Meet up again and decide who won.  

Both of us saw about 6 gals each - one unbeknownst to us - we had both seen, but wasn't our top choice.  We both admitted that it was hard to decide who was ultimately our favorite.  We exchanged names of our favorites and visited them the next week.

Lucky me! My choice was the winner, but it was close, my friend finally conceded.   Both gals ended up being my ATFs until they got out of the bizz.  Ironically I ended up seeing his choice many times and we became friends on and off the clock.

After spending so much time with these two gals it became difficult to settle for anything less after they retired.  I did meet some very talented and personally nice women.

Happy hunting guys

I found out about TER in a Playboy article titled "The Girlfriend Experience" in 2007, (I think).  Nikki Avalon talked about her life as an escort, and Playboy talked about this website called TER, where you could read escort reviews and participate in the hobby.  I struggled with the idea of making a date with an escort for a while, and finally took the plunge.  My first time, I was very nervous and did not have an ideal experience, but it was good enough that I was hooked.   In my family, my father was known to engage in some extramarital activity.  His mother, (my church going grandmother) for many years, had a sugar daddy, until he became ill and eventually died of old age.   I think that the desire for multiple partners is definitely in my blood.  A few months after my first time, I thought a bit more about the type of lady that I really wanted to see, and made another date.  The second time was much, much better, and I continued to hobby as much as free time and finances would allow.  I have written a few reviews on TER, and would have written quite a few more, except for repeating many times with two of the ladies  I really clicked with.  I quit the escort scene for a few years and tried the swinger scene.  This was satisfying for a few months, but was very hit and miss depending on who showed up at various parties.  I really enjoyed parties with a small group of swingers with some younger ladies in it, but it broke up a year ago. Another group that I partied with became hard for me to deal with due to very aggressive, pushy and rude younger men who began attending in large numbers.  Senior men became unwelcome.  I find that an hour or so with a sexy, energetic young woman gives me more pleasure than I have ever felt before.  For days after, the world is a much better place, and I look forward to the next encounter.  Dating escorts makes my sex dreams come true, since I am able to be with women who I only fantasized about for many years.  You only live once, and I don't want to miss out on this particular pleasure while I am still young and able enough to enjoy it.

Jack B. Nimble1085 reads

Not that married life is bad, but I guess that some of us still dream and fantasize about that special sexual experience.
I found the hobby a better way to explore that than the affair route, which has its own issues. I've had a few incredible experiences, some so-so but I think this is a healthy way in a sense to explore that.  
Maybe not original, but that's my story.
I started with AMPs (first time was just a HJ) and then a girl who called herself Marie's Park Avenue .. neither was great but it woke up the dream.

I was 16 years old boy and one of the female middle-aged chaperones on the high school field trip grabbed my thigh and winked at me during dinner one night. She passed me the rolls and asked "Wanna roll?" I knew exactly what she meant. I let her suck my dick later in exchange for a bottle of wine.

In college I realized that I could hang out outside the porn shop basement booths. When guys met my eye, we could go into a booth and I could suck them and they would guiltily give me money. I didn't even need to ask most of the time.

Then years later I was married and a successful professional and one day I was bored and called my first escort. I had hung out with strippers and such a lot but never hired anyone. I don't even know why I was calling her. I was newly married to a very horny beautiful woman and happy. The girl showed up and because I wasn't even really planning ahead I only had twelve dollars and a coupon for Cheerios cereal. I showed her the almost empty wallet expecting her to leave but she said she's stay and I could keep the coupon. I thought... Well that was easy and convenient! But it wasn't really my thing. But it stuck in my mind.

I never really thought about anything like that again for years until a high-end escort in the town I had just moved to contacted me to ask for web site advice. I am not a web designer, but she liked my site that I did for my job. She offered to work something out. I never took her up on the offer, but we chatted and stuff.

After that every once in a while when bored on a trip or something I would call someone. It was sort of fun to meet someone new. Sort of interesting.  

Then I fell in love with someone I originally hired. And there was a series of crazy adventures. And I tried basically every debauched thing you can imagine, in several countries. Wow. Some crazy adventures. Eventually I got bored of all that and quit. There's only so many twists on the same old theme and things you can have jammed up your butt.

So then I went another few years until recently. I am happily married, but for medical reasons my wife cannot have sex. She gives a great BJ, but once in a while I just like to fully scratch that itch, if you know what I mean. My wife knows about the ex-love and some of the adventures, but she doesn't know I have hired anyone since then. She would probably be OK with it except for that love. She is afraid I'll click with another someone younger and beautiful and fun and energetic. And I might. But my wife is and always will be my best friend. I'll love her forever, no doubt, even if I do enjoy a few romps with others in the mean time

i feel so fortunate to be in hobby i had girl friend who had great hours money clothes and no apparent job i asked her how she did this and she exlained  i loved sex anyway thought i should make living doing what i wanted to do i took an overflow from her and been at it and love it

My wife stopped wanting sex. We got along fine in every other area but she had no desire for sexual intimacy. She said we had a great relationship without it. Despite my requests, she wasn't interested in making herself available to me unless she wanted it too and she rarely, if ever, did. Eventually I stopped asking for it. After several years I decided to try an escort that I found on backpage. I was terrified; I just knew I was going to get arrested. My first experience was laughable. We talked for an hour and I declined sex. A week or two later I went back to the same lady and consummated the deal. It was okay, but not great. I later found TER and began reading about the type of encounter I wanted to have (GFE). My research paid off. After get the idea.

AndyPartridge1093 reads

I have been married, generally happily, for nearly 25 years. My wife has been in somewhat bad health for about half of those years, and has no energy for, and seemingly no interest in, sex any more. Being with her was truly a joy, and we could hardly keep our hands off each other. I really missed the intimacy that sex provides, so I've embarked on what is now nearly a year of exploration.

My first encounter was with a beautiful Korean/Japanese woman, and I was about as nervous as I'd ever been. I saw her for an hour and feeling a woman's touch for the first time in years really made me hunger for more. I saw her again a week or two later. I've seen probably a dozen or so women since then, and had experiences of varying quality, though none truly bad. I've met some very interesting women this past year, and I've discovered that, as in all walks of life, it takes all kinds. Some were temporarily in it to take care of some pressing financial needs, others were in it as a career. I've paid too much at times, and gotten real bargains at others.

One thing I've learned about myself through these encounters is that an hour is not enough. Now I'll meet someone new for an hour, but I do that just to see how we get along. If we click, I'll book multiple hour dates and really spend some quality time with her. I won't say it's not about the sex, that would be a lie that no one here would believe, but I've had the most interesting conversations during my time with the women I've seen, and I've met some genuinely nice people. One in particular comes to mind. I'd seen her several times and we were talking about our real lives and we both shared something personal about ourselves. While I have no trouble opening up, I understand that the ladies must be quite guarded with their lives. It meant a lot to me that she trusted me enough to reveal herself, just a little bit, to me. It took some of the impersonal nature of our relationship away. Sadly, she's recently encountered a misfortune that is likely the end of her career, short though it was. MG, it's unlikely that you'll ever see this, but I'll always have a warm spot in my heart for you, and I wish you well in real life.

Anyway, it's been an enjoyable 2015, and 2016 should prove be be even more so.

1. My wife wont suck my dick
2. I love DATY but she wont wax or smooth shave her kitty.
3. the daily Nag nag nag...never stops.. and I saw her mom's face (the biggest nag in the world)  one day when i was fucking my her (metaphorically)
That is it. That is the last day I touched her ever.

Im going to be grateful to the erotic review and people in the hobby for the kindness given.  
When i got in hobby I had two tinny kids 2 and 8 month old baby. I had no education but was married to a decent guy.  my parents disliked him very much he was much older 25 years and a Baptist preacher not practicing at time.    
He got shot in head and robbed at the palm beach Fl  mall coming out of food court.  Needless to say I needed help fast and what a mess.  
I found no help from our church, and government was to slow at getting us assistance. Getting in the hobby by a hobbyer got us food and medical attention then education GED and lab tech and privet schools for my kids. My kids education has been number one and they got it.  
Love it and support this hobby  
Love jennxj6

After finally admitting to myself my marriage was not ever going to be anything close to what I wished for and with two young children to raise, I realized I just longed for someone who would be nice to me.  
Divorce wasnt going to happen as I firmly believed my children deserved my best and that included me being there every day for them. It wasnt their fault their father made such a stupid choice in marrying so after a lot of research I met a provider on a trip out of town 14 years ago.
Since then Ive met dozens of women. Most were genuine and nice women I was happy to know. A few just outstanding became a long lasting serious relationship.  
I believe this activity has kept me home in a less than good marriage and my children were the beneficiaries. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

When I first ventured into the hobby back in 1999/2000 it was because I was in a terrible marriage to a woman I no longer loved.  Foreplay had devolved into her simply showing up in bed naked once a week (invariably Saturday morning).  I felt trapped (no one in the family had ever been divorced), lonely and bored.  Then came the ever improving Internet, and on a solo trip house sitting for my parents I made a call....and a very sweet, very gentle, and very talented milf introduced me to the hobby and made me feel special.  I was terribly conflicted - and to some degree likely always will be -about the hobby and what I had stumbled across.    In any event, in the age before hobby phones, etc. I got caught and the marriage ended.  
Then, the hobby became a means to explore...and boy did I.  Then something completely unexpected happened, I met someone and fell in love and the bonus was I couldn't keep up with her in the bedroom.  We got married, and a cancer diagnosis sidelined her.  After having been out of the hobby for 36 months,  It just became so easy on business trips to fall into the old groove of hobbying.  So, here I am, 15 years in and still in despite being with someone I genuinely care for, and our sex, while a bit less frequent is mind blowing and far more genuinely loving and passionate than any hobby experience could be.  
In the end, I have to confront the fact I hobby because I'm selfish.  I enjoy the hunt, and I generally seek out appointments that allow me to be "in charge" since at home the wife dictates how (and sometimes when) I cum.  That said, I am simply in love with women of all types and I treasure the moments I've stolen with most of them I've met through the hobby.  Nevertheless, at some point I'm going to have to white knuckle my way out of this addiction since the risks now far outweigh the rewards and I find myself getting progressively less enjoyment from it.  It served a purpose for me at a stage in my life...but it is time to move on.

I like blowjobs, always have and always will.  Dated around when I was young and single and most girls did not like giving BBBJ.  Met my wife (35 or so) years ago and found she had the skill and did not mind giving BBBJDTCIMNSNQ on a regular basis.  She moved in with me, kept me smiling and we got married.  I never touched another woman during the 5 or so years we were living together and the first 20 years we were married, not one!  Then one day she tells me she won't be servicing me anymore.  One month later I found TER and started hobbying.  Have had a fantastic time hobbying ever since.  

Our marriage has endured because we both have what we want, or at least we both have what we say we want.  We both enjoyed sex when we were young.  Early on I remember having sores on my dick, not because of STD but simply abrasions from having so many hours of sex everyday. Have always believed in fitness and was a regular runner for many years.  I was 32 inch waist and 155 lbs from high-school till my early 40s. At around 40 the wife tells me to stop running to spend more time with the children, so I did.  Five years later I was 200 lbs 38 inch waist.  This is what led to that day the wife told me my blowjobs were at an end, because I was too fat.  Doing what she had asked was the reason I had put on the pounds.  Well the hookers didn't mind my beer-belly, and I didn't mind being sucked off by pretty young hookers, and every night I would come home to the wife and sleep next to her and everyone is happy.  I slimmed down to 185 shortly after hitting the 200 lb mark because I could not see past my beer-belly while receiving blowjobs, and I was totally disgusted with my body for not being able to cut my own toe-nails (and a few other reasons too disgusting to post) while at 200lbs.

About two years ago I was at home reading TER and sharing emails with hookers and fell asleep.  The wife was out somewhere and I did not expect her to come back until late.  Well, she came back early and found my laptop open with TER and my hobbymail.  She woke me up and I knew instantly from the look on her face that I was in trouble.  She cried: “how can you do this” and I told her the story written above, I tell you no lie.  I also told her I would be much happier “getting it” at home.  I would never stray as long as she takes care of me.  That put an end to the argument, and leaves us where were are now.  She knows I hobby.  She could stop me by taking care of me herself but she does not.  She enjoys many of the finer things in life and is happy letting other women suck my dick.  And that's my story, till death do us part.  I still appreciate the great service the wife gave me for 20+ years, and we are both happy (more or less) with the way things are now.  I have seen others divorce and it is always a disaster, even before considering the effect it has on the children involved.

My wife stopped BJ and she stopped me from doing DATY and she wont do CG or Doggie any more...only Mish that too no reciprocation.
I am DONE ...

Spadgle1262 reads

After a couple of fair sized relationships, I had a few small flings, that didn't come to anything.  

Clearly though, a man has needs & working girls were (as I appreciate the finer female form) for me the obvious choice, as they do away with the uncertainty of the dating game....

3 rules apply for me.  


The girl must be doing it of their own free will & I only use verified independent girls.  

Finally, not supporting a drug habit; after that, anything goes.  

I do travel a fair bit, so have wasted many amazing hours (along with God knows how much money!) with some truly beautiful (both in looks & personality) girls.  

I have my eye on a couple for my "Xmas pressies" to myself; a previous hook up & a first-timer.  

I enjoy my hobby, its what I work hard to do & long may it continue!

Like most college guys, my first experience with uninhibited women came at a topless bar, but it didn't escape me that I felt more comfortable talking with a half naked girl either dancing or sitting with me at the club than most women I met in college.  I never took one home, but it felt like a big jump to go to a "nude club" that were popular in the 80s & 90s, which you could go into a private room with a girl of your choice.  Sex was a possibility, but also very expensive, so I never went that far.  However, it was another step forward until I braved my first visit to an AMP.  The first time was nothing special, but I learned how to make it better.  Then I tried the ads for girls coming to my room in Vegas and quickly discovered how the upsell system burned uneducated guys like me.  This was all before I discovered review boards like this one, but one day I got lucky with a great provider who not only was honest, friendly, very good and then had the generosity to sit down with me after the service and show me TER.  Since then, I have been a dedicated client and ardent researcher.  As it turns out, my experience with providers has been better than my personal relationships and after two divorces later, I decided this was a better way.  I'm glad I did.

Interestingly I started at the request of my general physician about thirty years ago. I was in Florida and in a stressful job. My doctor suggested that I needed “relaxation therapy” and prescribed such. As I was driving back to the house I saw this billboard advertising relaxation therapy. That is what MP’s were referred to in Florida at that time. So I stopped. Not knowing exactly what to expect I went in. much to my surprise I left very relaxed and was convinced my doctor really knew his stuff. I have moved around over the past 30 plus years and have sought after these same establishments everywhere only to discover results vary widely depending where in the US you are. When TER came about I tripped over it, not sure how, but I liked what I saw and signed up. I’ve been a member for longer than I can remember. It is a great resource and has allowed me to evolve from the MP scene to the independent service provider. Since I started at my doctors recommendation I consider any expenditures as a medical expense. Helps in offsetting some of the costs come tax time. I have seen activities and availability change over the past years but this hobby is still fun and I’m looking forward to continuing for many years to come. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I got into this hobby under inspiration from some famously handsome Hollywood actor years ago who got busted with a hooker in L.A.  Someone asked him why he was paying a woman for sex when he was so handsome. He replied: "I don't pay women for sex - I pay them to leave afterwards." That's me, the Magic Rat.

I'll never forget the day I contacted a provider. I wanted to have sex; in the worst way. I told myself that after it was over then I would feel like everyone else---normal. I mean, there is nothing wrong with me physically or cognitively. I am average looking but not ugly; I am thin and look healthy. But what you can't see about me is what is the problem with me.  

One day when I was young---I forget how old, maybe 10 years of age---something happened to me. And what happened to me wasn't even that bad considering what some people have experienced; but I felt like the devil entered my soul at that time when it  happened. I was such a young, happy, innocent kid who was just enjoying his childhood! But, consequently, the unfortunate event changed me thenceforward. Later in life, perhaps during my early high school years, that's when I couldn't keep relationships. When a woman wanted to have sex with me I wanted intimacy instead. Coupled with my conviction for not wanting to have sex until married, I abstained from having sex before high school, during high school, after high school, before and after college until I couldn't take it any more for I felt like I was not normal for being a virgin at 27 years of age. That's why I had sex: I wanted to feel good about myself and I wanted to feel more comfortable with the opposite sex so that I didn't have to feel incompetent. Unfortunately, less than a half an hour after having sex, shortly after losing a part of me that I could never possess again, I felt as disappointed in myself then as I do now for compromising my moral conviction.  

Today, I am who I am without thinking too much about the past. I am post conventional and am proud of it.  I do what I do because it's my choice. I am human

I was surfing the net one Saturday morning, and found a Wikipedia reference to prostitution.  I clicked over to see what Wikipedia had to say about the oldest profession and there was discussion about Internet sites.  I found TER by clicking through a couple of links.  I read and surfed TER for a few weeks, and then purchased VIP status.  As you know, it can become quite addictive!

A full year and a couple of false starts later, I made a date with a woman who would eventually become my only four-peat (I'm clearly in this for variety -- in over 4 years and 50-60 dates, I have only a handful of repeats).  Unfortunately, I had to cancel because I caught a nasty cold three days before the date.  

Finally, about 18 months after finding TER on that long-ago Saturday morning, I found myself in Phoenix with absolutely nothing to do.  I sat down with a cell phone and began contacting the "false starts" from the previous few months.  An hour later I had a date for that afternoon.  I was scared to death -- almost manic.  But the lady was very professional and that date is also my first review.  I've met many lovely women since that date, and I assume that the high quality of my hobby experiences, at least somewhat are the result of that first successful date.

I did finally meet my future four-peat about six months later.  It truly was a transcendent experience.  

-- Modified on 2/7/2016 6:35:39 AM

I've had weight issues all of my life and they got out of hand a number of years ago...about 5 or 6 years ago I lost my job and with it my health survive I was driving a taxi 12 hours a day, eating very badly and put on even more weight and also started having very serious issues with blood pressure and circulation...and that's when "things" stopped working...

Fast forward a few years...I weight north of 400 pounds, was sick all the time, and was approaching my 50th birthday...I found a good job again, and had restored health insurance, was on meds for my blood pressure but still weighed around I decided it was time to do the drastic and have bariatric surgery...starting during the holiday season of 2014 I started dieting and working through the pre-surgery testing and finally had the surgery early August 2015...

About a month after the surgery "things" started working going through puberty at age 50...and I didn't have time for the whole dating and relationship deal, I needed what I needed and I needed it NOW!

An acquaintance introduced me to a couple websites including TER and after a day or 2 of building courage I made the first call to a local girl who appealed to me and a few hours later I was in a room with a very beautiful and very naked woman who was vey accomodating...

This feels surreal...all of this.

I never thought I would dip my toe in this world.  Growing up my family always viewed the hobby as "dirty" or "scandalous."  As a young man, I was the "nice guy" that was left in the rain while the "thug" or "bad boy" took the honey bunny home.  

I discovered the pick up culture in my mid-twenties and set out to be a PUA, or "pick up artist."  I felt I needed a system because my natural state was not masculine enough.  I'm not naturally a silver-back...unless someone pushes me.  Applying "the mystery method," I spend many nights in clubs approaching and getting shot down.  Then something changed:  I started feeling more comfortable being in a social environment.  I'm not sure if it was the routine or just getting over my initial approach anxiety.  But I was beginning to have fun.  I took salsa lessons and became more comfortable approaching women.  Things began to come together.

I was able to have the kind of success with women I desired.  Not an expert player by a long shot.  But I got girls.  

The rest of my twenties and my early thirties were filled with this routine.  Sleep with several different women, one eventually gets my heart, we love, we break up, I brood for some time, I get back in the mix.  Rinse and Repeat.  

Eventually my heart changed.  After my last break-up in 2014 I took a break for close to a year.  I was enduring some personal and financial turmoil that I believe lowered my desire for sex.  In late 2015 my loins began to stir.  Since I've done this routine, I was like "time to get off the bench and step to the plate....again."  

This time I was not as enthusiastic as before.  My body still wanted sex...but I was not interested in playing the dating game again.  I went out anyway.

On-line dating, clubbing, salsa dancing.  It felt like the same routine once more and I was BORED OUT OF MY FUCKING MIND!


It felt like I had no interest in doing.  Through will power alone I endured going out, getting phone numbers that went no-where (because I lost interest so easily), and spending money on clothes, drinks, coffee dates ect.  

I didn't want to be celebant.  I wanted to feel the sensations of a beautiful woman.  Maybe even *gulp* marry one and start a family.  But I don't want to date.

DATING SUCKS DONKEY DICKS!!!  "But I need the eggs," Woody Allen said in a movie.

One night at a salsa class I was shooting the breeze with my instructor:  A cool older dude...kind of like Al Pacino's character in "Carlito's Way."  I was discussing trying to live a good life in general, nothing specific about women, when he told me something interesting:

"Hey man just have fun, even if you need to buy a woman."

I brushed the comment off, thinking he was joking.   But he made me think.  Lightbulb!

I never saw hobbying as a genuine option.  My stupid pride always barred me from P4P.  But when I really thought of it in a serious context, the only response in my brain was "just do it once."  

After discovering TER and doing my research I met a lovely blonde who introduced me to the hobby.  She was stunning and a true pleaser.  I have to say I was nervous but I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I will never forget her.  

Fast forward to today and I feel a great sense of freedom.  I've seen two other providers so far and I value the time I spend with them.  I do my part as a gentleman and am rewarded with an incredible experience each time.  WOW!  I'm not sure how long I will do this.  Maybe I'm just getting by until I meet someone that could be the woman I could make my bride.  I'm sure I will date again.  But this time it will be on my terms.

Thank you to everyone in this community.  I feel blessed to be part of the club.  PEACE

It was originally a very strange thing to get into.  Growing up I was always quite shy around girls, I could smile and I could make small talk but I could never ask a girl out.  As puberty hit my entire body changed.  I went from being this small blonde haired kid to being taller than everyone around me growing facial hair and my voice is about as deep as Barry White's but I was still very shy around women.  A few years go by and I meet the woman that I will marry, hind sight tells me that I didn't really play the field to much but I thought I was in love.  While we are dating every time we are around each other we can't seem to keep our hands off of each other.  We are doing it everywhere we can find 30 minutes of alone time.  We get married and at first things are great but within 6 months we go from having sex daily to maybe monthly then even less than that.  5 years into the marriage we have our first child.  Sex goes from being bi-monthly to bye-bye.  In the first year of my child's birth we had sex a total of 0 times, we didn't have sex for more than 2 and half years.  I talked to her I asked her what was wrong or if she had found someone else and she said nothing was wrong or no she had not found anyone else she was just not interested in sex anymore, I looked at her and said that I was but there was not much of a response.  The next time we have sex again is about 2 years from that point and my wife gets pregnant again ( I know it does seem strange ).  Since the conception of my son I have not been able to touch her.  My Son turned one the last week in January of this year.  I started looking for a provider because originally from TBD site and then here about 6 years ago.  When I first met her I was honestly almost ready to break down.  After our meeting we just sat there and we talked.  She told me that she had no where else to be and I had told her a little bit of my story and she could tell that I needed someone to just talk to.  We must have talked for another good 2 hours.  When I left I honestly felt like a man again not some used up shell of a person.  I now will see a provider when I need to feel passion.  There are a few that I have really clicked with, there are a few that I have not but I have enjoyed almost every encounter I have had.  Seeing a provider keeps me from leaving my wife and loosing my children, I know that may seem strange but every other aspect of my relationship with my wife is great it is just a completely sex-less marriage.  Seeing a provider for an hour or 2 is so much cheaper than getting a divorce.

due to my upbringing by my alcoholic bipolar mother with severe anger management issues (and a propensity towards violence, though not towards me, thank god, only towards my sister) all of my siblings and i grew up with an incredibly skewed view of what the world was and what was expected of us.

my mother, who would have literally been institutionalized today, was simply regarded as "moody" and "grumpy" by the few professionals that bothered (though seeing therapists was never allowed in our family) back then in the 50's and 60's.

also, my dad was a passive drunk, and both parents were incredibly prudish about sex.  i grew up with a supreme self-loathing as well as an image of myself as ugly, repulsive to women and not worth anything, no matter how much success i achieved (i got incredible grades in school, participated in drama and music clubs, and was an all around well-liked kid.  except at home).

cut to my young adulthood... never had a girl friend in high school or college... and the few times i got a girl in bed i was literally frightened, not just shy or nervous, but fight-or-flight adrenalin-pumping heart stopping fearful.  needless to say i hardly ever performed well, and even when i did, i could not emotionally connect enough with a girl to see anyone more than once.

i was continually depressed (ps, so were my two sisters and brother, though i am not privvy to their heads enough to tell their stories).  i managed to achieve success in the entertainment field in my 20's, but even that did not give me confidence enough to connect emotionally with women, let alone physically.

eventually i married, after having 2 girlfriends, neither of which i was ever able to sexually perform with on a regular basis.  and at first i did well enough with my wife, but eventually my depression over took my self image again and i had huge problems in the bedroom.

though i was by my 40's able to accept my success and improved self-worth in all other aspects of my life, being emotionally intimate with my wife (and truly, any woman) was still a painful, confusing, uphill battle.

i'm the lucky one.  my brother, now 60, never had a girl friend (or boy friend) in his life, until a few years ago when, living in our childhood home left to him when my parents died, he moved in 2 bipolar women to live with him, thus totally recreating our childhood.  

my marriage was, i thought, a loving one, even though physically i would not approach my wife for fear of failure, which would lead to days of dark depression.

well, surprise surprise my marriage fell apart.  she left me, and who could blame her.

and i will be honest, i started seeing providers a few years before she left.  

i enjoy a very specific (and pretty taboo) role play in my sexual play, which i discovered and developed by browsing internet chat rooms.  i asked my wife to engage in said role play;  she was not willing.  so when i hit a particularly good streak of luck in the entertainment business, i used the extra cash to see some providers who would role play with me.

my wife is now no longer with me.  so now with the help of viagra i am trying to make up for lost time by enjoying physical intimacy with women.  and i enjoy it a great deal.

however, i think one of the reasons i can do it easily is the complete lack of emotional intimacy involved.  also, i'm 40 years older and wiser about myself.

every therapist i ever saw always told me i didn't have a problem.  it was rather like going to the doctor with a huge pain in your gut and the doctor saying, oh you don't have a pain.

i have always been depressed and confused about my ability to connect with women.  at least now i am enjoying the physical aspect of it.

to others this is a hobby.  to me this is therapy.  i only wish i had the money and knowledge to engage in this endeavor back in my 20's, i may have become a more emotionally stable human being.

it is what it is.  at least now i am enjoying myself.

kind of.

and a damning indictment of the psychological care system we have.

Thank you for sharing

My path to becoming an escort started at the University of Missouri, or Mizzou, during my 1 yr there as a freshman in 2001.  Before then I had a pretty ordinary life growing up in suburban St Louis, although I was raised by step parents (both of my parents died when I was very young) who were both very religious and while loving didn't really give me a lot of attention after they had their own children.  Still I wasn't a wild child or overly promiscuous in high school, while I lost my virginity at 15 I had only slept with 4 guys by the time I graduated.

That all started to change when I got to Mizzou.  Soon after I arrived I started going to fraternity parties and getting drunk and hooking up.  There was one house in particular -- Alpha Tau Omega or ATO -- where I spent most of my time.  Before I knew it, and without planning to do so, I had been with 5-6 of the brothers and boys will of course exchange stories and info on girls and before long my numbers started to balloon (I soon stopped keeping track).  Toward the end of that semester 2 of the ATO seniors -- Brad and Andrew -- convinced me to become the house's "unofficial" Little Sister.  That meant I could wear the letters and basically hang out at the house all the time.

Second semester Brad, Andrew and some of the other ATO seniors became increasingly manipulative and controlling.  They were both older than me -- I was 19 and they were both well in their 20s and Brad in fact was in his later 20s having spent time in the navy before college.  They encouraged me to hook up with different guys in the house and before long having sexual relations with several guys in the house just seemed normal to me.  They also convinced me to strip at their pledge and fraternity events, introduced me to threesomes and group sex, got me hooked on ecstasy, and started to persuade me that keeping my dates with boys was more important than going to class.  Brad also would teach me techniques and sex tricks he remembered from Thai and Korean prostitutes from his time in the navy.  They also convinced me to quit my sorority, I had pledged Delta Gamma but they said I was already in one greek organization, why did I need two?  Some girls saw what was happening to me and tried to help, but by this time I didn't care and was too far in.  Since I was sleeping at this point with a lot of their boyfriends, most of the girls hated me anyway lol.

Last 2 months of school I basically became a complete sex addict.  I totally stopped going to class and basically spent my whole day going from date to date hooking up with boys at the ATO house and also a few afternoons a week at the Kappa Alpha House as well (Kappa Alpha was a black fraternity and where the ATO house got its drugs).  In other words, I was living the life before becoming pro (I was never paid in college).  Sex is like a drug, the more I had the more I needed.  While I was young and naive, I didn't back then nor still do consider myself as a victim of anything.  I fully consented to everything I did, I had A LOT of fun, was in the best physical shape of my life, and was frankly blown away (and became addicted) to the power my body gave me over men.  Of course the ATO boys saw to it that I had plenty of alcohol and XTC, had plenty of lingerie, and also paid for regular visits to a local spa so I always had a fresh mani/pedi.  I also kept stripping too, at events at both the ATO and Kappa houses and also at amateur nights at a local bar off-campus in Columbia.

The year didn't end well for me.  I was basically by the end of the college year addicted to XTC and in mid-May that year I found out I was 10 weeks pregnant, with virtually no way to find out who the father was among the literally dozens of guys I had slept with over the previous month (most of them went home anyway after exams).  Not going to class myself for most of second semester, I flunked out of school.  To top it all off, my step parents got a divorce that summer!  I had an abortion (the toughest decision in my life) moved back to St Louis and took about a year to sober up.  It was the toughest year of my life and I went through some very dark times, but I also sorely missed my life on campus and the way the guys made me feel.  Then my life changed forever, one of the ATO guys I kept in touch with had an uncle who worked at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas and got me a job there, and I moved out in 2002.  My life changed forever, and maybe I'll tell Part 2 at some point!



...well written.  I for one desperately need to hear part 2!

I have a straight job as a science consultant. I got a little bored a few years ago and since then, between contracts, I've been extremely naughty. I love what I do. I wish people knew what a fun adventure this hobby is, how empowering, fascinating, and endlessly entertaining!  

I'm not a sex expert. Sometimes I just take off my clothes and hope for the best. But I'm convinced this hobby, in a safe setting, provides an essential service. People need and deserve loving, affectionate touch daily. Something unbelievable happens every day and I'm always amazed by how complicated and wonderful human beings are

I got into the poker boom in the early 2000s like many did. The nearest casino to me was Niagara Falls over 3.5 hours away. There were casinos on both the American and Canadian side, but as a poker player the money was on the Canada side. I made a few trips and always came back with a profit.

Now just a few years prior, the new bride and I had our honeymoon in Niagara Canada, so this was a place my wife trusted.

After a  few profitable poker trips, my new wife encouraged me to go and play poker. I would go for the weekend and come home with 3-5k every time I went. It was ATM territory. So I started to book trips to Niagara Falls Canada every 2 weeks on the weekend. Each time I came home with more money than I took. One time I took 1k and came home with 23k. It was just insane.

To the topic. I had been there several times. One night I called it a night early because I booked nice win and was tired. For home reason, this 34 year old newly married man looked in the phone booked for girls. Why I don't know. The thought had never crossed me before. Anyways, I did and I called a girl to my room expecting a dance or show or something and before I knew it I had just had both oral and intercourse with an 18 year old. Just wow.  

After talking to her, she said it is not  "legal" in Canada but they look the other way.

From that point on I was hooked. Every poker trip in Canada was ended with a visit from an escort..or two. It expanded to the US and I found TER.  

I now make a yearly "poker" trip to Las Vegas and use TER to plan that trip.

I was in college and my girlfriend and I broke up. I was devistated. During my summer break I was still in a huge funk and went downtown (DC) with some friends and was at a club. There were some streetwalkers in the area and there was one that was really hot and I struck up a conversation with her. The next week we were at the club again and I saw the same hooker. We talked again and I ended up going with her to her hotel room. She was about 8 years older than me and was amazing. I saw her a lot that summer.  

I was off and on with hookers and brothels but I got into seeing escorts in 2000. I was in a sex-less marriage and it was killing me. I found TER around 2004 and I've been hooked (pun intended) ever since. Without TER the hobby is a crapshoot. I've met a lot of great ladies here.

Somedudesjunk687 reads

ell, this may sound awfully pretentious and high and mighty but its not, it just sort of happened.  

I was freakin' 17 years old and on a family vacation in Europe. My parents rented a van and we drove around in France for some sightseeing. We were in a small city called Strasburg. In France. Sounds German but its not. Anyhow, My bro and I were drinking beer in a bar. Because we could. My Bro wasn't feeling to good so he booked back to the hotel. Actually it was more like a hostel cause my folks were trying to save on cash.  

I decided to walk around and smoke ciggs and try to look cool. I was walking down a little sidestreet and was passing a doorway and a leg came out like a toll booth gate, stopping me dead in my tracks. Freaked me out, plus, I was slightly buzzed. It was the leg of pretty damn hot mid to late twenties woman, dark hair and eyes, very much all woman in jeans and a nice revealing top. Some intense breasts. As a young man would. SCHWING. Plus a healthy dose of fear? was it fear? I'm not sure what the fuck it was, it was a strong feeling though.  

She says. Jeune fille? or somesuch, like that. I spoke some high school french and understood sorta. "young girl" and then mumbled some crap to her in english. More like, drooled on my shirt and nodded hard while I tried to keep from swallowing my brain.  

She indicated that it would be 100 francs. HUH? is what I was thinking. Where's my money! ? is what I was doing.  

She took my hand and led me upstairs to a nice little room and proceeded to take my clothes off. She brought me over to a sink and washed my cock and my ass, then she washed her pussy and her ass as I watched. Damn Damn Damn, I had never thought of washing my ass at that age, LOL. I couldn't believe it, remember, I'm seventeen or so and this was the mid seventies.  

We go to the bed and she proceeds to seduce me, everything, hot. She was having fun, I was just in shock. I think she enjoyed the fact that I was a kid. She sucked my cock, licked my ass, had me go down on her, showed me what to do. LOL. And then directed me to her asshole. THAT freaked me out but I did it and never really had a regret. I came three times. (seventeen years old, remember? . I can't do this anymore unless extremely motivated) twice in her pussy and once in her ass and, almost came several hundred times in her mouth. She seemd to know and would hold me back before I could.  

She gave me a hicky on my neck during all of this wildness and then kicked me out of her room an hour and a half later. I didn't even know I had the damn hicky, and later, my old man saw it and said, "I didn't know the doorknobs were that high in France" I told him I met a girl at the bar after my bro left and we walked around together. Man, that was rough shit. My bro was seriously wondering WTF? and giving me major crap during the lulls in his heavy interrogation of moi.  

 100 francs at that time was, I think, about 20 dollars. All bareback. She was the nicest most affectionate pro I have ever been with. Still trying to find someone that lives up to this standard.  

It was a long time. 20 or so years later before I INTENTIONALLY went to see a pro

so I lost my virginity to a Times Square peep booth gal at a grimy old Times Square short stay hotel.  I figured Once I broke the ice I'd be able to "have game" and talk to and meet civvie gals, no problem.  Didn't work out that way.  I was still shy and awkward and didn't really learn how to have a relationship that ended up as a sexual one until I was well into my mid 20's.  But by that time, my "number" had skyrocketed to 40 or 50 providers.  I have since lost count of the number of women I have been with sexually (it must be between 300 and 500 by now). But my civvie, (non bought) sex relationships  (including one night stands) I can still count on one hand. 

I have always been very outgoing, very sexual. Lots of casual sex. Lots of sex in relationships. 10 years ago when I was 30 I started posting semi-artistic nudes online for free - mostly for fun and attention. I gathered a small following. I finally grew bored of that and slowly stopped. Then Reddit became really popular and I started posting my old photos there about 3 years ago.  I went to the eXXXotica convention in November 2015 and sat in on the cam girl seminar hosted by one of the biggest cam sites. I was familiar with it because I used to video chat with fans 8-10 years ago when I used to post nude photos regularly.  I was intrigued about camming for pay vs when I used to do it just for fun so I started camming regularly like a part time job from November till I grew bored of it last summer (2015). Too much bullshit, begging for tips, guys typing very rude shit, etc. I needed money but camming was mentally exhausting. 4-6 hours a day of forcing myself to be happy and sexy for little return wasn't worth it anymore, especially since I am a full figured girl and that's a niche market. I wasn't making thousands a month like the skinny model girls were. 2 guy friends mentioned that I should try escorting and that they had seen escorts and explained it to me. Honestly I had ALWAYS thought about it and wished I lived in a place where it was safe & clean. These guys explained to me how the girls are classy and how if I'm careful I could do it without getting in trouble or hurt. So, I started researching and here I am 9 months later, a working escort. Looking back it seemed almost natural for me to get into sex work. I just didn't know this underground community is here and that it can be safe and clean. 40 years old and wished I had started sooner!

Well the answer is fairly simple, but I want to tell the long version.  I'm an Asian man who came to America in the early 70's.  Asian men were not considered sexy so getting women pretty much was a lost cause for me.  I developed an early eating problem which led to me becoming morbidly obese.  So being a sumo did not help in the romance department.  Over the years, I lived pretty much alone, with no female contact.  I went to strip joints and got lap dances so I could at least have some physical contact with a woman.  My first time, was with an understanding woman in a legal brothel in Amagrosa Valley, Nevada.  So every year I made it a point to take a trip to Nevada for my vacation.  It turned out to be too much work.  I started finding listings for providers on the internet but that backfired when I was rounded up in a sting.  Finally, after almost giving up, I discovered TER.  So far, the reviews have been fairly accurate and has helped me immensely.  I am now middle-aged and have never been married and never had a girlfriend, but when necessary I can always call a kindly provider.  BTW, any provider in OC, CA, near La Palma, please contact me if want to help a sumo out.

I was at the casino and I was having a good night and they had comp me a room. I had couple drinks and I was taking a break and I see this hot women in tight jeans with a ass that was hard not to look at. Next thing I know I am talking to her and her friend. Will after about 10 or 15 minutes we decide to take the party upstairs. And it turned out to be a party of three and a fun time. Will the one good looking girl takes my number and we get together couple more times. Than I don't see her for awhile and I Google her number which pops up back page ads. Next thing I am doing searches which leads me to eroctic review and has been a great tool since and the party is getting better and better.

Back in College there was this stripper that hung out at our parties and sometimes she would come over and do a little show for us for gas money. Well one day she brought a friend to a party and the friend whispered in my ear "sometimes it better to pay for something and know exactly what you are getting." I had a pretty good idea what she was talking about and it would be my first time with a professional. Services were as advertised, donation was very reasonable even for a college student. I remember during the party there was sort of a small line of brother hanging out waiting to get in my room as word got out. One of the Sorority girls got wind of the rumor and that ended up kind of being a mess but that's another story

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