The Erotic Highway

B's be Crazy...LOL
scb19 10 Reviews 1787 reads

I have to share (why?  I don't know, just bored I guess) my latest SB excursion.  I contacted this lady a couple hours away (she seemed to meet my more mature requirement for a real SB/SD) and we decided to have a M&G at a restaurant near her.  The day prior, she texts me that she is having issues with a "bad tooth" but still wants to meet.  I am wary, but wth, life is an adventure.  I give her ample opportunities to punt to next week, but no, she still wants to meet.  Once I get close, she texts she is running late and to stop an pick up some wine.  I do, and she asks if we can just stay in and order some pizza, and I say sure.  Who am I to argue at this point?  Well, I get there and of course and no surprise to me, her pics are easily 10+ years old, but still not unattractive.  Well, this lady is no where near ready for a date.  Her apt is a train wreck.  Crap everywhere.  Even a bra on the freakin couch.  Well, we sit  outside (so she can chain smoke-yuk), and talk for about 2 hours and I have concluded this lady is a total freaking nut job.  We agree for her to come visit me next time and I leave.  Sunday morning my phone blows up. (I never answer my phone unless it is someone I want to talk to).  3 calls in 10 minutes, a voice mail, and texts.  She has been to the ER for her tooth and needs to talk to me.  I ignore it and go for a beach walk.  I come back and text her and she needs (drum roll please) MONEY!!!! She needed $30 to get her Rx filled and wanted me to wire it to Walgreens.  Of course I said no, that we had just met and to ask her boss or someone at work.  (How does anyone in this day and age NOT have a credit card....well no one I would want to be with).    What a dumb ass.  All she had to do was meet like we agreed, be presentable, invite me home with her, have tidied up just a tad.  Let things proceed and she would have had money.  I may not have ever come back, but she would have had that much.  Anyone else have a good story about bad dates?  I used to love the "Love Connection" with the bad dates.

worst P4P experiences I had way before there was an internet.

At least  you only lost time, not money.   Glad you didn't get sucked in to her vortex.

Ive been hit up for $1500 for rent and car repairs several times. When I  point out to them that I dont give money to strangers they usually ghost.

Usually you get a bunch of BSC hate mail, VM's and texts before they ghost on you. lol

I get that kind of thing all the time, but not usually from girls I have actually met. If I have met them in person, either we have already had sex and I don't mind something as trivial as $30. If we haven't had sex yet, I tell them "no ticky, no washee" if the lack of sex was their decision, or I just laugh at them if they were too fat or ugly for me to fuck. lol

I especially like the ones who insist that I simply "don't understand how an "arrangement" is supposed to work" I have had countless hours of entertainment at the expense of these BSC money grubbers. "when" I was in the mood of course. lol

Met her on a Sunday night for dinner and drinks. She was beautiful, smart an there was an instant attraction for both us while eating. Walked her to her car, gave her a hug and said, I'm going to kiss you. I hope you don't mind. She said not at all. We made out for about 10 minutes like high school kids in the parking lot.  
Asked if she'd like to get together  made plans together the following Friday. Flirt texting began all Monday, Tuesday an Wednesday. Thursday morning more flirting back n forth. At noon I get a text, I need to tell yiu something. Tell her to call me after she gets off of work. She texts me, "this is really hard for me to tell you.  I'm went out with my ex-boyfriend last night an we're going to try again, sorry. " I was kind of bummed. I was really looking forward to our arrangement. Can't believe she went out with in the first place knowing she was going to see her ex in a few days. Oh well

I can't get past the part where you determined she was 10 years older than her pics, were grossed out how much she chain smoked, and that she was BSC aaaaand THEN agreed to meet her again?!? lol

it's called a graceful exit.  I had no plans of following through it.  Did you really expect me to tell someone I had deemed Bat Shit Crazy that I wasn't going to see them again while I'm within striking distance?  No sense risking a scene.  Just move along.  

Uh huh.  Sure.  That's why you sat and talked with her for TWO HOURS and then agreed to meet her again and mentioned nothing of that being a "graceful exit" in your post.  

Don't get your panties in a bunch, it's ok, you thought with the little head instead of the big one on your shoulders.  It happens.  I wasn't making fun of you, I just found it amusing in general.  If that's what you call a "Graceful exit", you are waaaaaay too kind.  Oh, except when you're on the internet, then you're a tough guy.  Move along.  

I'm a tough guy?  I seriously doubt that...

If you are really worried about a BSC woman "striking you" you either need to toughen up, or find hookers that aren't as scary. lol

Come on, just own it. No need to keep twisting your story in a vain attempt to look less pitiful. You wrote your post to entertain us, right? Well consider us "entertained" lol

I took a new SB to a festival we both planned on going to. We had met the day before and everything seemed awesome.  We clicked and vibed pretty well on the drive over.  Even made out a bit in the hotel room before heading out to the festival.  

There were free dabs at the festival so we partake, and within half an hour, she starts acting paranoid and asks to go back to the room.  We go back to the hotel room after a bit and she's being all weird, saying she's up for sex and getting naked, but then not responding when I kiss her. Of course, I couldn't go through with it with her laying there like a corpse.  After a while, she asks to go home so we have a super awkward drive home followed by a nice kiss goodbye. Have been too busy with others to follow up  with her.  

Moral of the story is that I should have closed  at the beginning of the date when I could.  Didn't give her a dime, of course. Don't know if she was bipolar or schizo or if she just shouldn't ever do dabs.

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