The Erotic Highway

ATF gone high volume
Puzzled to death 18878 reads
1 / 10

Ms Love Goddess - I'm fairly new to TER but have been hobbying for five years now. I met this lovely mature provider about two years ago and since then, she has been my ATF and I have seen her numerous times. On my first visit, we spent almost three hours for my one hour appointment. We had an amaging sex...  We "clicked". She seemed very sincere and sweet. On my first visit, she told me everything had to be done covered and she gave me a good cbj (she started giving me bbbj later, though, and told me it was "special"). I was happy with it coz everything else made it up. Also she told me she was a very low volume provider as this was her side business. Maybe, three clients a week. Since then, she 's come a long way. According to the reviews, she now does bbbj with everyone and sees five to six clients every week (I was told so by her). There must be a reason or two and I never asked her why but I can't help but wonder why she's gone in that direction.. I still see her and love my time with her but I can see a change in her attitude and service. Yes, her energy's gone coz she sees more clients these days. Any thought on this one? - Thanks

Love Goddess 16762 reads
2 / 10

Dear Puzzled,
I hate to be the bearer of cynical tidings, but...well, many things can happen in two years. One thing is that she may feel the need to "expand" her services, much for financial reasons. It's hard enough if you're listed as a 'mature' provider (check out the TER polls for preferred age range if you don't believe me) but really, it's tough when your profile also lists CBJ, no this, no that, and so on. TER's point system is also tied to the level of activity performed, so if she gets 6's and 7's, how can she compete favorably? So, if she's expanded her menu, it stands to reason why she's now seeing more clients and having less energy for you. It's turning into much more of a business for her, and she needs to compartmentalize and work harder too.

Another issue is that maybe she's not as hot to trot sexually for you any longer. It's tough to think, but SHE may have found another client ATF. It does happen on the other end too, since this whole endeavor is a two-way street.

My final thoughts on this one are fairly simple: if you don't like what's happening, you may wish to discuss this with her. She may get defensive, or, if she feels safe enough with you, she may open up and you'll be able to find out what's behind her change. If you don't feel up to any sort of confrontation or discussion, then either accept the difference in service, or move on. TER is a great service for finding a new play interest.

Good luck, whatever you choose to do,
the Love Goddess

Tabu See my TER Reviews 17253 reads
3 / 10

You think her seeing 5-6 clientsa a week is high volume? That's still one a day or less.

Maybe you expect too much.

Love Goddess 17089 reads
4 / 10

To each his/her own, Tabu,
I've spoken to providers who feel 5-6 clients a week is high volume. Particularly if they are pulling several whole-nighters in a row. But yes, there are verified stories of providers seeing 14 clients a day while "on tour." I call it working the "Fucktoury." Positively awful, but hey, the money is good, and that's the one and only reason to do it. Most higher-priced providers are lucky if they get 3 clients a week. Then again, at a minimum of $1,000 a pop, maybe that's just working smart?

Pecunia non olet,
the Love Goddess

Puzzled to death 15894 reads
5 / 10


I don't think seeing 6 clinents a week is high in this business but still, it is a significant increase for her case.

I wonder how many civies would have sex 6 times a week when they are in 40's..

14 clients a day? I never thought it's possible. No break in between and some massages? Still, it is seriously physical..

OksiMarata 2 Reviews 15433 reads
6 / 10

You guys badly over-imagine how many clients the average independent sees in a day/week.  When on tour, maybe more.  But normally, it's not nearly as many as you think  and a good independent can make a very good living on a few well paying appts each week.  Get to know a few girls well, and they'll all tell you the same thing.

Truthplz 15422 reads
7 / 10

Many providers will claim only see a few clients a week and tell you that they only partake in certain activities with you to make you feel special or so they can become your ATF. Not to say that your lady is a liar but sometimes this can be a business tactic.

Prominent Provider 17308 reads
8 / 10, that's a weird comment....

If you have been hobbying for 5 years, then regardless of TER, you should know what's up!  

Her routine or the number of reviews should be immaterial to you.  If you like her, SEE HER, if you don't like here, THEN DON'T SEE HER! Stop torturing yourself by reading her reviews.  You indicated you were "happy", then leave it at that.  You saw her to be happy, right?

You still "love your time with her"...

Prominent Provider 15469 reads
9 / 10

...5-6 clients a day is standard and sometimes "a quiet day".....

Puzzled to death 17611 reads
10 / 10

Hit a wrong key before I continued..

I was simply stating that. I have been with the other board and recently moved to TER which is a lot better.

I never complained that she started seeing more clients and offering different service. I was simply wondering what has triggered those changes, especially cbj to bbbj. I totally understand the need of more income but when it comes to "health risks", cbj to bbbj is a major change. That is why she used to give only cbj. Well, probably that was because of the income issue again but is it worth the risk? Only she knows the answer.

Yep, I will still see her cos I love my time with her. She is still a sweetheart!

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