The Erotic Highway

An Audible, Involuntary Response
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On her way to the bathroom, Tina bends over to pick her panties up off the floor.  I gasp involuntarily at the sight of Tina’s tight butt bent over.  She hears me.  She stands upright, turns around with a flattered grin, and questions me through her laughter.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?”
“The other day there was a cute girl at the grocery store.  I walked around the corner and she was bent over trying to reach the bottom shelf.  I unconsciously made that same ‘audible noise’ and she heard me.”
“What happened?  What did she do?”
“She glared up at me as though I was a total pervert.”
“What did you do?”
“I turned around and got out of there in a hurry.”
I think to myself, “But you ARE a perv.”  I’ve heard stories about dirty old men, but I never thought that I’d actually meet one.  I walk into the bathroom and close the door.
Tina appears to be simultaneously attracted, and offended, by my perverted behaviors.  She confuses me sometimes

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I can’t stop thinking about the hot girl that I saw at the store earlier today.  I got a tingling feeling in my pussy when she bent over right in front of me to try on a pair of sandals.  I was so excited at the store that I bought these hooker heels even though I don’t need another pair.  I can’t believe I reacted like that.  I know that I have always noticed and appreciated cute girls, but I have never been sexually aroused by one.  Not until now.  I remember how I’ve always liked attractive girls, but I have never obsessed about having sex with them like this.  What has happened to me?  How did I get this way?
This is all John’s fault!  That’s right, he turned me on to that pointy-butt lesbian, he made me this way.  This is all his fault.  I was fine before he did this to me.  I arrive at the pervert’s room just as I decide that he is going to pay for what he’s done to me.  I pound on the fucker’s door.
Holy shit!  Something’s wrong.  There’s a ferocious pounding on the door.  I jump vertically and fly to the door, wondering what is amiss.  I quickly find the situation is dire.  The universe becomes unstable the moment I turn the door handle.
Tina explodes into the room like a detonated bomb.  She is fuming with anger.  She is cursing at me and pushing me backwards.  I gather my feet under me and look up.  She is starring me down and moving in.  She is exceptionally tall today.  Tina’s eyebrows narrow at me.  I am scared shitless.  Her big blue eyes flash with rage.  I recoil from her fury and backpedal as quickly as I can.  Oh crap, I’m cornered.  The ferocious female’s nostrils flare as she inhales deeply.  She shows her teeth and roars at me.
Tina maintains her angry bearing; she takes another breath and screams at me.
She’s going to kill me.  This is how I’m going to die.
“Because of you, every time I see a cute girl, all I can think about is having sex with her.  What have you done to me?  You’ve turned me into a complete pervert!”
I am shaking with fear.  I am not sure if she is joking or not.  She seems genuinely upset and unusually emotional.  I am too scared to move.  Tina’s anger finally gives way to frustration.
“You just don’t know how hard it is to meet and pick up a cute young girl!”
Tina plops down on the bed lamenting.
“You just don’t know.  You don’t understand how lucky you are to be a man.  You can just walk up to a cute girl and ask her to have sex, and nobody thinks anything of it.”
I must have a puzzled look because Tina explains.
“If I walk up to a cute girl and ask her to have sex, then I’m depraved, but it’s OK for a MAN to do that.”
I nod silently in agreement.
“I want to find a hot girl to fornicate with, but I don’t know how to approach her.”
I give Tina an empathetic smile.
“This is all your fault.  You’ve turned me into a sexual deviant!  Because of you I’m a butch dyke now.”
I am speechless, but I am no longer scared for my life.  I am definitely getting aroused, and rapidly.  Wow, this is intense.  I am startled; however, I believe there must be an opportunity somewhere in this peculiar predicament.  I think as fast as I can.  Tina seems pretty frustrated about wanting to play with another hot girl and not being able to get one.  I’m thinking, “This is pretty cool.  Tina is on a cunt-hunt too.  This is something else that we have in common now.”
“It’s so embarrassing that people might think that I’m a wanton carpet muncher.  Yesterday I made your lewd little noise at a girl in the locker room at my gym.  I can’t believe that I made that same disgusting guttural grunt you make when you see me naked.  It’s hard enough to believe that you do that, and now you’ve got me doing it.  You’ve turned me into a pussy-obsessed skirt-chaser.”
Holy fucking shit!  Is this real?  Am I dreaming?  Is this actually happening?
“You should have seen the look she gave me.  She got undressed and when she bent over right in front of me, her tight butt was so hot that your sick pervert’s noise just came out of me.”
I can’t decide if I’m proud of myself, or if I’m ashamed of myself, or if I’m both - simultaneously.
“I seriously wanted to bang her and now she thinks I’m some kind of a pervert.  She’ll never fuck me now.  Sleeping with her was all I could think about.  I couldn’t even get my regular workout done because I was consumed with lust for her.”
Tina certainly has embraced her newly discovered bisexuality.  My heart is pounding.  I’m getting an erection

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