The Erotic Highway

A few hours?
lassie muncher 20282 reads
1 / 5

No, not that kind of sick!  I love to DATY, but I've experienced this a few times with different providers, but not all.

Sometimes after a great evening of DFK and DATY, within a few hours, I seem to come down with a cold like symptoms including a sore throat.  This latest event included a slight fever, aches amd chills.  It could be a coincidence because I had to ride the train into a large city and picked up something on the way due to be in contact with so many people.

But, is it possible to get a sore throat, etc from DATY?  The girls looked and smelled fine.  Any post DATY precautions to take, such as listerine, and how soon should one do that?

WebTerrorist 16092 reads
2 / 5

I wouldn't say it is impossible to get something from DATY...unlikely, improbable, but not impossible.

That said...a few hours afterwards would be pretty far fetched for it to include chills and a fever.

Sore throat could be irritation from a soap, parfume, lotion, douch, lube, latex, etc and it could show up in a relatively short amount of time, but for an infection to permeate your system, to the extent that you had sympoms including fever and chills...not likely for most common and most uncommon infections to do that.

On avaerage it takes aproximately three days to a week from exposure, for a comon cold or flu become symptomatic.  For STIs, it can take days to months depending on the infection.

So, I highly doubt any issues with your throat other than either a mild allergic reaction to some chemical, like soap, perfume, etc...or perhaps even that you tend not to have your mouth open and tongue out like that on a daily basis and your throat dries some causing irritation.  Chances of it being any sort of infection that would be that quick to infect your system to be symtomatic in a matter of few hours would probably not be anything that would clear up on its own soon after.

But that just a guess really.  :)

DoctorFollowmeMD 15283 reads
3 / 5

I agree with Webbie 100%

Thank you

lassie muncher 16695 reads
4 / 5

Probably so.  I would say by morning i was feeling it in my throat, and 24 hours for onset of the chills and fever.  Or, maybe it was the 2 girls I saw 3 days before.....  :)

Love Goddess 18731 reads
5 / 5

Love Goddess here, lassie muncher,
Web Terrorist is absolutely right. For safety's sake, I believe everyone should use Listerine before and after DATY and BBBJ. It's not a 100% guarantee against diseases, but it does kill some pesky oral bacteria.
Another theory would be that some indviduals are simply "allergic" to one another. Some women have a hard time with semen. It could simply be the acidity level of the seminal fluid causing the problem...but there are countless anecdotes of women telling that some semen feels "totally OK" and some other feels "itchy" or can give urinary tract infections, despite all sorts of precautions.
Also, depending on their cycle, women can have some things that go away with the beginning of their period. Then there's that nasty thing called NSU - non specific urethritis. Watch out for that one. If a woman develops this and doesn't know she's got it, you could be in for a bad surprise. So be careful out there. And forget about those Listerine "leaves." Use the liquid stuff. Any provider worth her salt should have some available for you in her bathroom. If it's an outcall, buy some at a drugstore before going to it.

Rinse, spit, repeat,
the Love Goddess

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