The Erotic Highway

Im such a slut lol
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 3478 reads

Was chumming the waters and have 4 potentials.  3 want to meet. All the same day.  It seems like a total crapshoot who to pick. Im in buying time mode. But they are too. Lol. These short term trips are hatd with SBs.

GaGambler154 reads

A true slut wouldn't find your prospect of meeting three different POT SBs as problematic, a REAL slut would find it an opportunity not a problem.

Turn in your slut badge and do it now. lol

Unless they are all in different states, I fail to see the problem. As a matter of fact  I have fucked three different women in three different countries in the same day more than once, but in all fairness they were hookers, not SB's lol

GaGambler161 reads

I try to keep a rotation of 4-5 SB at all times. I usually add one or two a month to replace the one or two I lose each month. This way I always have a mix of old and new.

Five "on the line" hardly qualifies one as a "manslut" but "five in a day" would most certainly do so. lol  I haven't done five in a day in years, I think the last time I fucked five different women in the same day was "way back" when I was around 50. lol I can't imagine doing that at my advanced age of 58 today. lol

So, are you going to see one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and the third in the evening. There are 24 hours in a day, you should have plenty of time to see all three. Go For IT!!!

GaGambler180 reads

That's why I try to constantly have a rotation of at least 4-5 at all times, AND I am constantly looking for new ones to replace the ones I lose to attrition.

I don't live in an area where I can fall back on hookers when all my SB's flake on me, (always a real possibility) and I HATE to go more than a day or two without getting laid, so I try never to let my pipeline dry up.

PussyPump135 reads

There seems to be no end of gender confusion these days! Unless the OP has joined the tranny trend,  I would suggest that he is in fact a cad or a bounder, rather than a "slut".

or perhaps rake or debachee?

-- Modified on 7/1/2017 3:12:44 PM

PussyPump102 reads

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: Wouldn't roue be more apropos...
or perhaps rake or debachee?

-- Modified on 7/1/2017 3:12:44 PM

I believe both cad and rake are male equivalents to "slut".

That you and Pussy are in: 3-5 "Singapore Boys" on the line, whiffed the majority of them a couple of days ago and have 1 that wants way too much money - You cats should share information, if you aren't already...

GaGambler130 reads

and you do seem to have an obsession with Trannies and "boys" is there something you'd like to share with us? I promise we will be less judgmental if you "play for both teams" than we were when you bragged about seducing a provider by NOT fucking her. That was just dumb. OTOH if you like dick, that is really nothing to be ashamed of, lots of guys openly or secretly like dick. Just own it if that's how you roll.

BTW I bet you if Pussy shells out the $700 for an overpriced SB, he'll be getting a LOT more for his money than you do "seducing" a hooker at five hundred bucks an hour.

Haha - I feel for you pops... Always piping in & always trying to protect your Pussy...

90% of what I write to you doesn't stick but hopefully this will...

Can you please tell us another story about cruising the streets of LA in your old POS Jaguar looking for a streetwalker who wants to spend some quality OTC time with you?

Or maybe share one about the Hotel Del Rey and the time you bought a solid case of HPV for only a few Colones?!? Or the Genital Warts from Cartagena? Not even going into the virus pond in Jaco amigo...

Please Grandpa - Another story...

GaGambler120 reads

It's not 90% of what you write that doesn't "stick to me" it's more like 100%

So tell us your latest story about how you seduced a hooker by paying her but not fucking her until she begged you to. I am sure Pussy will get a laugh out of it, not to mention he will feel so much better knowing that even at his lamest, he's still a thousand times better at this than you.

in your TER troll board character here... The sheer time alone you invest puts any 14 year old video game addict to shame...

Does the fact that you always answer for "Your Pussy" mean I should direct all of my responses to his posts - straight to you?? I'm not sure who's alias he is - do you know Grandpa?

Now, please can you tell me at least one story about your awesome adventures at the Hotel Del Rey in Costa?? I'll bet you have some real wild ones and I'd also bet there are at least a dozen girls there with broken hearts waiting for you to come back so they can spend some quality OTC time with you...

BTW - Do you really not know the difference between Albania and Armenia?!? Come on!! A big, old, puffy, pompous ass like yourself - slow down amigo - your character is getting careless...

Pura Vida, Abuelo...

PussyPump100 reads

Posted By: tankbinding
Re: Amazingly Similar Situations
That you and Pussy are in: 3-5 "Singapore Boys" on the line, whiffed the majority of them a couple of days ago and have 1 that wants way too much money - You cats should share information, if you aren't already...
Both SFTD and myself recognized that these girls wanted way too much $$$ and declined. You, my dear boy, have gone down in TER legend as the idiot who would not only say yes, but would give them additional money, as part of your patented "seduction" technique. LOL.

Dear Grandpa Gambler's Pussy -

I can't take anything you say seriously after I read that you purposely spill gas on yourself to get the condom smell out of your mouth (what do you do - gargle with gasoline?!?)... Not even asking how condom smell got in your mouth (but I bet someone's disappointed you are only giving CBJ's)!

Now that's the type of thing that legends are made of...

Grandpa - please feel free to answer for your pussy...  Cheers...

PussyPump116 reads

Oh dear! :(    Poor Tank!  
Not only is he an idiot, but he is an illiterate idiot. Life must be tough.
I never said I purposely spilled gas on myself.

I'll talk this over with your supervisor...

In the past week I've heard per meet requests of 3000. 1000. 900, 700, 1000. Not for me!

GaGambler259 reads

but she is/was SMOKING hot.  I might buy her one in the morning, but not as a "per meet" request. lol

By LV, I am sure most of you know I am talking about Louis Vuitton, and the good news is it's been so long since I have had a high maintenance GF, I didn't even know they made bikinis. I had to Google it to find they sell for over a grand.

-- Modified on 7/3/2017 4:50:04 PM

a lady in Vegas asked you to come to Vegas and buy her a one. Goes to show what you read is not what is always meant.

-- Modified on 7/3/2017 9:23:33 PM

and that's why I came back and modified my post.

I usually shy away from girls with Gucci, Chanel or LV tastes, but I might make an exception for this one. As a hooker she'd easily get a grand an hour in someplace like LA or NYC. I'd be more than happy to buy her dinner, spend the night with her and then buy her a thousand dollar bathing suit in the morning. Fortunately she isn't asking for it in advance or that would have been the end of our conversation. lol

Gagambler. What's most you'll really p4p??

GaGambler115 reads

The "most" I have paid is $500, and I have done that a few times, but ALWAYS for an overnight, multiple pops date of at least 8-10 hours and usually longer. The most I have paid for a multi hour, non overnight date was $400 and that was a one time thing with a girl who was extremely hot. I think we spent about 4 hours together.


Now if we are talking one pop, short dates of an hour or so. The most I will pay is $200 for the first time fucking her, but reduced to $100-150 if I see her more than once


Now if I lived in LA or NYC, I know these rates are not realistic and I would expect to pay more, but in a state where $300 gets you a "well reviewed TER provider" I don't see any reason to pay more than I do.  I imagine rates, both hookers and SB's in your area are similar to what we have here.

Shit..per meet requests at 300 is to high.

Radio silence when Im in town. As Im checking out 2 said lets meet. Too late!

PussyPump72 reads

After a couple of very frustrating weeks filed with trannies and scams, I am pleased to report that my luck finally changed.  Just added two new SBs to the stable in 24 hours - and could have had my regular as well, but that was just too much for me (getting old!).
Two hours BCD with 20 year old blond, tall, slim, very hot body, totally focused on my pleasure. Amazing. Youngest woman I have ever had sex with.
Three hours BCD with 27 year old. Average body, but big clit, and very orgasmic.  
Had to cancel on my regular, as I am just whacked after 2x2 ....  
Given all the discussions of rates, also want to comment that all 5 SBs I have now had fun with went for offer of 300 PPM. Four of the 5 were happy with that from the get go, only one quibbled (but accepted). This is in Southern Cal.

Meeting multiple POTS on same day can be fun, my success rate is best if I try to do BCD with two SBs same day in same hotel, anything more than two seems like a rip-off as I try to spend 3-4 hours with each date.  
But price point in DMA area has been sky-rocketing for the hot girls, there was this one girl who wanted 700 per meet and I had to politely decline it. Max I can do per session is 500 but I tell them upfront that 300-400 is the long-term p4p rate if you want to see me more than once, and 500 for twice a week. Though I did see this another hot girl who I liked so much that I am surprised that I did not agree for higher p4p just to get laid with her once at least.  
I feel like doing a road-trip to see how the price goes in different areas but will need to have multiple pots ready to do that an effective way, lol.

AsianManNOVA127 reads

When I started two years ago, you could get a cute GND for 300 for 3-4 hours. Now, it has gone up to 400. The hot ones will cost you at least 500. For 300, you can take your pick: cute GND but so-so sex (which is what I had with the last two SB's) or good sex but so-so face/bad body (I had a couple too). K-girls are almost as good a bargain as SB's now in DC.

-- Modified on 7/9/2017 7:57:22 PM

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