TER General Board

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Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2827 reads

She found my handle first, then TER. My mistake, and most folks here probably wouldn't have the same problem.

Clam Digger3470 reads

Karrie said a TER handle could be Googled.  Does anyone know how to Google a TER Handle or any other handle for that matter?

Mr. Info2615 reads

Here's you handle's search results.  Third entry
down when I tried it.

I just typed in my handle without TER afterwords and some of my reviews came up. Scary!!!

stpenn2776 reads

I Googled "Lex Luethor" and I got a few of his TER Posts.  Just type the TER handle into the Google search box.  I Googled "Clam Digger" and all I got were links about clams.  I guess you need to have a unique handle.

-- Modified on 4/28/2005 9:03:01 AM

I was kind of amazed that people were all the sudden concerned that there was some way that their anonymity was going to be compromised because this had come up.  The point about Lex's scenario was that he had left a "backdoor" somehow that this woman had found that linked his name with his handle.  I doubt that would apply to 99% of us.

She found my handle first, then TER. My mistake, and most folks here probably wouldn't have the same problem.

BILL183563507 reads

Did she ask you for a substantial raise yet?

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