TER General Board

Your nosey not researcher in you . .LMAOteeth_smile
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 242 reads

Posted By: mona38
Personally, I enjoy reading what excites us in and out of the bedroom, including sexy photos. We are different in what brings us sexual gratification, but the same inside and out.  
 The reason I ask, is because, I came across an ad that was well written and included a sexy photo, but I was not convinced that the photo represented the description of the lady in the ad. In fact, I had to enlarge the photo and I was still not convinced.  
 I know...I should mind my own business, but dammit; the researcher inside me needs a conclusion!!  

Personally, I enjoy reading what excites us in and out of the bedroom, including sexy photos. We are different in what brings us sexual gratification, but the same inside and out.  

The reason I ask, is because, I came across an ad that was well written and included a sexy photo, but I was not convinced that the photo represented the description of the lady in the ad. In fact, I had to enlarge the photo and I was still not convinced.

I know...I should mind my own business, but dammit; the researcher inside me needs a conclusion!

Then fill out her contact form and request an appointment. Please come back and tell us all about it!😄

I thinks it's funny (odd) that some use pics that quite obviously are altered or old but that's none of my business 😂

Posted By: mona38
Personally, I enjoy reading what excites us in and out of the bedroom, including sexy photos. We are different in what brings us sexual gratification, but the same inside and out.  
 The reason I ask, is because, I came across an ad that was well written and included a sexy photo, but I was not convinced that the photo represented the description of the lady in the ad. In fact, I had to enlarge the photo and I was still not convinced.  
 I know...I should mind my own business, but dammit; the researcher inside me needs a conclusion!!  

Sometimes you can look a little too much at what other people are doing, which messes up your own marketing. There was a dude somewhere (can't remember who or where,) who fasted from listening to music I think for years - so he could come up with unadulterated, new material.

On twitter there are pictures in your face. I look at pictures, reviews, and prices a lot when I want to know more about a person if I'm going to ask for a reference. If a gentleman who wants to see me has a P411 or TER profile, I'll look at the women he's seen to make sure I match. If their website is amazing, I will read the site. For instance, I was asking a reference from a lady recently who's opening page was a blog, and the story inspired me, because we had common interests.

I haven't met one woman in this industry who misrepresented herself in their pictures, so I'm surprised others have. Guess I've been lucky. lol! However, I was meeting them with the intent of inspiration and communion, and not to catch anybody in misrepresentation.

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Sometimes you can look a little too much at what other people are doing, which messes up your own marketing. There was a dude somewhere (can't remember who or where,) who fasted from listening to music I think for years - so he could come up with unadulterated, new material.  
 On twitter there are pictures in your face. I look at pictures, reviews, and prices a lot when I want to know more about a person if I'm going to ask for a reference. If a gentleman who wants to see me has a P411 or TER profile, I'll look at the women he's seen to make sure I match. If their website is amazing, I will read the site. For instance, I was asking a reference from a lady recently who's opening page was a blog, and the story inspired me, because we had common interests.  
 I haven't met one woman in this industry who misrepresented herself in their pictures, so I'm surprised others have. Guess I've been lucky. lol! However, I was meeting them with the intent of inspiration and communion, and not to catch anybody in misrepresentation.
Good point look little too much at what other escorts are doing in marketing. Why are escorts researching other escorts or blogging about it?.STALKING

The blog was about not reading other people's ads, or comparing to their looks. I used to read ladies ads and look at their pictures to see if I was moving in the right direction, but decided to stop. It felt really "Single White Female". Creepy/stalker-ish lol!

People would read my ads and give unsolicited advice, but at the same time those people were asking me for marketing advice. Drove me nuts! I decided not to look at stuff unless I needed to, or it pops in my face on twitter.

Posted By: Fancy8888
Good point look little too much at what other escorts are doing in marketing. Why are escorts researching other escorts or blogging about it?.STALKING  

If I'm ASKING FOR A REFERENCE I'm going to check the lady out to see if she's someone I'd trust to take a reference from.

This "all prostitutes in illegal business trying to take business from other prostitutes in illegal business" is ridiculous and just plain not true.

I just had comment to a friend here that your posts were starting to be less f*cktarded  and making more sense. SIGH, this is a backslide.



I maintain my authenticity by Not looking at Ads.
I don't want to accidentally be like someone else.

A lot of girls get hung up in how things are supposed to be.  
Veering away from that keeps my material fresh and enables me to move into blue ocean territory.

I do not often look at ads/sites, especially since I don't have any. But, I'll look if it's pertinent to a board discussion. For example, if a provider is  having issues getting her prospective honeys to screen, I'll check to see if there's anything on her site that may shed light on that.  

It reminds me of yoga classes when the instructor tells beginners to only glance at others enough to get the gist of a pose, but to keep the focus on one's own breath and movements. Easier said than done during those weekend classes when the hotties abound.;

I want to dive into your ocean ....  

Either of you would do ...

After I post my ads. Of course I check out other ladies ads.

Busty blonde loves to swallow...yea I'm clicking that ad
Visiting from where ever....the best ever....I will click the ad.
Im so much better than her and her and Oh yea...her too....yep I click the ad.
Ebony bombshell with a bubble butt....Oh yes I'm clicking that ad

Maybe it's curiosity, maybe I found her lovely, who knows...I click ads. Why not....

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