TER General Board

You'd rather eat celery and
TheGeneralLee 697 reads

pound sheep in the ass?

You sound like a very conflicted soul

I watch the Bible AD on TV.  It's a very fun story.  The Romans were not nice.  Why did they have to execute that nice rabbi from Nazareth?  I guess to be able to tell stories 2 thousand years later?
Posted By: spore
It is not nice to advocate celibacy and pound each other in the ass. It is not what bible is about.

I once upon a time collected stamps and coins.

I guess a hobbyist on TER is one who collects prostitutes?  Do you put them in a book to look at later on?

I prefer to be called a john, or as one other poster here calls us tricks.

But then aren't tricks for kids?  Sorry about that spelling, Trix

GaGambler1167 reads

So I guess "tricks" are fine by me.

I will confess that "whore mongering pig" is my term of choice.

and did you really collect stamps and coins? If true my respect for you just went down by several notches.

It's a hobby that I started as a very young child.

Maybe you should consider that some of these collections are quite valuable.

Does it bother you when the people on this board use the term hobbyist for us?  I think they should have to show their collections.  But if every john actually collected prostitutes, would there be any more left for us to play with?

I like the 'whore mongering pig' term.  Is there an acronym for this?  WMP?

"Whore Mongering Pig", huh?    

Thanks for the smile!

And I collected stamps when I was a kid.   Nowadays I like to collect money, but that just makes me a capitalist... ;-)

GaGambler640 reads

and most people here consider capitalists "pigs" as well. oink oink.

I don't go out of my way to collect them, I just obtain them as they are given out as change and such. It is kind of exciting finding a old quarter with silver in it or a wheat penny that I was missing.

I do this too!

I'm originally a Kansas gal, so I love it when I find a "wheat head" penny, makes me feel like Lady Luck is sending me a kiss from home!


Hobbyist, Whoremonger, Trick, John or whatever.  They all say that I have collected sexual experiences of the P4P variety.

lol everyone's name is John lol  

Posted By: HidingBehindMyAlias
Hobbyist, Whoremonger, Trick, John or whatever.  They all say that I have collected sexual experiences of the P4P variety.  

spore778 reads

are you homosexual coin collector?

I'll bet you had a private shower in high school to make sure you didn't accidentally take a glance at what you wished you had.

Also, men of the cloth are not all homosexuals.  I assume you've had a bad experience with your priest.  I'm sorry...did you at least spit vs. swallow?

Posted By: spore
are you homosexual coin collector?

spore600 reads

It is not nice to advocate celibacy and pound each other in the ass. It is not what bible is about.

pound sheep in the ass?

You sound like a very conflicted soul

I watch the Bible AD on TV.  It's a very fun story.  The Romans were not nice.  Why did they have to execute that nice rabbi from Nazareth?  I guess to be able to tell stories 2 thousand years later?

Posted By: spore
It is not nice to advocate celibacy and pound each other in the ass. It is not what bible is about.

I think you left a few religions out.

Now to do penance for your transgressions, write on the blackboard

I will not condemn others beliefs

And do it 25,000 times using only one piece of 1/4 inch chalk.

spore564 reads

Priest came to the f*ck board to tell stories about his real friends. Yeah, of course this is my fault

Either way too much guilt for you.

But yes...it is all your fault

spore542 reads

Jew can be whatever you like

Are you saying Jew...or You?


Posted By: spore
Jew can be whatever you like

spore487 reads

Might be easy to buy staff on line. Jew can be everything I like, Jew can be everything you like. Jew can be everything he/she like. I am not a Jew. But I still like what you, they like.

GaGambler600 reads

I do have to admit, there is an awful lot of advocating celibacy while fucking little boys in the ass. Someone unfamiliar with the topic might very well get the idea that maybe that is what the bible is all about.

But I am sure you will set me straight on the subject. I am all ears, fire away.

spore514 reads

some cartoon might be more interesting. And kinky priests excite me.

"open your mouth wide and I will fill it"  

Psalm 81:10

It's in the book!

or prostitutes, courtesans, whores, ladies of the evening,  or whatever term, label, or euphemism floats your particular boat.

A rose by any other name....  

Hobbies aren't all collecting.  My hobby is cooking and baking.  I don't have stockpiles of the dishes and desserts I've created.   I also garden but do not save examples of everything I've grown.   :-)

Call yourself a John if you like; we already know you've been called worse in just the past 24 hours.  

I'm not usually one for name-calling, however.  If your name is John THEN that is what I will call you.  

If you book a paid date with me, then you are my (potential) client or customer.    

Again, everyone is free to use whatever names for it they like.  

But then, I'm pretty darn sure you already knew what the definition of "hobbyist" is around here.    

So why ask?  

If you really didn't know, then I apologize and sit corrected.   ;-)

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 2:58:32 PM

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 3:04:24 PM

Cooking and baking are jobs.  I would not enjoy that.  

Some people collect dishes.  That's a hobby.

Maybe I should change my name to WMP?  I don't know how to pronounce it though.  

I was just wondering why people would use the term hobbyist when we are tricks or johns.  Am I the only trick that collects prostitutes?  I guess then technically I would be a hobbyist.

Thanks, with your help and my circular logic I may have an answer to my question.

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
or prostitutes, courtesans, whores, ladies of the evening,  or whatever term, label, or euphemism floats your particular boat.  
 A rose by any other name....  
 Hobbies aren't all collecting.  My hobby is cooking and baking.  I don't have stockpiles of the dishes and desserts I've created.   I also garden but do not save examples of everything I've grown.   :-)  
 Call yourself a John if you like; we already know you've been called worse in just the past 24 hours.    
 I'm not usually one for name-calling, however.  If your name is John THEN that is what I will call you.    
 If you book a paid date with me, then you are my (potential) client or customer.    
 Again, everyone is free to use whatever names for it they like.    
 But then, I'm pretty darn sure you already knew what the definition of "hobbyist" is around here.    
 So why ask?    
 If you really didn't know, then I apologize and sit corrected.   ;-)  
 -- Modified on 5/6/2015 2:58:32 PM

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 3:04:24 PM

From Wikipedia: A hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time. Hobbies can include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements.  

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
Cooking and baking are jobs.  I would not enjoy that.    
To you, it is a job.  I do both frequently because I enjoy those activities.  I have no need to... I LIKE to do it.  
I also garden, do DIY crafty projects, and other such homebody type things because they are what I enjoy.
Therefore, they fit the definition of a hobby.  
Posted By: TheGeneralLee

 I was just wondering why people would use the term hobbyist when we are tricks or johns.
It is simply another term for it.  As defined above a hobby is a regular activity done for enjoyment.  If we can agree that a escort's clients (or, if you prefer, a prostitute's customers) are partaking of this activity and that the many contributors here do so regularly....  then they are indeed participating in their own "hobby" and thus are hobbyists.
Posted By: TheGeneralLee
Am I the only trick that collects prostitutes?  I guess then technically I would be a hobbyist.  
The term "hobby" is not solely reserved for those leisure activities that involve collecting.  Scrapbooking, sewing, painting, needlepoint, even home brewing and wine-making are all HOBBIES.    
Posted By: TheGeneralLee

  Thanks, with your help and my circular logic I may have an answer to my question.  
You are most welcome.  :-)

Oh, and I do golf on occasion.  I don't like the sport very much but I participate in at least one charity golf outing per year.  To be completely honest, what I mainly do is ride around, drinking on a golf cart, which just so happens to have my golf bag on the back.  LOL.

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 7:00:24 PM

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 7:00:49 PM

The hotties at the check out counter call me sir, and it turns me on.

Personally, I don't care what term is used. A trick, a Jane (in my case), or even an ATM is fine too. In the strip clubbing world we affectionally refer to ourselves as PL's, so our skin is pretty thick.

And I gotta admit that 'whore mongering pig' also has a nice ring to it.

The word hobbyist sounds more like a title for a pimp versus a title for a john.

GaGambler541 reads

although we know where you stand where it comes to pimps.

Pimping sounds more like a recreational activity than say compensating a lady for her time.

Which was what my post was referring to.

Gag, did you see "your" post from yesterday where you defended the utility of a pimp?

Yes, I use the broad definition of the word.

Go ahead and have your post pulled, just like any other time I come out looking smarter than you. lol !

You are always several rugs beneath him.  He's a pig but you are more like a gerbil.

I think the words you are looking for are, "several rungs"  

Posted By: inicky46
You are always several rugs beneath him.  He's a pig but you are more like a gerbil.

In your case it's like "the infinite monkey theory."  If you put enough monkeys in a room with enough type writers, eventually one of the will reproduce Hamlet."
You are like one of those monkeys.
Or like the old expression, "Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then."  So thanks, Slingy, er Squirrely.

I know typing isn't as difficult as posting a youtube video.


Posted By: inicky46
I've mainly compared your dim-witted posts to this guy.  

Inifinite Monkey Theory says monkey can write a Shakespeare randomly typing on a typewriter after a many billions of years.  The scientific question of the century is: how many billions of years would it take monkeys to produce one fried potater using just a typewriter? Is it even scientifically possible?  

How about a Fried potater with caps? Would that affect Capitalism? If we feel generous and decide to captalize the P as well and call it Fried Potaters, would that become a Political issue?

Why then should the issue of monkeys be our issue? Or are we just sympathizing with others issues?  

Riddle me that O wise one

Someone who enjoys and partakes in a hobby. There are model airplane hobbyists, stamp collecting hobbyists, gardening hobbyists etc. I just happen to enjoy and partake in the hobby of getting my cock sucked as opposed to flying miniature airplanes.

I thoroughly enjoy my hobby.

Do you keep something from your encounters?  

Try collecting panties, or bras?

I thought of keeping my women in a closet so that I could look and play with my collection whenever I wanted.  That may sound a bit creepy, but that's OK.  I've told a few women that I wanted to do that too.  They just smiled at me.  I hope it wasn't a fake smile either.

Posted By: russbbj
Someone who enjoys and partakes in a hobby. There are model airplane hobbyists, stamp collecting hobbyists, gardening hobbyists etc. I just happen to enjoy and partake in the hobby of getting my cock sucked as opposed to flying miniature airplanes.  
 I thoroughly enjoy my hobby.

nom_de_plume554 reads

Most hobbies don't involve collecting anything

They also left out taking a shit.  Maybe breathing as well?

I still think that to have a real hobby you need to collect something.  In golf you can collect balls.  

How can I collect prostitutes?  I think there are laws against that.

In my hobby, the donation is specifically for her time only. You see it's just that I'm such a gorgeous hunk that these women love to suck and fuck me.

It's good to be me.

I hope not.

Do you wear flowers to identify yourself?

Why would you have to pay her anything if it's just for her to sit and whine about life?  That's the topic I brought up yesterday.

Make donations to a charity.  There are some very needy people out there that could use your help.  Do you send money to UNICEF?  How about when they run those commercials for "only 18 cents a day you can change this child's life"?  Do you ever watch Saturday Night Live?  There was a great skit about that.  It was funny.

Don't be a mangina.  Women like men with backbones.  Don't marry one either.  They stop sex once the "I do" is said.  

Collect prostitutes.  It's more fun than golf.

spore559 reads

Laws are not something to admire of. Laws are just for some middle statistical people who are needed by politicians and bankers to make a quick buck off. There is nothing wrong with a lady who wants some paper going off of FEDs press.

Most of those "hobbies" are simply activities.  I exercise but it's not a hobby.  I hate going to the gym, for example.

nom_de_plume539 reads

What's an activity for one is a hobby for another. I know many people who consider gardening a hobby, for example. I don't like it enough to think of it as a hobby, but I can see how it is for others.  

And I'd have to say exercise IS a hobby for me, and I love doing it.  To each his own hobby.  

Not sure what I "collect" in that hobby, though. I'm hoping to get rid of something, vs. collecting something.

but an interest, outside of your profession, that you enjoy. So, I have no problem with 'hobbyist'.

With your definition we should be called 'interests'?

I don't like that either.

I like WMP.  Or trick.  Or john.

It's the thing people do to feel humiliated.

What is a noobster?  Is this another name for johns?  

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 2:28:33 PM

I know for certain that golf is a game played by affluent white people, except for Tiger Woods.  But Tiger always has a white woman close by so he gets a mulligan.

Golf is a game best left to those of us who can afford it.

You must be a man of little means.  Or are you not white?

I am white-ish and used to have means but now?  Not so much.  This must be why I hate golf and am angry much of the time.

Senator.Blutarsky479 reads

A hobbyist is...  

Noun 1. hobbyist - a person who pursues an activity in their spare time for pleasure.  

...sounds about right to me.  It definitely involves pursuit, activity, and pleasure. Guess that's why I enjoy it so much. :)

would never trust something that was free.

Isn't it the motto of politicians to spend billions on research?

Does that mean that politicians are hobbyists too?  Or in some cases they are HMP's?  

Ask your constituents for a clarification please.

Senator.Blutarsky594 reads

...WMPs. But they keep us in office because of all the 'pork' we send their way.

...and I think you're right, we need to commission a study to define the term properly by experts in the field. I'll volunteer my own expertise toward this critical endeavor.  

BTW, this gal calls me 'Daddy'...

"Whore mongering pig" might work for some of the cavalier, devil may care types around here, but please - for a gentleman like myself I would prefer some more respectable terms.  Such as:

Erotic enthusiast
Sensual savant
Purveyor of poontang
Baron of booty
Sultan of sex
Captain of coochie
Magnate of muff

Any of those would be fine by me.
Ah - who am I trying to kid? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.  
And a dirty old man by any other name would be just as perverted.  :-)

As to the other question - what do we collect?  The answer should be obvious, we collect experiences.  Well that and knowing grins..

A very eloquent & prolific list! LOVE IT!

Posted By: electr0nsrealm

 Erotic enthusiast  
 Sensual savant  
 Purveyor of poontang  
 Baron of booty  
 Sultan of sex  
 Captain of coochie  
 Magnate of muff  

Of course Foxy, help yourself.

And you also inspired me to add another to the list...

Fancier of foxes


Posted By: FoxyNC
A very eloquent & prolific list! LOVE IT!  
Posted By: electr0nsrealm
  Erotic enthusiast  
  Sensual savant  
  Purveyor of poontang  
  Baron of booty  
  Sultan of sex  
  Captain of coochie  
  Magnate of muff  

That's "Miss Whore Mongering Pig" to you and your kind.

Lopaw - my apologies to the female hobbyists.  I think you all are incredibly awesome.  And you can certainly monger with the best of us male pigs.

What I meant of course was "Gentlemen, gentlewomen and whore mongering pigs of any sexual orientation...".
How was that?

Posted By: lopaw
That's "Miss Whore Mongering Pig" to you and your kind.
-- Modified on 5/6/2015 6:00:55 PM

spore625 reads

and I am not a gay. I think that it is not possible with TER review system. Or is that? Providers don't write reviews on their clients, right? Only some BC.

spore501 reads

but I *talk* reviews of hobbysts to a select clientele. I am so curious about your reviews, how can I get a glimpse of it?

Since I don't have any idea who you are, there really isn't much that I can do. If someone who knows who you are and they have VIP access, I suppose that they can copy/paste and send them to you via email, since you don't have PM access here either. Or you can obtain VIP access. There are other ways besides posting reviews.

A: A hobbiest can afford the Hobby.


Welcome to Hobby world.


(I was actually told this Q/A one time by a client! lol)

I'm confused why a john could be called a john if he wasn't paying prostitutes?

Isn't Hobby World a business?

Posted By: FoxyNC
A: A hobbiest can afford the Hobby.  
 Welcome to Hobby world.  
 (I was actually told this Q/A one time by a client! lol)

It's fucking lame and I refuse to use it.  Call me John, trick, pig or asshole.  And I'll call you hooker, with all due respect. Because I actually do respect hookers.  And whores.
My first fight on this board about 5 years ago was when, in one of my early posts, I said, "WTF is up with this 'hobbyist' term?  It's lame.  What are we?  Stamp collectors?"
I was roundly flamed by the resident manginas here.  So at least we are making some progress.
Fuck "The Hobby."

I didn't know that this started so many years ago.

Did these mangina's start their own board yet?

How do I recognize a mangina?  Do they wear a flower or something to distinguish themselves from men like us?  I hope so.

Posted By: inicky46
It's fucking lame and I refuse to use it.  Call me John, trick, pig or asshole.  And I'll call you hooker, with all due respect. Because I actually do respect hookers.  And whores.  
 My first fight on this board about 5 years ago was when, in one of my early posts, I said, "WTF is up with this 'hobbyist' term?  It's lame.  What are we?  Stamp collectors?"  
 I was roundly flamed by the resident manginas here.  So at least we are making some progress.  
 Fuck "The Hobby."

GaGambler694 reads

Hobbyist is what guys who fuck hookers call themselves when they are too embarrassed to say out loud "I fuck hookers for entertainment, deal with it" It's similar to hookers who deep down are ashamed to admit they suck dick for a living so they call themselves "providers" or "courtesans" to make themselves sound respectable.

I am not a bit ashamed that I LOVE to keep company with hookers, I am not ashamed of being called a john, a trick, or especially a "whore mongering pig"

I don't put the ladies I have met in a book to look at later on, but they certainly end up in my taste and smell library.

In regard to this hobby, I for one, collect things. Sometimes, a beautiful lady will send me a picture not associated with her ad. I have a collection of those. When a lady moves on to a different lifestyle, I delete all her pics, save one, the very best. I also collect memories. Of course, many of those memories are in one's mind. But I'm talking about written memories. It might come in the form of an old review, an wild email, or a flirty post that was exchanged. One has to be careful with things like that, so they're stored in a safe place. I'm usually always thinking about the next session, but every once in awhile, a memory strikes me, and I'll pull an old one out for fun. Before I junked my hobby phone I had a collection of four saved messages from special ladies. I miss their voices. Sometimes when I was made to wait for a lady, I'd listen to those saved messages, and smile. Kind of funny going in to meet a new lady thinking about a former one. I also collect important information about certain ladies. I've heard that some of the ladies keep track of us this way. It's especially great when I need quick access to a reference. When I'm at work, bored to death with nothing to do, I make lists. Lists for all my hobbies, but sometimes they're for this hobby. List the top five kissers out of all the ladies I've ever seen. That's a tough list, but tons of fun. They make the tedious hours of work go by more quickly. Sometimes those lists are the impetus to get off my butt, and go see an old friend. I also have other hobby collections, but I can't divulge those secrets. So as you see, I am a true hobbyist

Google John forum or trick forum- what a mess, right?

I've only known one person who directly referred to himself as a hobbyist.

A punt is a boat propelled by a pole.  Or it's a football dropped and kicked. Either way, lame. Unless you're a Brit.  And I am not a Brit.

It's also a good "catch all" for the fringe folks that don't necessarily fit the "john" stereotype.
And it also sounds kinda classy, dontcha think?

Where do you get the idea that a hobby entails collecting something?
Some people fish for a hobby. Some people race cars. Some ride horses. There are tons of hobbies that don't include collecting. Did you ever look up the actual definition of hobby.

"Hobby: noun, An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure."  
This definition sure fots for me.

"Hobbyist: noun, A person who pursues a particular hobby."

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I once upon a time collected stamps and coins.  
 I guess a hobbyist on TER is one who collects prostitutes?  Do you put them in a book to look at later on?  
 I prefer to be called a john, or as one other poster here calls us tricks.  
 But then aren't tricks for kids?  Sorry about that spelling, Trix

A hobby is recreational.  It's something you like to do but can live without. But I can't live without sex. Ergo, since celibacy for me is not a choice, fucking hookers is not a "hobby."  Now, perhaps for you, sex isn't totally necessary, so maybe that makes you a hobbyist.  Not me.
Aloha!  You still dakine, mon!
Now go eat some Spam sushi, bra.

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