TER General Board

You'd be amazed at how frequently we get that line. -e-
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 515 reads


Have any other providers noticed an uptick in skittish clients trying to get around your screening process, whatever it is?  I've gotten more "I'm a really nice guy, I promise" emails this past week than I have since I started working lol. Or, my all-time favorite, "Just Google me!".  Sigh...

Delete, delete, delete

I've had at least 3 inquiries since this happened where dudes have tried to circumvent my screening process or ask me "will their information be safe".  He wasn't worried about me storing his information; he gave me everything i needed. he was worried about the federal government knowing that i searched his information through a database, and that database getting hacked. I was literally on the phone with the guy for 10 minutes. This is what i said:

"Look. I'm not a hacker. I'm not an IT guru. I don't work for a national security laboratory.  I don't know how hacks and security breeches come to be.  So I honestly can't tell you if your information is safe from hacking. Quite honestly though, I'll put money on it that the government already knows more about you than you'd like, so I don't know what to tell you to make you feel any safer about me running your screening.  I don't save information, and quite frankly, the federal government has better things to do than come after me (an entry-midlevel priced hooker)."

I told him and others that if they don't want to screen, then then can find someone else.

Epsilon_Eridani886 reads

... then follow those.  

why are those guys attempting to circumvent the screening process doesn't make sense to me.

I never had an Ashley Madison account because I never saw the need for one, same goes for those other so called verification websites. I have plenty of references and have been TER whitelisted numerous times.

Posted By: THEAvaStClaire
Have any other providers noticed an uptick in skittish clients trying to get around your screening process, whatever it is?  I've gotten more "I'm a really nice guy, I promise" emails this past week than I have since I started working lol. Or, my all-time favorite, "Just Google me!".  Sigh...  
 Delete, delete, delete.  

And if by some strange reason see didn't ok me based on that, I would just give her my TER handle and its easy breezy, Japanesy from that point. :D

If this incident didn't cause some clients (who should have known better in the first place) to be a lot more cautious.  You can help this by limiting personal info collected to the extent possible.  Some of us "delete" for our "want to see" list pretty fast if that goes beyond the norm.  Like the provider I've talked with who refuses to see anyone unless they provide a selfie.  Dozens of great reviews--but no, I sure won't.  Almost positive she is legit--but almost as positive that some vice cop would holler for joy about looking at all her contact info with pictures of those to look for!

I'm just glad I have several references that I usually don't even give my full name, and my hobby phone and email. So I don't think I have anything to worry about.

I just can't wrap my head around any idiot actually attempting to use this lame line.
And I refuse to wrap my head around the idea that any provider would actually accept it.

... so I assume he's a member, right? I asked him 3 times for his TER ID and he dodged the question. Then I flatly told him, no ID, no meeting, and he admitted that he didn't have a membership. Okay, well, all is not lost, I told him you can A) show me an online presence that verifies your employment (like LInkedIn), or B) you can give me two referrals from two active providers with recent ads AND reviews ...
the line went dead.  
It is exasperating dealing with the schmoes who don't know/understand the ropes. Sigh!

L.Guapo672 reads

But non-provider TER members don't haveID numbers.  Only reviewed providers who have a profile

You can find it under "my reviews" in the "my TER" section.

It will appear near the top of each review page

L.Guapo464 reads

Posted By: mrfisher
You can find it under "my reviews" in the "my TER" section.  
 It will appear near the top of each review page.  

These guys wouldn't be in such a disaster if they just hired an escort instead of trying to hook up for free....... BTW 90% of the profiles were male and the females profiles are mostly fake......

Instead of actually filling out the form on my website, I've had gentlemen write out the information in an email, in the exact order in which it appears on my form, but leaving out a few entries since they are all required to actually send the form.

I completely understand the extra caution, but if the government REALLY wants to know what you are up to online, it is frighteningly easy for them to find out. Simple as that. I'm more than happy to take information over the phone, the form is just more convenient for everyone.  

I think we can all agree that there is a certain amount of risk involved for all of us, providers and hobbyists alike, so the screening process is an unfortunate, necessary evil, and trying to circumvent just seems...fishy.

...I don't mind putting it in an e-mail. I won't leave any of it out but the form is a no go. This isn't because of Ashley Madison either. I have done it this way since I began. I'm not trying to bypass screening. I want you to screen.

How is a form that can only be decrypted with a key that only the lady you want to meet has safer than gmail/yahoo/hotmail/etc? Educate me

...I especially don't/won't use gmail. I had  gmail for my everyday e-mail for a few years. Then they got to be as bad as things like Facebook in trying to connect people. Then that "backdoor" snafu last year where they and others were using some software that oooops! accidentally (unbeknown to even the companies using it)  had a code problem leaving peoples info suseptible to being taken. I avoid anything Google as much as possible. Hotmail (Microsoft) is just as bad. I once used hotmail for my hobby e-mail. Dropped them like a hot potato once I began seeing connections. I actually got a "you may know" message from them once.
Yahoo? It's a joke. security problems and just sorry e-mail.

I use an encrypted e-mail for this now. It doesn't try to connect me to anyone I don't want to be connected to.  

Referencing GaGambler and the discussions of a few years ago on the website form many mongers stated they don't know what happens to the info once submitted. Futhermore the internet is forever. What happens to that info. What does the lady do with it? Frankly forms made me uncomfortable. I can't remember any providers speaking up and saying the info was encrypted. I don't remember them saying much at all except they don't keep the info. It's deleted once screening is done. Oh, many said they wouldn't continue contact without it. Oddly enough some did continue and I saw them.

I did fill out one form the first time I attempted to see a lady not with the agency I used for my first few experiences. I was a newbie (real new). I had seen her when she was with that agency so I was a little more trusting of her having that info. I never heard from her. What happened to my info?

I won't use the form for the above reasons. We all decide our risk tolerance. It doesn't always make sense to someone else but it is what it is.

Now e-mail is internet so it's forever just as those forms might be. (Maybe e-mail services do delete after a certain amount of time.) Once you (Jordan) deal with that info on the form where does it go? I have some control over it with my e-mail. I have no control over your form.

Now I use e-mail for initial contact usually. I use TER PM if possible for any more particular information.
Consider too I'm no longer a newbie. I give my first name, phone number, my TER handle, and my two references and that's it. Anything beyond that I take on a case by case basis. The reputation of the lady plays a big part in this case by case situation. I do one other thing since I began attending Meet & Greets. (I know not everyone can do it this way.) I meet all the ladies I can at the M&G. Especially those I've recently become interested in. My being there has been sufficient for screening. I've not had to give any screening information though I make it clear they are welcome to check out my TER posting and reviews/white lists

Like if she has her form set up so that phone number is a required field, it wouldn't let him leave that field blank. Some guys will try leaving out certain info via email (I guess hoping that we won't notice). Then again, I've also had a couple of guys put something like "111-111-1111" in the phone number field. That always gives me a chuckle.

Many girls have lower verification needs than you. You know how I feel about that, that is your call, your biz and I don't argue with it at all.

That being said, OVERWHELMINGLY the girls in this biz do NOT require all that stuff they ask on the form. So, in essence, they are the reason guys just send the info in email and avoid the form, at least in part.

If it was standard that 95% or more demanded the form be filled out in its totality, it would become the norm and guys would do it or wouldn't get laid, or would have to stick to girls they already met and screening wasn't an issue.

I don't fill out the form, for several reasons, but one of them is so I don't have to put "111-"....in the phone number field, or put my "REAL" name in the form or anything else I don't feel comfortable with.

You are much more the exception than the rule.

Not providing the required info to avoid being properly screen is one thing and a concern, but the fact remains very, very few girls demand all the "required" fields be filled out on the form, it just the way it is.

People in life, specially these last few months, are just going to look for ways to give out less and less personal info. I see this being a dilemma for many women here.

GaGambler632 reads

Once upon a time, a lot of hookers DEMANDED that guys fill out those forms exactly as directed and claimed they would not see a guy under any circumstances without that silly little form.There were several discussions on this subject right here and a few years ago, many if not most of the guys simply went along with this mentality.  

Fast forward to today and you are finding more and more flexibility on the part of the ladies, as the guys have either manned up or wised up and stopped jumping through every hoop these hookers demand they jump through in order to see them. I predict this trend of the ladies being more flexible about these kinds of things as the guys start balking over the more intrusive methods of screening.

Speaking strictly for myself, I don't mind giving out anything short of my SSAN if it makes the lady feel more comfortable seeing me, but I flat out REFUSE to fill out any of those ridiculous screening forms. I don't care who she is, it just is NOT going to happen. and I can't be the only guy that feels this way.

I haven't filled out those forms in over 10 years. There isn't a need, at least with the well over 100 women I have seen.

As XYZ said, I want you to screen. You screening makes the buisness safer for not only you but for me as well.

There is just info I refuse to give. You have every right to balk and not see me because I "circumvented" your form. No one has ever turned me down for not filling it out, however.

I can only tell you from years and years of experience with high end women, they don't give a shit if I fill out their form, but they DO give a shit that I am verifiable, not insane and not LE.

To be honest I've been a little paranoid since the AM hack. If you are that worried about screening go to a strip club.  I went to a strip club.  I had fun and got a happy ending hand job without the paranoia. When all this hype dies down I'll go pack to providers. Providers are way more fun. Don't waste a providers time. I definitely don't want to be on a no see list.

wrps07613 reads

They are not reporting a lot of stuff it would overwhelm the public. The outings are going to be like Chinese water torture for those who made credit card transactions.  

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