TER General Board

You would certainly know about old men, especially those with
JakeFromStateFarm 124 reads

loose, wrinkly folds of excess skin.  Wouldn't you, BigKomodoDragon?

Girls and guys, what do you think of the mutual shower?

Mutual showers don't have to be clinical like hospital sponge baths.

Yet it seems the majority of escorts prefer not to do it.
Yes, most do shower beforehand.
But you can't deny the soapy sexy fun the shower grope session can be.
And you get to ensure that there's no dick cheese and dingleberries for dinner  by disguising the cleaning as a soapy handjob and anal tease.

Wouldn't you feel more confident and relieved that he's clean to your standards? considering that many guys won't even touch their own asshole?

I just prefer not to get my hair wet, particularly if I have plans afterwards.

they have these cool things called "shower caps".
I keep a bag of disposable ones in my drawer. :)

Posted By: Bendadick.Cuminsnatch

Girls and guys, what do you think of the mutual shower?  
 Mutual showers don't have to be clinical like hospital sponge baths.  
 Yet it seems the majority of escorts prefer not to do it.  
 Yes, most do shower beforehand.  
 But you can't deny the soapy sexy fun the shower grope session can be.  
 And you get to ensure that there's no dick cheese and dingleberries for dinner  by disguising the cleaning as a soapy handjob and anal tease.  
 Wouldn't you feel more confident and relieved that he's clean to your standards? considering that many guys won't even touch their own asshole?
But some providers will not do them. The why is very understandable.  

They spend a long time getting their hair just right and their makeup on. Much longer then us guys. And mutual showers aren't good for maintaining them.  

It is because it isn't clinical her hair and makeup is at risk. There is often kissing and sucking that will put her prep at risk. And showercaps are not sexy. It isn't like she is showering alone where she can protect her face and hair from the water.

Remember you might not be her only client of the day, especially if she rented hotel room. If she ruins her hair makeup she ups her prep time for the next client. Toughing herself up takes much less time if her hair is not wet when it gets a bit messed up during sex.

"They spend a long time getting their hair just right and their makeup on. Much longer then us guys."
So tell us, big guy, how long does it take you to get your hair "just right" and put your makeup on?"
Sorry, but you left yourself soooooooo open to that one.

JakeFromStateFarm125 reads

loose, wrinkly folds of excess skin.  Wouldn't you, BigKomodoDragon?

Pretty much by definition once the first old white man uses a term, it's no longer "hip" (also a VERY outdated term)

and considering your UD definition was from 2005 I would have to say this term is about as hip as saying "you go girl" which ironically enough has UD definitions from the same general time frame, circa 2005.  

I will confess, watching "old white guys" trying to talk like "young black girls" is kind of amusing, in a "God that was awful" kind of way of course.

JakeFromStateFarm113 reads

2005 is the MOST RECENT definition of the term "Oh, no you dit'n."  But if you scroll down you'll see the first definition was from 2003.  You are, however, quite correct about how unhip the word "hip" is.  It's really a beatnik term from the '50s.  So when BigHumanShar-Pei jumped on my post for using a decades-newer term he not only made a fool of himself, he showed his age.

GaGambler131 reads

but you're both "old white guys" IMHO.  and the moment either of you uses a term, it immediately becomes "ungroovy" and I am sure Maynard Krebs would agree. Come to think of it, I bet you are older than Maynard. lol

-- Modified on 6/22/2017 7:08:10 PM

JakeFromStateFarm175 reads

I know what "circa" means, and it does NOT mean 2003.  Admit it, you didn't scroll down to see if there were other definitions.  Or don't, and be a chump.
Also, it's hilarious for someone who admits to being nearly 60 refer to anyone else as old.

-- Modified on 6/22/2017 7:25:58 PM

Grandpa Gambler is way north of 60 as he was punching out people in Casinos in the 70s (and the Casino employees were thanking him for it).

It's the beauty of being a troll on an internet discussion board - reality is so malleable  here. He's a 60 something gambling rock-star with his loaded 9m in the jockey box right next to his AARP and Medicaid card...

When he was harassed by LE for driving his Jaguar while Asian, in his attempt to solicit street walkers, from poor working class neighborhoods back  in the 80's , I guess that took place on his way back from the casin, to the oil ranch.

Gag is the coolest, smartest, man whore lesbian pig, drug dealingest, executive officer, victim monger the world has ever seen.

Gag will probably be the first man to buy Martian Pussy on Mars.

Yep - and he's so much more!!!

I get the way "chat boards" work:  Small real life = Big "chat board life" / Right sized real life = well it doesn't equal 450 caustic posts a month...

He should really take a few days off.

GaGambler121 reads

Why else would I have phrased it "circa 2005"? I would have just said "2005". Do you think I just added "circa" for the fun of it?  

As for old, not only is 60 a distant memory for you, (if you had a memory that is) but I am aging in Chink years while you are aging in Jew years and EVERYBODY knows people like me age a LOT better than people like you.

JakeFromStateFarm113 reads

Let's just say you are straining credulity.  As for your using circa, you were just trying to impress that pompous ass BigHumanShar-Pei.
Just stop.  You look silly.

I've had many providers grab a shower after the fun was over so they are not afraid of water.

JakeFromStateFarm108 reads

The standard K-Girl date starts with a shower.  Said shower generally includes a rim job.  Hence the importance of the shower.  It's not something I need but you might like it.

I gotta say one of the many things that I loved from a Kgirl encounter were those awesome showers together.

They suck your dick in the shower after they suck your dick while undressing you.  Then they suck your dick in bed, suck your dick in the clean-up shower, and suck your dick while they dress you.

I'm addicted to K girls now.

Korean provider that works from an apartment incall and uses a booker to schedule her appointments.  Many Thai, Japanese and Chinese girls use the same high-volume business model. For more info, there is a Kgirl discussion board in TER.

Asian (usually korean, hence k-girl) women working for k-girl bookers / "apartment AMPs". It really refers to any of the women working in this system, but they're usually immigrants and not Asian-American.  
It can be a difficult world to get into as the bookers are notoriously suspicious of "outsider" clients, but the women/agencies have a cult following due to their good looks, reliable and extensive menu, and low prices relative to the area around them.

Description of the Kgirl business from a provider.  Most providers promote the fiction that they are all sex slaves in an attempt to deter customers from seeing them.  Kudos to you for your honesty. If I was on the East Coast, I would give you some business.

Anyone can check the source, and decide for themselves.

I don't have an Asian fetish, I've only book with one Asian woman ever, I think there may have been a thread about it.  

From the outside looking in, the k seen looks shady.

Remember the old white guys that got busted?

"K scene."  That's what happens when you don't go to high school.   Now those here that didn't know you, know.  

I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the ladies on this site have not graduated high school.


I also find it funny to emphasize on the English language when you're shilling for k girls.

You just keep putting your ignorance on display. You can't help yourself, can you?

I've met plenty of providers that have university degrees. You haven't because you're a bottom feeder.  

Kgirls have names just like any other provider. Name ONE that I have shilled for. If you can't then you should STFU or you'll keep embarrassing yourself.  It's taking the sport out of you being a piñata when we don't have to do anything except let you talk.  We just hand you a shovel and let you bury yourself.

-- Modified on 6/23/2017 4:47:09 PM

You didn't even understand the sarcastic post the lady you sucked up to, posted.

 I Don't p2p, so if there is a whore monger scale, where people are on the bottom, I'd have to be a cocky asshole, and say I'm at the top of that scale, by not participating.

Surely it's worth a visit to the east coast for a chance to  see one of us rare, hard- to-find elite classy upscale  companions that isn't a trafficked sex slave?? ;)

(I'm always surprised by how often my obvious sarcasm is missed, so...this is sarcasm guys, haha.)

There are a few simple reasons why some providers don't shower with their clients

1- Some providers have hair extensions, some are glue in some are clip in, they don't want you to know that its not their real hair
2- Some providers are perhaps a little older than they say, or their hair color is not so real, once its wet down you can easily see the roots
3- For some provider, it takes more than soap to get the mascara off their face and until they can get a make up wipe, they look like monster from a zombie movie
4- Some provider worry how they will really look without make up once its washed off
5- Most showers have one shower head, its cold when someone steals the whole water.
6- Some providers have commitments after the appointment, and now they must find the time to arrange themself perfect all over again, not all providers give that extra time.
7- Shoving a soapy finger in a vagina is not a good thing
8- Water is not a natural lubricant  

I am Asian, I am not a K-girl, but I do enjoy showering with my clients, just don't steal my water. I am sure there are other reasons for some providers. And I am sure some providers have no issues with any of the above and either love to shower or don't with their date for whatever reason.

If you ever visit LA I promise that we can both have droopy wet hair and running zombie-like makeup in the shower together.... and of course I would never insert a soapy finger in your hoo-ha.  ;)

I wear hardly any make up and my hair is all mine even it is only on my head.  

Will you share the water, thats important. I arrived LAX on May the 15th and it was to my body freezing. Like early winter in Hong Kong cold.


I will even go so far as to direct the shower head/nozzle directly on you, and I will stand to the side and wait for you to have your fill. I just ask for one final rinse before we depart the shower stall for the boudoir.

You got us during a cold snap back in May. It's 117 degrees now.

love a mutual shower at the start of a session.  For me, there is no better ice breaker when seeing someone for the first time.  A ten minute shower starts a session better than a 20 minute "chat" about boring stuff while drinking her cheap wine.  

One reason Asian agency girls are so popular is that they ALWAYS start the session with a mutual shower, usually because BBBJ and rimming is on their menu, and they want to know you are clean because they cleaned themselves.  Besides the hygienic aspect, I enjoy the playful social time getting to know the girl.  We are both naked and vulnerable, so there is an honesty in that which quickly builds a connection.  Cheap guys shower at home first so they don't miss out on five minutes of sex during their one-hour session, but the agency girls know they're doing it because they're cheap and probably don't tip, so they get a second-rate session from  the girl for the FULL hour.  

I find indies are reluctant to start with a mutual shower, and many times, missing out on this fun aspect of the session is what causes me to lose interest in repeating with them.  I always request a shower a the beginning of the session and invite them join me, but most indies won't, and so the connection sometimes never gets off the ground.  

I am in Phoenix today and the next few days visiting family. My Uber from the airport had a temp of 121 showing on his car. Maybe this fall I will visit LA for a long weekend. I am sure we can find a way to meet.


I really enjoy that, it's really fun soaping each other in the afterglow of an athletic 90 minutes. And then she makes sure that I've dressed correctly (straightens a collar) and sees me to the door. Quite intimate.

You can't do it yourself because you're still wearing the handcuffs.  

Hahaha, nah no cuffs with this one. I need my hands with her. ;-)

ROGM86 reads

The young provider I'm seeing loves to takes Showers with me when we play. She soaps my back and I soap hers. Her Shower BJ is awesome.

jacuzzi tub for two is more my speed.I have done showers before with clients I usually just put my hair up in a top knot.
My hair does get a little wet but nothing a hotel blow dryer can't solve.lol
But some ladies might have other plans after an appt so getting in the shower and getting hair wet or make-up having to be redone might be something they are not willing to do.And yes one time I did get in the shower with a gent wearing a shower cap on (sorry not sorry lol)..let's just say that shower cap on my head was the LAST thing he was thinking about.

It's one of my favorite parts of a tantric massage, soaking with the gal in a big tub while we massage each others' feet and nether regions get to know one another.

Showering with a guest is not fun for me. It's slippery, uncomfortable, and ruins my hair and makeup.  

Plus the "fresh out of the shower" look men idealize is nothing but a fallacy.

If you get one of the hand-held shower wands, you can control where the water goes better.  Hundreds of Asian providers do it every day.  When you're alone and want to wash you hair, you can just clip the shower head in place up above.  

When you're a man, there's can be a fallacy, but there can also be a phallacy.  

For many ladies I think. We spend a long time styling hair and putting on makeup to greet you at the door looking like goddesses.  If I have to shower again at the beginning of a booking that means a) my hair will get soaked and my makeup will run everywhere so I'll look frightening for you, and b) I have to redo my hair and makeup all over again for the next booking xx

Yes , there are a few concerns for a Provider when showering with a client.
Dripping make-up , wet hair extensions , water hogging , soap's not a lubricant etc.....
But one thing for sure. Your boobs will never be cleaner !

Dick_Enormis87 reads

I do enjoy a mutual shower with my lady friend before or after a session.  I find it does make the session hotter when you have some shower foreplay with a HJ or BBBJ, then continue the fun in the bedroom.  And yes, water is not a lubricant so bring some good lube and condoms with you if you can't wait to get to the bed.  But if not, there's always doggy style with her bent over the sink and making use of the mirrors.  

The major problem has been most clients who ask, ask spontaneously at that start or finish of a session. We have to prepare for a mutual shower ahead of time. I will not wear makeup before hand, I'll put my hair up in a ponytail etc. Then I'll also know that I'll need extra time afterwards to get myself back up to "work ready".

I think what you are getting a taste of is, if girls are asked on session they will say no.

 Also, if you ask this way, I'm sure you will get more yes'.

" In the beginning of our session I'd like for us to shower together which I hope you would also enjoy."

That way she assumes it is a "must" for you, and unless she is sitting on the tallest pedestal of them all, I highly doubt she will say no. Is it her preference? Of course not, but who cares? We are in the service business. Not the my way or the highway business. You have to bend slightly in your preferences as a provider.

...One of my best early experiences I ever had with a provider was where we opened up with us showering together. It was on the menu, I was nervous and it was a great icebreaker. We were intimate yet playful. We were less self conscious. It was a great way to start a date.

Something about water! Whether its in the Shower or the Pool, I just love it. Especially the Hot Tub. But a Sexy Shower is wonderful. Nothing like getting all my personal parts washed with a little extra attention, and I LOVE getting my hair washed, is that weird?  
Used to love the Table Shower at a decent Asian MP, have not had the pleasure of a Sexy Shower with a provider to this point. Hell, would probably tip extra!!

BrandtCantWatch119 reads

...and my only real fetish is wet hair. I don't know what it is, but there's something about the wet that makes the rest wild. So light or no makeup on a beautiful woman with wet hair gets me going more than practically everything else.  

Of course, she's ruined if she has a client after me, so I wouldn't expect that unless I provided extra consideration  (compensation) or made sure I was her last client for the day.

But what a turn-on...

I love the mutual showers with K-girls so much that I have requested mutual showers with a few of my Non-Asian ATF's, who have been happy to participate! Taking it one step further, I have proposed shower sex with both an Asian and non-Asian ATF. Amazingly, both times the provider had never had sex in the shower before,and the session proved to be the hottest ever with the provider (was I lied to?) I only made that move after many sessions, but I think it was mutually enjoyed! Anyone else go for "Shower sex"?

Super into it, a lot of guys miss...things and it's a great way to build up the excitement in a fun easy intimate way.....and its easy not to get your hair too wet. just me tho!

I personally love showering with a lady.  Especially in the middle of an appointment.  For whatever reason, I cannot recall ever requesting it in advance (I'm not sure why).  And I've never requested it during a session (because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable), but I've been asked several times (and I always obliged) and many times it "just happened."  

usually i like to wash my balls before i bend my dick..

Posted By: Bendadick.Cuminsnatch

Girls and guys, what do you think of the mutual shower?  
 Mutual showers don't have to be clinical like hospital sponge baths.  
 Yet it seems the majority of escorts prefer not to do it.  
 Yes, most do shower beforehand.  
 But you can't deny the soapy sexy fun the shower grope session can be.  
 And you get to ensure that there's no dick cheese and dingleberries for dinner  by disguising the cleaning as a soapy handjob and anal tease.  
 Wouldn't you feel more confident and relieved that he's clean to your standards? considering that many guys won't even touch their own asshole?

I find it really attractive to shower together :) then make each other dirty over and over again

ROGM79 reads

Posted By: OliviaJones95
Re: I love it
I find it really attractive to shower together :) then make each other dirty over and over again

My favorite lady used to fire up the shower when we were done. Or I  should say thought we were done. With her great ass and body all slippery she usually got anothet pop out of me. Gawd I  miss her.

If I've just straightened my hair (which takes a little over 2 hours - I have very curly and thick hair) then you've got to be fucking with me. Unless you're down with me showering with you in a headscarf, shower cap, and a time limit? Not the cutest date, haha.

However, if it's in its curly state, I have no problems, unless I have further plans afterwards.  

It's best to just ask this in advance so there's no awkward moments.

As a straightforward escort I felt really uncomfortable / self-conscious about it -

Now it is my favorite part of most sessions.  Clients love it, they're squeaky clean, I'm squeaky clean and we're both fresh and free to be uninhibited when we hit the sheet / nuru mattress for the massage.

Candles (LED and white pillars) + shower bombs make it so serene and the perfect opportunity to really decompress before beginning the service.

Urban Decay, Make Up For Ever and Skindinavia are mainstays in my makeup bag- just set that makeup and get steamy.

The only concern I have is to not make the client lose it in the shower prematurely but most guys love to hold out for me ;)

You're taking a shower to get clean and take care of your business, but not if you're doing it as part of a sexy service, in that case it's just an erotic experience. Funny story about my only mutual shower experience, it's not what I was expecting. I went to an asian massage parlour ISO nuru massage. I had done some online research beforehand and learned that they used a special kind of nuru gel that has roughly about the same texture as KY jelly. When I got there, I noticed that they only offered 20 mins of nuru massage in an hour long session and I was wondering why that was. I wanted nuru for the entire hour so I left and tried someplace else. Second massage parlour, same thing, it was getting late, and I saw where it looked like a common practice, so I surrendered. Much to my surprise, the little asian chick took me to the showers and put me to lie down on the shower bed, then she used the foam from the bar soap to lather me up, and that's what she used for the bodyslide, not the nuru gel. You mean to tell me that a business like that can't afford to buy a bottle of nuru gel (it only costs about $20), or is it that they save it for their regulars and favorites? I thought that not only was that a cheap thing to do, but that it was a dirty, dishonest B&S stunt for the kind of money I was spending. And then on top of all that, they're pretending like they don't speak any English, but I would have seen just how much English they can speak if the money had come up short. If I had known I would have brought my own nuru gel with me and insisted that she did the bodyslide in the massage booth and not on some cold, damp shower bed. But hey, at least in the end I still got to smash, right? First asian babe ever! I've pretty much just written that one off to experience. I haven't been back to a massage parlour since, but next time I think I'll have the nuru massage in a CDP instead. At least I speak some amount of Spanish so that when the hot little mamacita is trying to be all like, "no comprende pappi!" I'll just be like, "Chupar mi polla, puta!"

And how much was that at an Asian massage parlor?  They are notoriously Inexpensive compared to nuru by a CMT.  

it only takes me about 2 hours to get all glammed up, would hate to ruin in the shower,  
especially if I have plans afterwards lol
However if you are my last and you don't mind seeing my bare naked face, then Im all game!

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