TER General Board

You will have at least a 40 gallon water tank for showers. Plenty for a few showers. Eom
micktoz 41 Reviews 339 reads


I'm not talking about a mobile home, but a motorhome like an RV. A large one and nice one.

I have been wanting to do this for about six months. I've had to move twice in the last two years And I don't want to do it again.  I want control of my life and my living situation. Ibmve had two Crappy landlords in a row.  Once I was harassed terribly by a neighbor who discovered I was a provider.  

I've always wanted to be able to travel more.  I love the idea of traveling the country and seeing clients wherever I go.  Even here in my hometown I could go to different parks every week and see people in different parts of town, or meet somebody right down street from where they work or live!  Most parks are 35$ per night.

I might put most of my stuff in storage and try living in a motorhome for several months.  If it works, I might do it permanently.

There are some gorgeous parks in California.  It might be like a permanent vacation.  

I'm really very interested in how you all feel about this.  I'm a little scared to ask because  I don't want my idea that I think is pretty cool to be shot down.  But I think I need to know how you guys feel about it.  Providers feel free to let me know your thoughts as well.

I wouldn't mind it being that you are an established provider with a good reviews/reputation.  If the lady wasn't reviewed it may cause a bit of apprehension.  For some providers, it is kind of their niche, one well known provider here in the D.C. area exclusively provided BBBJ via car date only, judging by her reviews she didn't lack clientele.  A plus would be if it were a really nice atmosphere.  Perhaps it would help alleviate some of your landlord issues as well, not to mention lower expenses of hotel rooms, flights, etc.  Not a bad idea if you ask me.

Posted By: Freya Fantasia
I'm not talking about a mobile home, but a motorhome like an RV. A large one and nice one.  
 I have been wanting to do this for about six months. I've had to move twice in the last two years And I don't want to do it again.  I want control of my life and my living situation. Ibmve had two Crappy landlords in a row.  Once I was harassed terribly by a neighbor who discovered I was a provider.    
 I've always wanted to be able to travel more.  I love the idea of traveling the country and seeing clients wherever I go.  Even here in my hometown I could go to different parks every week and see people in different parts of town, or meet somebody right down street from where they work or live!  Most parks are 35$ per night.  
 I might put most of my stuff in storage and try living in a motorhome for several months.  If it works, I might do it permanently.  
 There are some gorgeous parks in California.  It might be like a permanent vacation.  
 I'm really very interested in how you all feel about this.  I'm a little scared to ask because  I don't want my idea that I think is pretty cool to be shot down.  But I think I need to know how you guys feel about it.  Providers feel free to let me know your thoughts as well.

I MIGHT make an exception.  But only because you are a friend of a friend.  And I like trying new things.   Probably not - but can't say that I absolutely would not...

There are places where RV parks are sort of nice.  Resort areas in Florida, for example.   Still - I have this vision of the RV swaying back and forth....  and the nosey 80 year old couple sitting out front  in their lawn chairs.  They might hold up a score card as I leave... 7 ?  5? - damned Russian judges....

An RV shower is usually pretty cramped as well...

So... probably not.

triage393 reads

are there showers available?

if i did not have family obligations, i would love to do that...i love to travel...what a way to think outside the box...if you decide to go for it and visit vegas, i would like to check out your set up...best of luck! :)

"The unsub we're looking for is a female escort between the ages of 46-50 with red hair. She travels around in her RV luring in unsuspecting Johns with her charm and long review history. Autopsy reports indicate that she drugs her victims shortly before disposing their bodies in remote areas of state parks. We believe she is armed and highly dangerous. We urge all citizens to stay alert and to contact us with any leads."

Okay, in all seriousness, I've seen this question asked before. The responses were mostly positive with a "why not?" attitude.

I personally would try it just for the experience since I've never been in an RV. My only concerns would be being seen entering/exiting, and overall discretion and privacy.  

edit: a few words

-- Modified on 3/8/2017 10:46:13 AM

Just a note of caution, I have done a lot of camping type stuff and if you thing neighbors in apartments complexes or even neighborhoods are nosy, you have not seen anything until you stay in an RV park or camp ground.

Everyone is very friendly and wants to get to know each other.
Not to mention there is very space, very close quarters!!

I just don't see it working for you babe.

I love your pictures and WEB Site BTW, beautiful lady!!!!

Agree, not necessarily nosy ... but over friendly 😉

Plan B Freya?  

Rent an RV and go travel, do outcall from wherever you land!

Then if you decide it's not what you thought, you're not stuck with it, and value loss will be high on resale.

Always wanted to do this too, but more of a few months vacation.


While there is a REALLY small chance of getting busted... if you happen to be working out of an RV you own --- it's subject to criminal forfeiture.   That would REALLY suck.  Whether or not they could make it stick.... who knows?  But it's not something you want to pay lawyers to argue with the State about...

Best to rent.  Same applies to houses/condos BTW.....

GaGambler374 reads

The way the civil forfeiture laws are written, the burden of proof is on you. IOW They seize your property and then you are the one who has to prove you deserve it back. Can you imagine such a thing in a freedom loving country like the United States?

You are absolutely correct, much better to rent.

souls_harbor392 reads

Yeah, criminal forfeiture would be a major concern if you own it.

I think you'd be getting yourself into trouble with that idea. Like most said, others at the parks are nosy and overly friendly. Tight spaces will get you noticed!

Why don't you do outcalls or get a hotel?  

I would be hesitant to do an out call to an RV park for reasons listed, even if I knew the girl. Even if I met a guy who wouldn't have the traffic in and out, I still would likely not bother.

Posted By: TennGambler
 Just a note of caution, I have done a lot of camping type stuff and if you thing neighbors in apartments complexes or even neighborhoods are nosy, you have not seen anything until you stay in an RV park or camp ground.  
 Everyone is very friendly and wants to get to know each other.  
 Not to mention there is very space, very close quarters!!  
 I just don't see it working for you babe.  
 I love your pictures and WEB Site BTW, beautiful lady!!!!

Well I live in Manhattan so I hope you'll decamp to a hotel once in a while!

Seriously, I would be very careful doing business in any kind of local, state or federal park.  That's public property.  I think the park rangers would send a very strong "not here" message in case you get caught, up to and including confiscating your RV on top of a short stay in custody and a hefty fine.  You are probably also putting your clients at risk of greater penalty.  For instance in Minnesota, a felony conviction for prostitution (seller or buyer) has a maximum penalty three years longer than it would otherwise be if it's conducted in a park.  Gross misdemeanors become felonies, and misdemeanors become gross misdemeanors.  (See link below).

So keep your work to private property.

Also, I'd ask the real legal minds on this board if you were a solo traveler, could you be interpreted to be in violation of the Mann Act (transporting someone across state lines for the purposes of prostitution) if you leave your home state?  If you had a co-pilot, they would certainly be at risk.

adventurous and awesome! I agree with others that you'd have to worry about nosy neighbors but it's just so unique and cool. Maybe one day I'll try an RV incall :D

I have always daydreamed of the idea..
Obtaining an RV and hitting the road, think of the pluses,

 Sightseeing the beautiful scenery our country has to offer as you tour providing your fresh new face and awesome service along the way. Cuts out the headache of finding a place everywhere you go cause in all actuality you could park anywhere you want if you have a generator.

It's awesome..2 thumbs up!

I don't have to stay in the parks if they are crowded.  

When I used to go camping a lot of times you could find a spot that was way away from everybody else. If I do end up in a campground that is crowded I can always just go park someplace else to meet up with somebody.  I need to do some more research on this. I don't know where you can get a ticket for parking in RV and where it's OK. But I would imagine most people wouldn't care if your RV was someplace kind of private for an hour or two.

I can take my in call to an out call, lol.

..... and have had a few providers do outcalls with me. I do have to say that these ladies are regulars of mine, so they didn't have a fear or weird factor about coming to see me.  

Some of the RV parks are resort quality places.  

A little bit of house keeping that you should take into account is arranging laundry. Most parks have pretty good laundromats and some larger RV's have built in washer and dryers. But you should plan for that.  

Hope you enjoy yourself, I really like the freedom of this lifestyle.

-- Modified on 3/8/2017 9:25:58 AM

You emptied the shitter before I got there.  I have never owned a leisure suit, so I'm not a cousin Eddie kind of guy who thinks it's hot when the motor home starts rockin'.

-- Modified on 3/8/2017 1:43:46 PM

I think it's a great idea.  Why not????

-- Modified on 3/8/2017 3:06:09 PM

wrps07493 reads

Not a good idea.  Sometimes stupid hobbyists can't keep quiet about incall location of rv on public message boards.  

I also would not recommend if its off a main road or in rv park.  Way too many nosey folks.

Yep, I've been there done that.  No big deal, it was a very nice motor home.  Parked in a decent mobile home type campground.  I didn't think it was a big deal, kind of a nice change actually.  The provider was kind of a stick in the mud, but motor home was very nice!  I would go for it if you are so inclined

It's very secluded, I've even done sessions there on the lawn.

But I do agree with most posters that the lack of privacy is a concern.  

i know lots of people who love that stuff. How awesome would it be if you met someone who would want to do a cross country travel RV trip paid?

It's a huge thing amongst people of many types of jobs/incomes

Of course, they call it "camping" in an RV nowadays...  

I think it's a cool idea, and you may just find a new "thing" with it. Good luck!!

JakeFromStateFarm340 reads

Many of us will not see a girl if she's working out of a motel because it's too easy for cops to sit in the parking lot observing guys coming and going.  That's not so easy in a hotel with elevator banks.  Your scenario is just too similar.
Some have already pointed out you are vulnerable to nosy neighbors seeing strange guys coming and going.  What if one of them reports you to management or to LE?  They can easily observe you from an unmarked car, then pounce.
Sorry, I'm no Chicken Little but that's just not safe.

But I'm friendly and quiet.  I don't drink or do drugs and I just don't look like someone who's up to no good.

I don't know  how it is and other cities, but device typically doesn't have the money or the inclination to go after everyone who might possibly be a provider. Vice either poses as a client or as an escort.  They set up their stings and catch as many people as they can, people who don't know how to check reviews and references.

I think people who talk about law-enforcement doing scary and unexpected things like this are speaking from fear not from personal experience. At least I don't think I've ever heard anybody have personal experience with law enforcement staking them out at their own in call.

JakeFromStateFarm320 reads

Hotels are fine because it's harder for LE to observe what's going on in any particular room.  Motels are not fine because LE can easily observe who's coming in and out of any room.  And an RV is similar to a motel room in that respect.
I go to lots of hotels.  But not motels.  Or RVs.

1.  Privacy.
     I think a lot of parks have empty spaces and I could find a spot away from other people. If I ended up in a situation where there were people all around me and it wasn't quite private then, I could always go Park on a private street somewhere.  At least I think this would be okay.

2.  Rocking RV.  
     Yeah I wondered about this.  I don't know how much RVs rock when you have sex  in them.  I do know that there are people all over the country having sex in RVs and they are getting away with it.  Miktoz  says that they have stabilizers so they don't rock like they used to.  

3.  Housekeeping.
     I would have a washer and dryer, but a lot of my things that I really like would all be in storage. If this didn't work out for me I could always come back and rent a place in a few months. It doesn't have to be permanent.  

4.  Low class.
     I may not get financed for a 100,000$ brand-new mobile home, but I should be able to get a decent one that you guys would feel comfortable in. I am a creature of comfort myself.

5.  RVs aren't practical in manhattan.
     Nope!  You're right about that.  I would still get hotels when it made sense to do that.

6.  Showers.
     Showers!   Yes,  my RV would have a shower and a small bathroom area the equivalent of many hotels, but I think I would have to be hooked up to water in a park in order to use the showers. That means if I went to go park in a private area then I might not have a shower available. Maybe there is a water tank with enough water for a quick shower but I don't know about that.  

7.  Legal troubles:
     Some of the legal issues  mentioned in this thread are pretty questionable if you ask me. I think that basically the same rules would apply that apply to hotel rooms and now it is if you do your screening you're going to be safe. There's no rule that says I can't have company.  And it's not against the law for me to be a slut or to have sex with multiple guys in a day if I want to. Someone would have to prove that I was prostituting. There are a lot of Persinal and work related reasons why I could have visitors to my RV. If I'm quiet and respectful, I don't think it will be a problem based on all of my hotel experience.

This may be a stretch but you'll be in RV with some guy. An RV has wheels. I'd hate to see someone  literally drive off with you. Think carefully about this.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 3/8/2017 10:20:11 AM

TopEntertainer260 reads

As a provider I wouldn't do it. I would be scared. Try nice busy condos. Can be still discreet and safe.

CougarLingus405 reads

I lived in a fifth wheel for years. With a provider of your reviews and reputation, I wouldn't hesitate one minute to see you in a motor home. It would be cozy and homey and fun.

The nosy neighbors thing is very legitimate. Also watch out for nosy park managers. Your best bet is the bigger RV parks, I think. The bigger the park, the better your odds of going unnoticed. But still, most likely your new neighbors will expect to meet you. Shouldn't be a problem, really, if you're low volume and the guys are discreet, but we've all seen plenty of threads about how stupid and indiscreet some johns can be.

With a decent one, you'd have plenty of tank space to live at least a couple days, and a couple appointments without hookups, but make sure you have a good generator on board. I recommend you order the RV with double insulation. In some RV's, you can hear the people talking outside just like you were out there with them. Which of course means those fuckers out there can hear you LoL. Also for weather. If you're going to try to find parks that aren't full, that may well mean the weather will not be ideal where you are.

As you move from town to town, you may find clients willing to share in the driving duties and then fly back home, in exchange for some road head. LoL!

Make sure it has stabilizer jacks to take care of the rockin and rollin problem.  Most of them do, but some don't.   bigdell

...but I've 14 years experience full timing in an RV (9 yrs as a couple, 5 solo), so know the pluses and minuses of the lifestyle.  RV parks are some of the best neighborhoods I've ever lived in.  There is almost always an immediate affinity with your neighbors, as RV'ers are by nature mostly friendly people.  Which means that everybody close to your RV space will have knowledge of comings and goings, and will probably speak with other neighbors about the single gal who has multiple male visitors.  Lately, the small house movement has become all the rage, and many of today's homes on wheels are well designed small spaces.  Ask yourself if you can exist in 200 to 350 sq ft of living space.  If you choose a motorhome you'll probably also need an automobile to run your errands and get around, which means you'll need a vehicle designed to be towed (preferably 4 wheels down).  If you choose a trailer you'll have to have a beefy tow vehicle.  While the mobile lifestyle allows one to live almost anywhere one chooses (it's your beach/mountain/desert/metropolitan condo on wheels), RV's depreciate just as fast if not faster than autos, so you'll never build equity.  And most higher end RV resorts have vehicle age restrictions (I've seen 10 to 12 yrs old), so you'll have to upgrade at some point if you wish to continue in the lifestyle for an extended time.  The big, big minuses are:  keeping your rig clean and in shape (lots of work, believe me), dumping black water (gets old real quick), poor mpg, and the general consensus among those ignorant of the RV lifestyle that they are all trailer trash.

Posted By: Freya Fantasia
I'm not talking about a mobile home, but a motorhome like an RV. A large one and nice one.  
 I have been wanting to do this for about six months. I've had to move twice in the last two years And I don't want to do it again.  I want control of my life and my living situation. Ibmve had two Crappy landlords in a row.  Once I was harassed terribly by a neighbor who discovered I was a provider.    
 I've always wanted to be able to travel more.  I love the idea of traveling the country and seeing clients wherever I go.  Even here in my hometown I could go to different parks every week and see people in different parts of town, or meet somebody right down street from where they work or live!  Most parks are 35$ per night.  
 I might put most of my stuff in storage and try living in a motorhome for several months.  If it works, I might do it permanently.  
 There are some gorgeous parks in California.  It might be like a permanent vacation.  
 I'm really very interested in how you all feel about this.  I'm a little scared to ask because  I don't want my idea that I think is pretty cool to be shot down.  But I think I need to know how you guys feel about it.  Providers feel free to let me know your thoughts as well.

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