TER General Board

You were most likely joking, but NEVER double bag it
GaGambler 708 reads
1 / 35

Condoms are meant to be used one at a time, double bagging it actually increases the risk of condom failure substantially.

and Cuba is still on my to do list, and while I won't double bag it, I will be doubly sure to cover up, the same as I would do in Haiti. Actually in Haiti, i think I would just keep my dick in my pants. I hope Cuba doesn't get that bad.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 1755 reads
2 / 35

I was happy about the possibility of going to Cuba legally, but DAMN!This is fucked up news.
I still wanna go tho.

TwoMints 725 reads
3 / 35

Don't worry, soon our new policies with Cuba, it'll spread to the U.S. and the rest of the world quickly.  (yes I read they saw it in Africa first)  

When the ads pop up, saying Cuban hottie, you may want to take a pass or double bag it..
I was happy about the possibility of going to Cuba legally, but DAMN!This is fucked up news.  
 I still wanna go tho.
-- Modified on 2/15/2015 10:27:49 AM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 718 reads
4 / 35

But, but rum and cigars dude!

Posted By: TwoMints
Don't worry, soon will our new policies with Cuba, it'll spread to the U.S. and the rest of the world quickly.  (yes I read they saw it Africa first)  
 When the ads pop up, saying Cuban hottie, you may want to take a pass or double bag it..  
I was happy about the possibility of going to Cuba legally, but DAMN!This is fucked up news.  
  I still wanna go tho.

JohnyComeAlready 548 reads
5 / 35
GaGambler 495 reads
7 / 35

I have met some absolutely gorgeous Cubanas over the years. I've been meaning to visit Cuba for some time now, but I never seem to get there.

BTW, Americans have been traveling to Cuba for decades, you just have to go to some other country first and then slip them a couple of bucks to NOT stamp your passport.

JackDunphy 533 reads
8 / 35
bigguy30 512 reads
9 / 35

I am sure some American, Canadian and European males are helping passing this nasty disease along too!

We can also add Asia and DR to the list.

Since they travel to these places alot and reading their comments from another broad site.

Some of them still mention they don't always use condoms all the time.


Posted By: TwoMints
Don't worry, soon our new policies with Cuba, it'll spread to the U.S. and the rest of the world quickly.  (yes I read they saw it in Africa first)  
 When the ads pop up, saying Cuban hottie, you may want to take a pass or double bag it..  
I was happy about the possibility of going to Cuba legally, but DAMN!This is fucked up news.  
  I still wanna go tho.
-- Modified on 2/15/2015 10:27:49 AM
-- Modified on 2/15/2015 10:32:19 AM

Arovet 62 Reviews 680 reads
10 / 35

I'd go just to see those! Good thing Castro didn't come along 25 years later, can you imagine trying to keep this disposable  piece of shit running for decades? :-)

GaGambler 450 reads
11 / 35

Well actually it was only yesterday, but that is an eternity in my book. lol

and yes, I love the Thai girls too.

I got "fired" as a client from one of the best in Dallas not long ago. The problem was I used to date one of her Girlfriends, and I know most of her IRL friends. She did leave the door open to perhaps doing some "real" dating, but I am not sure I want to go down that road again, especially since I see her roommate at least once a month, and that would obviously have to come to an end if I ever started dating her. lol

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 497 reads
12 / 35

Oh, and the Saudis.  And a huge number of other corrupt governments who actively violate human rights on quite a regular basis.  

But let's keep that embargo on Cuba. Jeez, the 60's sure were great!

bonordonor 450 reads
13 / 35
JackDunphy 591 reads
14 / 35

The U.S. Does not need Cuba at all but opening their markets to Americans will make some very wealthy. We recieved zero, ZERO human right assurances or promises from the Cubans. What a fkin disgrace.

We have gone this long without Cuba, we could have waited a little longer until the Castros were both dead.  

Until Cuba recognizes freedom of speech and press, frees its people from the iron grip of totalitarianism, I will send my hard earned dollars to Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. and British Virgin Islands

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 518 reads
15 / 35

I am so in love with Thai providers it isn't even funny... most have been just so sweet and naturally sensuous, and yes, beautiful...

Oh, was this a geo-political thread?  Sorry, my bad.  :o

truu1 77 Reviews 633 reads
16 / 35

We've been willing to end the embargo for decades. For the most part, all Cuba needed to do was move away from their form of government. (communism)

I don't see a lot of Cuban's in America clamoring for this change.

So now, Obama decided, aw fuck it, we'll forget the billions that Cuba confiscated in property and wealth from American companies, we'll ignore the criminals that Cuba harbors, the atrocities that Castro's government commits because why, he wants to? He wants it on his resume? Does this change lead to an open government in Cuba? Free elections? Not likely.

Yes we deal with shitty government out of necessity. We don't need to deal with Cuba. I don't recall, Clinton reducing the sanctions. Its similar to removing the sanctions on Iran. Its a stupid play, but Obama thinks he's smarter then everyone else.  

China is a world power, there is a difference. In another decade or so, Cuba's government would have collapsed, we are not giving them the economic ability to continue in perpetuity.  

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 1:16:46 PM

JackDunphy 744 reads
17 / 35

And the proof of that is Cuba is using this issue as propaganda win to tighten, not loosen its communistic grip on its people.  

Younger people just dont have a realistic view or knowledge of the history of that murderous regime. Cubans in the Florida area are outraged.  

I guess when friends and family have been taken in the middle of the night and shot or never seen from again, you can kinda understand their hatred of those evil brothers.  

And throwing communist dissenters into the most horrific prisons without due process is just another layer of the evil and the hatred formed.

No, i will not be seeing any hookers in Cuba until they make changes. If they do, and they are real and substantive, i will be the first in line to hit their beaches as a reward.

GaGambler 497 reads
18 / 35

Or at the very least a friend of one of the Thai girls I know quite well here in Dallas.

I happen to still be very good friends with the owner of that now defunct Dallas Thai Agency. Small world isn't it?

hgfgs 24 Reviews 706 reads
19 / 35

They only killed 53,000 of our guys and wounded many more. We there in October of 2013. They may be commies but they want US dollars to let you in the country.

hgfgs 24 Reviews 470 reads
20 / 35

Near our hotel was an ATM. There were eight Thai girls lined up in a perfect V formation, making anyone who need cash to run the gauntlet. These ladies were all really attractive.  

I have a very liberal wife when it comes to sampling non martial flesh. But p4p with her is off the table. Too bad because I think Thailand has the best looking street prostitutes in the world. Yes, I was checking for adams apple removal scars. If that was the quality on the street, I can only guess what the high end looks like.

GaGambler 519 reads
21 / 35

I do find that on the rare occasions that I go three days or so without sex that my loads are at least twice what they normally are, but I try not to let that happen too often. lol

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 470 reads
22 / 35

I could see myself dating a lovely Thai woman at some point too - heck the lady I saw a week ago asked me point blank if I ever would and didn't want me to leave - but she had to eventually usher me out the door because her next appt was coming up in 10 minutes (and I spotted the guy out front of the hotel with his phone on my way out, and resisted the humorous temptation to give him a thumbs up as I walked by, lol!)  Alas, her flight was only a few hours later so that was the end of that "budding romance", lol.  (Okay, truth be told she was too young for me in "real life" - but what a total sweetie she was).

Oh, and I visited with a lady in DC from a now-defunct Dallas Thai agency too...  a great girl, one of my favorites still...
But you are lucky if you have the opportunity to see many.  Other than two locals, the rest I've seen have been visitors.  Fortunately, DC gets it's fair share of visitors.

Arovet 62 Reviews 490 reads
23 / 35

I swear, if I fucked as much as you do I think I'd feel like I was perpetually on "round 2!" :-)

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 514 reads
24 / 35
MrRate 528 reads
25 / 35

We at one time, desperately relied on Saudi Oil. Today, not so much. As we depend on Chinese manufacturing to provide cheap, quality goods that consumers like you and I demand.  

 Cuba? We rely on nothing from them.  Theyre 90 miles away and meddle everywhere in Latin and South America as well as Africa. Best allies of VZ totalitarian regime. As well the Cubans have a habit of tossing Americans in jail, allowing our enemies to use it as a base and in case you missed it, are the biggest perpetrators of racism against their black population in our hemisphere. I'm not saying the embargo makes sense. What I am saying is comparing Cuba to China or Saudia Arabia is a nonstarter.  

More Cubans are now trying to enter the US than before the announcement of easing of relations. Why would that be? The Cuban people aren't stupid. Oh. And what are the chances of Congress eliminating the embargo? I'd say zero. Maybe Mr O'bama will eliminate it with the stroke of a pen just like everything else he doesn't want to work for.

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 12:55:32 PM

Arovet 62 Reviews 543 reads
26 / 35

The U.S. government makes a show of standing up for human rights when it's convenient, and turns a blind eye when it isn't. I'm not saying there aren't significant differences from a strategic perspective, but it's still hypocritical.

A.Pismo.Clam 507 reads
27 / 35
samsd 57 Reviews 419 reads
28 / 35
JackDunphy 527 reads
29 / 35

Is that really your point? No one person or government would ever change any bad behaviour from its past if thats the case.

Sorry Arovet, i dont get that logic

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 442 reads
30 / 35
Arovet 62 Reviews 680 reads
31 / 35

Personally I think "right" is opening trade with Cuba. If you leave communism alone it implodes just fine on its own; takes awhile, but it happens. And as far as Cuba nationalizing our shit, the time to deal with that was before the Ford Mustang came out. If you're that concerned about standing up for human rights, go through your house and throw away everything made in an Asian country. Good bet you'll be sitting on the floor naked. Louis C.K sums it up pretty well:

"How did we traverse the nation with the railroad so quickly? We just threw Chinese people in caves and blew ‘em up and didn’t give a shit what happened to them. There’s no end to what you can do when you don’t give a fuck about particular people. You can do anything. That’s where human greatness comes from, is that we’re shitty people that we fuck others over. Even today, how do we have this amazing microtechnology? Because the factory where they’re making these, they jump off the fucking roof, because it’s a nightmare in there. You really have a choice. You can have candles and horses and be a little kinder to each other or let someone suffer immeasurably far away, just so you can leave a mean comment on YouTube while you’re taking a shit."

truu1 77 Reviews 593 reads
32 / 35

The problem with your argument is the fact that opening trade doesn't help the people of Cuba. It helps the elites enrich themselves and retain their power.  Those elites are exactly the same people toss Asians into those caves.

Posted By: Arovet
Personally I think "right" is opening trade with Cuba. If you leave communism alone it implodes just fine on its own; takes awhile, but it happens. And as far as Cuba nationalizing our shit, the time to deal with that was before the Ford Mustang came out. If you're that concerned about standing up for human rights, go through your house and throw away everything made in an Asian country. Good bet you'll be sitting on the floor naked. Louis C.K sums it up pretty well:  
 "How did we traverse the nation with the railroad so quickly? We just threw Chinese people in caves and blew ‘em up and didn’t give a shit what happened to them. There’s no end to what you can do when you don’t give a fuck about particular people. You can do anything. That’s where human greatness comes from, is that we’re shitty people that we fuck others over. Even today, how do we have this amazing microtechnology? Because the factory where they’re making these, they jump off the fucking roof, because it’s a nightmare in there. You really have a choice. You can have candles and horses and be a little kinder to each other or let someone suffer immeasurably far away, just so you can leave a mean comment on YouTube while you’re taking a shit."

Arovet 62 Reviews 492 reads
33 / 35

in the short term. In the long term it exposes communism for what it is, a specious pipe dream. Maintaining an embargo just helps he dictatorship paint us as the enemy.

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 11:50:38 PM

truu1 77 Reviews 594 reads
34 / 35

Being 90 miles off our coast, the Cuban people are fully aware of the rewards of an open society but they are powerless to change the system. If the system had collapsed, and without the continued support from Putin and Chavez (dead) if was slowly happening, but would have happened. Now, it won't collapse, the elite will have access to more capital and will continue to retain power well into the future.  

The elite will retain the power. Their society won't change. Why is that better for the Cuban people? How does this change help the average Cuban? It doesn't. If we had continued to demand a change in government, when it happened and it would have been sooner, they would have been better off.
Posted By: Arovet
in the short term. In the long term it exposes communism for what it is, a specious pipe dream. Maintaining an embargo just helps he dictatorship paint us as the enemy.

-- Modified on 2/15/2015 11:50:38 PM

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