TER General Board

You should have pointed out something I said that . . . .
Samois See my TER Reviews 2785 reads
1 / 35

This month in Men's Health magazine:

Men are dumber around what they perceive as "hot" females. (Nearly exact quote. Go read it before you assume I chose these words. LOL)  

In a recent study, men were more like to pursue or accept sex without protection if the woman is percevied as "hot", even when they were aware of the risks involved in unprotected sex.  


So apparently the modern day version of Typhoid Mary will look like a supermodel or a porn star. LOL


-- Modified on 10/17/2016 4:33:53 AM

GaGambler 629 reads
2 / 35

and if you really wanted us to read the article, it's considered good form to actually provide a link.

I suppose if I found you really hot, I "might" have been willing to Google it, but water is indeed wet and I have no need or desire to read an article proving it so.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 623 reads
3 / 35

because I'm smarter around hot women, as I am more alert in watching out for the "hustle."

GaGambler 487 reads
4 / 35

I mean what is an OTHFB going to use as bait to hustle you with in the first place

MiMi See my TER Reviews 462 reads
5 / 35
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 447 reads
6 / 35

rather dismissive with homely women.  Consequently, there is little opportunity for them to hustle me.

GaGambler 421 reads
7 / 35
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 413 reads
8 / 35

acronym was something other than what you meant.   I'm not that savvy on the acronyms some of you that have been here many years use.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 512 reads
9 / 35

keeping it real.  Too many guys live in a fantasy world when it comes to hobbying.

FatVern 446 reads
10 / 35
GaGambler 644 reads
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which means of course that an OTHFB is simply a member of the club. lol

and I will confess to having coined the term myself, but just like SPOTY and TSTTT, other Acronyms I have created for use here, they are pretty commonly used here and understood by most. lol

Senator.Blutarsky 559 reads
12 / 35

What it actually says is "horny people" are more likely to make risky decisions. So this applies to both sexes.  

I don't see any mention of "hot" women.  Although, I guess you can make that assumption, since it stands to reason a "hot" woman will be more attractive than one who isn't... Especially since most men are shallow pigs...oink, oink..

GaGambler 569 reads
14 / 35

Shallow? yes. Cynical? no.  

It's not like women don't know and try to appeal to this shallowness in men. The OP aside, most women in your business try to accentuate their sex appeal and showcase pictures in their very best light. Do you do this because men are cynical, or do you do this to appeal to our shallow nature?

CDL and myself are simply being honest and in fact agreeing with the OP's premise that HOT women get treated at least "differently" than homely women, and in other news, "yes, water is wet" lol

Senator.Blutarsky 645 reads
15 / 35

Are you saying that some may be blinded by their desire and therefore lower their standards?

-- Modified on 10/17/2016 1:09:09 PM

GaGambler 554 reads
16 / 35

The OTHFBC is less likely to get offers for BBFS. That is what the OP is implying, isn't it?

As for myself, I only get blinded by my occasional visits to the Photo board without plenty of eye bleach to fend off said eye damage.

MiMi See my TER Reviews 649 reads
17 / 35

I wasn't speaking to you.

GaGambler 499 reads
18 / 35

Does that make my comment any less valid?

My opinion was essentially the same as that of CDL, so you might as well have been speaking to me.

Senator.Blutarsky 531 reads
19 / 35

...I suspect that there are plenty of horny guys who would still push for BBFS, regardless of how "hot" the woman is.

GaGambler 445 reads
20 / 35

but I do believe you meant to say regardless of how "hot" or "not hot" the woman is. right?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 447 reads
21 / 35

Authorized GaG to speak as my agent when when it comes to indie providers and I'm away from the board.  We are like-minded in most things.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 342 reads
23 / 35

you thought was stupid.  We all say stupid shit from time to time, and that is fair game.  However, you are saying I am lacking in intelligence generally, which is a personal attack.  Are you sure you want to go there with me, because I will respond in kind?  Perhaps an edit is the easy way out?

lopaw 29 Reviews 349 reads
24 / 35

...and I got paranoid not knowing if I laughed too hard it would somehow give me away :)

FakawiTribe 307 reads
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coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 266 reads
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What are you talking about?  What show?

MiMi See my TER Reviews 343 reads
27 / 35

But, seriously, you can put your big guns down.  It was actually a dig at GaG - a self-admitted blowhard whose spirit animal is surely the parrot

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 417 reads
28 / 35

GaG, but its merely a difference of opinion and not something that is worthwhile arguing about.

-- Modified on 10/17/2016 2:33:31 PM

Kikiloverkink See my TER Reviews 312 reads
29 / 35

All the blood from their brain goes down to their pants hehe

JakeFromStateFarm 380 reads
31 / 35
stucaboy 508 reads
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fuck me...Gag is right. Have you ever taken a close look at what is displayed on the photo board?  I would say that only 10% are worth the $ 300 to $500 they require. ( relax twocute your in the top 10%).  Bad thing is that most of us do not have the big "net" that Gag has to fish with. If money is no object and you are not an ass-hole you can net whatever your dick demands. Do you believe that? Bull-shit. It takes skill.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 259 reads
33 / 35

He was a blowhard, only an asshole. It's apples and oranges.

Samois See my TER Reviews 454 reads
35 / 35

There are actually a pretty impressive number of research pieces that discuss men losing IQ points around what they perceive as attractive women. here is a link to one. I will go back later and copy and paste the blurb in men's health so that it is captured in verbatim quotes because if folks are going to get a case of the ass, it should be at the researchers or the magazine, not the messenger mentioning it. LOL

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