TER General Board

You should do doubles with Delaney Delish from Vegas...
Bucky11 115 Reviews 51 reads

She's 6' 1". Together that would be over 12 feet of womanhood. Mmmm!! Feel free to visit ATL at your convenience....

I hear that every time.....well I'm 6'2 myself  
But it's kinda irritating when we had a great session and you start mentioning that it's crazy to be with a Tall woman, how intimidating it is and blah blah blah but still becoming my regular?! Why mention things like that at all if time was great?! 🤔

souls_harbor48 reads

I absolutely love tall girls.  My heart goes pitter patter when they come into view.  I really don't know why.  I have no logical explanation.  It's some sort of deep subconscious thing.

I suggest that you mention how much you really like shorter guys!

Perhaps you are getting guys who would be comfortable with a woman who is 5' 9" like your website claims, but then find themselves intimidated to find out your real height is almost a half a foot taller?

I am just speculating of course, and only doing so because you asked the question. I am barely 5' 10" myself, but taller women don't bother me at all, I mean honestly just how tall are you gong to be when we are horizontal, right? lol

Some guys, johns especially, are intimidated for all sorts of reasons. Who knows what goes through the minds of some of these socially inept guys who didn't get their first kiss until they were old enough to have graduated college, but I do wonder, Why do you list yourself as 5' 9" on your web site?

-- Modified on 1/21/2018 2:31:52 PM

Agree with GaGambler. We’re all looking for an honest match. If a guy is expecting a 5’9” match and meets a 6’2” girl, it may not be a great surprise. But if he’s looking for 6’ plus, you’ll clear all the search parameters, and be in rare company.

Some of us average-height guys swoon hard for skyscrapers. I love walking down the street with a tall date, with my arm snug around her waist. Also, maybe being with a tall girl is an achievement I wouldn’t achieve in the real world.  

We’re out there. (I’m in SF.)

Tippecanoe59 reads

Well, if guys are intimidated by 5'9", I'm thinking she would have far fewer clients at 6'1" - and then those wondering if she is not a 'he'. Also, at that height you're getting into the fetish guys who want to wrestle or other weird shit.

I think the height is just commentary and not to worry about it. Just like guys will say, "your eyes are so blue". Do women take that as a negative?

Honestly no I don't lol
We are all equal in bed 😉

I'm 5-11, and her web ad said 5-6.  I got there and she is 6-1. Add the FM heels she greeted me in and it was about 6-6.  I subscribe to the same feeling as you that when you're horizontal, the height difference evaporates.  We ended up having a great time and I repeated twice in the next 5 days at 2 hrs each.  After the 3rd visit she asked if I would like to go out (OTC) and get some dinner. Uh, that would be a no, vertical isn't the same as horizontal and it would draw too much attention.  She was the tallest girl I ever fucked, but there have been many around 5-10 that I have enjoyed over the years.

Whether a woman is tall or short, when she is standing her legs, absolutely, positively have to be long enough to reach the ground. lol

That's not my website!!!!!
I was trying to change it.  
I only have Twitter where it says I'm 6'2

an Asian girl I saw in December.   You shouldn't be so tightly wound.  Its not good for your health.  Just sayin.  

Hmmmm I didn't even notice it  
Very much appreciated for letting me know 💋💋💋💋

They are intimidated by  your SUPERIORITY in height. Loosing the feeling of dominance unlike the MAN they were  taught to be.

But your features and reviews are awesome ,so they finally get some BALLS and decided to book a session with you and loved it ,also  recognizing   that there is nothing to be afraid of .Then they keep coming back  but still can't get over the fact that they are not in control of that one thing 'your height'.

Girl you need to get a whip and a pair of handcuffs .That will take care of the problem once and for all.No more complain from the little  wimps.

I am truly in love with your post!
And so agree!!!!!
Even though that post you made me feel so good 💋💋💋💋💋❤️
Thank you

Maybe they have nothing better to talk about (not a good thing)?

I am sure there are plenty others who can stay away from the subject.

Come on up North, why don’t you? We are not intimidated in the least...

It's the same whining that I hear from mongers that doing a 3some would kill them. Or even at my gym, I lift weights for an hour and then do a spin class. The freaking wimps say that the spin is too hard.

Just a bunch of whinging, whining wimps.  

If a woman is beautiful in my eyes, height doesn't make a difference to me. Other than K9 can be a height challenge. Hehehe.

There is always lazy dog.

Like I said earlier, just how tall can she possibly be when we are horizontal? lol

Yeah, a lady I see in Dallas is 5'10" and we found that the lounge in her in call puts her at the perfect height for standing K9. I leave my boots on to get better purchase.

That's exactly what I meant  
It's all about sensuality and horizontal position 😉

Libertine_Proust46 reads

I used to strictly adhere to 5'8"+ women, but then developed a strong preference for Asian women, and as a result, have become more lax about height requirements.

As others have stated, guys are intimidated by a lot of things (as it relates to women), and with your average hobbiest, their feelings of inadequacy may be more pronounced than the general pop.  

On another note, your post doesn't make much sense. You're tall, and you have repeat customers, but you question the guys motive?  

Ok my thing is why are you complaining about a woman height if you're becoming my regular after 1st session?!
That's what I don't understand  
You telling me that you intimidated by tall women but loving spending time with me.....yes it makes no sense to me either lol

ROGM48 reads

My top two providers are a bit taller than me. I'm good with that and so are they.

Wear high heels for me.  And don't bend over to kiss me, I'll be happy sucking on your tits instead.

OK with me.  I'm 5-8, and my first provider was 6' tall.  Had a great time with her.  Right now, two of my faves are 5-8 and 5-11.  I agree with what some others have said, once you're horizontal, height makes no difference.

Just curious, Katia, how come you understate your height on your website?


In her defense, her profile gives her height between 6-0 and 6-2, and her twitter account says she is 6-1.


I'm only 5'8" so I would find a woman that was 6'2" very intimidating.  

And I like it.

and it did take a lot of adjustment to get the equipment to line up just right.

One thing I do remember well, she was a lot of fun to hug.

A lot of gals are taller than I am standing up... my first fav must have been 5-6" taller.  We were the same height on the bed, lol!   I don't care about height.  I have no idea if the ladies do?  

Honestly me not at all
I love shorter guys
Idk it's just me but it's so hot when woman taller than a man.....just saying

She's 6' 1". Together that would be over 12 feet of womanhood. Mmmm!! Feel free to visit ATL at your convenience....

Isn't that what this is all about?  Trying things you would be unlikely to do in real life???  And, no, this isn't real life!

And I find it to be one of those unique experiences that make life interesting.  Usually, I'm the one lowering my head for a kiss.  With Eva, I'm the one craning my neck and stretching upward for a kiss.  It's kind of like a role reversal, in a way.  And role reversals can be really hot.

I would like to see a really tall girl some day. I always wanted to go up on a woman

but they’re NUTS!

I LOOOVE tall ladies!  Oh my goodness; tall & statuesque with legs the go on forever?!  Nothing better!

My ATF is 5’9” and everytime she gets up to walk around, her lithe figure just inflames me with desire; I love to hold, squeeze and kiss her standing up as much as for us to lay entwined.

But 6’2”?  Oh my - we could gaze eye to eye!  -sigh-  But no, I’m a One-Provider guy for the foreseeable future.

Anyone remember Gabrielle Reece?  Volley ball player & model?  Oh maaan, 6’3” and could bench 300 lbs.  Talk about an Olympian Goddess!  Had a major crush on her and often fantasized about her having superpowers...

When I first got into this (which was only a few month ago), I didn’t even consider personal interactions, but I realized rather quickly that it is SUPER important.

Happily, my current Provider and I just clicked, and it’s been /fantastic/; if I ever move on - which doesn’t seem likely at this time - I’ll have to have that kind of connection or it just won’t be worth it to me.

Same way with me. I size up any potential friends to make sure that we click. Some first timers are nervous but I seriously cannot stand being in the presence of a bore, even worse a mute by choice.

...it's emotional.

Sometimes these things just don't make sense and trying to do so will only serve to confuse you further.

If you don't want to see someone who is conflicted over your (insert unchangeable physical characteristic here), then don't see them.  

I learned a long time ago that there are some customers with whom it's just not worth the hassle to do business with.

People get intimidated by many things. Female height just is one of them. Some men are intimidated by beautiful women, some are intimidated by their education, intelligence, confidence and the list goes on and on.

Those have self confidence and know who they are doesn't get intimidated.

By the way, what you say your site about your height doesn't have a damn thing to do with, why they get intimidated. It is just an excuse and deflection of the subject.

Good Luck

This topic reminds me of a cartoon that I saw in Playboy many years ago.

Hotel room. Four people standing there. Two tall girls, slightly hunched over the way tall girls get when they are feeling self-conscious about their height. Two short guys, looking like stereotypical Mafia. One guy looks surprised. The other guy is frustrated, and says "I told you to get a couple of CALL GIRLS, you idiot!"

BlueeyeJack50 reads

and prefer tall girls, yet never had one taller than me (even with heels).

I really enjoy a tall woman. Long legs are my favorite .. truth be told I’m a sucker for great legs no matter the length. As for being intimidated hmm no clue. If a guy is gong to be intimidated in the hobby they should probably not be doing this. My opinion anyway.  

....at just 5’11” in bare feet  
I’ve probably had guys view my profile/old website over the years and dismiss me due to height but I can’t think of anyone who has ever said anything in person. I used to make VERY clear on my site that I was tall so it wasn’t a surprise to anyone...and that I was British

In my very early days I had 2 clients who loved the fact that I was talk. One of these clients used to book overnights and always wanted to eat out at fancy restaurants in Boston...and always wanted me to wear my highest heels. Fine no problem. That made me about 6’4 whilst he was about 5’4. We got some weird looks but not one shit did I give. He was a fabulous person and because of that I didn’t care one bit what anyone thought. On another note, I had a client who said he loved tall women because they all have a longer cervix. How true that is I do not know. I’m not a gynaecologist so I wouldn’t know. Interesting comment though...

C x

Oh my goodness, that’s one of the /sexiest/ phrases I’ve ever read on the forums!  I was compelled to look up your TER and P411 profiles; and oh my - maybe, hopefully I’ll be able to visit Great Britain at some point (and save up the required funds).


But anyway; tall ladies having a longer cervix?  That /is/ interesting - have to look that up.

I am 5'9" 1/2 and taller in heels. I haven't found many guys too intimidated by height at the acception of Latino men. They seem to be the only ones to be intimidated by my height, but I clearly stated in my ads and on my website.

I'm 6' tall and had a 3some last week with two lovelies who were 5'8" and 5'9" -- made strategic positioning for multi-partner play much easier!

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