TER General Board

you said you were going to bring a ring, but you didn't say what you were going to do with it
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1206 reads
1 / 62

Keep on raiding your wife's jewelry draw to pay for the sessions.  You can always blame it on the maid anyways.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 856 reads
2 / 62

Maybe that's what went wrong with everything.  I should have headed over to Zales after all.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 3647 reads
3 / 62
Dr Who revived 1151 reads
4 / 62

Perhaps discuss who your fave is?

Maybe when is your next session?

How many carats is the ring?

Posted By: WickedBrut
Who here thinks that would be a good idea?

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1032 reads
5 / 62
silvertongue1 14 Reviews 845 reads
6 / 62

It depends on what your intentions are.

Posted By: WickedBrut
Who here thinks that would be a good idea?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 843 reads
7 / 62

That might affect the results of this little survey. We have to keep the data unbiased, doncha know.

Arovet 62 Reviews 944 reads
8 / 62
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 981 reads
9 / 62
Dr Who revived 920 reads
10 / 62
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1151 reads
11 / 62
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1107 reads
12 / 62

That would be easier if I was married. But maybe I could raid somebody else's wife's jewelry.

Posted By: mrfisher
Keep on raiding your wife's jewelry draw to pay for the sessions.  You can always blame it on the maid anyways.

Dr Who revived 916 reads
13 / 62

I guess I didn't see the link to your survey?

I just read your OP and seems like you are looking for opinions.

And my opinion is that without sufficient data the results will be biased.

Is she damaged goods too?
Posted By: WickedBrut
That might affect the results of this little survey. We have to keep the data unbiased, doncha know.

Arovet 62 Reviews 845 reads
14 / 62

but maybe she was born five years after the movie came out. Just don't go double breasted, even Gere looked like shit in that.

JohnyComeAlready 716 reads
15 / 62

I was going to ask... When you are going to get it sized?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 967 reads
16 / 62

That sounds kinda romantic, and I could save money by taking the reins myself.

mtdewking2015 1012 reads
17 / 62

By the time I done I would paid over a 1000 a section.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 756 reads
18 / 62

So aside from not having enough details, in general you think it's a good idea? And in my case, maybe a great move toward a happier life? As if my life could get much happier.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 873 reads
19 / 62

I would hope not to honeymoon in the Hall of the Mountain Dew King. I know where that story ends.

russbbj 89 Reviews 946 reads
20 / 62
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 898 reads
21 / 62
Senator.Blutarsky 669 reads
22 / 62

...and actually presenting it to her with the thought of asking her to marry you are two different things.  If that is what you both want... go for it, otherwise keep it in your pocket.  

As for me, once was enough and I have no intention of committing to something I can't keep.  

-- Modified on 1/4/2015 6:02:28 PM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 975 reads
23 / 62

I'm going to let this person do it instead.

1705218 10 Reviews 769 reads
24 / 62
89Springer 997 reads
25 / 62
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 710 reads
26 / 62
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1211 reads
27 / 62

I wonder why that is? I'm sure they aren't all stumped by the question. They must think I'm not serious. Well, they'll never know. Except one, and she doesn't spend her time on the boards much.

39Steps 20 Reviews 883 reads
28 / 62

...you're not AA, drink plenty of pineapple juice, and insist on BBFSNQNSWTFBB

bonordonor 943 reads
29 / 62
Cardinal_Richelieu 861 reads
30 / 62


Oh s#^t!  That's one word!

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1076 reads
31 / 62

Maybe you're going to give it to her so she doesn't get hit on at bars when she's alone?

JessicaaJoleen See my TER Reviews 866 reads
33 / 62

If you are bring it to me, then I would think it's a wonderful idea . :-)  

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 982 reads
35 / 62

No! That would be crass!

Posted By: Joe Christmas
Maybe you're going to give it to her so she doesn't get hit on at bars when she's alone?  

sophieb See my TER Reviews 1034 reads
36 / 62

Marriage shouldn't be a surprise. It should be an agreement. The notion of a ring as a surprise is archaic and the worst way to begin a long term type of relationship as you seem to want.

-- Modified on 1/4/2015 10:46:04 PM

sensualhomme 9 Reviews 1136 reads
37 / 62

eah, who needs a trip to a romantic place like Paris, or dinner in a classy restaurant? Getting your ring from a naked guy -- or one about to get naked -- in a hotel room is what most women actually dream about. LOL

If she runs away screaming it won't be because she is overwhelmed with excitement and wants to tell all her girlfriends right away -- it's because she is horrified

russbbj 89 Reviews 768 reads
39 / 62

I knew someone was going to quote that part of Goodfellas when I posted that, never thought someone would post a link to youtube, that's awesome

GaGambler 907 reads
40 / 62
JackDunphy 896 reads
41 / 62

Mr. Fish any new ideas.  

His hands are quite full as it is with the candle, flowers and jewelry he gets for the gals from the Walmart discount bin.

mtdewking2015 990 reads
42 / 62

I left out the word not sorry for any problems it may of cause. Again I not responsible for any typos.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1061 reads
43 / 62

...and set up hidden cameras in the room.
Have a day where you invite 5 or 6 of your favs over, with staggered times, and propose to each in different ways - but all very sincerely of course - while you are both in your birthday suits.  Reactions would be a hoot (how many would forget some article of clothing in their rush to get out?  I'm putting my money on about half).

This could be the first episode of FHHV (funniest hooker hidden videos).

But of course, this show would also need segments from the provider side too, where they set us up (I'm sure some ladies have been secretly dreaming of ways to do this anyway).  Perhaps a smoke-filled room, reeking of alcohol, acting drunk as a skunk could be one segment premise?

Of course, like any good hidden video show, the "climax" would be when some dope with a camera crew walks in the room and says "SMILE, YOU'RE ON FHHV!!"

Yep, you could be on to something with this ring thing.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 742 reads
44 / 62

...that makes me think this could be the appropriate ring for the occasion...

-- Modified on 1/4/2015 11:26:19 PM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 916 reads
46 / 62

I'll rethink the idea and try to inject a bit of romance into the idea of proposing. See? A woman's POV is all that was needed.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 902 reads
47 / 62

And I doubt you have a clue.
But if by chance you do
Be a sporty little elf
And keep it to yourself.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 762 reads
48 / 62
1705218 10 Reviews 1071 reads
49 / 62

Hmmm, I'm going to look for that discount bin with the gals. I wonder if they are all functional.?
Sorry Jack, I couldn't resist 8o)

Posted By: JackDunphy
Mr. Fish any new ideas.  
 His hands are quite full as it is with the candle, flowers and jewelry he gets for the gals from the Walmart discount bin.

68firebird 1103 reads
50 / 62

Wrap the ring in nice paper.  

Take it outside.  

Kneel down.

And knock your head on the sidewalk until you pound the stupid out of your brain.  

I can't believe anyone took his post seriously.  

-- Modified on 1/5/2015 5:46:00 AM

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1010 reads
51 / 62

A clue, however small
might still the curious enthrall
but in "this world" that values most
discretion from both guest and host
the code of gents a stalwart stands
against the foes' advancing bands
So secret shall the clue remain
till you yourself can not refrain
from telling all whom now above
all others thou dost choose to love...

Oh well.  Of course I know diddly.  Or perhaps, just very close to diddly...

-- Modified on 1/5/2015 3:16:38 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 950 reads
52 / 62

I'm thinking that with so much warmth and concern from the community coming at me, that this relationship will be blessed no matter what happens. There were also a few who thought it was not the best idea I ever had. I want to thank them too. Everyone who responded deserves my gratitude.

And in the spirit of inclusivity, I'd especially like to thank all those who DIDN'T respond. It was tedious enough reading all the posts on this thread, and if I had to read any more I might have lost it. So thank you for your golden silence. May it never end.

As to what conclusion I've come to, well until action is taken all plans and intentions are works in progress. Perhaps I will, perhaps I won't; depends on how I'm feeling.

I will offer this advice to everyone. Fuck early, fuck often! Morning wood is best with someone truly special, and if you wake up early, getting an AM outcall before you've had coffee is really really difficult. That's maybe the best reason to marry your favorite provider.

Sleep well and may your dreams be exciting and productive.


ilarasantos See my TER Reviews 1035 reads
54 / 62
Foodyguy 29 Reviews 940 reads
55 / 62

she will be expecting you to ask for her gland not her hand.

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 904 reads
56 / 62
CorbinCandor 884 reads
57 / 62

They provide it all, in orifices that is, however stationary. Don’t mean to promote anyone’s business (nor get off subject), but after researching them and seeing some videos on how they’re made, this company’s product exceeds many other’s in realism and quality. It also goes for over sixty-five-hundred. Funny how some artist’s work is not only appreciated and admired, but there are those customers who get into the art. Lol!  

Now that Cracker Jack plastic ring (from one of the previous posts) placed on the figure wouldn't much matter, nor would there be ever be a single complaint, disappointment (or on the flip side), excitement from the receiver; except, only in a customer’s discerning eye, who would ever know it doesn't match the quality of the product. (But then again, it's all plastics and synthetics.

GaGambler 1037 reads
58 / 62

but I am NEVER sweet. lol Every once in a while, I might have a brief moment of "niceness" but being sweet is simply carrying things too far. lol

anyhow, nice to see you around.

Katie_krush See my TER Reviews 1064 reads
59 / 62

I had a boyfriend, plus the client wasn't my type, plus I wasn't into him anyways. So it was super awkward that he even asked (I told him that if he did that I would have to politely decline), but I guess it was better that he asked first than if he were to have surprised me...
  I think my point is that this guy knew nothing about me, and may have mistaken my niceness for feelings towards him that didn't exist. So, to answer your question: if there are true mutual feelings, you'll know. So don't do it unless you know she's into you...marriage really is a big step that it's a hassle to get out of (learned that the hard way)...so come to think if it, please be sure you're into her, too...actually, no, that's not good enough; better yet, ask yourself if you're truly in love with her.
  Also, knowing a little about her personal life doesn't hurt, either (like don't make the mistake my client did and assume she's single). You know what, I actually think that you should know more than just a little bit about someone if you're goingto marry them.  This shit is serious! You can be enamored with someone and you can see that person as perfect in every way...like, why wouldn't you want to marry them? It's romantic, right? Well, no, not so much. Because guess what? After you live with them for awhile, you start to see another side of them and you might not like that side.  Then you start to wish you could take it back.  But now it's gonna suck and also be super painful to try and get out of it.
So I think not only should you be in love with each other, you should also know each other very well.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 999 reads
60 / 62

Best answer yet and I'm "anti" marriage. I don't think people are meant to be monogamous. My 2 cents

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 975 reads
61 / 62

Oop! I've bitten off a lot to chew!
Did not expect such skill from you!
But opinions tend to wax and wane,
And I've only got myself to blame.

Now, swordsmen do as swordsmen must--
Slash, parry, lunge and thrust!
Guard well what you think you know...
A jealous quack's all set to go.

The clues you found might get you lost--
Pickled fish in cocktail sauce--
A prying weasel stalks our rhyme
Causing pain and trouble all the time!

This playful rodent becomes a goon;
His meds and message pops too soon,
Like a jack-in-the-box at the end of the tune...

I'll finish this poem some other time. Ignore idle inquiries. They come from a very dangerous man. He has hurt civilians close to me.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 730 reads
62 / 62

I'm agreeing with you. And I'm not talking about possession of things, shelter, wealth or property. I refer only to the possession of people.

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