TER General Board

You pose some interesting questions.
mojojo 1 Reviews 499 reads

I consider myself a regular when I've seen her four times. Four has been the magic number for me. When I see a lady four times, then the number always keeps rising until something happens to stop us permanently. There are many ladies I've seen three times, and it stops right there. It's uncanny. But you have to remember, we gentlemen are like fish when it comes to seeing ladies. We're all over the place, for too many different reasons to discuss here. I might see a lady two or three times a year, then not see her for a year or two. Then six times, then not.  

Yes, rates have gone up exponentially. Some ladies grandfather me in, and some say pay the new rate bub, or don't bother me. One lady made me pay the new rate once, then switched back, as long as I see her at least once every six months. Which begs the question. I tried to see her this weekend, and she said she was booked. Sometimes regulars turn me down for other reasons. If I get turned down, shouldn't that count in the grandfather cycle of six months?  

If she is charging far more than originally, she might get weeded out. It all depends on how valuable she is too you, and whether or not you can afford her now. What if you two have made a great connection, yet she knows you can't afford her? Is the new rate hard and fast? Maybe connections are just an illusion.  

If I've rarely seen her over the years, then I'm not a regular. However, if I used to see her a lot, then an unbelievable situation presents itself, and she gets put on hold for a year or two, I still consider myself a regular, when the unbelievable situation changes, and I come back to her. That's the fish factor from above.  

If it was a few times many years ago, that should not be considered as being a regular. Here's a question. What if you saw her a lot years ago, but had a falling out, then made up years later? Should I be considered a regular under those circumstances?  

Tipping is a whole new train of thought. Too many factors involved. But I do tip one lady every time I see her. Her rates are so low, it's a joke. The exact opposite from the new double and triple rates. It's something I don't understand, because her service is off the charts. Plus mojo and charm exudes from every fiber of her being. Talk about a hidden gem. She's the reason I can go high end every now and then. She's the reason I can stay in the game when times get tough

At one point do you consider yourself a regular? How often do you see her (or he has seen you)?

Do you Grandfather him in? What if it has been many years and your rates have gone double, triple?

Anyone been weeded out and told to pay more?

How do you react if she is charging far more than originally?  
Do you take into consideration if you have rarely seen her over the years?

Some guys a gal might see a few times many years ago and get upset on the rate increase. To me, grandfathered in is for loyal customers.  

Do any of you Grandfathered men give better tips since she is having you at a discount rate?

This is open for the guys and gals. I don't care if you use aliases.

I have seen a number of them maybe two or three times, then I will no longer see them again.  A couple have been because they raised their rates.  I did not bother asking them about a regular client or grandfather discount, as most will say on their webpage that there is no negotiating on the fee.

I feel that it is pointless to become a regular to a woman who sees hundreds of men every year.  I can't keep up with the number of partners that providers have, but I am going to get as much variety as I can as well.

GaGambler727 reads

While I will admit that "hundreds" of women every year is a tough pace to keep up as we get older, but a hundred or so isn't so hard to do, even with a couple of regulars tossed in.

I do have a few ladies that would consider me a "regular" actually I have a few ladies in a couple of different countries that would consider me a regular.

As for rates, I really can't imagine any woman I was seeing on a regular basis all of a sudden raising her rates on me. I don't know if I would say anything, but I would most likely end up simply losing her phone number. Nothing would remind me more that our relationship is nothing more than a business transaction than for a woman to raise her rates on me.

For the record, I would never ask a lady for a "discount" just because I've seen her a few times. Fair is fair.

While you and I are as different as night and day, there are some elements of P4P that should be constant. I see one woman exclusively. She provides exactly what I need at this point in my life, with absolutely no complications or drama. I would never think to ask for a discount, but I would definitely look for another arrangement if she wanted to charge more.

When my rates changed I didnt post on my site that regulars will be grandfathered. If you actually are a regular you are seeing me enough to know your grandfathered and don't have to check my site.  
I think advertising that you will see people at less then your current rate is just opening the door to others trying to negotiate.  

I also don't understand why so many people assume we are all seeing 100's of guys. A lot of us are very selective or have a group of regulars we stick to.  
I know at least w me, being a regular benefits you. I like getting to know people, what they like. I also very much appreciate it and I'm going to show you that.

Posted By: HidingBehindMyAlias
I did not bother asking them about a regular client or grandfather discount, as most will say on their webpage that there is no negotiating on the fee.  
 I feel that it is pointless to become a regular to a woman who sees hundreds of men every year.    
To the OP what I consider a regular really depends on the person. I have some people that travel here 2-3 times a year and see me every time they are in town, other people I see once a week, they are all regulars. If someone sees me as regularly as their circumstances allow they are a regular.  
If someone hasn't seen me in a while I also look at the circumstances when deciding if I'm going to grandfather them. If they were forced not to see me for 9 months because their job relocated them or something I will keep their rate

I also don't understand why certain people assume the providers I am talking about don't see 100's of guys.  A lot of them are very into making a lot of money quickly and may have a huge group of regulars they stick to, as well as a number of new clients as represented by a great number of new reviews each month.  

I suppose I may have been wrong to make these statements.  Bottom line is I see no point in becoming a trick pony with my own pen in her stable, when her very business is fucking many guys regulars or not most of the time.  I like to leave open the opportunity to see who I want when I want, and if I see no point in becoming a regular due to a variety of factors, well it is my prerogative after all.  Just like it is a providers prerogative not to see me for her own variety of reasons.  

 I was explaining to the OP my view of being or not being a provider's regular customer, but apparently I did not explain it too well.  My fault there.

Posted By: Tylor

 I also don't understand why so many people assume we are all seeing 100's of guys. A lot of us are very selective or have a group of regulars we stick to

GaGambler538 reads

So many women seem to take offense when guys assume they see hundreds of guys, the reason we think that is that MANY women do see hundreds of guys, including a couple of my latest GF's

Who am I to criticize a woman for how many men she sees. I can think of many years where I have seen hundreds of women in a single year, so why would I criticize a woman for making bank while she can?

and for the record, I am rather selective too, but with all the thousands of women doing this, I can be selective and "only" see a hundred or two of the women that turn me on the most. I just don't see any problems with any of this. lol

For the record, one of my last GF's would be very disappointed if she only had three customers for the day, and she NEVER ran out of gas in the tank for me. She was every bit as passionate and loving as any civvy woman I ever dated and I can't think of more than once or twice when she wasn't "in the mood"

I never said there was anything wrong with women seeing 100's of guys either.  All I have been saying is that I see no reason to tie myself down as a regular client to a select few providers, when I would just as much enjoy the variety of many partners just as the providers get to do.  I think the providers are smart for doing what they do, getting a variety of sexual experiences and getting paid to do them.

Have I even seen a hundred men while being in the hobby?!? Hmmm... Let me count... Oh shoot only know how to do hooker math!!! LOL! There are the guys that ladies don't count, and yes, guys on a one hit wonder tour don't count for me... So full rates apply always, unless I say; and it should be that way for any lady and HER business! Bump this grandfathering and customer loyalty BS talk... There is no loyalty in the P4P world.  

My good idea of giving a "deal" to my clients: pay me up front for the month for all of the promises and meetings we can plan to have; I won't ever cancel and be at your beck and call! I can respect someone more for a concrete "arrangement" that wants to invest then getting a maybe I'll see you next week, no- next month, or no- never. But then again paying a hooker upfront is just crazy! And the beat goes on... LOL!

1) I have several favorites, most of whom live out of town (NYC).  See them whenever they visit, or if I travel to where they are.

2) More often than not, grandfathering applies.

3) Those ladies that don't ...depends on whether her new rates are within the limits I am willing to pay.

4) If her new rates are beyond my limits, time to move on.

5) If there is a long interval (years) between visits, her current rates apply.  What her requirements were years ago are no longer relevant.

6) Your policy about grandfathering seems reasonable.

7) Expectations regarding tipping in cash are downscale.  My preferred way to tip my favorites is by taking her to dinner, bringing her a great bottle of wine or gift card.  With ladies I really like, I have paid for their hotel or other expenses, and once drove one across several states when she encountered travel difficulties.

8) Though you didn't ask this, I have on a couple occasions advanced cash in exchange for future meetings.  Both  delivered on their side of the bargain.  But these were ladies where the relationship was ongoing, and where there was already an existing level of trust.  Both are friends to this day, and have been for years.  :)

Hope this helps.

I consider myself a regular when I've seen her four times. Four has been the magic number for me. When I see a lady four times, then the number always keeps rising until something happens to stop us permanently. There are many ladies I've seen three times, and it stops right there. It's uncanny. But you have to remember, we gentlemen are like fish when it comes to seeing ladies. We're all over the place, for too many different reasons to discuss here. I might see a lady two or three times a year, then not see her for a year or two. Then six times, then not.  

Yes, rates have gone up exponentially. Some ladies grandfather me in, and some say pay the new rate bub, or don't bother me. One lady made me pay the new rate once, then switched back, as long as I see her at least once every six months. Which begs the question. I tried to see her this weekend, and she said she was booked. Sometimes regulars turn me down for other reasons. If I get turned down, shouldn't that count in the grandfather cycle of six months?  

If she is charging far more than originally, she might get weeded out. It all depends on how valuable she is too you, and whether or not you can afford her now. What if you two have made a great connection, yet she knows you can't afford her? Is the new rate hard and fast? Maybe connections are just an illusion.  

If I've rarely seen her over the years, then I'm not a regular. However, if I used to see her a lot, then an unbelievable situation presents itself, and she gets put on hold for a year or two, I still consider myself a regular, when the unbelievable situation changes, and I come back to her. That's the fish factor from above.  

If it was a few times many years ago, that should not be considered as being a regular. Here's a question. What if you saw her a lot years ago, but had a falling out, then made up years later? Should I be considered a regular under those circumstances?  

Tipping is a whole new train of thought. Too many factors involved. But I do tip one lady every time I see her. Her rates are so low, it's a joke. The exact opposite from the new double and triple rates. It's something I don't understand, because her service is off the charts. Plus mojo and charm exudes from every fiber of her being. Talk about a hidden gem. She's the reason I can go high end every now and then. She's the reason I can stay in the game when times get tough

Some of my favorites I see several times a year, and others only once or a couple of times a year, mostly as they are touring providers.  I've never inquired as to whether or not they regard me as a regular.

Some have kept their rate to me the same for a very long time, but others do raise it now and then.  I don't recall anyone raising their rate to the point where I have stopped seeing them.

Some gals I do tip and others not depending on many circumstances.

ValuedCustomer556 reads

A very wise provider once told me - if I haven't seen you in 6 months - as far as I am concerned - we are starting over.

Seems pretty reasonable to me

For me personally, what gets me to come back 99% of the time is a good BBBJ. If your skills are superior in that department you will definitely have my business. Just a small piece of advice IMHO ;-)

How often you need to see someone to be a regular depends on lots of things - mostly both peoples' schedules, and how close they live to each other. There can be a big disconnect if the guy is seeing the lady as often as he can (either because of his schedule or his finances), but it is not very often. So he sees her as his number one regular, and she sees him as a guy she has seen before, but nothing special or important to her business. So she does not protect his rates and he feels like she does not care, at least not as much as he does.

I have not been in that particular situation, but I sure have heard enough guys whine about it.

Obviously a rate increase, from the point of view of the provider either means she can get more elsewhere, or she needs more to make ends meet. But from the guy's point of view, it is often a wake up call that his feelings are just an illusion, and even that she would be happier if he just went away. So guys get upset. That is natural, but really we have no right to get upset. It is just a business, and ladies have every right to charge whatever they want.

As for your other questions:

I rarely tip, and when I do it is because a women is underpaid, usually an agency girl, but still did a very good job. So, no, I do not tip because a lady's rates have gone up and she is charging me less than her normal rate. My view is that she should charge me what she is comfortable accepting for her time with me. My choice is to pay it and see her, or not. My job is not to keep track of her current rate, nor to try to guess what she thinks is fair payment. Life is already complicated enough without playing that game.

The lady should tell me what her rate is, if it is different than the last time we met. Yes, I understand that if it has been a long time ago, she may not even remember what I paid, might have raised her rates a year or more ago. But for me, the one absolutely unforgivable sin is to take the donation, and then tell me her rates are higher so I owe her more dollars. Then I am done, gone, last visit. It is okay to say her rates have gone up and next time it will be more, but not dump it on me when I arrive for the date.

Part of the attraction in going back to see the same lady again is that I do not have to do any research, so I do not view it as my job to check for rate increases every time I go back to see someone. In my business, it is not my customers' job to figure out rate increases, either.

In every business there are good customers and bad customers. Good customers pay gladly for what they receive, appreciate it, and want to see the seller do well. Bad customers whine, try to get freebies, are unpleasant to work with. They eat up a lot of your time dealing with their shit and never generate a lot of money. They eat up your time and energy. The worst thing is that since "the squeaky wheel gets the grease," bad customers often pay less for the same thing than good customers. That is completely backwards, but a trap we naturally fall into in order to appease them.

Your life will be much better, and your business more profitable, if you dump the bad customers and focus more energy on the good customers. If he whines that he loves you, but can't afford the higher rate, tell him you are sorry but he should probably find someone less expensive. When he calls you a heartless bitch, tell him you are really sorry he feels that way, but this is how you earn money and pay your bills, so you have to make some tough decisions despite your feelings and you hope he can understand that, maybe even care enough for you that he does not want you to be poor for his benefit.

Maybe the bad customer is completely immature and unaware of his behavior, or maybe he is just being a manipulative prick - it does not matter.

This is a business. The seller's right is to charge what she wants to charge; the buyer's right is to spend money with her at her price, or go elsewhere. All the rest is BS.

That is how I see it.


nom_de_plume458 reads

... I see a provider at least every 2-3 months over a year or more.  Currently I consider myself a regular of 3 providers; it was 4 but one fav just went on hiatus.  I try to see these 3 at least every couple of months.  One of them is my long-time atf, who I try to see every 4-6 weeks.  The others are more recent "regulars".

I have never asked nor expected to be grandfathered for rates.  The ladies I see regularly charge what IMO is a very fair rate for the quality of their service, and I don't see why they should take a hit financially because they choose to see me vs. someone else.  My atf offered to grandfather me into her old rate the last 2 times she raised it; I thanked her but I pay her going rate, which I think is still reasonable even with the increases.

I have never tried to nickel-and-dime a provider.  Case in point, one provider for whom I'm a regular customer had a P411 discount when I made my initial appointment with her.  We had to postpone the date at her request, and by the time we actually got together the P411 discount had disappeared.  I didn't ask her to grandfather me into that discount.  She was well worth the non-discounted rate.

I don't tip any of my regulars.  My "tip" for them is my repeat business and positive reviews.  But I usually bring them a gift--nothing extravagant but something I know they'll like such as their favorite wine or chocolates, a new toy, a book, or lingerie.  

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
At one point do you consider yourself a regular? How often do you see her (or he has seen you)?  
 Do you Grandfather him in? What if it has been many years and your rates have gone double, triple?  
 Anyone been weeded out and told to pay more?  
 How do you react if she is charging far more than originally?  
 Do you take into consideration if you have rarely seen her over the years?  
 Some guys a gal might see a few times many years ago and get upset on the rate increase. To me, grandfathered in is for loyal customers.  
 Do any of you Grandfathered men give better tips since she is having you at a discount rate?  
 This is open for the guys and gals. I don't care if you use aliases.

On one side is ease, familiarity and safety; along with sometimes presumption and complacency. On the other is variety and adventure; but with it increased risk. If Disneyland adds several new attractions a "regular" customer can easily rationalize a bump in the admittance fee. If the fees go up and nothing new is offered the consumer may look elsewhere for their amusement. If a provider sets a minimum requirement of regularity to justify a grandfathered or discounted rate the "regular" can feel as though they're simply an indentured ATM while possibly deferring or giving up variety. If a provider's success effectively makes her time more valuable it's simple business ethos that her prices reflect it. But the very nature of the business and more so keeping a "regular" is making them feel special.

  A new girl in town generally enjoys a vigorous initial volume. But unless they learn the balancing act their tenure as well as volume may prove temporal

Posted By: GhostWriteroftheDamned
   A new girl in town generally enjoys a vigorous initial volume. But unless they learn the balancing act their tenure as well as volume may prove temporal.  
Please share and explain, because I always thought tenure was by definition temporal.

Either you have a great secret, or maybe the damned need a new GW?


"ped·ant  (pĕd′nt)
1. One who ostentatiously exhibits academic knowledge or who pays undue attention to minor details or formal rules.
2. Obsolete A schoolmaster."

"Temporal comes from the Latin word temporalis which means "of time" and is usually applied to words that mean not having much of it, such as the temp who works at an office for a set amount of time,  
because temporary situations don't last long. A less common word, temporality also means having limited time, and it rhymes with mortality!"

"lasting for a relatively short time"

I still have guys I saw in 2009 for 400 who pay that now, even though my rates have nearly doubled. I am not saying every provider can or should do that because many switch to incall hotels when they were once charging lower rates to visit the gy at his place, but that does not apply to me. In those cases where the provider has to pay extra fees to provide an incall when she was once only doing outcalls, I certainly see her point.  

On a side note, thank you to all who served this country so that we could sleep through the night without fear of being killed. Thank you for fighting for many of the rights we have here that many other places do not have... speech, religion, voting, equal rights for all races, the disabled and among the sexes. Thank you for the time you sacrificed away from your families and friends to protect our freedom. Now, I am headed to the beach to drink a few cold ones for all of you lol.

I served during a period when we weren't involved in a conflict/war. And so I have a special appreciation for those who volunteer to serve knowing that it's probable that they will have to go half way around the world to bring the fight to the enemy so that we don't have to fight them on or near our shores. My hat is off to those who serve today and who have served in the past and defended our freedom. I go out of my way to thank service members in uniform during my travels.

We must always remember, freedom isn't free.

but some gals give the old rate for a year or not at all (just from the posts I have seen).

I do have guys I have never met call me and think I am going to give stated old rate from many years ago. Nope, you didn't lock it in back then.

Going to be re-doing some things and raising rates, so I was just thinking of what I should do for the guys I have seen once or twice, with a huge time lapse.  

I consider a regular someone I see anywhere from a week to two months in between appts. Although for me, you are a regular if I see you infrequently but over the course of many years. Out of towners who see me whenever they are in town, can be a regular. For me, it is about how often I see you vs seeing you once a year for five years (5 visits)

All the rest are just loyal customers :D   Regardless, I grandfather in.  

Posted By: London Rayne
I still have guys I saw in 2009 for 400 who pay that now, even though my rates have nearly doubled. I am not saying every provider can or should do that because many switch to incall hotels when they were once charging lower rates to visit the gy at his place, but that does not apply to me. In those cases where the provider has to pay extra fees to provide an incall when she was once only doing outcalls, I certainly see her point.  
 On a side note, thank you to all who served this country so that we could sleep through the night without fear of being killed. Thank you for fighting for many of the rights we have here that many other places do not have... speech, religion, voting, equal rights for all races, the disabled and among the sexes. Thank you for the time you sacrificed away from your families and friends to protect our freedom. Now, I am headed to the beach to drink a few cold ones for all of you lol.

GaGambler436 reads

That's recent enough to be considered a "regular" and be grandfathered in at her old rates.

If it's been several months, and I agree that six months is a good a benchmark as any, than IMO we are starting from scratch.

as I am to see them

... at least that's when I consider each of us to be of comparable importance to the other, and call me crazy but mattering to the person I'm with matters to me.  

And now I've sort of settled into a comfort zone doing 90% outcalls. This sort of skirts the rate question and helps me understand how things are working between a provider and me, as I'll pay for a really nice room and offer the same amount as always to someone I've spent a lot of time with in the past, and she can stay for as long or as short a time as she wants, which always turns out to be way more time than advertised for that rate, and almost always includes drinks and/or dinner at their suggestion.    

But then again, I may be fairly unique as liking each other's company is a lot higher on my list than having the body of a 20 year old, fetish friendly, or just about anything outside the basic companionship food groups.  Whatever I may have been at one time, after many years of marriage I've become a creature of that mindset of french vanilla regularity (plain vanilla is even too bland for me) - alas, just not with the woman I've been married to.  

-- Modified on 5/25/2015 1:59:13 PM

Posted By: Joe Christmas
as I am to see them  
 ... at least that's when I consider each of us to be of comparable importance to the other, and call me crazy but mattering to the person I'm with matters to me.    
 And now I've sort of settled into a comfort zone doing 90% outcalls. This sort of skirts the rate question and helps me understand how things are working between a provider and me, as I'll pay for a really nice room and offer the same amount as always to someone I've spent a lot of time with in the past, and she can stay for as long or as short a time as she wants, which always turns out to be way more time than advertised for that rate, and almost always includes drinks and/or dinner at their suggestion.    
 But then again, I may be fairly unique as liking each other's company is a lot higher on my list than having the body of a 20 year old, fetish friendly, or just about anything outside the basic companionship food groups.  Whatever I may have been at one time, after many years of marriage I've become a creature of that mindset of french vanilla regularity (plain vanilla is even too bland for me) - alas, just not with the woman I've been married to.    

-- Modified on 5/25/2015 1:59:13 PM

I would much rather become a regular of a provider for several reasons, as long as she knows how to satisfy me.  One reason would be safety.  I would feel more comfortable seeing the same provider because I would have less fear of LE.  Second, we could get to know what each other like or don't.  Variety isn't as important as satisfaction to me. I don't have a regular at the moment, because every time I find someone I like, she moves away.  I wonder if the providers prefer regulars or variety?

and I know they seen other ladies too, in fact I do provide references for them. I know they would return to me.... sooner or later. :)  
No reason to be  jealous at all, it's not like we are dating! LOL  


Posted By: AlexandraMilw
At one point do you consider yourself a regular? How often do you see her (or he has seen you)?  
 Do you Grandfather him in? What if it has been many years and your rates have gone double, triple?  
 Anyone been weeded out and told to pay more?  
 How do you react if she is charging far more than originally?  
 Do you take into consideration if you have rarely seen her over the years?  
 Some guys a gal might see a few times many years ago and get upset on the rate increase. To me, grandfathered in is for loyal customers.  
 Do any of you Grandfathered men give better tips since she is having you at a discount rate?  
 This is open for the guys and gals. I don't care if you use aliases.

ROGM491 reads

I am a regular client of the provider I'm seeing.

About once a week.

In terms of rates. I did pay her full rate for the first few months. But now she gives me a great discount. Her full rates have been the same since I met her over two years ago.

She's never asked me to pay her more than my discount rate.

Question does not apply to me.

I see her once a week.

Agreed. I'm a loyal client. The discount rates I pay are probably going to hold for quite sometime into the future.  

In terms of tipping, I help her OTC (off the clock) with groceries, rent, bills when she needs it. She doesn't ask me all the time. Only when business is slow for her. Sometimes I'm the only client she sees in a week

Skyfyre488 reads

Did you ask for that discount? or she just out of the blue offered it to you?

Or was it negotiated/understood? for example, she called/texted and you said you'd love to see her again but a little short at the moment so she said "that's fine I can do that!

Skyfyre559 reads

My definition of regular: having seen her at least 4 times in less than 2 months.

I expect to be Grandfathered in unless accompanied by major upgrade in service regardless of the time (the longest I've had is about 1.5 yrs so don't know yet what I will do in longer situation)

If I don't repeat often I usually don't repeat at all (been there done that) at a much later date. However I don't rule it out if there's something new being offered (better price and/or menu).

I don't give tip being Grandfathered but I do:

1)  Bring small gifts
2)  Keep repeating as often and as consistent
3)  Give her a pay raise

as rewards for discounted rate that I have been enjoying for some time

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
At one point do you consider yourself a regular? How often do you see her (or he has seen you)?  
 Do you Grandfather him in? What if it has been many years and your rates have gone double, triple?  
 Anyone been weeded out and told to pay more?  
 How do you react if she is charging far more than originally?  
 Do you take into consideration if you have rarely seen her over the years?  
 Some guys a gal might see a few times many years ago and get upset on the rate increase. To me, grandfathered in is for loyal customers.  
 Do any of you Grandfathered men give better tips since she is having you at a discount rate?  
 This is open for the guys and gals. I don't care if you use aliases.

Becoming a regular is my preferred status with a provider.  Typically, I feel like a regular after I've seen them three times in a short period of time (a month or two). I've been grandfathered by a few ladies in the past year.  I understand that rates need to increase and am willing to work with a lady that I have a regular relationship with. I'm not a rich guy and can only afford so much.  So there will be a point where I will see her less if her rates get out of my range.  Usually when I really get on well with someone, we start doing longer dates anyhow, so the hourly rate is less of a factor.

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