TER General Board

You pedantick putts. E
JakeFromStateFarm 381 reads


Proper grammar, is just as important as proper spelling. Let's make sure we are on the same page.....
Except= All but this
You're= You are
Your= Belongs to you
Hour= Time
Our= Belongs to us
Their=Belonging to a group
There= Not here
They're= They are
To=Where you are going
Too= Also; excessive  
Two= 2
And last but not least....
Where= Location
Were= Verb describing something of the past
Wear= Clothing

Have a wonderful grammatically correct day :)

Please get back to me ASAP.

This may be a Jeopardy question.

English is weird  

It can be understood  
through tough,  
thought, though

Posted By: BrinleyRhea
Proper grammar, is just as important as proper spelling. Let's make sure we are on the same page.....  
 Except= All but this  
 You're= You are  
 Your= Belongs to you  
 Hour= Time  
 Our= Belongs to us  
 Their=Belonging to a group  
 There= Not here  
 They're= They are  
 To=Where you are going  
 Too= Also; excessive  
 Two= 2  
 And last but not least....  
 Where= Location  
 Were= Verb describing something of the past  
 Wear= Clothing  
 Have a wonderful grammatically correct day :)

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
LOL..Escort bitching about grammar to promote business.

-- Modified on 5/14/2016 8:11:13 AM

OuNoU812257 reads

Coming from someone who doesn't know shit about grammar. Plus, hates all other escorts. Fancy8888, get a life and quit hating on other girls. It gets old listening to you whine all the time. Maybe you oughta try promoting some business urself. It might make you happy to earn $50 an hour

Posted By: Fancy8888
Posted By: BrinleyRhea
Proper grammar, is just as important as proper spelling. Let's make sure we are on the same page.....  
  Except= All but this  
  You're= You are  
  Your= Belongs to you  
  Hour= Time  
  Our= Belongs to us  
  Their=Belonging to a group  
  There= Not here  
  They're= They are  
  To=Where you are going  
  Too= Also; excessive    
  Two= 2  
  And last but not least....  
  Where= Location  
  Were= Verb describing something of the past  
  Wear= Clothing  
  Have a wonderful grammatically correct day :)

starting a thread and always seem to try to call them for a threAD.

When is the last time you started a thread?

"She" does the same thing everywhere.  Sometimes it even looks like someone else is posting for "her".

VOO-doo331 reads

It's RITE.  

Like... ShopRITE, BuyRITE.  


GaGambler319 reads

It's "write" as in "who writes this shit" and "what kind of pedantic putz really gives two fucks about the way someone writes as long it doesn't give us a headache to read?"

Epicurus61338 reads

I gave up caring about grammar on this board.

As far as spelling, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be at the rghit pclae

Thank you fore the acceptional post

With the advent of texting, spelling and grammar are in serious trouble. So too is dinner conversation. Disregard all the naysayers. You are correct.  

But you forgot my favorite one. Loose, and lose. I see them used incorrectly all the time here on TER.

Loose= Not tight.
Lose=Clinton 504 electoral votes, Trump 34 electoral votes.

GaGambler443 reads

and if that is you're bet on the election, then you most definitely have a screw lose and are all but guaranteed to lose.

are writing satirically and made those errors on purpose.

JakeFromStateFarm405 reads

Almost as brilliant as your putting "eom" in the body of your message instead of the headline where it belongs.  Or was that just a clever joke?  Jeez, you're deep.  Like a...

GaGambler152 reads

Like I said, "nothing gets by him" especially things written in big bold letters stating for all to see "Jake is an ASSHOLE!!!" I am awed by his skills of deduction.  

and for his next trick, he is going to reveal to the class that I too am an Asshole, Hold the fucking presses. lol

JakeFromStateFarm254 reads

It sure doesn't take an Einstein to figure it out, does it.

wit litle to know edumacation to spel word corectly. I meen seriusly knot every body is as smart as u. your being very jugmental I hope u except this as it was meant and r not ofended. wear is ur compasion 4 thos who hour edumacation systm has faild?  may be u shuld get of yur hi horse and realize knot everybody is a great as u. wear did u git the rit to judge other peple.

GaGambler265 reads

I meant they're now, don't get two upset with him.

I do hope you realize the title of TER's most pedantic putz was already given out long ago, and it's a lifetime achievement award that will require you to make several thousand more posts on the subject to even qualify, much less win.

GaGambler299 reads

Check the OP, check the replies and then rethink your accusation. If your vodka soaked brain is even capable of thinking at this hour.

JakeFromStateFarm280 reads

You need to drink more, then get back to me.  Never mind.
The accusation stands,

GaGambler261 reads

It falls as flat as you do after a large bottle of vodka.

In all fairness, you are capable of standing on your own after a small bottle, but since when are you satisfied with a small bottle?

if I spok outta turn. pleas know mor whipping me and pleas no mor chains. I just an igniant fool that had a thogt of my own

The former is frequently misspelled with the latter.  Problem is, a spell checker won't pick up the mistake.  Worse, those "loosers" really come as "losers"...I guess they're just "lost".

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