TER General Board

You mean the Dude they're watching. eom
bonordonor 698 reads


this is mine. i wish i could look like him and have a gorgeous girl like that by my side. in fact life is kinda pointless if it's not like this. i could end world hunger or win a 100 million dollars in the lottery tomorrow and it still wouldn't be enough.

You know how I would like to look like? ME.

I don't want to look like someone else.. I wasn't meant to look like a him.. If I were, I would have..
I want to look like ME..

At the end of life, we all die and become dirt and ashes..  

Be comfortable in your skin... Some women find that sexy too...

When even in your wildest fantasy you need to pay for sex.

my fantasy is your Plumbing..

Posted By: rrasha88
When even in your wildest fantasy you need to pay for sex.

SnglMaltMan602 reads

he is probably gay and she is definitely bored😁

VOO-doo710 reads

'life is kinda pointless if it's not like this'  


Hate to break it to you, but even in that photo...life's not like that. It's just...um...slightly photoshopped. It doesn't even look like the models were in the same setting as the background image...

But even if life COULD be like that...wouldn't that be boring? I'd personally rather be very talented or very brilliant or very happy, than very attractive or even very rich.

-- Modified on 9/20/2014 11:20:36 AM

Girl that line weirded me out too. Super sad.  

Posted By: VOO-doo
'life is kinda pointless if it's not like this'  
 Hate to break it to you, but even in that photo...life's not like that. It's just...um...slightly photoshopped. It doesn't even look like the models were in the same setting as the background image...  
 But even if life COULD be like that...wouldn't that be boring? I'd personally rather be very talented or very brilliant or very happy, than very attractive or even very rich.

-- Modified on 9/20/2014 11:20:36 AM

Posted By: CubaGooding_Sr
don't cha?
i'm not a homo. i just admire his good looks and life. i'm secure enough in my sexuality to say this.

CubaGooding_Sr764 reads

And homo is such an derogatory word. Yep you are obsessed with him.

Please stick around the board needs a new piñata.

You are disturbed!

Honestly- he's a little goofy looking. Individually his different parts look good on paper, but all together they really aren't that attractive

If he's "goofy looking," then I'll assume this means you'd give him about a 7.  Which would mean even a good-looking guy like me would probably be a 5 on your scale.  And all the not-so-good-looking guys??  Forget about it, 1s or 2s! - or maybe you'd even dip down into the negatives if you could!  :o)

I have a type I am attracted to and date...see image. The guys I see at "work" look nothing like these three, well except one in lord knows how many.  

I think the guys here forget we have our preferences outside of who we see here. Take Tobi and her love of the hot sexy grunge types. Tabu, the Daniel Craig type, you get my drift.  

It can't be easy reading and viewing what we really like compared to what we get at work.

but I'm no stick-figure either - and I just did a triathlon so I'm not in bad shape for a 40 something...
But you certainly do have high standards!

tastes are universal. Some may appeal to most, but nobody appeals to everybody. If that man paid me, you'd better believe I'd find him beautiful. Like h+t said, who we meet here is a whole nother animal. Not even comparable.  

The things I look for in my personal life differ. However, the men I'm attracted to look nothing like what h+t is attracted to. I like quirkier guys, guys not typically considered universally attractive. Geeky, intellectual types attract me. So do long-haired surfer guys, and Sean Connery types. And I'd do Harvey Keitel in a second! As a matter of fact, I am much more sexually attracted to Harvey Keitel than the man the OP posted. Im also more sexually attracted to most of my clients than I would be to that man. Attraction is a funny thing.

Then, when your fantasy comes true, you'll discover that it's just as empty as your soul.

bonordonor584 reads

That's the way...uh huh... I like it... uh huh...that's the way I like it!  
Or something like that. lol

I just had some pics taken last week for our corporate brochure.

This was a REAL professional photog.  

She had all kinds of equipment that affected the lighting and skin tones.  

In addition, she was able to photoshop out any features we did not like.

By the time she was done even my ugly ass looked like a 10.

All photos are bullshit.


in fact, it is so "off" I'm just going to call you Troll now. Inciting with weirdness. New troll tactic. Brilliant, yet transparently troll-like.

or perhaps I should say, made me truly understand in a more real way from experience - looks aint everything.
Generally, women tend to grasp this more than us guys.
Now that I've been with 9s and 10s, looks alone no longer have the same "power" over me as they once did (i.e., I'm equally comfortable just being myself around anyone - in the hobby or outside of it).

Other things are more important ultimately, even in this superficial little world we play in (though yes, of course I only book with ladies that I find attractive).

Hope you come to realize this - because if you don't respect yoursel, nobody else will either!

VOO-doo595 reads

He needs to buy MY product!!!! I have a secret new product that will imbue the consumer with celebrity-level desirability and hauteur.

Only cool people can buy it, though.

those two should just fuck if they are into one an other and be done with it  

the "ideal" client provider combo is  

a guy who is too lazy, ugly, old,  or fat to get sex with attractive women,  or who does not want the associated relationship drama but just the sex,  and who has money to spend


a gal who is reasonably attractive (to the client's taste anyway) takes care of herself and provides good conscientious service for the mone

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