TER General Board

You made my point for me without knowing it.
numpty88 14 Reviews 656 reads

Posted By: Skyfyre
... If you were trying to make a point you missed... So why is it that certain body parts can be touched and yet others can't? there's simply no logical reason beside some murky quaint "moral" standards.
There is no rational logic to why certain touches are illegal despite both wanting them.

Hopefully those who've read this thread, despite remaining silent, are casting a different eye on the rules surrounding their lives.  Perhaps not overtly questioning yet, but recognizing that something is out of kilter.  Little changes eventually lead to big ones.

I trade my time for money.  Clients keep buying my time because of what I do and how well I do it.  

I choose who I work with, and set my own rates - just have to find a client willing to pay it.

This work is the highest financial return I can find (all things considered) for my abilities and time of life.

Both the client and I will try to find out if each other is okay prior to working together, and that includes previous relationship reviews.  Clients want to know what services I provide, and if it's a Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV) type of experience.  Did I show up on time and deliver as promised, was I presentable, how did I handle public time, and so on.

If the client didn't pay me, then I wouldn't do anything with them.  When our time is up I leave.  If you want more time then you pay more money.

I have regulars.  I wear the outfits they request.

I provide clients with a service they desperately want; many times don't understand themselves; and sometimes they love & sometimes hate the outcome.

Much of what I'm paid to do by the client is something I enjoy doing in my private life (for free) as well.

My colleagues and I discuss bending over and taking it, kissing someone's ass, taking it on the chin, sucking it up, getting fucked or screwed over - and all of it for money.

No, I'm not a sexual worker, but I fail to grasp why one would be treated so differently in the USA than my career choice.  The only way I can see would be if someone's perception of morality differs and they have both the desire and power to impose their will on other people.  I'm not talking about slavery (human trafficking) as that's a crime regardless of any sexual component; but instead the free will of people to engage in personal contract.

In my mind, I'm a prostitute.  What are you?

GaGambler900 reads

I am much more of a slut or a whore than a prostitute, although I will freely admit to prostituting myself at times. It just seems like "whore" is a more fitting word for me.

Whatever you think you are, I agree 100%

owever that's social conditioning. Our viewpoints are formed early in terms of what's considered socially acceptable and for most part, the easier option for most is to remain unchallenged, unstimulated and go from birth to death having never actually lived

You might be many things, but what you do does define you.

For most of us, what we do is merely a means to an end.  

Who we are doesn't happen at work, it happens off the clock.  Who we are is what we like and dislike, what we read and watch, how we interact with others, what we think about when we're alone, what we aspire to be, and the circumstances we've overcome

Everything you think, say or do defines who you are. On another thread a gal said she 'hooks' but is not a hooker. Yes, you might also be something else, like a teacher, a secretary, etc., but you are also a hooker. You can be more than one thing. We all are. If you pay for sex, you're a 'John'. If you accept money for sex you are a provider. Talk about major denial, you're in it!!

the sum and substance of your existence at this moment is "Anonymous, self-loathing troll on a sex board trying to judge everyone else while simultaneously passing judgment on himself."  Unless of course you're sitting under a bridge by yourself in a bad mood eating a half-eaten bag of Cheetos you found on a park bench with your hairy thumbs, in which case you're an "Anonymous self-loathing bridge troll."

For someone spouting pseudo-enlightenment on a sex board while looking for paid dates, your narrow mind has determined that women are either a) "teachers," b) "secretaries," or c) "hookers."  Extrapolating from your "etc.", it is safe to surmise that you believe women can also be "nurses," "babysitters," and "maids"?  Would you go so far as to allow that women can also be "cashiers," "waitresses," or "strippers?"  What about "seamstresses," "receptionists," or "swimsuit models?"

Your view of women is even more narrow than your view of yourself.   Lighten up and have fun; you'll enjoy life more if you stop pigeonholing people.  Unless of course you have defined your life as a "pigeonholer," in which case I hope that works out for you

What didn't you understand about "You can be more than one thing."?  You used the word "or" where I used the word "and".  Pseudo-enlightenment? How about just common sense?

..not a prostitute. Nice try though.

Nice play on words there.

Having both a boring job and this job, I can say I enjoy whoring myself out here way more than I do for my employer for a tiny paycheck, health insurance and a 401k.

At my day job I have to wear clothes, I have to sit in traffic every morning and afternoon, I can't drink my wine, I have to be really sneaky in the bathroom if I want to have an orgasm, I can't drink my wine, I could get fired for sexual harassment if I try to touch the clients, I can't drink my wine, the cafeteria does not serve crabcakes (or wine) and they certainly won't deliver it to my desk, I have to deal with hundreds of pains in the ass a day instead of just a couple (hahahaha, JK love you guys!). Oh, and I can't drink wine.

Is it Friday yet?

-- Modified on 2/4/2015 9:49:51 PM

I do my job no matter where it takes me because if I don't my handler will make life miserable.  I pretend to enjoy what I'm forced into doing because I need the money and can't find some better way to make it.  So I wear a facade, smile, do whatever is asked of me.  And when I leave I count the bills and think it could be worse, I could be working at McDonalds.

That probably describes 75% of all Americans.

TwoMints774 reads

Using this analogy, I'm often a high priced hooker, the only bad feeling the client could have is that they may think I charge to much. Others probably think I don't charge enough. I'm always on time, do what I say I'll do, hold their hand as much as necessary. Do things that they can't understand, and almost always leave them a lot happier that they saw me. Sometimes I let them take pictures. It could be similar to rimming, they can't see what I'm doing but its effective. Sometimes they see me for 15 minutes often with a nice meet and greet prior to our "date". Sometimes I'm there for days. Longer visits I always bring a second provider sometimes enough guys for a serious gang bang. I don't take credit cards. I'll take a personal check but prefer cash. Sometimes I even give them the dreaded up sell but at least it comes with some additional time, and props.

Posted By: Rako1
I do my job no matter where it takes me because if I don't my handler will make life miserable.  I pretend to enjoy what I'm forced into doing because I need the money and can't find some better way to make it.  So I wear a facade, smile, do whatever is asked of me.  And when I leave I count the bills and think it could be worse, I could be working at McDonalds.  
 That probably describes 75% of all Americans.

I only put in a few hours of real work everyday, and I hope to stay under the radar and that no one notices.
When I do work though, I put a good effort - and so far, this has enabled me to get passing reviews.
Not sure how long I will keep doing this, but the money is pretty damn hard to walk away from.
Once I save up enough, I will probably move on to do something I'm passionate about.
But I must say, I'm pretty much a natural at my job, and most that I service seem happy.
And if they aren't and let others know?  Well, I'll do what I have to in order to protect my reputation.

I always knew I was a special kind. Being bad excites me. Sex is beautiful. Why not make a business out of it?

I have sex for free at swinger parties. I enjoy meeting guys who I know won't bother me once I'm ready to go home.

In my mind, I'm a genius

A.Pismo.Clam644 reads

Made boo-coo bux flogging the corporate line.  No wonder I love other hoes.

Skyfyre708 reads

Silly comparison. If you were trying to make a point you missed. You were equating "prostituting" with simply contract works or employment in general.

A more accurate comparison would be comparing sex work to any kind of personal service: massage, hair cut, nail work, physical therapy... That is, all involving personal physical contacts for the purpose of pleasing the clients.  

So why is it that certain body parts can be touched and yet others can't? there's simply no logical reason beside some murky quaint "moral" standards.

Posted By: Skyfyre
... If you were trying to make a point you missed... So why is it that certain body parts can be touched and yet others can't? there's simply no logical reason beside some murky quaint "moral" standards.
There is no rational logic to why certain touches are illegal despite both wanting them.

Hopefully those who've read this thread, despite remaining silent, are casting a different eye on the rules surrounding their lives.  Perhaps not overtly questioning yet, but recognizing that something is out of kilter.  Little changes eventually lead to big ones.

HidingBehindMyAlias830 reads

I always understood when you accept money for SEXUAL performance, then you are a prostitute.  Doing someone's taxes, waiting tables in a restaurant, or cutting clients hair in a barber shop is not prostitution.  Porn stars are prostitutes, but have argued that what they do is artistic, so are usually not hounded by the police.

Personally I see it this way.  People make money and people have sex, and everyone is okay with that.  Put the two together so that people make money for having sex, and all of a sudden you have the self-righteous come out of the woodworks acting like a crime against humanity has been committed.  Bunch of bullshit.  

There is nothing wrong with prostitution in and of itself.  There becomes a problem when prostitution is used as a means of exploitation such as a pimp would use.  Maybe I don't see the bigger picture, but I respect anyone who makes a living providing a service, including prostitutes

A.Pismo.Clam536 reads

but please don't tell my Momma cuz she still thinks I plays da piano in a whorehouse."
But I dint play cheep!

All anyone does, as far as work goes, is exchange something of value for another thing of value.  in the case of sex work, it's sex (of some form or another) for money.  

The word "prostitute" has a pretty set-in-stone definition, and it generally refers to women selling sex for money.  It's also, generally and historically speaking, a pejorative. I mean, i find the word "prostitute" more offensive than the word "hooker", but that's a reclaimed word issue i suppose.  

The message of this post, which comes at the end, is pretty rad, but i honestly believe that if you're trying to equate your work to sex work in order to validate sex work, it should be re-framed a bit.  

Sex work is engaging in commerce; exchanging a service for payment. It should be classified as any other service-industry job where a service (be it IT, the serving of food/beverage, etc) is exchanged for money.  

If we're trying to validate sex work as real and legitimate work, it needs to be spoken of as such.  Instead, some (those that don't recognize sex work as legit work) might interpret what you're saying as devaluing your work by equating it to sex work, and it's obvious that you value sex work and see it as legitimate.  

I know it's semantics, but sometimes semantics are important, especially considering the laws that have been recently passed in Seattle, where the criminal code considering hiring a sex worker now contains the wording "sexual exploitation".  

Just some food for thought. :)

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 9:41:24 AM

that I strategically provide OTC time to strengthen relationships and de-commoditize my services. But then there is a cost associated with replacing my services, whereas switching providers is not only cost free but fun. Making oneself stand out and securing a book of repeat business strikes me as one of the hardest things providers do....especially since I imagine there are some repeat clients they don't want, i.e. the lovestruck and the boundary pushers. So if I'm a prostitute I have it pretty easy...for now. I'm threatened more by technological innovation than are escorts...but who know what the future may bring?

I am in a prison of my own making. At a young age (early 20's) I stepped into a fairly high paying (relative to most of my friends/peers) and SUPER STABLE Union job.  I have been in this job for most of my adult life and have advanced within the organization to the 2nd highest paid Unionized job title at my place.  If I stay for another 5-6 years I will have the top spot as people retire.  Problem is, I hate my job.  I always have.  I stay for the money, the stability through some of the toughest economic times in our nation's history and for early retirement.  My sentence? 30 years with no time off for good behavior.

I've engaged in many occupations over the course of my life, from the low paid and mundane to the highly paid and highly stressful. I don't know how stressful your job is, but only a relative few can claim both high income and stability. And look at the bright side, you'll retire with plenty of lead in your pencil. :-)

Excellent benefits, stability, career advancement, more than decent pay, whats not to like?  The dirt, the danger, the asshole managers who turn over at a rate that is astounding all without ever really understanding how the place really operates.  The fact that as a Union employee I have to deal with lazy co-workers who get paid the same I do for doing half the work with half the skill, endless ennui punctuated with short bursts of intense stress and inherent beaurocratic red tape.  Corrupt Union officials who fritter and/or steal our pension while being in bed with management to Screw us at every contract negotiation for givebacks while never getting anything other than a pitiful 1-2% cost of living raise.  

Sorry, I guess U should count my lucky stars...

89Springer570 reads

and worked jobs we loved for less pay (on an hourly basis) than many GM assembly line workers made.  

I can't imagine hating what I was doing 8-12 hours a day for thirty or forty years. You only get one life.*

*Obscure pop culture question: what commercial used that line, and what was the line that followed?

You're lucky to be able to contract your own work.

And, um, uh-uh, you aren't necessarily a prostitute because you have to provide a service in order to garner an American Dollar. Unless you feel compromised to lower your standards on what you create or produce to a degree that demeans you, you're a success. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

That's why I don't think many if not most providers shouldn't really be called prostitutes. They have chosen to do what they do and they work hard at doing it well and all is within their personal standards.

Your question, though, what am I? It depends what I'm doing. At the moment I'm a poster. Later this afternoon I'll be an eater. After lunch, if I feel like it, I'll be a shopper. Then I'll look at the market close, decide whether I ought to sell or buy anything, and then I'll be an investor. I suspect then I'll want some exercise so I will be a walker for awhile before being an driver and listener to my favorite radio show while on the way to the saloon where I'll be a drinker. Need I go on?

Here's one of the definitions: : to use (something valuable, such as talent) in a way that is not appropriate or respectable and especially to earn mone

Skyfyre642 reads

The immediate question that comes up would then be: appropriate or respectable to whom? who has been bestowed the absolute authority either by the Constitution or by God to judge appropriateness and/or respectability

Maybe the concept is loving money than your own purpose or soul? "The love of money is the root of all evil" may have something to do with it ? It never said money was evil, just the love of money. (Which I believe means love above all other things - like an obsession.)

And Samson also said "There's a time for everything." Or something like that... So using things like gifts and resources based on what is most appropriate at the time?  

Thinking deeper, I think using resources & talents to make money to feed the family isn't what this is talking about... But if your kids (or you) are starving and some guy is offering money for a BJ, sex will still be, by society, something wrong for selling. I don't think that will ever go away entirely.

Slap a label on people all you want, (not you personally, but the whole,) but until someone knows the true intention and heart behind something, you can't really judge whether it is in appropriately using that resource. Just as it says, "Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart."  

I also have heard a friend say, "We judge others by their actions, and we judge ourselves by our intentions." Religious leaders were always surprised when Jesus talked to the hoes and the thieves. But put it down hard on the religious people.

Definitions can only go so far, because we can't see everyone's whole picture. Quite honestly, if you want to ask who has the final authority to judge each use of resources and gifts, it's the person who's doing it... and God's. It's between each man and his God. No one else can really know. IMHO.  

Every Bbbjcimnqns shall be done for the right reasons.  


-- Modified on 2/5/2015 10:42:16 PM

browneyes_647 reads

Some women chose to work at McDonalds or become cashiers for 9 bucks per hour others decide to become sex workers and take the risk involved in exchange for more pay.  
Money involved in sex industry can be addictive and some sex workers become targets of LE or pimps who would lie about their finances and offer them huge amount of money just to get them trapped.
I became sex worker because I did not want to work for Mc Donald , or to be cashier I stores.  
I also went to college I graduated while doing sex work part time.  
I am not going to apologize to no one for the decision I took because I don't consider myself a bad person. I did chose a bad profession but I am not a bad person at all!

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