TER General Board

You have made MANY unintentionally hilarious posts here but this one takes the cake.
JakeFromStateFarm 103 reads

Your attempt to be thoughtful and mature is beyond ludicrous.  I am impressed, though, at your ability to write at least one post that is coherent.  Which raises the question: why is it that virtually NONE of your other posts are?
As for the time I spend  finding gifs, please don't assume that because it takes YOU "twenty plus hours a day" doing it that it takes me more than five minutes.

Out of control rates have become more noticeable and the norm these days

One has to wonder how it came to this point.

Back before the internet, rates were pretty similar across the line.

These days when even a beached whale think they can charge 3 numbers or more, what happens when a slender dolphin comes along and see that.

Women are highly competitive with one another, and they see their their looks as value.  What do you think happens when that dolphin see that beached whale.  Do you think that dolphin going to want to set itself in a range like the beached whale?

Question: Are ugly girls forcing hotter girls to charge more?  Why would a hot girl have a rate similar to one that is ugly?

Johns who have permanent beer googles on, are not helping either and are making it worst.

Remember the girl that looked like she came out of the Neanderthal era who was charging guys a arm and a leg to have sex with basically a cave woman.   If you were a hot girl would you want to set your rate lower than her ?

I've seen the same gals run ads here asking over a K, only to see the same ones walking the local spots.

But that doesn't happen either.

Looking like a fool.  

Do you suck cock on the corner and are thus ashamed by the reality in which we all live.

Your comebacks suck. Exactly what we all expect. Please stop playing.  You are only hurting yourself.

I don't think it's funny for someone to have to turn tricks on the street corner to get high. I don't think many females walk the streets because they aren't addicted to drugs.

Come back? what do you think this message board is, a pissing contest?

As I've said before the majority of the posters on this board are immature, you being one of them.

Mature functioning adults don't spend twenty plus hours a day searching for gifs to post on a fuck board. I out grew that nonsense two years ago.  

... and it is not just you, people I know IRL, guess what, I don't give a shit about what some dumb fuck uploaded online, or what supposed clever meme they came up with.  

Now grow up, and stop acting like an inebriated adolescent.

JakeFromStateFarm104 reads

Your attempt to be thoughtful and mature is beyond ludicrous.  I am impressed, though, at your ability to write at least one post that is coherent.  Which raises the question: why is it that virtually NONE of your other posts are?
As for the time I spend  finding gifs, please don't assume that because it takes YOU "twenty plus hours a day" doing it that it takes me more than five minutes.

I want to discuss women turning tricks to shoot fantail in their veins, you know adult topics.

You want to discuss gifs, and my poor writing technique.

Congratulations it only takes you five minutes for you to post a gif. I don't think it takes that long.

I will continue to act like an adult, while you act like a child.

JakeFromStateFarm127 reads

An adult like this? (ps: this one only took two minutes to find.  It helps to have a brain.)

Maybe try using your brain and stop being afraid of every news story you hear on the Internet.

Putin is going to get me, the world is going to be blown up by nuclear bombs, I'm so scared.


You have engaged a moron in a battle of wits, and "edged out" a victory. Kudos.

Dolphins can't give consent, you asshole.

They've been known to fuck anything. And their dick has a painful spike on the end. They don't ask for permission or kiss you afterwards.

But I guess you don't so let me lay it out for you.
I'm not going to give you the same ol line of "Supply and demand" nonsense...that's too easy.
The truth is, there's a certain group of gents that dishing out 1 or 2k is nothing to them. These guys just don't care. They'll do 25k just on bottle service.These guys don't chime or venture in here.  
Their mind set is...They see her, they like her,they want her...they get her. End of story.
So don't hate the player, hate the game and the fact that you can't compete with these big spenders.

JakeFromStateFarm182 reads

he's in charge of the boom closet from which he sallies forth each day to clean toilets.

And I can't believe that person doesn't make any market research before the purchase. Income matters of course, but still, just a fool buys  something not putting any thought before the purchase. Maybe the gents who doesn't venture in here sit on the island and their assistants arrange meeting for them by helicopter, but most people who spends in this things are professionals and entrepreneurs who count their money, can navigate the internet and can compare. Also, those 2K girls are really stubborn and definition of supply and demand slips their mind completely.

I concur.  I've seen hot girls only make $250 and plain janes make $3,000.  It's not all about looks.  

even though I don't agree with your premise, I have noticed that in the past year or so rates have increased.  Ladies that at one time commanded $250-$300 are now asking for $400 or more.  And yes, I have noticed a marked decrease in the quality of looks department of those now in the $250 range.  I don't however see a cause and effect there.  I look at it as a "rising tide lifts all boats" sort of thing.  It's not the, as you say, less hot girls forcing hotter girls to charge more, its that hotter girls charging more pulls up the rates of the lesser hot ones.  The increase in hotter girls rates can be looked at and many variables could be taken into account.  More hobbyists have more disposable income to draw from,  or they figure out that they can make the same money from fucking 3 guys at $400 as 4 guys at $300 and hence spend less time and expense, and I am sure there are others.  With all that said, I think the answer to the question of "Why do hotter girls charge more for sex" is the exact same as "Why do drug companies charge so much".......

Because they can.  

Only because you had some decorum,  here is a ladies insight into why some who were once charging $300 hour are now charging $400. It actually has a  lot to do with the raising behind the scenes costs to work. It actually gets to the point where we can no longer sustain covering the costs without raising prices.

In the last month a well know advertising site raised the advertising cost for a basic base level add by $100 month, lets add in the increasing costs of hotels. Good luck finding a decent affordable hotel in Boston over the summer for under $250 night. There is also having to factor the cost of hotels that we pay for and never use because a guy cancels right before the appointment, or better yet ghosts.

Wasn't aware of the increased advertising costs, but I had forgotten about how much hotel rooms are these days.  I have looked at visiting some better target rich environments, but the added expense of even a 2-star place to flop is discouraging.

...then why don't you just move on and find a lady that you can afford? Why does it bother you so much when ladies that you personally find unattractive "can charge 3 numbers or more"? Why do you take this so personally?

He has a problem with it because he is a problem. The guy is an asshole

SausageSensation90 reads

From a 1k hr. lady, There is no shortage of overpriced pussy especially in the larger cities.
Personally very few and I mean very few high dollar ladies I have been with were worth their rate.
Yes some were perfect 10's in appearance but lacking in skills like BJ's I mean my ex's gave better
head. Yes I would be lying if I said it was not exciting to fuck such a true beauty. But in  
performance  I have had better at even in the 300-400 range and up.

I can afford any lady I want but it is very disturbing walking away from a session and feeling
like you paid for a filet and got a piece of shoe leather. Recently I saw a very nice and hot lady
we got along great but just cannot justify seeing her again at her rate.

So many new ladies coming into this world are asking like top 10 ladies rates and more.
And wonder why guys are reluctant in booking with them many ladies have been on TER for a  
few years and have no profile on TER because they do not even have 20 reviews. Hint
it could be because of your rate. Many ladies overvalue themselves example if a lady in
her home city is listed at say 27 in the top 100 in her city and asking for 1500-1800 for a
2 hr. date and she is slow that is probably because of her own greed.

You better do your research and shop around for what ever your comfort zone is that
is all you can do.

Guys who pay over $500 an hour for an escort are not in it for just the sex.  They don't necessarily want someone who's been with half the world.  They may want an inexperienced, naive girl.  Many times the pretty girl next door is their fantasy.  A lot of them don't even want sex necessarily.   They pay for exclusivity.  Most of the truly high end girls do not advertise.  It's word of mouth.  A lot of the girls that are advertising on websites will take a lot less than their going rate especially if they think they will get a review out of it.  

a girl doesn't advertise doesn't necessarily mean there's anything "exclusive" about her.  It could also mean she's simply broke, in which case the rates are probably flexible, as you suggest.  Personally, I don't know any guys that care whether a girl is exclusive if they're not going to have sex.  

the fantasy is what they're paying for.  Doesn't mean they'll actually receive it, but you didn't say they would
Tough racket fellas, we pay $1k expecting sweet petite 18 y/o Asian gf next door fantasy land, and get 30 y/o Susan 6 months pregnant with a tooth missing, can't call customer service unfortunately...

GaGambler122 reads

If you were promised "sweet petite 18 y/o Asian gf next door" and you get "30 y/o Susan 6 months pregnant" and you actually pay her, who's fault is it?

No one is holding a gun to your head to pay these higher rates. IMHO the only guys getting mad are either the guys claiming "sour grapes" or the guys actually dumb enough to pay a grand for an hour with a hooker who should be charging $200.

I don't get mad, I simply don't even consider it, it's not that I can't afford it, it's just DUMB IMO. It's like shopping at Whole Foods and freaking out when you see filet mignon for thirty bucks a pound. Now can I "afford" thirty bucks? Of course I can, but "will" I? Hell fucking no.

One day I'll figure this crazy "internet" thing out: people see my words, can't hear them, see me laughing, sarcasm....
My bad, sorry about that, I'm having way too much fun with this: but yes, obviously my bizarre example of 18 y/o Asian sub by 30 y/o toothless pregnant bitch is crazy.

The poster I responded was suggesting that some hobbyists are looking for something else, someone clean and innocent, not a girl who's been run through the gutter all over the world, humped and pumped by every swinging dick she could get her hands on...

Supply and demand being what they are, the natural reaction is a surge in pricing for the specialized product with higher demand, lower supply, and a high rate of false substitutes

I have noticed prices going up.  Before there were not as many with extremely high rates and they were usually women who were very attractive and had dozens and incredible reviews, understandable.  Now I see women with 1-5 reviews that are not all positive charging those rates.  I'm sure some of these women do great but I wonder if they are actually losing money.   I have met several that charged more than I usually pay but didn't have as good a time as I did with a woman charging half or less than half.  I have never seen one of them again but have become a regular with the women charging less.  One provider that I met when she was first starting had extremely reasonable rates, saw her a few times then her rates went up and kept going up, now I don't see her at all.  I contacted her to see if my rate would be grandfathered in but no luck so I respectfully told her I couldn't justify paying that amount for something that was going to give me an hour or two of pleasure and leave me with just memories, basically a consumable. She then contacted me quite some time later, said things were slow, car broke down, rent was due, etc. and offered me a rate that was closer the what I paid when I first saw her.  Problem was at that time I had 4 incredible regulars who were charging still less than what she quoted me.  I respectfully declined.   My advice is to ignore those beyond what you are willing to pay, you can still find what you want and have lots of fun.  

Wow.. I missed out on this, huh? Well, here's a few points and a my conclusion.  

This industry is about to erupt. I suspect in 3-5 years time we will be seeing the lynch-pin case that will reverse our goofy laws about it.  

As more and more women (and men) group up without a heavy burden of shame and being more comfortable with their sexuality, it will become much more accepted and normalized. While the authorities are trying to tamp it down, it's whack-a-mole or payroll. No one is earnestly trying to stop it. So, the market is in flux right now, that observation the OP made is correct.  

Whether you pay for a dumb young hottie who can't suck and fuck, or a advanced, elegant Dame, YOU, the consumer, ultimate decides what the market can take. If a mature hottie with a mushy body can snag a grand for her session, better for all of us. That always makes me curious about what she can DO, right?  She's adding value to someone's life if she's doing that!  

With sites like TER it's not like it's caveat emptor, you know who you're spending time with by the time you lay down your money. I will never understand why people pay 3,000 for a designer handbag. It's not infinitely better at holding stuff. A 3,000 mountain bike that shaves 2lbs off the weight? That's a value add, but look, some dude who is 40lbs overweight is going to brag to his colleagues about buying the expensive, titanium frame bike which isn't going to help him at all. So why did he pay that much? Because he can. Ego.  

What I will say is if you don't like a provider's rate, then see another provider. I can't speak for the other gals, but in the short time I've been doing this that is the absolute unsexiest thing you can do.  

Not only is it cringe-worthy and tacky, it  is devaluing and invalidating.  Our culture devalues women enough, devalues women who are highly sexual enough and definitely devalues women in sex work completely so the last thing we need is more of the same from what should be our "Tribe" our support, our community.  

I'm no longer offering the shorter sessions, i don't judge any provider who does, because it was as much trouble to prep and recover from than the longer sessions and I'd rather do fewer longer than many shorter, myself.

With My 20+ years in the adult industry Ive done everything from wait tables in lingerie in Jacksonville, Florida to unspeakable fetish acts on a SJC in Washington DC, to pole dance in several NY clubs.... so I have many, many friends who are or have been escorts, including myself. Hopefully I can add a female perspective to this lovely thread... love the gifs btw lmao.  

You hit the answer right square in the nose yourself OP, women are competitive. Even when they are friends. And they see someone who doesn't look as good as they do (whether really or just ITO) and wonder why shes making so much money, so naturally they step up their own game, jack their rates, even spread rumors about the competition. They don't stop to find out what that girl is doing that is better than what she is. And that's been around as long as the worlds oldest profession. And Ive experienced it quite a lot myself.

Personally, being almost 40 and being in a niche market of BDSM & Fetish, I find that keeping my rates competitive serve me best. However, there are clients who want more than an hour of my time or who tip well when they see how I preform, so I don't worry about charging more than competitors I think are beneath me in looks/attitude/etc.  And I know that I can travel to certain areas and command a higher price and get it.  

My best advice to you guy, keep your tip in your pocket or in your car until you see for sure what you are getting. Don't be the jack standing there with an envelope in your hand as you knock on the door. Check her out first. Not just her looks but her behavior. If she cant give you 5 minutes of her time to prove herself, then shes probably not worth it. Especially when you are right there.

There's an ass for every seat gents, and thanks to our social media culture the young pretty girls today know it as well as the old trailer park meth heads and the ghetto 3 baby daddy havin welfare queens. Do your research. And realize that you wont have your complete answer about what shes worth to you until you meet the girl in person. Sometimes its just a waiting game... she might be $1000/hr here and now, but everything changes.  

For the one who said you cant call customer service, lol, nope but you can post your experiences here and on the other online adult review guides.

PS- its the chubby chasing BBW lovers, the new money borderline autistic socially awkward geeks, & the desperate divorced n00bs who are driving the market up. ((I love love love those guys, too)) Supply & demand gentlemen, supply & demand.   ;)

Dose not mean there is a market for it, since the lady is still attached to it.

Posted By: MistressMajic
Re: I dont see any women chiming in....
... unspeakable fetish acts on a SJC in Washington DC

  the desperate divorced n00bs who are driving the market up. ((I love love love those guys, too)) Supply & demand gentlemen, supply & demand.   ;)

Desperate divorced n00b here (LOL), well said MM. Just doing a little shopping myself in the NYC area, saying a lot of "Fuck  that noise" after checking rates. Or "Not fucking that noise", I guess. Men need to exercise discretion. I did have an unrelated question: WTF is a "SJC"?

like any other business.  Many also have a cost structure to incentivize behavior, like having a higher first hour rate and discounts for multi-hour sessions to encourage clients to book longer sessions.  Many ladies will also set their price to avoid certain types of clients.  The behavior you get is the behavior you incentivize is a basic business priciple.

One pinnacle lady told me recently that even though she could charge more (she really could) she thinks that some of the rates charged today are silly.  She is an exception to the rule - well, in pretty much every way.

It's simple, if a lady's rate is too high for the quality of service she provides a lady will not get enough business.  If she is priced fairly when compared to her competition she will do fine.  I have seen more relative newbies ask for top rates but, if I am paying that much, I prefer to see a top-rated lady.  I don't do TOFTF at premium rates.

Most men with plenty of money are unlikely to pay more just because they can.  They will pay and pay well, but not overpay, for quality.  The vast majority of wealthy men earned their money by being smart and hard-working.  Most are the same guy with the same values that they had before they were rich.  It would offend them and make them feel stupid to pay more that someone else just because they can.  Most have the money because they are not stupid.

Ultimately market forces dictate rates, not the ladies nor the guys.  You can either afford it or you can't.  Whining about prices is childish.

What's going on in the criminal world, like illicit drug pricing, supply/demand. More junkies tuning tricks, the higher the rate is going to be elsewhere.

Heroine wasn't as widely consumed back when ladies first took to the ISH, back in the early 00s.

Don't forget this costs tax payer money, arresting users, incarcerating users, supplying them with mattianece drugs, carring for their chidren, and burying them.  

All these things cost tax payer money, and drive up the cost of everything, especially pussy.

It's economics.

I am a mature suburban Chicago provider and I think the "Johns" are nuts to overpay for provider dates because they think are getting the "best" or the old "you get what you pay for". I have many regulars that say I am fantastic and no, I don't overcharge. Granted, not a spinner but definitely talented orally and in other areas. Read up on my website blog for further details as I have a ton of avid regular readers.  

Every guy’s Wants, Needs, and Desires are Different.
Not every girl can fulfill what you are asking for.
And guys...there is a point in your life when Ugly or Hot will not be the main indicator of a good time.
When there is a girl that can connect the dots for your fulfillment,  
with deeper, more connected work,  
the price needs to go Up,
to compensate for the expertise that she has in delivering the experience.

It sounds like you are swimming in the wrong pond anyway. :)  

Have a good weekend, fellow community members!

You would make much more money by quantity. That's that. I am tired of your lame definition of elite, etc.. Fees are outrages and I can't find anything to justify that. XO

.....Threads have been kicking around for years and the responses never change.
You pay what you are comfortable paying. Simple. That doesn't mean you are wrong for not paying more, nor does it mean a woman is wrong for charging more - it is what it is. For the poster who mentioned that a more competitive rate can equal a higher volume of appointments so what? No everyone wants or has time for more. For those volume is a moot issue....
Setting the stop watch now to see how long it is before another 'no piece of ass is worth....' thread kicks off...😏

now with "never ending threads" like we have under the NEW TER, this one might be the last one we ever have on the subject, but ten years from now it will have had 2,000 replies to it. lol


The only time it's WRONG to charge too much is when you have a monopoly on something that people need, and don't just want. It's WRONG to charge twenty bucks a bottle when a hurricane has just wiped out a town. OTOH If a woman wants to charge $50,000 hr "for her time" it might make her delusional, but it doesn't make her WRONG.

"Fairness" is in the eyes of the beholder, I too am grossly overpaid in the minds of many people. I am not about to reduce my income to suit them, so it would be rather hypocritical for me to tell a hooker how much she should be allowed to charge.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: I would say that another one will be along in a day or two BUT
now with "never ending threads" like we have under the NEW TER, this one might be the last one we ever have on the subject, but ten years from now it will have had 2,000 replies to it. lol  
They should just time out and lock after 30 days of no replies so that can't happen IMO...

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