TER General Board

You can't fool me, Sedona...you had your 29th birthday last year.regular_smile
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 4663 reads

Maybe it is just how you make us feel. :)

WonderingAbout This7112 reads


Seems more and more to me like we're almost over 35.  Might be nice to get the younger people's point of view once in a while.

-- Modified on 4/30/2004 6:45:02 PM

Not limited to posters only, but to all users of TER.  For reference, here it is:

How old are you?

 18-21         2%
 22-30        23%
 31-40        42%
 41-50        28%
 51+           2%

So you see, some three-quarters of the total user base is older than thirty.  It'd be interesting to know if the age breakdown of those who actually post is significantly different.

This does tend to confirm an impression I've had for many years that hobbyists tend to be 'older' gentlemen.  I remember one of my first incall visits, back when I was in my mid twenties.  The lady seemed real surprised, and made some comment like 'my, but your young for this!'.


The younger ones are out there getting laid, not here talking about it. Remember what it was like? Didn't matter how inteligent they were, Just needed a great pair of Tits.!!!

that he has 20 years of experience.  The potential employer calls the former employer to verify.  The former employer says, yes, he has twenty years of one year experience.  Some people never learn.  But for most of us, the only recompense of aging is wisdom.

Ah yes!  Those Canadian cuties from "The Great Frozen North." But they're anything but cold.  Must be that constant struggle to keep warm. Lol.

At least on the Atlanta board there are a few guys older than me. I like reading and posting on this board because of the quality of the people and their Thinking. I didn't know I was about the oldest one here. Please somebody tell me your over 54. In my youth my three favorite activities were Skydiving,scuba diving and Muff diving. Not necessarily in that order. I am happy to report that there is life after 50. I still participate in two out of three. I'd love to get back into the Air again. I wonder if AARP has a Skydiving team?

First off, I have three buddies who post on here (one frequenty) who are all older than you.  Now, I am only 40, but we all share the same interests, I can assure you.

Secondly, and more importantly, if you are nice and smart and take care of the ladies properly (which you obviously do), the ladies don't care how old you are.

Just ask your buddy Michelle. :)

I'm just having a little fun here. There are plenty of guys who post on the Atlanta board older than me. One guy is in his late 70's. Quite inspiring actually. This place puts a smile on my face every time I log on. Not as big as the one I get from a personal encounter but still one to be enjoyed.

jackvance3502 reads

I've been told many times that I combine the physical qualities of youth and the wisdom of age.

Still have a huge appetite for fun, including of course the type of fun that we all enjoy in TERland.

My posts with this thread were meant to be tongue in cheek and only to poke a little fun at myself. I'm not depressed about my age or abilities. Actually I feel I am one of the lucky ones who age well myself. I know that the average age of the hobbiests is just a few years younger than me. Outside the hobby there is even more for me to be upbeat about. By age 50 there are almost 5 women for every elligible guy.But that's another thread. Sometimes my attempts at irrevrent humor come across too seriously. That's the difference between the spoken and written word. Sure I miss some of the old times I've been fortunate to experience but all in all I've had and am still enjoying a pretty good life. If we only get one I plan to make that one enough!! I really have come to appreciate the National board as it is the most intertaining and drama free. The intellect and humor I see here everyday draws me to my PC with great expectation every time I log on. Love you folks.

Arizona Angel4050 reads

Ummm am I the baby here? 25...I know I don't post a whole lot on the national board, but I will definitley try to push a fresh opinion out there every now and then. Please do not confuse age with wisdom... though I may be young in years I have oodles and oddles of experience... LOL

I just turned 29 in march and so I can say my point of view is under the limit. I am good at giving advice and making someone smile I have met the first time. That has to do with more then the age though. lol.. secrets...shhhh. have to keep some things in the closet.. Wanting a point of view may differ depending on what topic sweetie. Sometimes it is great to have the point of view from an older more incline person then someone younger. Just use your judgement.. Kisses and have fun..
Renee (tampa)

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