TER General Board

"You can't be first, but you can be next", lol -e-teeth_smile
lopaw 29 Reviews 160 reads


Working my way through this site and these discussion boards, new to the industry therefore new to the review community - so I have been somewhat of a 'silent listener' trying to soak in as much information as I can from you lovely lads and lasses :)

So being the curious cat that I am, I'd love to get opinions from both sides of the coin. I've heard from a few of my peers and clients alike that being 'new' is a good thing and some gentlemen proactively seek out providers who are new and ladies should milk the 'new' title. Is being 'new' to this industry a favorable quality? is it Attractive? Can you liken it to finding a patch of snow in the winter that has not yet been touched and making fresh footprints?...OR is it a deterrent for you, do you assume a newbie has a lack of understanding between client:provider dynamics, a lack of experience, risk of the unknown (low-no reviews) Can you liken it to ordering takeout and getting something you usually get because you know what you like and you know you'll enjoy it rather than risking getting something new, as while it may look appetizing you don't know if you're going to like it so best stick to what you know?  

Apologies for the poor analogies, and ladies I am not suggesting that booking us is like ordering food. I just thought it was a good correlation as I have had that battle on Seamless many a time when hunger strikes and to be honest I look at new restaurants but always end up ordering from the same 3 places! So I can absolutely relate to a gentleman being apprehensive about trying something new especially when there is a physiological demand (hungry/horny) and a cost attached.  

I guess what I'm asking is ;
1. Is being new a good/bad thing and why ?  
2. Ladies what was your experience when you started...was being new good/bad for you ?  

I really don't have a clue if any of what I've said is accurate or even makes sense! Lol, completely shooting in the dark here, just wanted some thoughts from more seasoned TER-ers...


Is both good and bad.  From a clients perspective, if a girl is new and doesn't have reviews then it is hard to gauge how the session will go i.e. not knowing what she offers, not knowing if her pics are accurate, really her or any other things that go along with that.  I don't really care if she is new in the sense of "I was one of the first", my only concern is will I not feel duped with the performance.  In some regards I guess I would rather schedule with someone who has a reputation of providing good service, but I am not opposed to trying someone new to the business.  

It is not a bad thing to be new.  Just be yourself, and due your due diligence to avoid those who may may not be compatible.  Personally, after 13 years, I don't often have to or desire to see new ladies, but often doesn't mean never...

Not that I actively search them out, it just happens on occasion.  If she is physically the kind of lady that I enjoy spending time with and none of my searches turns up anything negative, I'll take a chance on an unknown.  I've only been disappointed once.  I just view it as everyone has to start somewhere.  Sometimes it's the thrill of the unknown that is kind of interesting.  With her not having any reviews, there isn't any pre-determined "benchmarks" so it can be somewhat interesting to explore what her boundaries are and what she enjoys.  

good reviews is a big plus, but that is only one factor I use.  Often I see a gal who begins to post on the boards because I like the cut of her jib, and might explore further.
Then there is the recommendation from a person whose opinion I respect, to name another.
A good website with great photos also can't be discounted.

Posted By: mrfisher
Often I see a gal who begins to post on the boards because I like the cut of her jib
mrfisher is NOT referring to female circumcision.

A new provider can potentially be really good or really bad. Some providers start out this scene with some energy and enthusiasm that erodes over time and turns to cynicism or indifference. Some providers aren't cut out for this kind of work, and their appointments will be miserable until they give up. And some providers get better over time. With the experienced ones, the reviews can give you an idea of what to expect.

... since I am seeking the experience of a seasoned and aggressive woman. There are always exceptions, of course, but the last thing I want is to  do is take what is already a potentially awkward situation and make it worse.

-- Modified on 6/6/2017 6:27:26 AM

Of course, some guys don't think that way and seek out "new" as somehow better. I find that to be a bit phobic, but that is just me.

to see brand new ladies..until she has about 4 or 5  
good reviews here on TER.. I am not one to TOFTT..
I guess this thought comes from prior experiences that  
didn't turn out as well as I had hoped for..

GaGambler147 reads

Are you still shilling for the GILFs MZ? lol

If by "phobic" you mean some guys don't want to fuck "old broads, than color me "guilty as charged"

as for wanting to fuck the "new girl in town" This is something that is hardly unique to P4P, guys are always looking for "strange" it's just the way most of us are wired. I don't care if it's a girl who just moved to a small town. a girl who has just started frequenting a local bar, or a new hooker at an escort agency. The "new girl" is always going to create a bit of a stir. It's just the way it is.

... for so many reasons. Many of us club rats feel that way. But the investment to take a new stripper for a spin is much more palatable than the investment needed to TOFTT for a new provider.

and the Sugar Bowl, where I have been doing most of my playing lately, is much like the stripper world in the fact there are no reviews and the only way to find out what she's like BCD is to find out for yourself.

I agree about TOFTTing in the hooker world, considering the risk of both a wasted donation and LE issues, I rarely, if ever TOFTT hookers any more with the exception of trying out the "new girls" that rotate through with the Asian Agencies. If the agency is a good one, even their worst girls are "decent"

But instead I must continue to use the same old meat I was born with.

but strange and new are not necessarily the same thing.  

By "phobic", I meant the guy who thinks the new gal is somehow more "virginal" or "cleaner".  

I totally agree that being first to the conquest of the new gal in town is how we are wired, but some guy in her last town probably got there first. The perception and the reality often don't match up.

As you said, It's just the way it is.

GaGambler151 reads

Guys will fall all over themselves to be the "first" to see the girl FOB from another country, thinking to themselves I suppose that they will be the one to "break her in" with that exact mind set that she is more "virginal" or less "used"  

The truth of the matter of course, that the girl most like has sucked a couple of thousand Korean/Colombian/Italian dicks back in her hometown, but that doesn't matter at all to them.

Too funny, I do remember being this Thai girls "first customer" or at least first American customer, turns out of course that she had worked in a half a dozen different countries before ever landing in the US, so I was hardly her first. We did end up in an IRL LTR, so maybe there was something to being her "first" lol

Oh I agree, I don't think us ladies have a 'used by' at all. And I don't think 'new' means better. In fact I think I have found it to be somewhat of an obstacle.

GaGambler176 reads

Can you imagine any guy IRL seeing a beautiful woman walk into the room and rather than making a move on her, turning to his friend to say "Why don't you fuck her first, and if she's any good maybe I will fuck her next"??? lol

I have honestly read posts by so-called men here who were afraid of approaching a civvie woman because she "had no reviews"  

and people wonder why I refuse to self identify as a "hobbyist" I think in order to be a true hobbyist the first thing you have to do is cut off your own nut sack.

Personally if I am presented with two women, equal in every way, I will always choose the one I have never fucked before. I guess I am just a pig in that respect. oink oink. lol

souls_harbor161 reads

Sorry but if you think you are the first to fuck any girl/women I have a bridge to sell you.  Unless your name is Mohammad and you marry them at 9 years old, she's probably been plucked more times than the Rose of Tralee.

GaGambler130 reads

I don't even WANT to be the first to fuck a woman/girl. The last virgin I had was decades ago and quite frankly I neither wish nor expect to fuck another, but that still has NOTHING to do with my post.

LOL! I played out that scenario you described in my head and it was like a sitcom.  For some of the characters took on the form of people from 'How I met your mother'.

the percentage of disappointing sessions is higher with new girls.  This is sometimes offset by their energy and positive attitude.  Lack of aggressiveness with new girls is my biggest criticism.  

Veteran providers have a very LOW percentage of unsatisfactory performances with me, but often, they are a bit jaded and seem to be just phoning it in, so the connection is more difficult to achieve.  However, their skills reflect their experience, and from a strictly sexual aspect, its more often a better session overall than a new girl.  

JakeFromStateFarm164 reads

A more experienced girl is more likely to be more of a pro at screening.  And that protects both of us.  Also, if she's new there's little chance of being able to get any info back-channel about what she's like.  And that is at least as important as reading a review.

someone with experience, especially when new for me.  I'm nervous enough and prefer those that are experienced and make me feel at ease.  

It was fun... and great.. I find new ladies usually regard the experience as unusual and special.. Until I saw one brand new girl.. who was very nervous and started crying... during our time together.. she was brutally pretty.. absolutely gorgeous.. so of course I lost all interest in anything but making her feel better... luckily she worked for an agency I used to use a lot.. and they made it right with another girl and the newbie was gone in very short order.. since then I find that experience and reviews are a good indication.. In your case , you have two solid reviews.. and it looks like you have a great attitude.. it's not for everyone..

Oh gosh, that must have been terribly awkward. Good job you were able to get it resolved. I think there is a certain level of mental strength and self-awareness that is required to be in this line of work.

I would not see a provider with zero reviews unless recommended to me by another provider that I trust.

Sort of new, like yourself with only two good reviews and good looks is really exciting and a big plus!!!

I can see how seeing someone with absolutely no reviews is a big gamble, I have only just narrowly escaped the 'newbie with no reviews' category. :)

... and I find no correlation between how good a time I have and new vs experienced. My attitude when seeing anyone for the first time is "You just never know" and I hope for the best.

Assuming I liked her photos/look and she's priced right then I generally don't mind seeing someone "New". But the communication leading up to our date needs to be genuine. Not the rehearsed,"baby, honey,sweetie" lingo that sounds rehearsed. During the time talking, I will know more or less what to expect. It's a vibe I'll pick up.
Part of the thrill of seeing someone "New" is the unknown, to see how the session will turn out.....it's kinda of a rush..so I don't mind seeing someone new.
And I've had a few clunkers in my time, but fuck it...it happens.

Many have already expressed the many of the reasons.  
My reasons are relatively simple
1. NEW may also mean LE.  
2. Experienced ladies with at least ten reviews ensure that I will have a great time with a lady.  There are senior members on the board whose reviews are an automatic "follow up a bit more with research" for me and most of the time, I meet the lady.  

JonnyCumLately149 reads

on Wednesday. What I do care about is being my best. First, second, 50th, history or frequency has no bearing on my wanting to see an escort, as long as her reviews and look warrant my interest.  If it's not our second date, I'd hope the first makes me want to see you again ... and soon.  

I get your point but are you concerned about what your clients think about YOU on a first date with you?  
From your recent review, I wouldn't worry.  

You sound hott. Don't change. It seems to fit you well

-- Modified on 6/6/2017 10:47:17 PM

Yes very much so, I always want any interaction I have with someone to be a positive, uplifting and genuine experience so I guess my personality is one of my stronger suits because I am a people person and someone would have to be trying really hard not to get along with me. And I am not saying that in boastful or arrogant way :) I am just good at adapting to different characters and bringing out the elements in my personality that match with 'xyz' person. Going off on a tangent now...lol

Appreciate the compliment :)

OCmadness78 reads

Seeing providers without reviews. They need to have one or two reviews minimum for me to feel comfortable with what they offer. That being said I do like seeing the newer girls versus some of the more veteran providers.

There have been times when my preference has been to re-visit an old friend. Other times my preference has been to meet a new friend with top-notch credentials (reviews/references). And other times I have decided to meet someone fairly new or almost brand new to the industry. I guess it depends on the mood I was in at the time.  

Meeting someone new can be terrific as long she enjoys what she is doing. One great thing about meeting a new-to-industry lady is that there is less chance she is jaded... as that is no fun at all! Another great thing is the fact that she is more likely to participate in and enjoy new experiences also... and that can be fun to watch and share.

That said, you had me at guitar!  ;)

Haha, that's a very reasonable way of approaching it :)  

'You had me at guitar' I think that should be the first song we write together!

I found it online towards the end of last year, and I find that I can personally relate to what the interviewee is saying about the newbies. That also happens to be my personal preference!

I would say that I don't think "New" is better for advertising if you are coming OTR. I would guess that gentlemen who say that can only speak for the people who seek out ladies in the same way they do, and they probably think the majority of clients behave the same way. In my personal experience, that is not true.  

For the most part, I think it works against you being new and having no reviews. Even if you have 2-3, I think it's still a gamble in the eyes of many. And that's because of the type of industry we are in, and the risks associated with making one bad call on who you see. Clients have to put a lot on the line when they reach out to a lady and agree to meet. Being established alleviates a lot of the concern that clients have and I think it's what most look for. And because you are always "new" to someone, you retain the newness factor until that client sees you.

It's kind of comparable to finding a new hairstylist or barber. No one really wants to see the new guy/girl in the shop because they don't want their hair messed up. Not only do they spend their hard earned money, but they have to live with the consequences for week(s). There are those few that are happy to go out on a limb and hope for the best... but most others won't see that person until a quality check is done by a few people. If you can do well with about 5 people's different hair, then people start thinking that there is something to you. Over time, people expect to and hopefully start to see you get even better all around. And much the same way that hairstylists/barbers build repeat clientele through good customer service, experience, and skill- we do the same.  

There are certainly those who want the new girl as in New on the scene... but I think they are a small minority compared to the guys who just want to experience someone "new" but who has established a name in the hobby, because they are in it for variety. And again? this is an industry that values reputation, customer service, experience, and skill. Being "new" takes a lot away from people's perception of those things.

Thank you for the insight love. Very helpful :)

For me being new was a struggle but after I got my first review things literally blew up and that was the case until my third review then it kinda went back normal but before after a new review was placed for me my phones and emails would blow up now I'm kinda in the middle where I'm not new so I don't get all the new girl perks but I'm not established enough where things are always consistent but things aren't bad. Hope this helps

That is exactly where I am, I am guessing the 'new' will subside eventually and I'll maintain a client list of regulars. Thanks for sharing :) x

It isn't necessarily good or bad. It's just perception. Being new to the industry doesn't define anything. I have done this for years off and on and I still consider myself new because I am constantly redefining myself and my boundaries. To me "new" means that you are trying to adjust yourself to the culture. So I personally wouldn't use that as a marketing tactic. Plus it will attract people who have intentions of taking advantage of the fact that you are new, which has been my experience when I tried it. I woke up and asked myself, why the hell am I saying that I am new when I have done this before? I realized I was trying to adapt to the culture of the review system and the way that it works here. I hope by now you know that there isn't just one way of making this work for you, saying you are new has pros and cons and my advise to you is use it how you see fit for yourself.

You have a very nice, well-crafted website!! That in itself is a MAJOR plus!! If a provider really presents herself well that stokes my curiosity big-time!! (The lack of history then becomes more intriguing than a liability!!)

Looks like I may have to help you gain some "experience" very soon LOL!!

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