TER General Board

jrwayne 8 Reviews 2240 reads
1 / 21

Have any of you guys tried the Low-T centers to regain some of your drive? The last couple of years have been marked by a loss of drive for anything I used to love. Keep hearing about these centers on the radio. Any Thought?

cspatz 67 Reviews 713 reads
2 / 21

...not a pack of amateurs on a fuck board.

jrwayne 8 Reviews 548 reads
3 / 21

If anyone had tried it. After all, physicians aren't in the back pocket of drug companies at all. Smartass...

inicky46 61 Reviews 594 reads
4 / 21

When you fuck around with testosterone you're playing with nasty potential side effects like cancer and heart issues, among others.

Posted By: cspatz
 ...not a pack of amateurs on a fuck board.

inicky46 61 Reviews 602 reads
5 / 21

you need to get a new physician.  I asked mine about testosterone and was told it was a really bad idea.  If you'd like her name, PM me, LOL! She does a really good prostate exam.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 758 reads
6 / 21

Ask physician and if you don’t your balls are going to shrink into your ass. Testosterone has significant side effects including heart attacks, shrinking balls, etc.  

The poster was not being Smart ass but  you are being a dumb ass.

abcdguy 701 reads
8 / 21

I take testosterone 1 x week.  I get tested once very 3 months by my doctor, who is a hormone specialist.  
No side effects for me and I feel great.  Having proper testosterone levels affects far more than sex drive,
like, muscle, energy level, sleep and on and on.  I agree its nothing to fool around with, but when prescribed and monitored by the right doctor, it can be a good thing.

1705218 10 Reviews 670 reads
9 / 21

I have tried a couple of the over the counter offers and they don't work or didn't for me. W/O seeing a dr. and  discussing  it with him or her it canbe detrimental to your health and happiness! I think you probably know that. One thing you can do w/o going to your doc is to find an independent lab that will test your blood for Testosterone levels. They have a Licensed Doctor that oversees the  operation. I have used one of these labs and found them reliable and accurate when my insureance wouldn't authorize the test because I they had already paid for a test just a couple of months before.

numpty88 14 Reviews 547 reads
10 / 21

According to the Low-T center website: "The physicians at Low T Centers exclusively diagnose and treat men with low testosterone".

Nothing different about his question than those who ask about a vasectomy -- and I doubt many would treat themselves to one WITHOUT a doctor!  But they do look for feedback from those who have received one, and wonder how it affects their hobby lives.
Asking on a fuck board means he's free to ask if Low T treatments seems to help with gaining & keeping a hardon, quality and consistency and quantity of cum, is the cum flavor different for the girls, do the guys experience random hardons or fuck like a sewing machine.  Stuff you just can't ask on the polite, public boards of other websites.

He asked a valid question; your response started good "see a doctor" but fell off the rails with a useless ending.  Shape up man, you're better than that!  Besides, anyone of the TER inmates could be a doctor, even you -- but what a sucky bedside manner...

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 525 reads
11 / 21
cspatz 67 Reviews 495 reads
12 / 21
phi68psi 21 Reviews 540 reads
13 / 21

Long complicated subject.  The risks mentioned are way over blown.  Some doctors think we should age gracefully.  Not me, I want all the 21st century medicine I can take advantage of.  It is akin to hormone replacement therapy in women.  Controversial but many woman are fine with it.  

I started out on Androgel seven years ago.  The price is so outrageous under Medicare Part D that I switched to injectables two years ago. I self administer after instructions from my doctor's staff.  1 mg once a week in alternating thigh quad muscles.  Took time to find the right dosage and frequency. I know guys who get a shot once a month.  That seems like too long a duration to me.  Overall, piece of cake.  

The value is far beyond sex drive.  Far less grumpy, better sleep, weight control, still workout in the gym. Best of all I can stand up to asshole, a-type 40 year olds (both male and female) who think they know everything.  

My primary care physician has provided all my necessary care and periodic lab tests.  He is not adverse to the course of treatment.  He is an associate professor in an academic medical center.  I might be leery of the mills.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 553 reads
14 / 21

...not a testosterone mill.  Do you think those clinics will tell you that you DON'T need testosterone when it is their job to push it on everyone who walks in the door?

jrwayne 8 Reviews 414 reads
15 / 21

the gentleman who took the time to actually read my original question and give a thoughtful, intelligent answer. You guys are awesome! The doctors that I have seen (2) have done my blood and told me it was time catching up. That's somewhat true, but I'm 42. That's too young to feel this lethargic. Exercise isn't helping either. Been at it for three months. So then the docs want me to take samples of anti-depressants. I agree it's time to do some searching for a new doc.

inicky46 61 Reviews 487 reads
16 / 21

Not only do some side effects include suicidal ideation but the also can kill your libido.  And, yes, 42 is way too young to feel the way you do.

Pablito 559 reads
17 / 21

Posted By: jrwayne
Have any of you guys tried the Low-T centers to regain some of your drive? The last couple of years have been marked by a loss of drive for anything I used to love. Keep hearing about these centers on the radio. Any Thought?
I asked my doctor. He said with my history of Prostate issues to stay away.  YMMV.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 566 reads
18 / 21

Pfizer and the AMA have our populace so addicted to narcotics, psychotropics, stimulants and sleeping pills it is beyond disgraceful. If a kid speaks out of turn in class a school counselor is recommending Ritalin for the kid. We will soon be a nation of anesthetized, physically addicted zombies with suicidal thoughts. But as long as another pill can give us a stiff penis no-one seems to care.        

Posted By: jrwayne
the gentleman who took the time to actually read my original question and give a thoughtful, intelligent answer. You guys are awesome! The doctors that I have seen (2) have done my blood and told me it was time catching up. That's somewhat true, but I'm 42. That's too young to feel this lethargic. Exercise isn't helping either. Been at it for three months. So then the docs want me to take samples of anti-depressants. I agree it's time to do some searching for a new doc.

jrwayne 8 Reviews 563 reads
20 / 21

It will be interesting what the NIH publishes on their study.

inoneear 419 reads
21 / 21

es, see your GP, not a Testosterone-mill doctor (who has an incentive to over-prescribe).

You'll need to get tested to make sure that your testosterone level is actually low.  You probably shouldn't take T if it isn't.  Your GP should also consider your PSA scores.  If they are high or rising, T therapy might not be a good idea.  

I've heard there are many more side effects with the injectables.  I haven't had any side effects from Androgel.

I've been on Androgel for quite a few years.  I had lost my libido.  My GP tested me and my T level was low.  Also, my PSA score was steady and on the low end of the range.  It also hasn't risen since I've been on Androgel.  Androgel has restored my libido.  It hasn't, however, had a marked effect on my energy levels.  It's a YMMV thing, and my mileage didn't vary.  :-

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