TER General Board

Yes, very concerning indeed, it may be the end of selfies for providers then and candid photos..
palomamontecarlo See my TER Reviews 934 reads

If privacy is compromised and the photo reveals the location etc, even for LE purposes that should be avoided.. Do you mind posting the link please?  
Thank you Mr!

I don't have a link since I read it in a newspaper over the weekend, but according to the article, the very pixels in any photograph you put up on the net will contain information that will allow someone to determine exactly when and where the photo was taken.  If it was at your home, for example, that allows a stalker to find you.

This is something to be concerned about, I'd say.

If privacy is compromised and the photo reveals the location etc, even for LE purposes that should be avoided.. Do you mind posting the link please?  
Thank you Mr!

"If you own/use a cell phone you have essentially waived all of your commonly/historically expected 4th Amendment Rights and protections."

“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently..."

― George Orwell, 1984

That is very interesting of you to bring up… thank you for sharing xoxox

not sure if this is the article you read, but it is explained pretty well. The good thing is, you can avoid it relatively easily.

so no link is possible, but that article looks like the author read it to do their research.

The author was especially concerned with sex offenders who might stalk children if they know where the photos were taken.

People should refrain from uploading photos of their children to the web.

Posted By: mrfisher
so no link is possible, but that article looks like the author read it to do their research.

The author was especially concerned with sex offenders who might stalk children if they know where the photos were taken.

They would be just like me.

Panthera12873 reads

to figure out that blow up dolls can't be impregnated? I am sure a lot of people are glad that you are not going to multiply.

Panthera12718 reads

Maybe we should take up a donation for a new doll for him. It will probably keep his drivel off the boards until he pops it.

Psssstt! get your head out of there.

.. what you are referring to is the EXIF information in a picture. The fancier a camera gets, the more information that can be imbedded into an image. I am by no means a camera guy but, some of it is useful information, like the f/stop. But some cameras have built in GPS, and this data can be placed onto the image. A lot of services strip this information off (imgur is one I can think of off the top of my head), but some just put it through. It is best that, whoever hosts the image, see what their policy is on this EXIF informaiton

In Photoshop:

go to File->Save for Web & Devices and make sure that “Metadata” is set to “None”
Once you save the file, all EXIF and XMP Data will be gone!

Most other photo editing software also provides some control over "Metadata".

Another method is to use a free website:

Not that the paparazzi is on my nuts or anything. I still don't need them knowing where I live.

TalkToTrees690 reads

That Exif stuff has been around since June 1998.

Your post would have been much better if you had offered a solutions instead of spouting paranoia.
If you had offered solutions, all folks who read this thread will be better informed.

MasterZen has offered a few suggestions on how to solve the Exif issue.

The real concern is our US government (i.e. NSA) looking over your shoulder according to what RRO2610 posted here.

The Forest Waits

Posted By: mrfisher
I don't have a link since I read it in a newspaper over the weekend, but according to the article, the very pixels in any photograph you put up on the net will contain information that will allow someone to determine exactly when and where the photo was taken.  If it was at your home, for example, that allows a stalker to find you.

This is something to be concerned about, I'd say.

...He brought up the topic others fleshed it out. That is what generally happens on discussion boards. Those that offered further instructions made a useful contribution. You? Not so much.

TalkToTrees737 reads

What was your suggestion?

Oh... you didn't offer one.

The Forest Waits

Posted By: xyz23
...He brought up the topic others fleshed it out. That is what generally happens on discussion boards. Those that offered further instructions made a useful contribution. You? Not so much.

...My input in regard to the topic was not needed. However my reply to you was needed for your edification.

As a photographer I'm somewhat knowledgeable about EXIF. What I suggest is to download a free copy of an EXIF reader for your browser. Then test it on an image file that you are worried about. Take a selfie with your cell phone. send it to yourself and see what information is on it. or check out some providers image. What you will find is that most or all of the images have blocked any personal information.

If I were you I would google  exif reader for (whatever your browser you use. Then you can download it from the right place for your browser or computer syste

Prevalence of personalized gps enabled mobile devices. There are much more personal info stored in EXIF today than before.  

Another clueless post from the tree trunk lol

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