TER General Board

Yes, totally.
bdb6 24 Reviews 742 reads

By the way, Christian Louboutin and Jimmy Choo thank you.

And not just health, but also appearance, grooming, etc.?

I work in an office, and have done so for 35 years.  In that time I've seen no end of young strapping and good looking guys get married, settle down, and let their bodies and appearance go to pot.

But I have kept my weight and appearance in as close to mint condition as I've been able to.  I think the reason is the hobby.  Unconsciously or otherwise, I have been concerned that my appearance can affect how good my interaction with providers could be, and to that end, I've taken pains to eat and dress well, among other routines designed to keep me fit.

As a result, I think I am significantly healthier than people in general.  As an example, a month ago the flu went around the office.  Nearly every single person here came down with it except for myself.  I haven't had a case of the flu for 25 years and then it was just after I got a flu shot and my doctor told me that could have triggered it.

Come to think of it, I haven't taken a sick day except for some dental work since that time.

So, here's another benefit to society courtesy of the hobby which I maintain ought to be publicly funded or at the very least available for the medical tax exception.

I could next bring up all we do for the hotel and restaurant industry (To say nothing of the shoe industry.)

First off, MF, now that you have done the "How great I look" post, I expect the "how big my dick is" and "how many Os I give the girls" posts to follow shortly. Because the girls tell you so and it must be true.

But if I were to give you the benefit of the doubt and take this as a serious question, sure, there are some positive effects. Having been married for a long time in what has been a sexless marriage for quite a while, I pay a little more attention to my grooming when I am seeing a lady. I feel a little better about myself after having some good sex, a little cuddle and a nice visit. So, sure, that is all good for me, at least for a while I look better and feel better than I otherwise would. Plus, there is some aerobic work during the session, as well as a little weight work supporting myself in different positions. And since the sex lasts a long time in some sessions (probably much longer than the lady wishes), that exercise is not trivial.

Does that offset the infectious disease issues? Maybe. Has that caused me to pursue healthier habits over the long term? Not really.

But my dick is bigger, pretty girls say nicer things to me, and I now know how to give every woman multiple Os in seconds!


cashorcredit812 reads

I dress nice, work hard, and exercise five days a week for one reason. If there were no woman I'd be a broke 400lb unhealthy slob. So I do agree with you fisher pussy is motivation.

I am inquisitive by nature, and am always looking for new things to explore. Early on, I found a Muse who was influential in directing me to things like breathing techniques, and it fed my desire to know more about the physiology of arousal, and the things that can help and hinder.  

From that time, I have learned better eating, sleeping, and exercise techniques, which have obvious positive impacts on the sensual journey.

Like you, I seem to be rather immune to the sickness that runs around the office every few months. December it was like working in an infirmary. I too only got the flu once in the last 20 years, and that was after work offered free flu shots and I got one. Haven't had them since.  

So, seeing the benefits that my increased health has brought me in the sensual realm, I am now more open to discovery even more little things that enhance the experience.

When it's 5am and I'm thinking about rolling over and sleeping for another hour vs. going for a 25 degree run, it's often the thought of how much more I get out of my sessions when I'm in peak physical condition that gets me out of bed. And more than once I've declined the dessert menu for the same reason. And let me be clear, I'm not under the illusion that it matters to providers, but it matters to me: I feel better about myself when I'm very fit, and that ramps up my enjoyment level. And as a practical matter, better health = less illness = lower healthcare cost and longer life = more time and money to hobby!

GaGambler720 reads

Not wanting to look like "that guy" is a HUGE motivator for getting my lazy ass into the gym.

As for being able to fuck any better, I guess I have never been in bad enough shape for it to have ever mattered, as I don't notice that I fuck any better when I am in better shape, but going out with women thirty years younger than you will prompt you to do enough so people will still think the hottie on your arm is your girlfriend, and not your granddaughter. lol

some might call it hubris but I too like to be at my fittest when attending a M&G. In that forum I'll allow myself the harmless delusion that it matters.

GaGambler672 reads

I enjoy the look of relief I get sometimes when seeing a lady for the first time as she opens the door.

I know exactly what that look is, and what it means. It means I have reached my goal of being "Not totally repulsive" and that to her it means that while I am hardly her dream date,  at least she won't be counting the seconds until it is over. lol

And while I greatly appreciate the approval - I hope for the sake of other guys that she is better at hiding her feelings when she DOESN'T like what she sees!  :o)

This thread has officially degenerated into the most absurd dick-wagging contest I've seen on this board in the last decade.

GAgambler, you used to call out stuff like this subthread. Now you're participating? Is it really you

Then it might be the first you've ever actually READ during that time, lol.
The one above here is actually much worse.
Basically 90% of threads are full of braggadocio - of ALL different kinds...

So true.  I knew I was going to look to "Play" today, so several days ago I got back to eating healthier, and took off a pound or two of holiday weight that I had put on.  But it's true in the big picture too - as since entering the hobby I got in the best shape that I'd been in in a decade.

I was in quite good shape when I started this but decided I'd probably get better service if I looked even better.  So I stepped up my workouts, lost weight and got rid of a lot of body hair.  Has it helped?  I have no idea.  But I know I feel better about myself and that's enough for me.

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 11:34:39 AM

wrps07780 reads

Reason we have to be in good shape to perform at home and with the providers. You don't want to be embarrassed if you can't deliver. Then if you get lucky you can get some a side freebie because of being in shape.

By the way, Christian Louboutin and Jimmy Choo thank you.

We all need some incentive or reason to stay healthy and in shape.   If we don't have that, it is just too easy to let our bodies go downhill.  Whether it's competing in sports, staying healthy to see our grandchildren, or feeling comfortable about ourselves when seeing a provider, it really doesn't matter.    

And let's not forget that for some providers/sessions, we NEED to be in shape.   So I, for one, definitely am more conscience of staying healthy and having a decent appearance.

Maybe some liberal college could do a thorough study on this topic, especially now since our overall health is going to influence government spending.  .  

I too will add that the last time I had the flu, was also the last time I had the infamous flu shot---30 years ago.

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 10:18:28 AM

Getting the flirty attentions of a hot chick and then fucking her is a serious shot of testosterone. It's good for weak boys and does wonders for middle-age or older men. Makes you confidant, build muscle mass, and get better skin tone.

Or... you could go to your doctor and get the cream. But where's the fun in that

wrps07695 reads

Be doing leg press/squats (be careful with the weight not to strain), bench press, and deadlifts. The very next day your sex drive will be off the chain. It also helps if you do exercises like walking or swimming a few times a week on days where your not doing weights. I am 51 and the women are calling me a horney dog. I was able to get the lady at home 2 pops (with 5 minutes in between) around 3:00 in the morning (evening before I did leg exercises). Got my sleep and saw a provider (same day in the afternoon) and got my 2 pops in. The provider was shocked when I told her I am 51.

Another trick to do is to go swimming for 1/2 mile, go  get a 1/2 chicken meal from Boston market. Then have a multi hour with a session afterwords. You will have comments like "Your well fueled and well prepared". Very helpful for the appointments where you are trying to get 3 pops in lol.

wrps07797 reads

Probably. But that is not enough for me. I want to be full. You need fuel to help recover after the swim and fuel for the fun. I regularly eat 3-4 pieces of chicken everyday for dinner. Brocolli, salid and a sweat potato. Yesterday I swam a mile. 3/4 of a mile might be too much before an appointment (better to do the long swims like that after an appointment).

wrps07750 reads

Sometimes I get 2 pops in a hour if the provider is hot. Sometimes 3 pops in 1.5 hours (that was a few years ago). Most of the time I book 2 hours for  2 pop appointment.

The stereotype seems to be that guys that hobby are slobs, but I really don't think that's the case. Don't get me wrong, they're out there, and we ladies all have one we remember vividly I'm sure. But for the most part they seem to be more interested in health than the average population, even if it only comes down to drinking more pineapple juice or getting a pedicure because someone complained about nasty toes on the boards.

I've also heard the "I don't get sick" anecdote from a lot of guys, and I think it probably has something to do with meeting new people in this particular way. Minor stresses to the immune system make big ones less of an issue, and it can be good to be exposed to new "germs" every once in a while so it doesn't get lazy and think that the usual ones are the only ones out there.  

And let's be serious, a little strange keeps the pep in your step ;-)

I am a thin person and blessed with good genes, never been physically active in terms of exercise etc.  
Recently I have been motivated to exercise more and be more healthy as I have noticed that it has a positive impact on my sexual health.  
While I have no delusions  about myself when I go on a " date" but I do like to keep myself well groomed again because it makes me feel good about myself.  

Posted By: mrfisher
And not just health, but also appearance, grooming, etc.?

I work in an office, and have done so for 35 years.  In that time I've seen no end of young strapping and good looking guys get married, settle down, and let their bodies and appearance go to pot.

But I have kept my weight and appearance in as close to mint condition as I've been able to.  I think the reason is the hobby.  Unconsciously or otherwise, I have been concerned that my appearance can affect how good my interaction with providers could be, and to that end, I've taken pains to eat and dress well, among other routines designed to keep me fit.

As a result, I think I am significantly healthier than people in general.  As an example, a month ago the flu went around the office.  Nearly every single person here came down with it except for myself.  I haven't had a case of the flu for 25 years and then it was just after I got a flu shot and my doctor told me that could have triggered it.

Come to think of it, I haven't taken a sick day except for some dental work since that time.

So, here's another benefit to society courtesy of the hobby which I maintain ought to be publicly funded or at the very least available for the medical tax exception.

I could next bring up all we do for the hotel and restaurant industry (To say nothing of the shoe industry.)

I workout and groom during the week of appointment, and I make sure to wear a fresh set of clothes after my final pre-appointment shower.  Providers do motivate me to look my best.  

I also think providers keep us healthy in the mind as well.  I recently started dating again despite my frantic work schedule (bad decision),  and it has been a drain on my mental energy.  By comparison, escorts I've met generally are better conservationists (some have really interesting stories to tell), very well traveled, and most of all, project a sense of self-confidence that many civvie girls lack.  

I always feel less stressed after seeing a provider, but I tend to get more stressed after a date with civvie (having to plan the next perfect date, what gifts to bring, how to deal with her nosy girlfriends, and work out the dietary minefield that girlfriend A doesn't eat beef, girlfriend B is gluten free, girlfriend C's husband hates sushi... ugggh get me out of here!)

I don't know why but the providers I've met seem to give off this vibe that they are in charge of their destiny.  This make escorts alot more attractive than ordinary civvie girls.

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