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Yes, the older we get the more we need to . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 104 reads

watch the quantity and what food we eat/drink as well as keep up an active lifestyle.

If you haven't exercised lately, you should see your physician first to make sure you are healthy enough to participate in vigorous exercise. Get some sound advice from a physical trainer and begin in moderation. It worked for me and it can work for you.  

So I find myself wanting to take better care of my health and in particular fitness based on recent ecapades ... like oh shoot I need to get in better shape if I am going keep up with these activities.....  
Anyone else get this feeling after spending time with these amazing ladies?

There was a point in my life that I like most busy professionals I allowed myself to get a little out of shape.
I hadn't deteriorated all that much in physical appearance but definitely loss muscle tone and most of all physical stamina.

Then I met a certain super hot Provider that happen to be a fitness freak. Seriously one on the most athletic women I ever met.  After our session that stretched to a couple hours I was now in luv but, gasping for air and wobbly.  

As I was driving home  all I could think about was how soon I could again see this lady.  It also occurred to me that if I was going to maximize my enjoyment with her , hell if I was going to survive my sessions with her I'd better get in shape.

I joined a fitness center the next day and have faithfully kept to my workout schedule for many years.  
It really does make a difference .

Plus as a bonus , around 10 years ago I had a critical medical emergency . It was actually a result of a weird incident  from when I was a younger guy.  I was really circling the drain , but obviously pulled through .
My physician later told me had I not been in good physical condition , i.e. , slower heart rate than most , I probably would not have survived.

So , you could say I owe my life to that Provider , indeed to the hobby .....lol

So yes AllbSure .......get you ass to the gym ! You won't regret it :)

GaGambler178 reads

I have never "let myself go" to the extent that it affected my fucking ability, but I have been with some particularly hot women where it became more than just BCD "sessions" and we would often go out in public and while I can't help getting older, I refuse to be "that old fat guy" with the hot girl.  

So yes, being around young, hot providers, SBs and other hotties gives me motivation to hit the gym even when I really don't want to.

"that old fat guy" with the hot girl, but fortunately for us, there are others that don't mind, so we settle for just being the "old" guys with the hot girl.   Its just about staying fit so you can do long division.  The more times 58 goes into 30 or even 25, the happier they both will be.  

I usually train at the gym 4 times a week but, travel and some medical challenges have made my work outs sporadic at best this year.
At my age the fitness goes away really fast, but I'm lucky that my muscles have a lot of memory and strength comes back pretty quick. When the strength comes back my aerobic and anaerobic ability gets a big boost. And my ego gets enough of a boost to stop feeling less than and just have fun.

It doesn't take much, but it takes doing it regularly.

Have fun!

give me advice on nutrition and exercises to do.

The better shape you are in, the more you are going to enjoy this hobby.   Another reason why the government should not only legalize the hobby, but hand out subsidies so that the health of the nation will be higher with resulting lower health costs.

A wonderful idea that makes complete sense....which is why our government will never go for it LOL!!

Medicare should pay for BlowJobs.
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It doesn't take a lot to stay in shape, once you get there.  It's a slog to get into the groove, but it does pay off.  It took a while to find what worked for me at my age (67) without biting off more than I could chew.  After some setbacks and lots of uncomfortable pain I've settled into a rotation of 3 days aerobic (30 min bicycle outdoors or indoor spin depending on the temp) and 3 days strength training (10 to 15 min resistance bands) weekly, with one day off as my reward.  I've cut almost to zero the amount of red meat and sweets I consume, and eat lots of beans.  The benefits have been a 20 lb weight reduction, muscle definition that I can see, and waaay more energy.  My resting heart rate, cholesterol, and blood sugar are all lower than they've been in decades.

I enjoy being a lazy retired bum and seeing my favorite ladies, but it's all so much more enjoyable when I'm feeling good.  Those few minutes invested nearly every day are sooo worth it.  To borrow James Brown's lyrics..."I feel good".  

is why the reviews show so many guys, especially older guys, finishing in standing doggy with the girl bent over the bed.  Its the least physically taxing position for the man.  If you are going to be active instead of passive in CG, it requires abdominal strength, not necessarily a six-pack, but some good ab muscles that are worked out regularly.  Mish requires significant upper body strength if you are going to last to the end without putting your weight on the provider.  If you are in mish with a provider and she puts her forearms over her breasts, then you know she has had a look at you and thinks you can't make it to the finish line without collapsing on her.  This defensive technique has been told to me by several girls during discussions about this very topic of fitness levels of their customers.

It really gives the lady a sense of security in missionary. Push ups are good in a pinch.

they should be doing their sets with their body weight.  This will get them through 20-30 minutes in mish with both arms extended with elbows locked and no weight on the girl.  To get more out of pushups, do them from a decline, with your feet up on a chair.  This focus' more of your weight into your upper body for better resistance on the pushup.  You can do half as many declined pushups and get the same benefit because they're more efficient.  Its a time saver.  

AMEN BROTHER. I'm 58, a bit heavy, and suffer from many of the common maladies many hobbyist's suffer from. Even with using a little pharmaceutical helper, some times my stamina just isn't what I'd like it to be, and sometimes little "willy" just doesn't want to cooperate..SHIT.  
Not sure what the solution would be, i'm trying to exercise more, working to get into better shape, and am sure it will only enhance a future meeting. All the best!

but if it's affecting your sex life, you really do need to make some changes.

My one concession to old age has been to quit drinking beer, or at least to cut down from a twelve pack a day to maybe one or two a month.  I also find myself forcing myself to work out and I try not to take those little "three month vacations" from the gym.  

I too am 58, and I think at least in part because I am "height/weight proportionate and in decent shape the only time I even think about "pharmaceutical help" is when I expect to be seeing multiple women a day for a few days in a row.  

Who knows if getting in shape will be the cure all, but it certainly couldn't hurt.

Alcohol as a human tissue preservative, so I think your lifestyle could still be called healthy if it works for you.

watch the quantity and what food we eat/drink as well as keep up an active lifestyle.

If you haven't exercised lately, you should see your physician first to make sure you are healthy enough to participate in vigorous exercise. Get some sound advice from a physical trainer and begin in moderation. It worked for me and it can work for you.  

JakeFromStateFarm107 reads

I have been told many times I have the body of a Greek God.

How many times have we heard that refrain? It's so true when it comes to health, fitness and exercise.

Get into shape with a good level of aerobic fitness (VO2 testing is valuable to establish a baseline of how your body uses oxygen) and it will serve you well not only BCD but in all phases of life.

Once you're in shape and getting a good level of conditioning, continue to push the limits. This means a structured workout where you're keeping track of exercises, the weight and reps, as well as other factors.

If you don't continue to push, you will lose lean muscle mass as you age. At 63, I'm still able to hang in there with an enthusiastic playmate for hours at a time (breaks along the way for rehydration, of course). Health and fitness have been a focal point of my life for 25+ years now, after being a big ol' tub o' goo until age 37.

Get to it! If you don't start now, it's just one more day that you're behind the curve and losing ground. It's your life, live it to your best!

To quote Dean Wormer (from the immortal movie "Animal House') ..."Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son."

ROTFLMAO---To this day, that is my all-time favorite line from my all-time favorite comedy film!!

and even as recently as two years ago, I used to get muscle aches in my lower back and bilat thigh after each sexcapade and it was painful to walk for at least a couple of days afterwards, but that's nothing a little Bengay won't cure. Now I just find a position I'm comfortable with and stick with it, but that's no excuse to not get fit, even if long term health and wellness is my only incentive for doing so. I also had trouble getting and maintaining an erection, (I am not an old man) and for 7 years I had to rely on herbal viagra just to get it up. That was until I quit drinking soda entirely and started consuming more fiber dense foods. Now I can get a fuller, firmer erection even after a few alcoholic drinks, and I also have more energy to go with it.

Everyone should want to look good naked.  lol Smile 4 me!

I was 155lb for 30 years and gained weight when I stopped running.  Digusting things happened when I got up to 200lbs.  I could not cut my own toenails, I could not wipe my own ass, and I could not see the action when I was getting a blowjob.

Don't get fat!  Nobody wants to have sex with a fatty...unless she gives a great BBBJ.  In that case just turn off the lights.

After having great sex with so many beautiful escorts, I don't even look at overweight women any more.  Yucko!

Why start now?

Never seen a now fat guys ad.

Yeah, I'm on hiatus from the hobby now to get in better shape. Doing it mostly for myself, but I figure the sessions will be more enjoyable for the both of us, if we are genuinely mutually attracted to one another.

I had a partial rotator cuff tear in my left shoulder. Overhead presses, starting light and working up, fixed this issue, and it hasn't come back, although I'm still working on shoulder mobility.

Aside from weights and cycling, which I've done for years, let me add hot yoga! This is -wonderful- especially in the winter, because you will leave the class warm to the bones and it will persist for hours. Depending on the class you pick, yoga can be a relaxing stretch, or a total body strength builder with an amazing cardio workout. The side benefit is improving your mental focus by enjoying the women in front of you doing cat/cow with part of your mind, while still thinking about the movements you're doing :).

Now that I've been to some yoga classes, it's clear to me that the providers that I most enjoy are probably doing yoga (and/or pilates) regularly. One ATF does Ashtanga yoga 3+ times/week, and wow(!), it shows.

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